Zander Hawk


Re:Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
Congratulations Jason, I'm getting you a drink in Vegas :D

Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
Attention to Orders:

Let it be known that Admiral @Jacien will hereby be transferring command positions from his current role, Chief of Klingon Affairs, to Chief of Fleet Morale.

Jacien has been a member of Stonewall Fleet since 2009. As well, he's served in the role of Chief of Klingon Affairs for almost 2 and a half years. During his tenure, he's hosted the Feast of Blood and Blade, advanced the House Champion and guided the House into it's current Armada.

I'm excited to see what great works Jacien has in-store for the Fleet Morale Department and how it will excel. Please join me in congratulating him on his new position!
13 people liked this
Victoria Dawson


New-Ish or more like coming back.

April 22 2016
Thank you very much, i will def, read all the information to make sure i am up to date and follow the rules promptly, after doing so i will go ask for someone to allow me to join the fleet. Thank you for the help.
Shawn Birch


New-Ish or more like coming back.

April 22 2016
Welcome Back :)
Unknown Person liked this


New-Ish or more like coming back.

April 22 2016
Hello there and welcome back to the Fleet! :)
Unknown Person liked this


New-Ish or more like coming back.

April 22 2016
Welcome back to the fleet, hope to see you in game soon!

Please check out the following information which may provide useful!

Welcome Center

TeamSpeak Settings

Code of Conduct

and in case you are wondering who can assist you with fleet invites, or wanting any advice and guidance the leadership are always here to assist.

Fleet Departments

Also, please check the information on Fleet Bank etiquette and watch the video tutorial on the rules to Bank donations. Those can be found here:
Bank Ettiquette
Unknown Person liked this
Victoria Dawson


New-Ish or more like coming back.

April 22 2016
Hello everyone my name is Victoria, I used to be a member of the stonewall fleet some time ago and played STO regularly however due to school and tbh mental health i just stopped playing anything, so i apologize, feb 17 i finally started HrT which is my Hormone Replacement Therapy and i have been much better and happier, I started playing STO and i was hoping to be able to re join the fleet. its only so much fun playing alone. oh i guess i should say i am 27 and i am a geek and otaku and love making friends. ;)
Shawn Birch


D'ark in the dark

April 22 2016
Dinner and Romulan Ale for 3?

I quickly grabbed a package off the table just as the transporters shimmered us away and found myself looking at several Starfleet officers. Getting my bearings I walked over to greet them. I did not see the Captain with them but figured he was far too busy to greet us. Just then the doors slid aside and there he stood. He exuded perfection as he stood there. His hair perfect. Beard with not a whisker out of place. He was wearing a uniform I had not seen before. Shiny silver pips adorned his black collar signifying his rank. Black shoulders and chest separated by a thin gold line piped with silver thread above and below the gold. The Starfleet comm badge a single silver line almost forming the letter A of the human alphabet. A hand grabbed my arm and herded me over to the Captain.

"Ahhh I see you have met my senior staff. Sorry I am late, I had a rough time with this damn uniform." He said and motioned us out of the room.

"Actually..." I started only to be cut off.

"Glad you made it over. We'll give you the grand tour later but I want you to see the bridge before we dine" he interrupted and signaled for his crew to move on. "Sorry if I seem a bit nervous, you are two of only three Romulans ever to be aboard my ship. If you will follow me to the turbo lift we will head to the bridge."

"Yes, but sir..." I started again.

"Yes? Well what is it?" he interrupted again.

"We didn't actually meet your crewmen." I said.

His face turned serious then the corners of his mouth gave way and produced a smile followed by a chuckle. "Plenty of time for that later" he said. "Actually they have no idea that I have offered you commissions on my ship." He said as his eyes glazed over thinking to himself. (Boy I wonder how they will take it). As we approached the turbo lift doors they slid open and we stepped in. "Bridge" he ordered and away we went.

When the doors opened we exited into a small corridor off the bridge. He led us through and we gazed appreciatively into the spacious bridge decorated in light grays and blues. At the rear of the bridge was a long console with all the major ship components laid out including a complete layout of the ship bow to stern.

"It has been a long time since I have seen a Federation Bridge" I stated. "I have never seen anything like this. Is that Borg Technology?" I gasped out pointing at a lone console across the bridge from us.

"Yes it is" He stated matter-of-fact."Helm...set course for New Romulus. If you will follow me I will take you to my ready room where dinner is waiting for us. What is that package you have there?"

I handed the package to the Captain. "Romulan Ale."

"Oh. Thank You." He stated as we crossed the bridge to his ready room.

It was a very spacious room. His desk was off to the left it looked like an engineering station which I learned much later it was. There was a seating area with comfortable chairs and couches as well as table that seated eight comfortably. The table was laid with fruits and nuts of all varieties, meats and cheeses the latter of which smelled awful. Some rather odd looking dishes that I think he called salmon and trout. There were only three place settings and he motioned J'Renner and I one to the left and one to right of the head where he seated himself. He opened the Ale and filled three tall stemmed wide mouth glasses and handed one to each of us.

He raised his glass. "To new beginnings" he spoke softly then tapped each of our glasses and took a deep pull from his glass. We followed suit.

"Be careful Captain" I warned.

"Nonsense!" he laughed and started to fill his plate. "You must try some of everything. These are my favorite dishes from Earth. Don't worry it's okay if you don't like it." He smiled as he said

Nearly an hour later as we were finishing up what he called Key Lime Pie and what was left of the Romulan Ale the ship rocked violently. The lights flickered, dimmed and the Red Alert signal sounded. Red lines in the walls illuminated around the room.

"Captain to the bridge..."

To be continued...
Unknown Person liked this


Hello Everyone!

April 22 2016
Greetings and welcome to the Stonewall family! B)


Introduction (TOR)

April 22 2016
Greetings and welcome to Stonewall from the STO side of things. :)
Shawn Birch


D'ark in the dark

April 21 2016

Captain Anderson stood up and gazed out the window to the vastness of space. A greenish hue lit his face from the gigantic hull of the Flotilla.

"I am sure you have been briefed on the current situation. The Federation is looking for experienced ship captains to assist in the decimation of the Elachi. We think that there may be even worse enemies pulling their strings but have no actual proof to go on. With the discovery of New Romulus and the preparations to colonize under way, it's time we bring the fight to the Elachi on our terms. The Klingons would try to sway you to join them in the assault as I try to sway you now." Parker said as he turned and moved to the replicator for a beverage.

I stood up and crossed the room to the table where I left the briefing padd.

"I have read the briefing and haven't yet decided how I can help." I said as I tapped the padd to life and began searching for data. "I have read through the briefing and while I am not a Sub-Commander yet I have some experience in command." I finished as I found the data I was looking for and offered the padd to the Captain.

J'Renner rose from the couch and walked to the replicator. "I have made my decision to join the Federation. I have already completed some training at Starfleet Academy as well as Romulan starship command."

He took the padd and glanced at the data. "Yes I have read both of your dossier'. In fact that is why I am here. I trust you are recovering from abduction rapidly?" he asked.

"In fact I...we are recovered. We are to report to the Flotilla Commander today to determine how we can help in the Romulan settlement efforts." I concluded.

"Good" the Captain stated, flatly. "After you visit the Commander signal the Phantom to beam you aboard. The three of us will dine. Shall we say 19:00?"

"Yes sir, that will be fine sir." I finished and offered my hand. The Captain looked at my offering and grasped my hand firmly. "I am looking forward to this evening."

"As are we." I stated and showed him to the door. As the door slid shut and crossed to J'Renner. "Well what do we do now? He didn't really give us an option."

"No he did not" stated J'Renner. "We should find some more appropriate apparel for this evening and I know just the place."

We had a very light meal and managed to get cleaned up properly then went in search of new clothes and the Commander. We found the onboard tailor and selected Romulan appropriate attire for the evening. Having them sent to our quarters we went in search of the Commander finding him in larger area off the starboard main corridor. He was staring at a padd and glanced up as we approached.

"Commander" I started.

"Lieutenants" he stated. "It is excellent to see you up and about, finally."

I wasn't sure but his tone seemed to give away that he knew we were quartered together. "Captain Anderson was just here and has gone back to his ship. If you look out the window, there, you will see the Phantom. One of the finest vessels I have ever been aboard. He has asked about recruiting the two of you as members of his crew. On that ship. He has offered you commissions to the Federation with the ranks of Lieutenant Commander. Not many Romulans have been so awarded."

"Commander...I...that is to say...We were hoping to assist with the settlements in New Romulus." I stated.

J'Renner stared at the Phantom and with as much excitement as a Romulan could muster agreed to be commissioned to the Phantom and Captain Anderson.

"And you D'ark? Are you so inclined? the Commander requested.

"I am not sure. I would like to meditate about this." I concluded.

"You sound like a Vulcan." The Commander responded. "You are a fool not to jump at the chance to learn about Federation technology. Maybe even command your own Federation Starship someday. I have seen their ship yards. In fact I have personally assisted their engineers in solving some of their problems with the new fleet of ships they will be rolling out very soon. I believe you have an appointment with the Captain soon?" He queried, "You are dismissed."

With that we headed towards our quarters. I don't know how long it took us to get there but I was lost in thought the entire way and in fact the next thing I remember was looking up from the couch and 2 hours had passed. Still no decision made. I got up and J'Renner was just finishing dressing. "Hurry up" he said, "We beam over soon." I quickly got ready to go and into my new robes. J'Renner tapped his comm "Phantom, 2 to beam over".

To be continued...
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Edited April 21 2016 by Parker
Shawn Birch


Hello Everyone!

April 21 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network Family! I mainly play STO but do drop into GW every now and again.
Jared DuBois


Hello Everyone!

April 21 2016
Thanks! :D


Hello Everyone!

April 21 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall family :)
Jared DuBois


[Processed] Hello Everyone!

April 21 2016
Hey everyone! My name is Jared, and I am a huge fan of Guild Wars, I have been playing since Guild Wars Prophecies came out, which feels like forever ago. I did take a break but am back in full force for HoT! I'm 23 and a college student with a focus on Zoology and Biology! I admire the sense of community that this Guild seems to have, so I hope to get to know you all better soon!

Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16


My Intro Post

April 20 2016
Welcome to the fleet, hope to see you in game soon!

Please check out the following information which may provide useful!

Welcome Center

TeamSpeak Settings

Code of Conduct

and in case you are wondering who can assist you with fleet invites, or wanting any advice and guidance the leadership are always here to assist.

Fleet Departments

Also, please check the information on Fleet Bank etiquette and watch the video tutorial on the rules to Bank donations. Those can be found here:
Bank Ettiquette


My Intro Post

April 20 2016
Thank you so much I look forward to it!!!
Shawn Birch


My Intro Post

April 20 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network and Stonewall Fleet!

See you around the galaxy! :)
Scott Dallman (married Name)


Guild Update

April 20 2016
Thanks for the info. Will make notes.

Unknown Person

Guild Update

April 20 2016
Best thing is to shoot me a private message on this site or in-game, my main is named "Jacian." Just ask them to put their forum name in their member note and if they haven't registered on the site already, advise them to do so. The command to invite is "/ginvite name"