Gareth GXV3


Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 24 2016
RE: Firefox:

I just switched to Firefox to test, all pages seem to be in working order on my side.
Dave (Voleron)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 24 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Quote by Voleron
This last week I've noticed that the activity stream of the website doesn't appear when using Firefox to access it. I'm not sure if this is an issue that's exclusive to me or if it affects all Firefox users as well. If I access the page from my mobile device or using Internet Explorer, the activity stream appears as it should.

Where is it not appearing? On the homepage, the Network page, or your profile?

I use Firefox and I haven't had an issue with it.

Homepage. Strange that it's working for you! I'll try a forced cache clear and refresh of the page next time I'm on my desktop.
Edited April 24 2016 by Voleron

(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 24 2016
Quote by Voleron
This last week I've noticed that the activity stream of the website doesn't appear when using Firefox to access it. I'm not sure if this is an issue that's exclusive to me or if it affects all Firefox users as well. If I access the page from my mobile device or using Internet Explorer, the activity stream appears as it should.

Where is it not appearing? On the homepage, the Network page, or your profile?

I use Firefox and I haven't had an issue with it.
Max Du Nord


My Intro Post

April 24 2016
Hey. Welcome. Another fan of superheroes here.
My favourite is Wolverine but Superman / Man Of Steel is super awesome. Did you enjoy BvS: Dawn of Justice? I found it really good.
Hope for more Superman in the next one(s)!

Dave (Voleron)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 24 2016
This last week I've noticed that the activity stream of the website doesn't appear when using Firefox to access it. I'm not sure if this is an issue that's exclusive to me or if it affects all Firefox users as well. If I access the page from my mobile device or using Internet Explorer, the activity stream appears as it should.
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Levelling Event!

April 24 2016
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! :P


My Intro Post

April 23 2016
W e l c o m e


Hello [STO]

April 23 2016
w elcome


New-Ish or more like coming back.

April 23 2016
Unknown Person liked this


Riders of Icarus new MMORPG

April 23 2016
Hi Stonewallers,

XO here from across the way to ask if anyone has heard of a new MMORPG called Riders of Icarus that is due to be released soon.

It's undergoing Closed Beta, but, everything I've heard about it seems absolutely amazing. The quality of graphics, the combat system, and apparently, a rather unique taming system for mounts.

The details can be found on the game's main site, but, I for one, definitely plan to play once it's released.

Sadly, the CBT is covered by a Non-Disclosure Agreement, so no info is out yet, but, soon :woohoo:
Unknown Person liked this
Edited April 23 2016 by xochild


Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
I hope you have fun in your new position :)
Shawn Birch


Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
Congrats Jason! You are going to be amazing in Morale!
Dave (Voleron)


Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
Grats, Jason!!
Lars Zandor


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Levelling Event!

April 23 2016
Due to unforeseen circumstances I'm cancelling today's Levelling Event.
Bren Ohmsford


Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
Congrats Jacien! :)


Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
congrats! :-)
Lars Zandor


Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
Oh jeez, Jacien is going to be my Admiral again? I'm resigning as Captain immediately!

Jk, it's great to have you over here where all the fun is! :D
Looking forward to working together again!
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
You honor the House of Nagh'reD once more Jacien! It is my honor to have fought alongside you in battle and served under your command. Qa'pla!

[Medgirl, dressed in ceremonial attire, stands there now looking to see if any dare make a move before her. She is a proud and honorable warrior. Her Bat'leth nearby ready to do battle and a d'k tahg at her side strapped onto her belt. She turns away from her former General to scan the hall and can hear the clatter of those who would dare claim the Right of Succession. Without hesitation her voice echos throughout the hall as she addresses the Leadership...]


Transfer of Command

April 23 2016
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


Transfer of Command

April 23 2016

Cooooon.. GRATULATIONS!!!!!!
2 people liked this
Edited April 23 2016 by GXV3