


April 27 2016
game infoits seems like great upcoming space strategy and it will have mod suport so there might be start treak,star wars mod soon

I have high hopes for this game )
Unknown Person liked this
Edited April 27 2016 by werePetar

Unknown Person

Transfer of Command

April 27 2016
Thank you everyone for your kind words and well wishes! Stay tuned for upcoming details about our annual Spring Swing and other fun events!
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

Transfer of Command

April 27 2016
The Romulan Empire will not stand for this... Klingon I mean Klingon #notaspynoreally. Congrats!
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:My Intro Post

April 27 2016
Welcome to the fleet!
Unknown Person liked this


My Intro Post

April 26 2016
Thank you!!!
Jamie O'Connell


Transfer of Command

April 26 2016
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
I see it now... new events at the Spring Fling...Honor Killings and Bloodwine drinking contests :P

This message is approved by the House of Nagh'reD! Glory and honor await. Qa'pla!
Dave (Voleron)


Re:Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

April 26 2016
I donated to the Prelude, I think... didn't give up money when they came asking the second time around. The real losers here will be the donors that gave up hundreds or thousands of dollars, expecting a film that will never be produced.

Of the 15+ projects I've backed on Kickstarter, I think only 3 have been completed on-time and have been delivered without any kind of issue. Donor beware!
Unknown Person liked this
Haoyan Liang


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

April 25 2016
Thanks so much for recording your live cast. TBH, I got kind of pissed after the new skill tree thing came out and messed the amount of research and work I did with the old ones (plus screwing up my skill tray *AUGH!!*) that I swore off the game for a week. LOL!!

The livecast and the pict of it really helped a lot. Thankfully I still have some respec tokens to spare. :-)

Zander Hawk


Re:Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

April 25 2016
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
Axanar violated the principle that while CBS/Paramount does not like fan fiction, they tolerated it as longs it didn't take money out of their coffers. Axanar by it's very existence took money out of existing official Trek products.

Look I work for an organization that is kinda litigiousness about our IP (We own the rights to 5 interlocking rings, and if any one try to make a logo with 5 interlocking rings WE WILL SUE YOU FOR IT)

Axanar violates more than just The broad Star Trek IP. It Violates ship styles, configurations and other things. Not to mention CBS/Paramount's multiple licensing agreements INCLUDING Star Trek Online. Hell I'm surprised CBS waited this long. Ultimately the fan productions that followed the rules are the one that's hurt not by CBS or Paramount but by Axanar.

It's going to be interesting to see where the case goes. Aside from Paramount's first cause of action (copyright infringement), the more damaging conduct to Paramount to which they will have to prove (in their third cause of action) is how Axanar group is enjoying "a direct financial benefit from the preparation, duplication, and distribution of the infringing Axanar Works." This is where we will to see how and where there money is flowing.
Edited April 25 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Tsar Agus


Transfer of Command

April 25 2016
I see it now... new events at the Spring Fling...Honor Killings and Bloodwine drinking contests :P
4 people liked this
Tsar Agus


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

April 25 2016
Axanar violated the principle that while CBS/Paramount does not like fan fiction, they tolerated it as longs it didn't take money out of their coffers. Axanar by it's very existence took money out of existing official Trek products.

Look I work for an organization that is kinda litigiousness about our IP (We own the rights to 5 interlocking rings, and if any one try to make a logo with 5 interlocking rings WE WILL SUE YOU FOR IT)

Axanar violates more than just The broad Star Trek IP. It Violates ship styles, configurations and other things. Not to mention CBS/Paramount's multiple licensing agreements INCLUDING Star Trek Online. Hell I'm surprised CBS waited this long. Ultimately the fan productions that followed the rules are the one that's hurt not by CBS or Paramount but by Axanar.


Accolade Hunters Guides

April 25 2016
Nimbus 3 Accolades.

This YouTube video covers (The rest are below the video):

Watching the Nothing
Tipsy Top
Nimble on Nimbus
Watch Your Step
True Engineer
Cockpit Observer
Gorn Ambusher
Nimbus Surviver
Why are you Climbing a Mountain
Rock Smasher
Top Flight Triage

(Invalid video video code)

Accolade Map - Large Version

Freedom For The People

Outside Paradise City a group of Orion Syndicate pirates will spawn holding hostages. Approach the group and open fire. 3 more waves of pirates will spawn before the final boss arrives. Focus fire on the Nausicaan warrior and upon his death you will receive your accolade.

Gorn Gone

In the canyon south of Paradise City a large number of Orion Syndicate pirates patrol the area. While they are strong in numbers, they are easily defeated. However, there is also a Gorn Engineer in the canyon who will present a challenge. He will use mortar turrets against you so pay attention to the ground and look for large, collapsing, red circles on the ground below you an move out. Upon his defeat you will receive your accolade.

Queen Slayer

North of Paradise City is an ancient ruin full of sandworms. The largest of them all is their queen, a huge worm that spawns in the northern part of the ruins. She is usually surrounded by several smaller worms that complicate things a bit. Make sure you keep moving around her and keep your distance. She will spit large amounts of acid that will form pools on the ground that last for quite a while. Meanwhile if you get to close to her, she will spin around and hit you with her body. After she's been defeated you will receive your accolade.

Storming The Stronghold

The local band of Orion Syndicate pirates have a massive fortress called the Stronghold. In the main courtyard you will encounter a large enemy force guarding the entrance to the night club at the very heart of the fort. The commander of these forces is a large Nausicaan warrior. This fight may be challenging so you may want to consider bringing more people with you, or using whatever personal reinforcements you may have. Upon his defeat you will receive the accolade.

Syndicate Smashed

Heading deeper into the Stronghold, you will encounter an Orion Taskmaster holding guard over the inner sanctum of the area. He will also have several squads of pirates around him so consider taking them out first before focusing fire on him. He uses an energy whip to stun you so keep your distance while shooting. Upon his defeat you will receive the accolade.

Scorpion Slayer

In the middle of the desert outside Paradise City you will find a large population of giant scorpions. Much like other lesser enemies in the area, even in groups these scorpions don't pose much of a threat unless you provoke too many packs. However one giant scorpion is often seen in the area and may present a challenge. Make sure you clear out any smaller scorpions around him first before focusing fire. Upon his defeat you will receive the accolade.

Free Satellite Coverage For All

Near the Installation 18, south-east of Paradise City, at the very edge of the desert, a high ranking Tal Shiar agent is attempting to use the installation for their own nefarious purposes. This area is also full of Aehallh worms so you may want to clear it out before engaging the boss. Upon his defeat you will receive the accolade.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited April 25 2016 by nivagni


Accolade Hunters Guides

April 25 2016
Temporal Ambassador (Klingon War Arc)

There are 7 Accolades available during this mission.

Alternate Allies
Talked to Everyone in an alternate timeline.
Speak with all the named characters in the Tholian base

The Wisest Tribble
Found and consulted The Wisest Tribble in an alternate timeline.
Find and consult the Wisest Tribble in the maintenance tunnels of the Tholian Base.

Temporal Treasure Hunting
My souvenir from an alternate timeline.
Find and search a crate in the maintenance tunnels of the Tholian Base.

Dead Jim
Found a lost explorer in an alternate timeline.
Find and examine a corpse in the maintenance tunnels of the Tholian Base.

Everyone Remember Where We Parked
Fully Explore the Maintenance Tunnels in the Tholian work camp.
Explore the entirety of the maintenance tunnels in the Tholian Base.

Don't Quit Your Day Job
Try your best not to free the Enterprise-C from the Tholian work camp.
Assign everyone to the one job they don't mention when you ask what their specialty is for "Assign Tasks to Prepare Enterprise-C for Escape".

Now You C Me
Take in the glory of the Enterprise-C during your escape from the Tholians.
When on the gantry leading to the Enterprise-C, take a good long look at her, from bridge to keel and stem to stern.


During the "Don't Quit your Day Job" Accolade you can assign your crew to do these tasks to get the accolade:

Tasha - Power
T'Nae - Clamps
Castillo - Tractor Beam

To get the "Now you C Me" accolade stand in the glass corridor (gantry) after relasing the Enterprise and look at the Enterprise from side to side.

Unknown Person liked this


OFFICIAL: New Star Trek series premieres January 2017

April 25 2016
Quote by pnuttbuttah
Now I'm interested!!
It’s official. Bryan Fuller, who will co-create, produce and serve as showrunner of the upcoming Star Trek series, has just announced the news that Nicholas Meyer has joined the show's writing staff and will be a consulting producer.

"Nicholas Meyer chased Kirk and Khan 'round the Mutara Nebula and 'round Genesis' flames, he saved the whales with the Enterprise and its crew, and waged war and peace between Klingons and the Federation. We are thrilled to announce that one of Star Trek's greatest storytellers will be boldly returning as Nicholas Meyer beams aboard the new Trek writing staff," said Executive Producer, Bryan Fuller.

Meyer, of course, is beloved by Star Trek fans worldwide for directing (and co-written, uncredited) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, co-writing Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and co-writing and directing Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

The new Star Trek series, produced by CBS Television Studios, will launch in early 2017. In the U.S., a special premiere episode will air on the CBS Television Network and all subsequent first-run episodes will be available exclusively on CBS All Access. The series will also be available on television stations and platforms in other countries around the world.

now I cant wait for 2017 D


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

April 25 2016
this is quite horrible news for me I had high hopes for Axanar


Hello [STO]

April 25 2016
Greetings and welcome to Stonewall Fleet! :)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 25 2016
Quote by Voleron
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Quote by Voleron
This last week I've noticed that the activity stream of the website doesn't appear when using Firefox to access it. I'm not sure if this is an issue that's exclusive to me or if it affects all Firefox users as well. If I access the page from my mobile device or using Internet Explorer, the activity stream appears as it should.

Where is it not appearing? On the homepage, the Network page, or your profile?

I use Firefox and I haven't had an issue with it.

Homepage. Strange that it's working for you! I'll try a forced cache clear and refresh of the page next time I'm on my desktop.

Dave is Canadian...start there. :-)


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

April 25 2016
The lawsuit is additionally muddled by the content itself, Star Trek is an incredibly broad Space Opera IP and CBS/Paramount are going to have tremendous difficulty proving what's actually theirs and what's derived naturally from the genre.

In the end, Star Trek is derivative work, Roddenberry was supposedly a huge fan of Burroughs, Smith, and other Space Opera writers before making the show. Other than the characters themselves and some brilliant interpretations of the technology, it's pretty much great pulp space opera.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited April 25 2016 by thanatos


OFFICIAL: New Star Trek series premieres January 2017

April 25 2016
I just wanted to chime in again on this. I went ahead and did the trial and paid for a month for CBS All Access, the service is horrifically badly made. I've had streaming problems (mostly starting streams) and I swear that there are more commercials on CBS-AA than there are on broadcast tv not that I've had actual tv for a decade to make the comparison valid.

Another issue with the service is that, even though they own the content they're streaming and they don't have to pay for rights, they ration it out incredibly cheaply for the price. Jag has every other episode as one example, NCIS Los Angeles only has last season and the most recently broadcast episodes streaming, so I can't even binge to current.

CBS-AA is about six bucks a month with very frequent commercial breaks for stuff that's only sold hundreds of miles from me or drugs that I don't need or want. For my part, I'm unconvinced that one new Star Trek series is worth the poor service quality.

If the show is mediocre, All Access is absolutely not worth it, even it it's awesome, I'd be tempted to be naughty rather than pay for a substandard service run on the cheap by the content owners.

These are just my opinions, you might not mind frequent advertising but it's pretty oppressive in my humble opinion.
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Transfer of Command

April 24 2016
Gratz, Jacien! *big hug squeezes*