Shawn Birch


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

April 30 2016
I was there :)


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

April 30 2016
ive never gotten any ribbons from anything ive attended :-(
Unknown Person liked this


Intro post [Thayd@orinas]

April 30 2016
Welcome! :)


New-Ish or more like coming back.

April 30 2016
Welcome Back! :)


Hello [STO]

April 30 2016
Welcome to Stonewall Mike! :cheer:


My Intro Post

April 30 2016
Welcome!!!! :woohoo:


Hi there

April 30 2016
Welcome! :woohoo:
Shawn Birch


Hi there

April 30 2016
Welcome to SGN and the Fleet! Let me know if you ever want to pew pew pew in space!
Unknown Person liked this


Hi there

April 29 2016
Hey all, thanks for the welcome
Dave (Voleron)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 29 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Any luck resolving this?

For some reason, no... but since other people seem not to be able to replicate the issue, it must be a problem with my browser. It's possible that one of the recent updates or plugins may have broken it. I've just been using Internet Explorer to access the site instead.


Hi there

April 29 2016
Welcome to the Fleet :)
Unknown Person liked this


Hi there

April 29 2016
Welcome :P

If you need any help just shout in game.
Unknown Person liked this


Accolade Hunters Guides

April 29 2016
Surface Tension

There are only 3 Accolades in the Mission - BUT it is worth repeating several times as you do get some decent rewards including a space and a ground trait.

[Trait Unlock - Ground Trait: Fluidic Antigens]
[Trait Unlock - Space Trait: Living Hull]
[Counter-Command Engineering Kit Mk XI [Will]x3 [Undine]]
[Counter-Command Science Kit Mk XI [Will]x3 [Undine]]
[Counter-Command Tactical Kit Mk XI [Will]x3 [Undine]]
[Console - Tactical - Counter-Command Multi-Conduit Energy Relay Mk XII]

Bit of a Fixer Upper
Viewed the extensive damage to Earth Space Dock during Surface Tension.
View damage at the far Force Field, after parting ways with Ensign R'raak.

Cracking Eggs
Defeated Commander E'genn on Earth Space Dock during Surface Tension.

It's a Trap
Found and defeated 5 Undine masquerading as Starfleet officers on Earth Space Dock during Surface Tension.
Help Injured Officers and replay mission – or beam out and back in before reaching Quinn – for 5 accumulated kills.
Edited April 29 2016 by nivagni
Zander Hawk


Re:Hi there

April 29 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us.  Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.

In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct, our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions, and Fleet Bank Rules.

If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!


[Processed] Hi there

April 29 2016
Hi all,

this is my first foray into a more social aspect of gaming.
I thought since I was looking for a fleet I may as well find a LGBT one :)

I play Tribalwars sometimes - I used to play Guildwars for a while, also Civ5 on pc.

Anyway, looking forward to meeting some people and having some fun.
Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16

(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 29 2016
Quote by Voleron
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Quote by Voleron
This last week I've noticed that the activity stream of the website doesn't appear when using Firefox to access it. I'm not sure if this is an issue that's exclusive to me or if it affects all Firefox users as well. If I access the page from my mobile device or using Internet Explorer, the activity stream appears as it should.

Where is it not appearing? On the homepage, the Network page, or your profile?

I use Firefox and I haven't had an issue with it.

Homepage. Strange that it's working for you! I'll try a forced cache clear and refresh of the page next time I'm on my desktop.

Any luck resolving this?

[Accepting Applications] Public Relations Officer

April 29 2016
We are currently accepting applications for a Public Relations Officer. This will be a Network-wide Officer position and will assist with all guilds within the Network.

The responsibilities of this position are:

  • Manage our Social Media presence
    • Promote guild events
      • Manage our social media presence
      • Recruit new members for the Network and sub-guilds

      This position will carry a rank of Officer within all sub-guilds. In Stonewall Fleet, this position will have a rank of Admiral, but will not have an associated department or Fleet Captains.

      It is the Public Relations Officer responsibility to gather and promote events within the Network. This includes reaching out to Officers to gather the event details and developing a strategy for promotion when the Officer in charge of the event does not do so.

      The Public Relations Officer will also assist in-game by posting necessary MOTDs, events and guild mails where relevant. They are not required to participate in every game that we have a guild in, but would request their assistant in any game they do play.

      If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I will be happy to answer them.

      The deadline for applications is May 7th, 2016 at 11:59 PM EST.
      6 people liked this
      Edited April 29 2016 by nicholasjohn16
      Sej @Ereiid


      Re:Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

      April 29 2016
      The lawsuit is garnering all kinds of awesomely hilarious entertainment reportage:


      It seems like the lawyers are exchanging salvos by parsing what constitutes the reasonable Intellectual Property that we know as Star Trek. Worth a read for the bonkers logic being argued.


      Accolade Hunters Guides

      April 28 2016
      A Step Between Stars

      *Complete Walk-through (says 1.5hrs but it really takes about 30 mins if you don't read all the chats - or read them quickly*

      (Invalid video video code)

      Icarus 2.0

      Avoid having your ship damaged by the sun in, "A Step Between Stars."
      ***Activate the Four Satellites around the base ASAP and avoid the Solar Flares**

      Dyson Sphere Puzzle Solver

      Complete the activation puzzle in "A Step Between Stars" without any mistakes.
      **This is so easy now - previously you had to remember a sequence of Colours, now it is just 1 colour at a time - BUT you have 20 seconds to activate the 3 consoles in the correct Colour order.**

      Defensive Beam Tactician - Option 1 of 3 (To get the Ev Suit Accolade)

      Choose to activate the defensive beams

      Swarmer Tactitian - Option 2 of 3 (To get the Ev Suit Accolade)

      Choose to activate the swarmer defenses in Defense Option 2 of 3

      The Unstoppable Captain

      Choose to activate no defenses - Option 3 of 3 (To get the Ev Suit Accolade)

      Dyson EV Suit Collector

      Obtain all 3 types of Dyson EV suits.

      Explosion Investigator

      Fly through the epicenter of the station hallway explosion

      Shadow Hugger

      Avoid being burnt by the sun while activating safety protocols
      (Player gets either [Option 1]: Defend Cooper While He Overrides Security OR [Option 2]: Activate Consoles to Re-power Safety Shields)

      Efficient Swarmer Exterminator

      Complete the stage "Defend Cooper from Swarmers" in under one minute.
      (Player gets either [Option 1]: Defend Cooper While He Overrides Security OR [Option 2]: Activate Consoles to Re-power Safety Shields)

      Tuvok's Support

      Prevent Tuvok from being knocked unconscious

      Beam Dodger

      Avoid being hit by the defensive beams.
      Unknown Person liked this
      Edited April 28 2016 by nivagni


      My Intro Post

      April 27 2016

      And extra HELLOOOO :evil: for the pics.... point to the PM button and says "more" :whistle:

      Shout in game if you need any help..