

Tickets Sold Out

May 05 2016
Yay...got my ticket today for the convention from the CreationNet auctions they had a couple weeks ago. Cost me an arm and a leg, but I got it. Can't wait to meet up with some of you there since I'm coming solo.
3 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

May 02 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
That's really odd. Do you have an ad blocker? Maybe it's blocking some script execution.

Quote by tuvak
Just an idea...I don't have the issue Dave is experiencing but I have a similar issue at work. Whenever I try to use one of the webpages on the company intranet, it won't display properly. Yet, if I change the zoom setting within the browser by zooming in or out a few times, I can see it. Like magic, it just shows up. I always attributed it to my video driver but they won't let us update our drivers without them doing it for us. But maybe try that...it could be rendering but just not being placed properly on the screen. It's and if I remember correctly. Worth a shot. I'd laugh if that was the fix. And the real treat is that it only does that within Firefox...works perfectly in Chrome and IE. I have all 3 installed because we do have some pages that only work with certain browsers...yeah...that's fun.

So as of today, the issue has bizarrely resolved itself and all is back to normal. Thanks for the help, though!
Shawn Birch



May 02 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network. I play STO mainly but dabble in GW2 every now and again.
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk



May 02 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us. Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology. In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct.

If you have questions about the Code of Conduct please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!
Unknown Person liked this



May 02 2016
I don't play GW2 - im a STO'r but welcome to the fleet...
Unknown Person liked this



May 01 2016
Welcome! :woohoo:
Unknown Person liked this


[Processed] INTRO POST :)

May 01 2016
Hey everyone! I'm Aden and I'm looking to join a LGBT friendly guild in GW2, I'm a game design/dev student from England.
I have many interests but my main one is gaming! I love to play anything that will get the mind pumping. I've played a few MMO's over the years but GW2 is shaping up to be my favourite yet, I love Black Desert Online too. I love anything with a fantasy based element; that goes for books and films too.
This guild appeals to me because I love to have fun with other MMO players without having to worry if I'd be accepted because of my sexuality. I'm looking forward to everything, but PvE and PvP is my favourite, especially when tactics from a group are used! I found this site from searching online for LGBT Guilds to join for GW2. I hope to hear from any of you!
My GW2 Profile Tag is DevonBumpkin.7492
Thanks guys!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16


Getting Started with Fractals

May 01 2016
Here is the detailed guide Elquin made on Fractals: [url=

If you have any other questions just let me know :)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

May 01 2016
Just an idea...I don't have the issue Dave is experiencing but I have a similar issue at work. Whenever I try to use one of the webpages on the company intranet, it won't display properly. Yet, if I change the zoom setting within the browser by zooming in or out a few times, I can see it. Like magic, it just shows up. I always attributed it to my video driver but they won't let us update our drivers without them doing it for us. But maybe try that...it could be rendering but just not being placed properly on the screen. It's and if I remember correctly. Worth a shot. I'd laugh if that was the fix. And the real treat is that it only does that within Firefox...works perfectly in Chrome and IE. I have all 3 installed because we do have some pages that only work with certain browsers...yeah...that's fun.



May 01 2016
I just put in for an 11.5 revamp of my morrigu build.
Dave (Voleron)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 30 2016
Nope, no blocker. It's just started acting like this recently. I'm thinking that maybe it's an add-on that updated and is not working correctly. In any event, it's no big deal - I seem to be the only one affected and I don't mind loading up the website in Internet explorer until try new site goes live. Thanks for trying to troubleshoot though.

(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 30 2016
Quote by Voleron
Hmm, nope. Those are the only two errors that come up.

ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
Use of document.createAttribute() is deprecated. Use element.setAttribute() instead.
Use of setAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use setAttribute() instead. 
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated.  Use defaultPrevented instead. 
TypeError: a.getID is not a function

This is currently how the webpage displays using Firefox.


That's really odd. Do you have an ad blocker? Maybe it's blocking some script execution.
Dave (Voleron)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 30 2016
Hmm, nope. Those are the only two errors that come up.

ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
Use of document.createAttribute() is deprecated. Use element.setAttribute() instead.
Use of setAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use setAttribute() instead. 
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated.  Use defaultPrevented instead. 
TypeError: a.getID is not a function

This is currently how the webpage displays using Firefox.

Shawn Birch


Re:[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

April 30 2016
Quote by Zander_Hawk
Quote by Parker
I was there :)

lies! Lol :p

I was purchased in the Admiral Auction.
Unknown Person liked this


Hello [STO]

April 30 2016
Welcome, if you need any help just ask :ohmy:

I also used to play WoW for years but then it just got so boring... STO is much better..


New-Ish or more like coming back.

April 30 2016
Welcome back, if you need any help just ask :ohmy:


Intro post [Thayd@orinas]

April 30 2016
Welcome, if you need any help just shout

(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 30 2016
Quote by Voleron
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Any luck resolving this?

For some reason, no... but since other people seem not to be able to replicate the issue, it must be a problem with my browser. It's possible that one of the recent updates or plugins may have broken it. I've just been using Internet Explorer to access the site instead.

Give this a try:

  1. Go the the Homepage
  2. Right click someone on the background
  3. Click Inspect Element
  4. Click on the Console tab

Do you see any errors (background is red-ish) listed there other than "ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined" and "TypeError: a.getID is not a function"?

Getting Started with Fractals

April 30 2016
I've been working on my Legendary a bit and the last step I have left for the first collection is to completely level 25 of Fractals. I also had to do 10 and 15 and those weren't so bad, but with 25 comes Agony.

I've been doing some research into getting the recommend +17 Agony Resistance. I'm not exactly sure what I need. I crafted several +7 Agony Infusion, but now I'm not sure that's what I need. Also, none of my current gear has Defensive Infusion slots and from what I see the stuff that does gets expensive quick.

Can anyone give me some gear recommendations? What infusions should I use? My main aim is just to beat 25, but I might do more Fractals later on so I might as well plan ahead for that. Thanks.
Zander Hawk


Re:[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

April 30 2016
Quote by Parker
I was there :)

lies! Lol :p
Unknown Person liked this