Gareth GXV3


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
Quote by medgirl1025
I am in no way thrilled for this. I don't like TOS era in general, and I barely tolerated watching the episodes. They are great for the most part so don't get me wrong. I just do not like it. So something like this is a bore and if anything pushes me away rather than pull me in. So sad.

Awwwwe Jamie, come now.. all new content is good content.. the game has been desperately needing a spring of life for a good while now.
Even Im not that well educated or interested in the TOS era.. but it might make me like it.

With The legacy of Romulas and Delta expansions.. they always added/announced something new to the Purchasable packs every mth or so.. so they will prob add more items or news to make it sound amazing.

**My Theory** I see this expansion much the Romulan fraction.. Separate.. with its own story arc.. that slowly gets us into the current era.. and like with Roms.. you cant join a fleet until after you completed the whole Arc.. so I dont think we will be needing another Alt fleet.
2 people liked this
Jamie O'Connell


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
I am in no way thrilled for this. I don't like TOS era in general, and I barely tolerated watching the episodes. They are great for the most part so don't get me wrong. I just do not like it. So something like this is a bore and if anything pushes me away rather than pull me in. So sad.
Whittier Strong


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
I haven't touched STO in months. I figure a Star Trek game should be about exploration, diplomacy, and moral dilemmas, so I've been playing Guild Wars 2. This might drag me back, at least for a bit.

Oh yeah, and by this point I must have a few thousand in Zen stipends--what should I buy?
Alain Rojas


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
Sold even though a Daedalus shouldn't be a higher tier than a Constitution... Now where's my T6 Connie?
Sej @Ereiid


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
Quote by Voleron
As much as I dislike the idea of starting another character from scratch, the TOS timeline is one that I enjoy and that I'm kind of excited for. I'm not entirely sure if it feels completely right within the context of 2409 STO, but hopefully they can weave a story that makes sense.

I'm still nursing a mild grudge from Delta Recruitment. Incentivizing new characters so you can't say 'no' is one thing. But gating content access on it peeves me to no end.

I suppose it's possible that viewing it as rolling a Romulan in order to play 'Legacy of Romulus' might be the more apt comparison, perhaps.

I'm relieved that they have torn TOS clothing, because my Captain Kirk abs have just been begging for a fight with a Gorn or any other excuse to unnecessarily expose themselves to my crew :D

Pix from Vegas, or it didn't happen.

Quote by Seannewboy
All fed designs, my romulan temporal agent should not be flying any of those, nor should any kdf races.

Which maybe reinforces that this is going to be a Starfleet-centered expansion, in the way Legacy of Romulus didn't hold a great deal of content for Starfleet or Klingon characters.
Edited May 05 2016 by Ereiid
Dave (Voleron)


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
As much as I dislike the idea of starting another character from scratch, the TOS timeline is one that I enjoy and that I'm kind of excited for. I'm not entirely sure if it feels completely right within the context of 2409 STO, but hopefully they can weave a story that makes sense.

I'm relieved that they have torn TOS clothing, because my Captain Kirk abs have just been begging for a fight with a Gorn or any other excuse to unnecessarily expose themselves to my crew :D
3 people liked this


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
Quote by Gravity
Read the description on the uniforms these are not fed ships they are part of a new temporal TOS era faction which we assume is part of the coming expansion.

All fed designs, my romulan temporal agent should not be flying any of those, nor should any kdf races.


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
Read the description on the uniforms these are not fed ships they are part of a new temporal TOS era faction which we assume is part of the coming expansion.
Cheshire McCaster


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
hopefully they will show some nonfed stuff soon. I would love to have new ships for my Rom, and something for the Empire.


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
No nonfed stuff, f'it. :(
Cheshire McCaster


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
there are, this makes me think they are going to do another Delta recruit thing, I wouldn't mind flying some of those TOS era ships, the t6 ships im still not sure on but the time ships are very beautiful. Plus all the new clothing options. Andorian fans will probably love having those clothes finally. Though I feel that there should be a higher tier Conni with the set seeing that well of all those TOS eva ships she should be the most advance one there.
2 people liked this
Lars Zandor


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
Oh my, there are some beautiful ships in there.
Cheshire McCaster


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 05 2016
2 people liked this
Edited May 05 2016 by Niko
Jamie O'Connell


Re:Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

May 05 2016

Any new news?
Jamie O'Connell


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

May 05 2016
Quote by War Games
ive never gotten any ribbons from anything ive attended :-(

Who are you again? Ware gherms? Who, Wha..? Lol :evil: :laugh: :whistle: :silly:

(inside joke)
2 people liked this
Edited May 05 2016 by medgirl1025
Jamie O'Connell


Re:Tickets Sold Out

May 05 2016
Quote by Zander_Hawk
That's so awesome, I'm going to add you to our Facebook chat -we use this to communicate in general but specifically during the convention. We coordinate everything through that.

We have a FB chat :O
3 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Re:Tickets Sold Out

May 05 2016
Excited to see you there! You bring the bacon


Re:Tickets Sold Out

May 05 2016
so then that's where all the leg humping appointments have been getting scheduled! secrets secrets secrets! :-)
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Tickets Sold Out

May 05 2016
That's so awesome, I'm going to add you to our Facebook chat -we use this to communicate in general but specifically during the convention. We coordinate everything through that.