TOS Temperal Agent bundle
I am in no way thrilled for this. I don't like TOS era in general, and I barely tolerated watching the episodes. They are great for the most part so don't get me wrong. I just do not like it. So something like this is a bore and if anything pushes me away rather than pull me in. So sad.
Awwwwe Jamie, come now.. all new content is good content.. the game has been desperately needing a spring of life for a good while now.
Even Im not that well educated or interested in the TOS era.. but it might make me like it.
With The legacy of Romulas and Delta expansions.. they always added/announced something new to the Purchasable packs every mth or so.. so they will prob add more items or news to make it sound amazing.
**My Theory** I see this expansion much the Romulan fraction.. Separate.. with its own story arc.. that slowly gets us into the current era.. and like with Roms.. you cant join a fleet until after you completed the whole Arc.. so I dont think we will be needing another Alt fleet.