

International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 07 2016
Is this a Customs document? If so, in the early 1900's when people immigrated the Customs agent (aka bad translator) would write a best guess answer when filling out the form, it was not usually written by the person immigrating. That said, this could be what the Customs agent, thought he heard. I would err to Voleron, even through the Spelling is off, if you say what is written out loud, you can interpret backward.

Both of my immigrant grandparents last names where changed due to this. Francis for my family was originally Franzius before immigrating,
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Unknown Person

Re:Tickets Sold Out

May 07 2016
Quote by medgirl1025
Quote by Zander_Hawk
That's so awesome, I'm going to add you to our Facebook chat -we use this to communicate in general but specifically during the convention. We coordinate everything through that.

We have a FB chat :O

The auction prices are outrageous, so unless they open a new package I won't be able to go. However my room an air are booked so I'll be there kinda
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Lars Zandor


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Levelling Event!

May 07 2016
Because of some RL stuff, I will not be continuing the Levelling Event anymore.
Dave (Voleron)


International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 07 2016
I think what you really need is a cryptographer or perhaps a doctor. I'll take my best stab at this; my grandparents are German and their handwriting looks remarkably similar (illegible).

What makes this challenging, is that the form is in English, and the responses appear also to be in English, given that the country is clearly written as 'Germany'. The English form of many German cities/villages is spelled completely different from the German equivalent. Take the city of Cologne for example, is spelled Köln in German, so we need to understand that we're looking for the English counter-part.

I think we can probably agree that the first letter of the state is probably an 'S'. A list of German states can be found here, and my guess is that it's Saxony.


My guess is that we're looking at 'feld' for the last four letters of the city or town, and the closest thing that I can come up with via Internet search is Dransfeld (link below), which seems to potentially match the rest of the handwriting that I can see. The first letter seems to be a 'D', with an unknown letter in between the 'ans' that follows.


I'm not sure if I've got it right, but that's my best guess! Hope it points you in the right direction at least!
2 people liked this
Edited May 07 2016 by Voleron


International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 07 2016
Not sure where to post this.... but hoping to get some help from some of Stonewalls international peeps if possible, especially German ones :)

I've been trying to build a family tree and I can find information on everyone except for one key person. Noone knows where he came from (a stork apparently). I was able to find a copy of his death certificate but the city of birth is so badly written I cant make heads or tails out of it:


Saxony, Germany is all I know. I cant even begin to guess on the city though...... The city might no longer exist but I thought it was worth a shot in case someone might know :cheer:


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 07 2016
I am guessing cv is coalition vessel.


Tickets Sold Out

May 07 2016
As Jamie said we have a FB chat?
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Tickets Sold Out

May 07 2016
Congrats!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
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Gareth GXV3


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 07 2016
Quote by Seannewboy
Looks like at least the last 2 temp ships will be "faction agnostic", that i can accept.

Swall Art on reddit.

ooo thanks... hmm what does the registry "NCV" stand for? i see it on the Paladin Class

Unknown Person

TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
I think it'll be a cool expansion and I'm glad a couple of those temporal ships are cross faction. I definitely want to check out that Eternal class multi-mission science vessel. It kinda looks like a Wells class to me.


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
Looks like at least the last 2 temp ships will be "faction agnostic", that i can accept.

Swall Art on reddit.
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Tony Calabrese


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Exploration is suppose to be coming back in this expansion. I'll be hoping for that. Something good. Something dynamic. Something procedural? Probably asking the moon with that one, but I can hope.

It would be awesome if they would re-introduce procedurally generated adventures. It would go along way to making it feel like exploration. If they do I hope they offer access to the seed data so that the adventures are repeatable, for when you find a good one.
Unknown Person liked this


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
Quote by Gravity
Yeah as gareth said i anticipate this to be a new faction similar to the romulans which is why there are no KDF/Rom ships.

There were no Fed or KDF ships with the launch of legacy of romulus either.

But then again more fed ships are always coming, now we are back to the fact that new kdf/rom ships only come in combination with new feds.


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
Yeah as gareth said i anticipate this to be a new faction similar to the romulans which is why there are no KDF/Rom ships.

There were no Fed or KDF ships with the launch of legacy of romulus either.
Lars Zandor


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
I too am not a huge fan of TOS, but the new T6 ships and the new uniforms look quite nice to me (also - Vulcan, Andorian and Tellarite uniforms/clothing :D ).

They only thing I'm a tad disappointed in is still no playable Cardassians :(
Unknown Person liked this

TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
When I first saw the post, I thought it was an April Fools joke and thought they were a little late. Then I realized they were being serious. There's been a group of dead set TOS fans in STO for a long while, but they've always been told that STO set in 2409 and that's that. I guess not anymore. They've found a way to monetize your nostalgia an oh they will! I guess this is why the current story arc is taking us into time travel.

The fact that most of this is for new characters is a bit of a groan. Getting to 60 on a new character again after all the horizontal leveling we have? Level Doffs again. Reputations again. Crafting again. Don't get me started on Specializations.

All in all, I did like the Delta Recruitment event, even if it was basically the same rehashed content. I regret not making a KDF. I bet the Temporal Agent thing will largely be the same thing again. The same missions minorly edited with new clickies for us to find, or possibly the hidden Na’kuhl agents we have to find and kill.

Exploration is suppose to be coming back in this expansion. I'll be hoping for that. Something good. Something dynamic. Something procedural? Probably asking the moon with that one, but I can hope.

If this is the updated Sovereign I've been hoping for, I can get behind that. That looks pretty sleek, though the saucer could use a little work. Some Temporal abilities would be bad ass. That pack has some beautiful ships in it.

Well, here goes to leveling three new toons (One TOS, One FED Temp, One KDF Temp).
2 people liked this
Edited May 06 2016 by nicholasjohn16
Jamie O'Connell


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
Quote by GXV3
Quote by medgirl1025
Random Jamie Blurp here....

GXV3 blurb here

I do believe this will be a very happy move for many STO gamers. Those feelings being my own personal ones, does not change that I know many others loved the series and all there was to it. Nostalgia even plays a part for many.

In no way am I putting down this expansion as an overall objective. Right now the game does need a fresh breath of life into it. Yes, there is new content all around, but retention is failing. I get that. TOS just makes me irk wildly. My own sentiment explained that.

The concept seems solid and from the reviews I've read so far today (trolling aside) from the release notes, youtube video, etc. it seems like many are taking a positive liking to this move by Cryptic. I do support them for making such a stride, but I cannot say that it will move me. I really do not like TOS...
Unknown Person liked this



May 06 2016
Greetings and welcome to the Stonewall family! B)


Re:[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

May 06 2016
Quote by medgirl1025
Quote by War Games
ive never gotten any ribbons from anything ive attended :-(

Who are you again? Ware gherms? Who, Wha..? Lol :evil: :laugh: :whistle: :silly:

(inside joke)

Hahaha :kiss: Jackie was it? :p lol

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
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Tony Calabrese


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 06 2016
I'm excited. The Sagittarius may not quite be as epic as flying around in a 2 mile long universe class Enterprise-J, but I really like how they evolved the design.
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