

Hi there!

May 09 2016
Welcome to the fleet, hope to see you in game soon!

Please check out the following information which may provide useful!

Welcome Center

TeamSpeak Settings

Code of Conduct

and in case you are wondering who can assist you with fleet invites, or wanting any advice and guidance the leadership are always here to assist.

Fleet Departments

Also, please check the information on Fleet Bank etiquette and watch the video tutorial on the rules to Bank donations. Those can be found here:
Bank Ettiquette
Edited May 11 2016 by robin

Hi there!

May 09 2016
Hello and welcome to Stonewall Fleet! If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to send me a message!

JFYI, we also have a guild in GW2, You should check it out if you start GW2 up again.
Edited May 09 2016 by nicholasjohn16
Dave (Voleron)


Hi there!

May 09 2016
Welcome to the community! Glad to have you join us!


Hi there!

May 09 2016
Welcome! :woohoo:
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Shawn Birch


Hi there!

May 09 2016
Welcome to the Fleet and Stonewall Gaming Network.

Hope to see you in space!
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Wilson Sommer


[Processed] Hi there!

May 09 2016
Hi All, just wanted to introduce myself. I'd consider myself pretty new to STO still and was looking for a friendly group to game with. I used to play WoW a lot and GW2, but have taken a break from those for the time being.

I'm a high school teacher and also working on a masters, so at this time I'm a pretty casual player.

Thanks and look forward to playing with you all! :woohoo:
Edited May 09 2016 by nicholasjohn16


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 09 2016
I for one was already tired of the time travel stuff in game. It's a plot that I just despise in stories and I've pretty much just been ignoring this whole temporal thing in game. Now they are doing an entire time travel expansion. Bleh.

The only thing I hate more is "alternate universes" so don't even get me started on that arc.....
Edited May 09 2016 by Abbycub


International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 09 2016
First off i want to give a *HUGE* thank you to everyone for your responses and information! Very helpful, a lot of things i didn't think about (can you tell im not a genealogist? ;) ), and its given me some ideas to continue my search :) . I have been able to locate some distant family/cousins, one of which is a genealogist, and while everyone has pretty thorough family trees, noone (and I mean noone) can solve the mystery of this one person.

The portion of the document I posted is a copy of his death certificate from Missouri, i'm sure his wife who was still alive at the time provided the information but to Mstfrancis's point it was probably filled out by someone else, and someone that was in a hurry it looks like.

Voleron also brings up a great point i didn't think about, all my searches have been "Saxony Germany" but in German Saxony is really "Sachsen", so my searches wouldn't have pulled up any actual German documents.

I did take into account the name change (my last name did change, Kneusel is the original), Saintplazma good idea on the shipping manifests. I started checking, no luck so far but i'll keep looking :)

Jaime-Thank you so much for you analysis on the spelling! Awesome! :cheer: Birth year was 1863, and you bring up another good point, the city of birth may no longer exist. With world war 1 and 2 following it could have been wiped out/renamed..... Following is a complete copy of the certificate:


Outside of this all that I can find are census records and a marriage license, which don't really provide any info :(
2 people liked this
Jamie O'Connell


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 09 2016
One thing Nick mentioned is Exploration and when Cryptic comes out with that again I will be very happy, and for demands sake... well... let's throw in some more bloody bat'leth/melee tournaments and ability to create/queue for them hehe. Qa'pla!
Dave (Voleron)


Re:Tickets Sold Out

May 08 2016
Quote by Zander_Hawk
I started an FB instant messenger group chat -we've been using that since 2015.

Am I in this group? I rarely use FB messenger, but will keep tuned to it more closely once the con approaches - can you shoot me an invite?
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Zander Hawk


Re:Tickets Sold Out

May 08 2016
Quote by Gravity
As Jamie said we have a FB chat?

Back in 2014, I had asked Jacien to set up a chat through the GroupMe app so that anyone going to Vegas (stonewall and nonstonewall) could coordinate activities, set up hangouts, and keep each other updated. It functioned ok but it had limited options. Later on I saw that most of us had FB accounts and there's a Star Trek Las Vegas page that Jacien or Bradley created (I have it saved somewhere), so I started an FB instant messenger group chat -we've been using that since 2015.

It's not really a stonewall chat thing, we have friends, people that happen to be in stonewall, and love ones on it so it's more of a "Star Trek Las Vegas" group chat with all the craziness and adult banter (definitely over 21 and not for the sensitive of mind and heart) LOL.

It's been a great tool to have because we can keep each other updated instantly during convention times and hilariously amused during non-convention times. It's a very laid back, fun and crazy group.
Stephen Douglas


Defender of the XXX Quadrant accolades

May 08 2016
I've been running the borg and tholian red-alerts in alpha and beta quadrants for a while and my defender accolade counts aren't changing.

Are these bugged or am I doing the wrong missions?


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 08 2016
So A couple of things:

1. I am super stoked/confused about this expansion... though there is more info to come on it. Confusion comes from TOS/Fed separation.
2. I am looking forward to the temporal ships, though based on how they look, the 26th century ships appear as if they need some final work... the resolution on them
3. I hope that this panders to the Romulan and Klingon side as well and that they have not released the info on it yet.
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Shawn Birch


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 08 2016
I grew up with TOS. I am looking forward to this expansion. It seems to me that it is going to finally bring exploration into the game. I am stuck on trying to figure out how you would level 0-60. The amount of content they'd have to push would be phenomenal. It will be interesting to see this all come to fruition.

Looking forward to this expansion!
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Unknown Person

TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 08 2016
Come on Lars, you should at least like the T6 Temporal Science Vessel Nautilus looks like a pizza cutter wheel! :lol:
2 people liked this
Jamie O'Connell


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 08 2016
I can get behind what Nick said in part, however that ship he is talking about... well it looks like a pancake saucer with little bug legs or antlers sticking out the back after getting squished.

Again...NO KDF love. I hold my ground until they do better.
Unknown Person liked this


Tickets Sold Out

May 08 2016
I'll be there with the hubby *who I'm dragging with cuz I've gone to Disney World a crap ton of times with him* and a couple friends of ours.

We'll try to meet up for a drink or something with the Fleeties but since it's his trip too I must balance out the geekiness with being a good husband. lol.
Jamie O'Connell


International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 08 2016
While I have to agree with Robin about the last part looking like a -frald, so far n my research I've found very few places in Saxony-A that used even -feld style endings with none using -frald. So unless the English translates into a different word entirely my initial interpretations are follows:

Before proceeding please understand I write the interpretations in upper or lower case to best resemble their appearance in the photo shown.

First: is a capitalized 'D' though there is some speculation it could be an 'O', but given the use of cursive by this person I would have expected the initial character to have better definition if it was. I.e. the little curl at the top.

Second: the curvature suggests an --> 'a' although I've seen more that start with a De/Oe than an 'a'

Third: is pronounced up top twice with the spacing below to suggest the letter is an 'M' -- There is possibility this is one or two 'n' together

Fourth: If you look close you can see a single thick dot above this character and below is a stick appearance. Interpretation is an 'i'
I do have an outside through that is not a dot, but an overstayed position leaving the ink to settle in, leaving to question if this is another character entirely, or part of the former.

Fifth & Sixth: -- There are two possibilities here --

1. They are the same characters and hurriedly written which resemble cursive 'r' which when written as such can resemble a sloppy cursive 'i' without the dot above; aka like drawing a mountain outline i.e the carrot sign ' ^ '.
2. This is one character in hurried cursive which resembles the character 'u'

The 6th or 7th character, pending interpretation, is a clearly defined 'S'

Putting that all together leaves these interpretations:

Damirrsfrald (which does not phonetically sound accurate)




Danniusfrald (Which does resemble a Germany Village in Saxony-A called Dannefeld) Though I think it being a match is not highly likely.

Before I can make anymore interpretations I would need some extra information, Azrael. What is the time frame we are looking at? Given the English being used I have to assume as well this was perhaps a document from Ellis Island? If so, a birth/death date can help me narrow down existing cites, towns, and villages from that time period.
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Unknown Person

International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 07 2016
Quote by Mstfrancis
Is this a Customs document? If so, in the early 1900's when people immigrated the Customs agent (aka bad translator) would write a best guess answer when filling out the form, it was not usually written by the person immigrating. That said, this could be what the Customs agent, thought he heard. I would err to Voleron, even through the Spelling is off, if you say what is written out loud, you can interpret backward.

Both of my immigrant grandparents last names where changed due to this. Francis for my family was originally Franzius before immigrating,

Big change, my family name went from Sloszar to Slosar.

Azrael- if you haven't try looking up passenger manifests it my help narrow the field
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International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 07 2016
My PhD advisor's grandfather migrated to US with his brothers, every single one of them has his last name spelled differently because of this.

I actually see more of "-frald" than "-feld" here, but as Mstfrancis said, I wouldn't really give too much weight to how the name was spelled in this kind of document.
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