
[Processed] Can I please be promoted?

May 12 2016
I want to get fancy fighters please
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Edited June 01 2016 by nicholasjohn16
Kieran Kiki


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 12 2016
Unknown Person liked this


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 12 2016
Very awesome that you have all put together for the Fleet!



[Processed] Nice to meet you :D

May 12 2016
Welcome, need any help just shout


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 12 2016
A great incentive to participate more in Fleet events... looking forward to it :kiss:
Lars Zandor


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 12 2016
Looks like a fantastic idea!


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 12 2016
So much work :wow:
Great idea, guys, thank you so much. Now we need to come up with new ideas for events to give all these thing out :)
Stephen Carville


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 12 2016
Wow! Richer than Croesus!

Great work guys, really appreciate it
Unknown Person liked this


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 12 2016
I realize that this means a lot of work! Do thank you even more as this idea seems to be what fleeties need. I appreciate it! :)
Unknown Person liked this


[Processed] Nice to meet you :D

May 12 2016
Welcome :woohoo:


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 12 2016
AWESOME job guys! Thanks for all the hard work putting this together. Amazing :)
Shawn Birch


[Processed] Nice to meet you :D

May 12 2016
Welcome! You have a picked a great fleet!

See you around the galaxy :)
Gareth GXV3


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 12 2016
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: color, b, color
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Just to add in some more info.. if you haven't checked out the link to the Stonewall Credits store yet there are some fantastic items on there (which I really want) from Ships to plasmonic leeches that are normally really hard to get unless your splashed with having 100 of millions of EC.

This store will make it easier for you to get what you've wanted, you dont need EC or lock box keys.. its completely free for you!
All it costs is for you to just.. play STO with your fellow fleet mates during our events.. OR.. keep checking back on these forums for forum based events which will be popping up more... Id advise you to make these forums your home base.
So its Super easy to gain Stonewall Credits (SWCs).. you just have to have fun!!


When you win your first SWC/s you will get a Private message (on this site) from us, ... inside it will be your very own Online Stonewall Membership card.. where you are able to see your SWC balance.. so you wont forget how much you've won!


if you want to sign up to get your Stonewall Membership card right now!!.. just hit reply to this thread and Ill private message you.


Every Single Stonewall fleetie (if you have the rank of "Member") can make use of this store, all it takes is just to have fun.

If you do have any Questions for us in regards to the store, hit reply on this thread and we will be happy to help you out.
11 people liked this
Edited May 12 2016 by GXV3

[Stonewall Credits Store]

May 12 2016
It may not be common knowledge to everyone, but Stonewall Fleet has an additional fleet called the Stonewall Vault. It is within this fleet that we store all of the valuable items, ships, rewards packs and even Energy Credits that’s donated to us for event prizes. The fleet is only accessible to Admirals to keep these items valuable items secure.

I have some good news! The Vault is full. Due to the constant generosity of our membership, we have amassed a treasure trove of valuable prizes and currency. When I say the Vault is full, I really mean it. Did you know that fleets max out at 1 Billion EC? We do! We cannot store another Energy Credit. The tabs dedicated to ships, traits and reward packs are starting to spill out into other places.

This has highlighted a need for our community. When we, as event hosts, want to give out prizes, we do our best to pick out prizes that we think everyone will like, but at the end of the day, we really have no idea. We do our best to guess at prizes and hand pick a few things, but this leaves a lot on the table. Some of the items in the Vault have been there for years. We just don’t know when to pull them out.

To change things up, instead of giving out prizes like before, we’ll be giving out Stonewall Credits as prizes. For instance, Third Place at an event might earn you 1 Stonewall Credit while First Place would net you three. The Department of Fleet Resources will be keeping track of the Credits and you’ll be able to save them up to purchase big ticket items. If not, you can always purchase an item right away with the Credits you’ve earned. Though, we’ll be saving big items like T6 ships for particularly big events.

We’ve set up a dedicated website currently where you can view the entire catalogue of available items, their prices and place an order. We’ll be keeping it up to date as new items are donated and others are awarded. You can check out the site at

Hopefully, this will take the guess work out of reward prizes, give all of you better incentive to participate in events and make it easier for us to give out prizes more often! I want to personally thank everyone who has donated these wonderful items to our fleet. The generosity of our membership continuous to amaze me. With your help and support, we can continue this far into the future.

We have some great events coming up soon that'll give everyone a chance to start earning Stonewall Credits!
21 people liked this
Edited July 02 2016 by GXV3

Nice to meet you :D

May 12 2016
Hey there! Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network! If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to send me a message anytime!


Nice to meet you :D

May 11 2016
Welcome to the fleet, hope to see you in game soon!

Please check out the following information which may provide useful!

Welcome Center

TeamSpeak Settings

Code of Conduct

and in case you are wondering who can assist you with fleet invites, or wanting any advice and guidance the leadership are always here to assist.

Fleet Departments

Also, please check the information on Fleet Bank etiquette and watch the video tutorial on the rules to Bank donations. Those can be found here:
Bank Ettiquette
Edited May 11 2016 by robin


[Processed] Nice to meet you :D

May 11 2016
Hello there, im a new STO player who has just found the guild. I am an avid and passionate gamer as well as other hobbies

Im from england and work as a resturant manager so my hours are pretty choatic and so will the times i am online but hopefully for that time i will get to know you all and enjoy myself in this new community :)
Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 12 2016 by nicholasjohn16


Taking the Fight to North Carolina & those like them

May 11 2016
I saw this in the news I'm happy to see this.
2 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Taking the Fight to North Carolina & those like them

May 11 2016
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: i, quote

Image Provided Is Lorreta Lynch, Attorney General of United States

~She is fighting for the Transgender Community~

Our people have suffered for some time now and most of it remained unknown. That is, until the LGBT community came into the national and worldwide spotlight. Despite our victories in the last few years attacks against us continue even in the light for all to see. At present, the spotlight on the LGBT community has been focused with tremendous strength at attacking the T - or Transgender - segment. Transgender people (both in America and the world) face some of the highest forms of oppression and discrimination in all avenues from basic living to housing and employment, etc. even with protections in place. The constant attacks against Transgender people is appalling and many have died already this year alone or been brutally injured. Sadly, the actions of those individuals who seek to do us harm or worse do not stand alone. In the United States there are some states that have introduced or created legislation that not only crosses the line, but outright stands against the very values and beliefs the USA was founded on by promoting state sponsored practices of inequality and discrimination.

On May 9, 2016, the United States Department of Justice answered by sueing Governor Pat McCrory, the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, and the University of North Carolina system, stating that House Bill 2 violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Violence Against Women Act. On the same day, North Carolina's governor and legislative leaders filed two separate lawsuits against the Department of Justice to defend the law.

The Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, officially called An Act to Provide for Single-sex Multiple Occupancy Bathroom and Changing Facilities in Schools and Public Agencies and to Create Statewide Consistency in Regulation of Employment and Public Accommodations, but commonly known as House Bill 2 or HB2, is an act passed in the U.S. state of North Carolina in 2016. It has been described as the most anti-LGBT legislation in the United States.

One contentious element of the law eliminates anti-discrimination protections for gay, transgender, genderqueer, and intersex people, and legislates that in government buildings, individuals may only use restrooms that correspond to the sex on their birth certificates. This has been criticized because it prevents transgender people who do not or cannot alter their birth certificates from using the restroom consistent with their gender identity: in North Carolina, only people who undergo sex reassignment surgery can change the sex on their birth certificates, and outside jurisdictions have different rules, some more restrictive. The legislation changes the definition of sex in the state's anti-discrimination law to "the physical condition of being male or female, which is stated on a person's birth certificate."

The act also prohibits municipalities in North Carolina from enacting anti-discrimination policies, setting a minimum wage above the statewide minimum, regulating child labor, or making certain regulations for city workers. The legislation also removes the statutory and common law private right of action to enforce state anti-discrimination statutes in state courts.

By the United States government suing North Caroline over their sugar coated right to discriminate the United States government has effectively set history into motion for Americans. Furthermore, the outcome of this case will set precedence to all future transgressions in America. Now we wait and see what happens at this pivotal moment for the Transgender community.

Excerpt from the Violence Against Women Act: "Lesbian, gay, bisexul and transgender survivors of violence experience the same rates of violence as straight individuals. However, LGBT survivors sometimes face discrimination when seeking help and protection. VAWA 2013 prohibits such discrimination to ensure that all victims of violence have access to the same services and protection to overcome trauma and find safety." - See also: Violence Against Women Act.


Fleet Captain
Dept. of Klingon Affairs

Sources: C-Span Video, Wiki, N.C. House Bill 2
I saw her speech at the office, absolutely moving and profound. I'm so sick of discriminatory legislation -this shines a blazing light on such hateful leglislation.
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Jamie O'Connell


Crystalline Entity torp build

May 11 2016
Things that go boom?