

Crystalline Entity torp build

May 13 2016
Well i have 2 choices for enhanced cloaking devices.


Crystalline Entity torp build

May 13 2016
Normally i would say if you want to do a torp build go for a sci ship because it synergises quite well with torp builds but as a romulan your options are rather limited.
I have never made a torp build so i cant give much advice from my experience but i would recommend flying a ship which can use gravity well, every bit of kinetic damage helps.
Chris Mello


Crystalline Entity torp build

May 13 2016
Apparently, I did need coffee and allergy meds.
Chris Mello


Crystalline Entity torp build

May 13 2016
Also, for what it is worth here is my Fleet T6 Malem build. It's still a work in progress but I enjoy it and I'm pretty survivable. RCS console is a hold over my days of flying a Tulwar or a Dyson. I need to replace it. I might pick up the Terran Advanced Disruptor Array and replace the experimental proton array though I'm not sure if I want lose the boost to the photon torpedoes.


Crystalline Entity torp build

May 13 2016
Im looking for an equipment list to use in the crystalline entity event, i know my engineering slots will use anti kinetic, but what would be the rest of the equipment.
Chris Mello


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 13 2016
Quote by medgirl1025
Curtailing to a select few... really??? Yet, somehow the Klingon's (and well I suppose those Rommies too :P ) do not take precedence as we HAVE been here A LOT longer.

The Rihannsu even longer still.
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Chris Mello


Crystalline Entity torp build

May 13 2016
Forgive me for asking this question because I haven't had my coffee do you mean a build using the Crystalline Entity Torp or to fight the Entity itself?
Chris Mello



May 13 2016
I just saw this. I think Master of Orion is trying to copy some of the same things. Of course, I almost missed this because of the Civilization VI announcement. I'm going to have no money with all these games coming out.
Jamie O'Connell


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 13 2016
Curtailing to a select few... really??? Yet, somehow the Klingon's (and well I suppose those Rommies too :P ) do not take precedence as we HAVE been here A LOT longer.
Dave (Voleron)


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 13 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
If any of you missed it, Al Rivera was one P1 Podcast the other day and here are the bullet points posted by Massively OP:


Like most have guessed, this is going to be a mini-faction. If this is the direction every expansion is going to take, a new faction for us to roll new characters in, I'm going to be pretty disappointed. I have enough characters as it is. I don't need to be adding on a couple more every year. How does Cryptic expect people to keep up with that?

I guess this is the monetization scheme of expansions. Get everyone to start new characters so they buy more inventory slots, more bank slots, more doff slots, more dry dock slots, more boff slots, new faction-themed ships, uniforms and everything else.

I'm actually pretty excited for this since I grew up watching TOS re-runs on VHS, but I'll concede that expansion is likely only going to appeal to a small subset of the current Star Trek fandom, many of whom were raised primarily on TNG or later series. Since the TOS universe is so unique in it's cornyness in terms of ships and set designs, etc, I almost think that it needs it's own mini-expansion to not seem ridiculous in the 2409 STO universe. I think there's only so many times you can write time travel episodes to engage a modern timeline player with the TOS universe before it gets a little too much.

I'm hoping that this will take me back to the likes of the Star Trek 25th anniversary PC game that I loved so dearly. I'd love to do a YouTube video of a play-through of both games side by side to see how far Star Trek PC gaming has come in the 25 years. I'm DROOLING over the familiar TOS locations, stories and HOPEFULLY TOS themed music! :D

Gareth GXV3


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 13 2016
To all that have replied so far, Ive sent you out your Online Membership cards in a private message, so you can keep track of your Credits if you should win some.

Thanks for all the positive responses!!!
3 people liked this
Alain Rojas


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 13 2016
Quote by Seannewboy
It wasn't in that list, but he also asked how many ships had been announced for the pack, indicating that they will be announcing more in the future, which also happened with the LOR pack.

I hope that = T6 Connie!

He also said that the T6 Fed ships in this pack could wear the skins of their T1-T5 counterparts. So I 'm already planning on keeping my Temporal TOS-er ships looking old school!

If that interferes with anyone's immersion, Q is my Chief Engineer! :P
Edited May 13 2016 by Ngagecloak

Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

May 13 2016
Quote by medgirl1025
I noticed the STO feed sidebar on the main page is now in German. Is this intentional or no? Maybe a Cryptic error?

Looks like we were using a very old link for the RSS feed. I've updated it to the current RSS Feed and it seems to have fixed the issue.
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


Taking the Fight to North Carolina & those like them

May 13 2016
I am very proud, obviously, but to say the very least there comes a point around 10 minutes in where she states very clearly that we are people too, that trans-men are MEN, and trans-women are WOMEN. She makes it clear that we are to be treated as such, and like everyone else just want to live our lives as best we can and go on living without having to live in fear from those around us on a constant basis.
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

May 13 2016
I noticed the STO feed sidebar on the main page is now in German. Is this intentional or no? Maybe a Cryptic error?
Bren Ohmsford


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 13 2016
Thank you for all the hard work that went into this. I think it's a wonderful idea and I'm looking forward to working with it! :cheer:


TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 13 2016
It wasn't in that list, but he also asked how many ships had been announced for the pack, indicating that they will be announcing more in the future, which also happened with the LOR pack.

TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 12 2016
If any of you missed it, Al Rivera was one P1 Podcast the other day and here are the bullet points posted by Massively OP:

  • This is essentially a new faction that’s playable in the original series (TOS) era, although marketing was hesitant to label it as a “faction” due to possible confusion.
  • Rivera explained the difference between a season in Star Trek Online and an expansion, with the latter usually containing something epic, such as a level cap increase, new things to do in the endgame, or a new faction.
  • Cryptic loves expansions since they get new and veteran players to all start together at the same point.
  • The expansion takes place in 2270, after the third season of TOS and three years before the movies. For comparison, the current era of Star Trek Online takes place in 2409.
  • The current Future Proof arc in the game will lead into the expansion’s story.
  • Agents of Yesterday will have its own tutorial, starting experience, and sector block.
  • All players, TOS and modern, will be able to come together at some point, although Cryptic isn’t explaining how that will work yet (Rivera pointed to what they did with the Romulans as a possible path).
  • Modern captains will be able to access at least some of the story arcs of the expansion, although there will be dialogue differences depending on which era you’re from.
  • There are other actors and celebs that Cryptic hasn’t announced yet for the expansion.
  • The team isn’t “shoehorning” Chase Masterson’s Leeta in; her presence will make sense.
  • Expect iconic moments, locations, and characters harkening back to the best of TOS.
  • “This story is going to resonate with TOS fans,” Rivera said.
  • New captains will only be able to pick races that make sense for TOS era, so no Bajoran, Cardassians, etc. Also, Klingons and Romulans will not be playable then because TOS was mostly about the Federation (and Cryptic ain’t got time for that).
  • There will be plenty of blog posts coming out between now and the expansion at the rate of about two per week.
  • Rivera stressed that Agents of Yesterday is not a separate game because they didn’t want to split the community.
  • Cryptic did consider creating a new TOS game but decided that an expansion was a better idea.
  • Cryptic is in talks with CBS about the upcoming 2017 Star Trek series and working with them, but nothing is set in stone yet. They may or may not be doing something together.

Source: Massively OP

Like most have guessed, this is going to be a mini-faction. If this is the direction every expansion is going to take, a new faction for us to roll new characters in, I'm going to be pretty disappointed. I have enough characters as it is. I don't need to be adding on a couple more every year. How does Cryptic expect people to keep up with that?

I guess this is the monetization scheme of expansions. Get everyone to start new characters so they buy more inventory slots, more bank slots, more doff slots, more dry dock slots, more boff slots, new faction-themed ships, uniforms and everything else.
3 people liked this
Edited May 12 2016 by nicholasjohn16


Can I please be promoted?

May 12 2016
And to answer your question more directly so that you don't have to search the fleet rules, you get promoted to the full fleet member 14 days from your introduction post, which is 14 days from today. Sorry.
4 people liked this


Can I please be promoted?

May 12 2016
Welcome to the fleet, hope to see you in game soon!

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