[Announcing] Stonewall Credits
oppsie, my mistake.. corrected it now, thank you
ohh look, a new event has plopped up!
ohh look, a new event has plopped up!
revenge is a dish best served cold?
It is also said that revenge is sweet. That means revenge is ice cream. :P
revenge is a dish best served cold?
who gets the orders when they're submitted?
When you fill out the order form, it gets sent to me.
I then double check to see if you have enough SWCs to cover what you've ordered, then I ship the order out to you that day.. or arrange to meet up with you in game if its a big ticket item.
In some very RARE cases it *may* take 24 hours for me to send to you due to my RL commitments. .. but im on here nearly every day to do my other Resource department tasks.. and i have no life B)
Im also gonna place a £5 bet that they will prob have that ice cream cone planet killer ship, as the new lock box ship! LOL
FAR to many crazy alien lockbox ships out there it makes sence
who gets the orders when they're submitted?