


May 17 2016
It's fun, it released last week and I already have 79 hours played so I'm clearly enjoying it.


Coming to a Console near you!

May 16 2016
As long as I have the option to not use the annoying power wheel, I'm fine. If that's the only option though, I am not sure I'll be sticking with STO after this "improvement".

The existing UI has always had issues but with 40+ commands a power wheel is still not going to be enough to make it work properly.

Unknown Person

Coming to a Console near you!

May 16 2016
Free Stuffs is the Stuffs I like.
Gareth GXV3


Coming to a Console near you!

May 16 2016
**Freebie Alert**

If you are thinking of trying your hand at STO console, you get a free captains yacht (console edition) when you sign up to the Consoles news letter


3 people liked this

Unknown Person

[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 16 2016
Wow! I've always enjoyed the wonderful organisational skills of the Admirals, and its a pity that different time zones keep me from participating in the regular events. I'll try to participate in the forum events, now that I know of them.

I've previously benefited from a Gambling Device and a Timeship shuttle from participating in fleet events on the odd days that a coffee, black, or an earl grey, hot, has kept me up at night. Thank you!
Unknown Person liked this


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 16 2016
Quote by GXV3
Quote by tuvak
I got my AAA card in the mail the other day and it made me think about these SWC cards a little bit. Once it gets off the ground, has there been any thought to customizing the cards themselves for various milestones or achievements? Something like a 5 year member, 10 year member, or maybe track how many SWC credits a person earns and give them a cards with statuses like frequent flyer miles? How cool would it be to have a platinum elite card with a photo of Gareth smiling on the side?!?!? :-)

Cheers for the suggestions, they are really great ideas!!.. I feel its a fair bit ambitious and beyond my capability's to maintain something like this at the moment. Though all the things mentioned above are in place already. your profile gives you the date joined, on the left of your forum posts it gives you ribbons of achievements.
Your personal page is just a handy tool for your personal reference to keep track of how many credits you've accumulated.

Though if things do take off we can add bits like you mentioned, totally!


I JUST received your online order of:

"I would like an endless supply of photos of Gareth wearing nothing but a loin cloth while riding a brahma bull on a desert island trying to lasso the other admirals with a Mariachi band playing in the background during a full solar eclipse."

Sadly we dont have that Item in stock at this current time.

Would you like to pick another item from the store in place of it?

Thank you for using the SWC orderform, have a pleasant day

Couldn't have possibly come from me. I don't like Mariachi bands. :-)


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 16 2016
Wow! This is awesome and I'm very much interested. Imma have to start participating in some fleet events again, I think. :) Thanks for setting this up!!
Brian Klotz


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 16 2016
w00t! I'm in!

And, of course, amazing work Admirals! The credits site looks fantastic!
Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 16 2016 by DrTheopolis
Dek Ingraham


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 16 2016
This is awesome! Thank you to our wonderful admirals!


Joining into the fleet

May 16 2016
Welcome aboard! Glad to have you join the Fleet. :cheer:
Unknown Person liked this


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 16 2016
What a great idea. Thank you for coming up with this! B)


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 16 2016
There is however an ample supply of Gr_vity in a loin cloth available.....
Gareth GXV3


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 16 2016
Quote by tuvak
I got my AAA card in the mail the other day and it made me think about these SWC cards a little bit. Once it gets off the ground, has there been any thought to customizing the cards themselves for various milestones or achievements? Something like a 5 year member, 10 year member, or maybe track how many SWC credits a person earns and give them a cards with statuses like frequent flyer miles? How cool would it be to have a platinum elite card with a photo of Gareth smiling on the side?!?!? :-)

Cheers for the suggestions, they are really great ideas!!.. I feel its a fair bit ambitious and beyond my capability's to maintain something like this at the moment. Though all the things mentioned above are in place already. your profile gives you the date joined, on the left of your forum posts it gives you ribbons of achievements.
Your personal page is just a handy tool for your personal reference to keep track of how many credits you've accumulated.

Though if things do take off we can add bits like you mentioned, totally!


I JUST received your online order of:

"I would like an endless supply of photos of Gareth wearing nothing but a loin cloth while riding a brahma bull on a desert island trying to lasso the other admirals with a Mariachi band playing in the background during a full solar eclipse."

Sadly we dont have that Item in stock at this current time.

Would you like to pick another item from the store in place of it?

Thank you for using the SWC orderform, have a pleasant day
3 people liked this


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 15 2016
I got my AAA card in the mail the other day and it made me think about these SWC cards a little bit. Once it gets off the ground, has there been any thought to customizing the cards themselves for various milestones or achievements? Something like a 5 year member, 10 year member, or maybe track how many SWC credits a person earns and give them a cards with statuses like frequent flyer miles? How cool would it be to have a platinum elite card with a photo of Gareth smiling on the side?!?!? :-)
Gareth GXV3


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 15 2016
All Sent!! :cheer:


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 15 2016
raises hand

ill take one if you dont mind.


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 15 2016
ooooooooohhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, me too. I want, no... need one!
Shawn Birch


Joining into the fleet

May 15 2016
Welcome to Stonewall Fleet and the Stonewall Gaming Network!
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


Joining into the fleet

May 15 2016
Welcome to the fleet Tanatos!!

Soon as I get in game I will send you out an invite (if you haven't already received one)

Please dont worry about your English, Im sure you will be understood by all of the fleet. We have many Fleet members whos 1st language isnt english.

Please check out the following information which may provide useful!

Welcome Center

TeamSpeak Settings

Code of Conduct

Also, please check the information on Fleet Bank etiquette and watch the video tutorial on the rules to Bank donations. Those can be found here:
Bank Ettiquette
Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 15 2016 by GXV3
Ryan Thompson


Joining into the fleet

May 15 2016
Welcome to the fleet!
Unknown Person liked this