

[Processed] *Mrs. Doubtfire voice* He-LOOOOOOOOOO! (GW2)

May 22 2016
Hey folks. I'm Koll, and this is my introduction.

Well, actually, THAT was my introduction. This is now the first paragraph. I'm a long-time veteran of GW2, being around since very early beta. Well, kinda veteran. I took a long break sometime around when the Zephyrites were still in the sky, and I even told myself I wasn't going to play MMOs anymore because I wanted to have the time to catch up on my single-player games. Well, I did that, and now I'm back. The game's not as money-grubbing as I remember, which is good. I mean, the black lion scrap thing is still a joke, but at least there are many other options for cool-looking weapons that don't involve gambling with real-life money.

So, I'm back, and i want to casually get involved with grouping up with people, like dungeons and fractals. I'm mostly a loner, but I like to join in sometimes of group things, and when I do that, I like to be with people who are nice and like to talk about gay stuff, too.

Thanks for having me, and I look forward to seeing y'all in-game!
Unknown Person liked this
Edited June 01 2016 by nicholasjohn16


My novel EIGHT SECONDS....

May 22 2016
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: center in color
Has a release date of: (7PM) August 31, 2016

(This notification is in the PREORDER stage, apparently you can save 15% ordering the electronic version or paperback right now, versus full retail upon release.)​


Dustin Marston, wannabe professional bull rider, cannot stay on a bull for the required eight seconds. Conspicuously wearing riding gloves to hide his severely scarred hands and suffering from sinister flashes of suppressed memories from his childhood, Dusty has a panic attack during a hazardous sexual encounter that lands him in serious legal trouble.

When he proves to be uncooperative, his health counselor, Diana, turns to a colleague for assistance—only for the to learn that Joe was once the boy Dusty loved when they were kids, and who was lost to him twenty years ago. Then Joe proposes a highly unorthodox treatment to save Dusty, a treatment that wakes old nightmares and threatens any chance they have of a future.

*A portion of the proceeds to benefit, my favorite charity*
St Jude's Children's Research Hospital*

It goes without saying how many times I have found myself smiling since I became a Stonewall Vanguard Member. Upon a single purchase made by any Member, I am going to write the following on the Memo-Line of my quarterly contribution check.

Contributors: Stonewall Vanguard

And I will continue to write this on the Memo-line for the printing lifetime of Eight Seconds.

*Please post here if you have preordered/purchased this novel. Your money is going to a good cause, and I'm proud to be here. Never was there a finer group of people to call, "Friends." It's official as of this evening. 5 of the professional reviews written by my Beta-Readers will be included in the novel. I thought I would share with you what those reviews are.
Please take note of Review # 4

More Praise for Eight Seconds...

"The originality and suspense of EIGHT SECONDS is captivating, but when the gloves come off, and all is revealed, jaws will drop to the floor."

—FJ O'Neil, editor of four Thornton Wilder plays.

"Passionate and gripping… EIGHT SECONDS takes the reader on a riveting path of self-discovery as Dustin Marston, "the perfect picture of the perfect bull-riding cowboy," struggles to rid himself of emotional demons. Davrick truly nails a victim's rollercoaster of mental traumas, and describes the symptoms to a tee. A must read for anyone who has ever faced obstacles and challenges in life."

—Esther Niell, Victim Assistance Coordinator, Los Angeles City Attorney

"What a rare treat to come across a new writer, poised to make a significant mark! EIGHT SECONDS, William Davrick's compelling first novel, a complex psychological bull-ride, shoots out of the gate holding nothing back and never lets up."

—Paul Hayes, Director, One of Us Corporation

"EIGHT SECONDS tells the tale of innocent love parted in the pains of youth and brought together by fate in the pain of life. Of perseverance, of not giving up no matter how much those pains hurt. [A] captivating and emotional ride, twisting and thrilling which keeps you wondering just how it will end…"

—Callun Xue, Editor-in-Chief, The Stonewall Times, International Gaming

"The scenes, creative and filled with vivid imagery, build with good tempo. The transformation of the main character from beginning to end is truly genius!"

—Jose Rodriguez Ramos, Long Beach Unified, Teacher

I hope you enjoy this story!
~ Siafu

6 people liked this
Edited May 22 2016 by Siafu
CJ Record


Coming to a Console near you!

May 22 2016
Quote by Halish
I really hope a version of the new UI comes to the PC version as I really dislike the current and thought it needed to be re-built from the ground up when they changed it last time but instead we just got a re-skin.

From what I recall when it happened, they did change most of the under-the-hood code for the UI to add flexibility, and that expansion is what's causing the current UI to suck heavily. The re-skin was incidental.
CJ Record



May 22 2016
Something else to consider that, assuming Paradox follows their normal pattern from EUx and CK, is that they don't tend to abandon games and instead love the DLC expansions and constant balance tweaking.

Unknown Person

Hey there!

May 22 2016
Welcome to Stonewall

Unknown Person

TOS Temperal Agent bundle

May 22 2016
Quote by Voleron
I'm hoping that this will take me back to the likes of the Star Trek 25th anniversary PC game that I loved so dearly. I'd love to do a YouTube video of a play-through of both games side by side to see how far Star Trek PC gaming has come in the 25 years.

OMG I haven't thought about that thing in ages...you mean the old Interplay DOS-based one, right? The one that came on five 1.44MB diskettes? I actually still have that in my software archives. Physical things I will get rid of, but I am an incorrigible software and data hoarder.

Edited May 22 2016 by Unknown Person


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

May 22 2016
Hey there! I am going to answer your questions out of order.

So to explain the new system, you have to think outside the box of the standard "Science, Tactical, and Engineering" roles, since this tree has redefined them. For example, I have two science captains, one is offensive, tact focused, while the other is purely science, and both do amazing, it is all dependent on how I build my ship and play style around it.

That all said, utilitarian is for someone who needs a boosts from power levels, who likes to tank and survive, and most of their DPS comes from EPS and overcharging.


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

May 22 2016
Thanks to JJ Abrams and Justin Lin, Paramount dropped the lawsuit and the film can be moved forward!

Victory for the little guys!
Michael Raphael Berger


Hey there!

May 22 2016
Yeah, I've already seen it. I am looking forward to this event, however I discovered one of my dream ships in the STC-store. :kiss:


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 22 2016
The store website looks pretty cool, btw. Just wanted to comment on that and give a big shout-out to you guys. What a great idea and project for fleeties.



Hey there!

May 22 2016
Welcome and well met, its nice to meet you. You are in luck, our annual spring fling is next weekend, fleet activities galore!
Michael Raphael Berger


[Processed] Hey there!

May 22 2016
Hi fleeties!
I am Raphael, 32. I live and work as registered nurse and paramedic in Vienna, Austria. Vienna is a lovely city, probably you want to make a city trip there.
Due to my profession it is difficult to be ingame on a regular base, but I try.

I am not a big writer/my english isn't the best, however I am looking forward to attend some fleet events and meeting new people.

See you!
Edited June 01 2016 by nicholasjohn16


Hey hey!

May 22 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall group.
Zander Hawk


Re:Hey hey!

May 22 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us.  Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.  In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct.

If you have not done so, please make sure to post your GW2 ID within the following post (How do I get invited into Stonewall Vanguard) so that someone in Stonewall Vanguard can provide you with an in-game invite.

If you have questions about the Code of Conduct please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


Re:Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

May 22 2016
I meant to reply here yesterday. I saw the news that CBS wised up after much influence to dropping the case. I'm very happy.
Kiera Skylar


Re:Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

May 22 2016
Quote by medgirl1025

Any new news?

How about this? http://www.pcmag.com/news/344649/cbs-paramount-dropping-lawsuit-against-star-trek-fan-film

Unknown Person liked this


[Processed] Hey hey!

May 22 2016
Hey folks, Quas here. I'm 38 and live in Lexington, KY. I'm in the medical field and while I'm not working I spend my time with various forms of nerdery including gaming, listening to music, watching television, hanging out with my SO and dog, exercising, and generally doing anything that takes my mind off of work. I've been playing MMO's for quite a while now and love a casual and social gaming environment, though I do enjoy raiding and dungeons and other PVE activities. I'm currently returning to both SWTOR and GW2 after a hiatus to play Wildstar, which I still enjoy but the population is sadly dwindling. I'm excited to get to know you all and have some fun times in game.

GW2: Griztron.4761
SWTOR: Griztron
Unknown Person liked this
Edited June 01 2016 by nicholasjohn16
Kiera Skylar


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

May 22 2016
it is a better trailer, but, I still see too much focus on swooshing action and emotional spock and criticism of the ideals of Trek, I do not honestly expect it to feel properly Trek-y..

Still, neat that they get an old ship like an NX era design and use it after the jjprise and most of the crew are destroyed.

I wonder though, will it have them surviving, or sacrificing themselves and the ship to stop some big black control ship?
Bren Ohmsford


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

May 22 2016
Quote by Halish
Much better trailer ...

Was that an NX Class at the end? If so awesome!

I think that's the USS Franklin.

Joseph Leyland


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 21 2016
Hi Gareth