

Happy Taco Tuesday

May 28 2016
wait... you don't want to taco 'bout it?


Happy Taco Tuesday

May 28 2016
LOL!!!!!! Oh my that poor wife......


Broods - Free

May 28 2016
For those alternative music fans out there, not sure if you've heard this song but i'm definitely a fan (wait for the Chorus :) ) :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Music video kinda reminds me of a Criminal Minds episode.



EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 28 2016
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: center in b
Quote by Jacien
EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

In just a couple of weeks we'll be having our 4th annual Spring Swing event. Join us May 28th & 29th for fun fashion shows, Trivia, PVE queus and more! There'll be plenty of chances to win those Stonewall credits we've been talking about as well!! Be sure to RSVP for the event here!


Here's the schedule for this coming weekend's events:

All times are listed in PST

Saturday, April 28th

Opening Ceremonies - Defera 11:00 AM

Livestream: Tactical Ships: The Spring of DPS - 1:00 PM (Twitch)

Fleet Mark Runs - 4:00 PM

Spring Fashion Competition - Bajor 6:00 PM

Sunday, April 26th

Grand Melee Tournament 11:00 AM

Lost Admiral Event - Drozana Station 1:00 PM

Trek Trivia/Pub Quiz (Teamspeak accessibility required.) 3:00 PM

is it just me, or should those dates say "May" and not "April" ?


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 28 2016
I still ::heart eyes:: you Gareth.


EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 28 2016
Don't mind me... I'll just be over here... sharpening my Bat'leth.


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights Ep 2: The DPS Spring

May 28 2016
Hey all! I wanted to bump this post for those of you who may not have seen it. That said we will be reviewing pilot ships, why they were a gift from the gods in strictly a rollercoaster sense, and why they make you feel like you are sitting in the cockpit of an f-16 pew pewing your enemies to dust.

That and a fun topic... DPS!!!!!!

See you tomorrow!


Happy Taco Tuesday

May 28 2016


Welcome Back, Voleron!

May 28 2016
I do not think I have formally welcomed you back yet!

Sooooo..... WELCOME BACK to the only admiral that could not stay retired! :lol:
Unknown Person liked this



May 28 2016
Welcome to the fleet! :lol:


Hey there!

May 28 2016
Welcome to the fleet!


International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 28 2016
I cannot read these. Though I can tell you I love the letter and the handwriting. It is astonishingly beautiful.
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)



May 27 2016
Hi there!

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network! We're happy to have you join us and hope that you'll find Stonewall to be an amazing online home for your toon!

Be sure to join us here in the forums from time to time, as it's where we post events, share resources and chat outside of the games. Consider following Stonewall Gaming Network through your choice of social media, as it's where we advertise for our community events and how we keep our membership in the know on what's new and happening!

Welcome once again!

Tsar Agus


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights Ep 2: The DPS Spring

May 27 2016
So I know this is late notice, but I just got final confirmation that I can do a livestream tomorrow as part of the Spring Fling

Shooting Ships With the Shipwright
Episode 2: The DPS Spring

When: 5/28/2016 at 4 PM Eastern/8 PM UTC

Hosted by:

Topic 1 – Tactical Captains and Escort, Made for each other like George and Brad
Topic 2 – Pilot Ships: Zoom - Zoom - Kaboom!
Live Build – The Phantom

We have set up a new Twitch Channel where we'll be streaming from. it's now
www.twitch.tv/theshipwrights. So please update your subscriptions. And our videos will be posted to the Stonewall Fleet Youtube Channel.

If you need a refresher or if you missed our last livestream it can be found here:

There will be opportunities to earn Stonewall Credits during the livestream
3 people liked this



May 27 2016
awesome! thanks everyone.
Shawn Birch



May 27 2016
Welcome to SGN! I haven't played SWToR in quite a while but I enjoyed my Sith the most :)
Zander Hawk


Re:[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 27 2016
Quote by GXV3
NO!! you'll get a picture of me holding two kittens in cups.. and you'll darn gosh LIKE IT!! :angry:

Now shooo.. shooo!!, bleedin' Voleron fan club members are worse than Justin Beibers.

Ill get your details to you Cal & FcSendek ASAP over the weekend.. my monitors being a bit of a twit atm so i cant use my PC.

Yes! LOL, this totally made my day
Gareth GXV3


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 27 2016
NO!! you'll get a picture of me holding two kittens in cups.. and you'll darn gosh LIKE IT!! :angry:

Now shooo.. shooo!!, bleedin' Voleron fan club members are worse than Justin Beibers.

Ill get your details to you Cal & FcSendek ASAP over the weekend.. my monitors being a bit of a twit atm so i cant use my PC.
3 people liked this


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 26 2016
I would like to apply for this prestigious card please.

Can I personalise the card to get an image of our glorious Voleron too?
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