

[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 29 2016
LOL oh my.... kittens in cups.....
Zander Hawk


Re:any active players?

May 29 2016
Quote by Voleron
Quote by Khajjopanaka
I've been wondering around this site and I'm a little confused about some things. It appears to be a swtor guild site with the logo and a lot of the content on the homepage but STO and GW2 are subtly featured here too. And then a lot of you have tons of people on your friends lists that aren't guild members or even play swtor.

Hahaha what is going on here! Mind you i'm just curious. Why does it look like a swtor guild site instead of a gaymer community site and how'd ya'll connect with all these other people?

So, Stonewall has an official presence in three games: Star Trek Online, Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR. Together, the entire community forms the Stonewall Gaming Network. The website for each of these guilds is the same, but each game has its own portal to the website that has a different look that's themed to that game.

Star Trek Online (Stonewall Fleet):
Star Wars (Knights of Stonewall):
Guild Wars (Stonewall Vanguard):

Hope that clears things up! :D

Maybe someday we can create a main SGN lobby page with visible and selectable guilds.


Re:[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 29 2016
if i could like this post a hundred times myself, i would. x 100.
Unknown Person liked this


any active players?

May 29 2016
It is a multi gaming community, we have big presences in Star trek online and guild wars 2.


International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 29 2016
Awesome Khazaan, thank you so much! :cheer:

I didn't realize there was an "old German" until I started looking deeper into German history. I wasn't sure if what was on the postcards was old or new, good to know!

I checked the link to the address book (1872) The only town i see listed though is "Mansfelder" which I assume is the same as "Mansfeld"? No listing for my family name unfortunately. Good information though, I cant believe they have a PDF copy of an address book from 1872?!

I wondered what the "Stadt" portion of the stamp was, i thought it just meant town or city? I see they built a 3 part fountain in honor of Martin Luther. I was able to find the cities official website! I'm going to try the sites "Contact Us" form to see if anyone responds.

Thank you again for your help, GREATLY appreciated! :)
Dave (Voleron)


any active players?

May 29 2016
Quote by Khajjopanaka
I've been wondering around this site and I'm a little confused about some things. It appears to be a swtor guild site with the logo and a lot of the content on the homepage but STO and GW2 are subtly featured here too. And then a lot of you have tons of people on your friends lists that aren't guild members or even play swtor.

Hahaha what is going on here! Mind you i'm just curious. Why does it look like a swtor guild site instead of a gaymer community site and how'd ya'll connect with all these other people?

So, Stonewall has an official presence in three games: Star Trek Online, Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR. Together, the entire community forms the Stonewall Gaming Network. The website for each of these guilds is the same, but each game has its own portal to the website that has a different look that's themed to that game.

Star Trek Online (Stonewall Fleet):
Star Wars (Knights of Stonewall):
Guild Wars (Stonewall Vanguard):

Hope that clears things up! :D
Edited May 29 2016 by Voleron


any active players?

May 29 2016
I've been wandering around this site and I'm a little confused about some things. It appears to be a swtor guild site with the logo and a lot of the content on the homepage but STO and GW2 are subtly featured here too. And then a lot of you have tons of people on your friends lists that aren't guild members or even play swtor.

Hahaha what is going on here! Mind you i'm just curious. Why does it look like a swtor guild site instead of a gaymer community site and how'd ya'll connect with all these other people?
Edited May 29 2016 by Khajjopanaka


any active players?

May 29 2016
Quote by Halish
I play on the republic side but very very infrequently. I've been slowly playing the expansion story .. think i'm on like episode 5 or something.

pretty much me as well
Zander Hawk


Re:[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 29 2016
Quote by tuvak
Quote by GXV3
NO!! you'll get a picture of me holding two kittens in cups.. and you'll darn gosh LIKE IT!! :angry:

Now shooo.. shooo!!, bleedin' Voleron fan club members are worse than Justin Beibers.

Ill get your details to you Cal & FcSendek ASAP over the weekend.. my monitors being a bit of a twit atm so i cant use my PC.

if he gets kittens in cups, i want my loincloth shot. then we can have another special edition card for the voleron followers...maybe different pics of dave doing gardening while drinking homemade lemonade from a bedazzled cup on a hot summer day.

That'll be for the summer madness event live in Vegas LOL
Unknown Person liked this


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 29 2016
Quote by GXV3
NO!! you'll get a picture of me holding two kittens in cups.. and you'll darn gosh LIKE IT!! :angry:

Now shooo.. shooo!!, bleedin' Voleron fan club members are worse than Justin Beibers.

Ill get your details to you Cal & FcSendek ASAP over the weekend.. my monitors being a bit of a twit atm so i cant use my PC.

if he gets kittens in cups, i want my loincloth shot. then we can have another special edition card for the voleron followers...maybe different pics of dave doing gardening while drinking homemade lemonade from a bedazzled cup on a hot summer day.
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

any active players?

May 28 2016
I play on the republic side but very very infrequently. I've been slowly playing the expansion story .. think i'm on like episode 5 or something.
Unknown Person liked this


any active players?

May 28 2016
Oh that's good. My hope is that those individuals will introduce themselves here in this thread with character names and all
Edited May 28 2016 by Khajjopanaka

Unknown Person

any active players?

May 28 2016
Yes, we've got a small but dedicated group for both the Republic and Imperial guilds.


any active players?

May 28 2016
So, does anyone know anyone who is still actively playing swtor?
If there's any kind of action happening, even if it's just one person, I'd like to take advantage of the server transfer sale to move a character to Harbinger. It would just help to know which faction that said possible person(s) is playing on.

Also, I can easily be reached at my FB page to set up play dates =)

Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 28 2016 by Khajjopanaka
Jeff Breeze


Please Help out a Fellow Fleetie!

May 28 2016
Hey guys,

My name is Jeff and I have been a member of this fleet for several years, and I would like to invite you all to help me out. I was recently honored with the title of Mr Bear San Diego 2016, and am supporting two awesome charities this year: Special Delivery and the San Diego Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. This past year I helped raise close to $14,000 for charity. I want to match or exceed that this year, and I need all the help I can get!!!!!!! So if you want to do something good to help others in need no matter where you live,please go to and donate to help out our charities for the year. Its easy, secure (via PayPal) and best of all you get to help a fellow fleetie !!!!!! If you want to contact me in game, my account handle is solarbear1, and I have several toons you can hit up: Ult (my main toon-Fed), S'Laren (my KDF-Rom) and Vijak, my KDF toon. Thank you!

Jeff Breeze
Social/PR Chair, Bears SD
Mr Bear SD 2016

Unknown Person

My novel EIGHT SECONDS....

May 28 2016
I'm not much of a reader, if I'm honest (I don't think I've ever finished a novel in my entire adult life), but I've just pre-ordered to show my support and since some of the money goes to a good cause and your words about Stonewall Vanguard made me smile :)

Once it's released I'll definitely try and get it read .. my BF is a big reader so if nothing else I'm sure he'll read it :)

I think the version I ordered was the digital version? I'm not sure how I go about ordering a physical paper-back ... unless maybe I can't being from the UK?

Unknown Person liked this
Nicolas J. Artley


International Help (Specifically German) :)

May 28 2016
Oh, I just learned, that you are also into geneology - I am too! *hurray*

I will try to download the pic and zoom in. Unfortunately its the "Old" german handwriting from about 1850th ...

I will ask someone old in the village who still can read it and note it down.

(is there a function on this forum to mark threads so not to search for them?)

It will take me some times till I find one in the eldery home I guess, but will help.

Can read lots of it but not all!

Oh- and that Mansfeld (with town rights - thats why its "Mansfeld Stadt" on the stamp) directed me without a doubt to "Lutherstadt" - another name of that town because of Martin Luther - the church reformer - living there for a very long time. Its in Sachsen-Anhalt which were in 1910 seperate countries Herzogtum Sachsen-Altenburg and Herzogtum Sachsen-Anhalt-Gotha.

Maybe this "Adress book" might help you ...
Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 28 2016 by Khazaan
Nicolas J. Artley


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 28 2016
This sounds so much fun and work for Gareth "Mr.GXV3" ... I hope not to much work :whistle:


The Accolade Hunters Club

May 28 2016
Anything new in the club?
Maybe a little hunting event? :)
Lars Zandor


EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 28 2016
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: center in b
Quote by tuvak
Quote by Jacien
EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

In just a couple of weeks we'll be having our 4th annual Spring Swing event. Join us May 28th & 29th for fun fashion shows, Trivia, PVE queus and more! There'll be plenty of chances to win those Stonewall credits we've been talking about as well!! Be sure to RSVP for the event here!


Here's the schedule for this coming weekend's events:

All times are listed in PST

Saturday, April 28th

Opening Ceremonies - Defera 11:00 AM

Livestream: Tactical Ships: The Spring of DPS - 1:00 PM (Twitch)

Fleet Mark Runs - 4:00 PM

Spring Fashion Competition - Bajor 6:00 PM

Sunday, April 26th

Grand Melee Tournament 11:00 AM

Lost Admiral Event - Drozana Station 1:00 PM

Trek Trivia/Pub Quiz (Teamspeak accessibility required.) 3:00 PM

is it just me, or should those dates say "May" and not "April" ?

We're just following the ingame theme now :P
Edited May 28 2016 by Lars_Zandor