Dave (Voleron)


EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 30 2016
Quote by Mstfrancis
I take pride in bringing the honor of Melee Champion back to House Stonewall! Go Feds!

Grats! Any screenshots to share?


EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 30 2016
I take pride in bringing the honor of Melee Champion back to House Stonewall! Go Feds!
Unknown Person liked this


Returning back to the Fleet!

May 30 2016
Welcome Back!
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 30 2016
Great weekend!! thanks to The Morale dept for putting this on!!
Sorry i missed most of it, but had a lot of fun in the Trivia Quiz.

To the lucky winners of Stonewall credits, your Member cards will be updated in the next 24 hours just so you can keep track of your totals when you want! boop!
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Returning back to the Fleet!

May 30 2016
Hi there!

Welcome back to Stonewall Fleet and to the Stonewall Gaming Network as a whole! We're happy to have you re-join us and hope that you'll find Stonewall to be an amazing online home for your Captain! As Zander has already mentioned, refresher information for our new and returning members can be found in our Welcome Center.

We'd love for you to follow the Stonewall Gaming Network on social media through your choice of Facebook and/or Twitter, and invite your friends to follow us as well! We'd also like to invite you to join our community group on Steam, where you can team up with your Stonewall friends for even more gaming! Click the icons below for quick links to each.

Finally, be sure to interact with us here in our forums, as it's where we post about our community events, share resources and have an opportunity to interact with one another outside of the games.

Welcome once again and I'll see you around the galaxy!

Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 30 2016 by Voleron

Unknown Person

EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 30 2016
Quote by medgirl1025
Quote by SaintPlazma

I can't tell you... Temporal Prime Directive

One of my fave lines!
Unknown Person liked this


Returning back to the Fleet!

May 30 2016
Welcome Back! :woohoo:
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 30 2016
Quote by SaintPlazma

I can't tell you... Temporal Prime Directive

2 people liked this

Unknown Person

Returning back to the Fleet!

May 30 2016
Welcome back! If you need anything just ask
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Returning back to the Fleet!

May 30 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us. Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.

In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct, our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions, and Fleet Bank Rules.

If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!
Unknown Person liked this


[Processed] Returning back to the Fleet!

May 30 2016
Hello all!

So I am back to STO and look forward to playing with everyone again!!!
Edited June 01 2016 by nicholasjohn16
Dave (Voleron)


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 29 2016
I'm wondering if we'd be able to put the link in the nav bar at the top of the website, maybe?
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Welcome Back, Voleron!

May 29 2016
It's DAAAAAAAAVE! *Octopus Squeeeeze* Welcome back! :D
Unknown Person liked this


Welcome Back, Voleron!

May 29 2016
Finally a brand new face joining the Admiralty... Oh wait it's just Dave lol

CONGRATS on your grand return!! You'll do awesome :D
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 29 2016
As everyone else has said, this is a really cool membership perk. BUT...after surprisingly winning a credit at last night's costume contest I realized that finding the actual Fleet Credits site isn't very intuitive.

Sooner or later the fleet MOTD will change and once it does, the note to search the forums for this thread goes bye-bye. How about a permanent link directly to the Fleet Credits front page in the site's header navbar, and/or the Welcome Center (under Operational Information)?
Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 29 2016 by Unknown Person

Unknown Person

EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 29 2016
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: center in b
Quote by tuvak
Quote by Jacien
EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

In just a couple of weeks we'll be having our 4th annual Spring Swing event. Join us May 28th & 29th for fun fashion shows, Trivia, PVE queus and more! There'll be plenty of chances to win those Stonewall credits we've been talking about as well!! Be sure to RSVP for the event here!


Here's the schedule for this coming weekend's events:

All times are listed in PST

Saturday, April 28th

Opening Ceremonies - Defera 11:00 AM

Livestream: Tactical Ships: The Spring of DPS - 1:00 PM (Twitch)

Fleet Mark Runs - 4:00 PM

Spring Fashion Competition - Bajor 6:00 PM

Sunday, April 26th

Grand Melee Tournament 11:00 AM

Lost Admiral Event - Drozana Station 1:00 PM

Trek Trivia/Pub Quiz (Teamspeak accessibility required.) 3:00 PM

is it just me, or should those dates say "May" and not "April" ?

I can't tell you... Temporal Prime Directive
Unknown Person liked this


any active players?

May 29 2016
Quote by Voleron
Quote by Khajjopanaka
I've been wondering around this site and I'm a little confused about some things. It appears to be a swtor guild site with the logo and a lot of the content on the homepage but STO and GW2 are subtly featured here too. And then a lot of you have tons of people on your friends lists that aren't guild members or even play swtor.

Hahaha what is going on here! Mind you i'm just curious. Why does it look like a swtor guild site instead of a gaymer community site and how'd ya'll connect with all these other people?

So, Stonewall has an official presence in three games: Star Trek Online, Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR. Together, the entire community forms the Stonewall Gaming Network. The website for each of these guilds is the same, but each game has its own portal to the website that has a different look that's themed to that game.

Star Trek Online (Stonewall Fleet): http://fleet.stonewallgaming.net
Star Wars (Knights of Stonewall): http://knightsofstonewall.com
Guild Wars (Stonewall Vanguard): http://stonewallvanguard.com

Hope that clears things up! :D

Yes, and that's very interesting! So all these other people I'm seeing on all your friends list (some of you have quite a lot) are on these other portals?
Dave (Voleron)


EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 29 2016
Truly a fantastic springtime outfit. I saw it this morning at the opening ceremonies and knew a winner when I saw it! My Ferengi raincoat didn't stand a chance, even though it's tested and approved for monsoon season.
4 people liked this
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

May 29 2016
Spring Swing Fashion Show Contest!

1st Place Winner!


2nd Place Winner!

3rd Place Winner!


Screenshot of First Place Winner!


Screenshot of all Contestants!
8 people liked this
Edited May 29 2016 by Eurrsk


My novel EIGHT SECONDS....

May 29 2016
Quote by Halish
I'm not much of a reader, if I'm honest (I don't think I've ever finished a novel in my entire adult life), but I've just pre-ordered to show my support and since some of the money goes to a good cause and your words about Stonewall Vanguard made me smile :)

Once it's released I'll definitely try and get it read .. my BF is a big reader so if nothing else I'm sure he'll read it :)

I think the version I ordered was the digital version? I'm not sure how I go about ordering a physical paper-back ... unless maybe I can't being from the UK?


Heyya Hal,
Bless you for this honor and supporting the book for the kids. You're an Officer and a Gentleman. And I quite mean that in the figurative and literal sense of those words. /SALUTE

To your question, I had to email the publishing company for help answering that, as this is my first RODEO in publishing a novel and its release protocols I'm not familiar with yet. Here was the answer:

Hey William,
We don’t list the paperback available for order, or for pre-order, until we have actually created it. This makes sure that the price listed on the website is correct, and that we don’t offer any product we can’t immediately fill.

Once Eight Seconds is finalized – proofed, galley, etc. – then Megan will set up the paperback and it will be added to the site for purchase.

Also, he’s not mistaken in that being in the UK will adversely affect him. Unfortunately, we can only offer shipping to the U.S. for purchases through the Book Market, since shipping prices fluctuate so rapidly through our distributor. Thus, he’s got two options for that: he can buy through Amazon or B&N or another larger distributor, or he can contact us when he’s ready to make the purchase ( admin@lessthanthreepress.com ) and we can send him a custom invoice (with the 25% LT3 market discount and the current shipping rate, which actually isn’t too terrible for European customers as our distributor has a printer in Europe somewhere).

Well, at least we both leaned something today.
Hope your BF enjoys the story! And you too, if you decide to give it a go! :)
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Edited May 29 2016 by Siafu