Tsar Agus



June 01 2016
Play in NA before I got caught distracted by shines in Guild Wars.




June 01 2016
Playing in Europe and really loving it :D


Accolades - Complete Lists

June 01 2016
Was given this spreadsheet by someone on Reddit - this is a Current List of (FED) Accolades and lets you know if they have been retired or bugged etc.

I will add updates here with any changes (New accolades/retired etc)

If you spot any changes let me know...

Fed Accolade List (xlsx Format)
Edited June 01 2016 by nivagni

Unknown Person


June 01 2016
Has anybody tried Overwatch yet?

It's not normally my type of game, as I tend to suck at most pvp-arena games, but I've bought it and am currently downloading it. :)

Edit: If you want to add me my battle.net is Halish#2792. I also occasionally play Hearthstone and Diablo 3.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited June 01 2016 by Unknown Person

Unknown Person

[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

June 01 2016
So will there be punch and cookies(doughnuts, bacon bacon wrapped doughnuts) as wellas the points
Jay Eudy


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

June 01 2016
Got it thanks. I was looking in my email based on what you'd said above, not this website lol.
Unknown Person liked this

[Processed] Hello There From Indonesia

June 01 2016
Quote by fndfendy92
Hi all,

I am Fendy Tio from Indonesia,

I am new here just downloaded Guild Wars 2,

i found this guild randomly from google,

as i am a beginner, i really need a guild to guide me in game, i hope that you guy can really help to improve myself and to be a pro player in guild Wars 2

I hope that you can accept me in your guild


Stonewall Vanguard is a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and straight ally guild. We're always happy to welcome in new members into the fold. Let me know if you need any help or have any questions!
Shawn Birch


Hello There From Indonesia

June 01 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network :) You couldn't have picked a better guild to join.
Shawn Birch


Back in the game

June 01 2016
Welcome Back :)
Shawn Birch


New to Guild Wars 2! Jonny Charming.9810

June 01 2016
Welcome to SGN! I mainly Play STO and SWToR. I do dabble in GW2 every once in a while.
Gareth GXV3


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

June 01 2016
Quote by Six-of-Nine
I would love a link to my membership card, I got my first SWC at Spring Swing.

I sent you a mail (private message) on here yesterday along with a few others whom won credits.. you should have it. :)

Click the mail icon at the top of the right hand side.

if not I'll send it again


Back in the game

May 31 2016
Welcome Back! :woohoo:
Jay Eudy


[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

May 31 2016
I would love a link to my membership card, I got my first SWC at Spring Swing.


Hello There From Indonesia

May 31 2016
Welcome... if you need any help just shout..


Hello There From Indonesia

May 31 2016
Hello! I'm new here too but I play Star Wars lol

Fendy Tio


Hello There From Indonesia

May 31 2016
Thanks for the advise
Already posted on recruitment thread.
Hope can see you soon ingame
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Back in the game

May 31 2016

Welcome back to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us. A few things may have changed so, please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.

In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct, our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions, and Fleet Bank Rules.

If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!

Unknown Person

New to Guild Wars 2! Jonny Charming.9810

May 31 2016
Welcome to Stonewall
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Back in the game

May 31 2016
Welcome back


[Processed] Back in the game

May 31 2016
After a 4 year hiatus I am now back in the game.
Look forward to playing the game again and being part of the fleet again.
Edited June 01 2016 by nicholasjohn16