Gareth GXV3



June 10 2016
Be sure to visit planet Risa, at the summer resort, you can get a Free T6 ship right now!, as long as you do a race course each day to save up some tokens.

Here is more info on the free ship.

That can tide you by until you enjoy the game enough to buy ships.. or when there is a ship sale
Dave (Voleron)


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
Oh my God... what kind of wine are you Googling? I have it on good authority that these are the correct measurements!

Gareth GXV3


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
wine contains around 600 - 620 calories...

Walk 6 miles in 2 hours


Zumba for 2.5 hours


Cycling for 1.5 hours
Gareth GXV3


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
Quote by Voleron
How much exercise to work off half a bottle of wine?

Just Half tonight Dave?.. ohh well done!
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
How much exercise to work off half a bottle of wine?

Unknown Person

[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
Quote by GXV3

To burn off one plain M&M candy, a person would need to walk the entire length of a football field. [

Why do I really want M&M now?....
Nicolas J. Artley


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
Quote by Gravity
While i haven't been that well so havent been up and about very much this has helped push me to finally buy a fitbit as i had been planning to for a while.

Never say, that this fleet is producing fat, rainbow computer junkies ^_^

We need more "real live" stuff :p
Nicolas J. Artley


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
Khazaan that is awesome!!! Where did you get to meet her at?

She was an invited guest star to the annual German FedCon at Bonn.

Took also the chance to take an interview for my radio station / own show with Alice Kriege - the actress of the Borg Queen, too.

Fun times.
Edited June 10 2016 by Khazaan
Thurman @jestbess#5421



June 10 2016
Quote by Khazaan
Welcome to this fleet.

You will find out that people on here are very friendly, fun and always up for gaming or helping.

Third star to the right ...

"Second star to the right. And straight on 'til morning." Peter Pan and Star Trek
Unknown Person liked this
Shawn Birch


Hi Everybody!

June 10 2016
Welcome to Star Wars:The old Republic. I have been playing it quite a bit lately. Perhaps we will cross paths. You can usually find me on one of these Characters:
Ettaine - Republic
Thay'ne - Empire (this is my current fav)
Zander Hawk


Re:Hi Everybody!

June 10 2016

Welcome to the TOR! Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.  In addition, if you have not done so, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct.

If you have questions about the Code of Conduct please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!
Ada Douglass


Hi Everybody!

June 09 2016
Hi all!

My name's Ada. I'm a 32 year old transgender lesbian living in Los Angeles.

I've been a member of Stonewall Fleet in Star Trek Online for years, and I just started playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, so I figured I'd join Knights of Stonewall as well.

Looking forward to having a lot of fun with you all!
Unknown Person liked this



June 09 2016
Unknown Person liked this


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 09 2016
Oh my.... thats quite a walk for an M & M..... :O
Thurman @jestbess#5421



June 09 2016
Quote by GXV3
Quote by nycblkboy

BTW: What are the intelligence. pilot and command tiers?

CONGRATS that was fast!!
(I was the one from last night who went with you on a team Fleet alert)

the intelligence, pilot & command tiers are all boosters of a sort.
Each time you gain a level from level 50 onwards.. you will get a skill point to spend in them. (Or sometimes STO will give you skill point as freebies, in new missions or for Promotions sake)

You can choose a primary.. and a secondary skill tree.
Its best to focus putting all your skill points into one

Thanks. It's almost like the game doesn't really start till level 50. And I miss not getting a new free ship :( it looks like ill have to buy Zen to get a new/better ship
PS friend me in game. And the fleet attack was awsome. I would do it again
PSS. I just started the game a month ago. Leveling is easy
Gareth GXV3



June 09 2016
Quote by nycblkboy

BTW: What are the intelligence. pilot and command tiers?

CONGRATS that was fast!!
(I was the one from last night who went with you on a team Fleet alert)

the intelligence, pilot & command tiers are all boosters of a sort.
Each time you gain a level from level 50 onwards.. you will get a skill point to spend in them. (Or sometimes STO will give you skill point as freebies, in new missions or for Promotions sake)

You can choose a primary.. and a secondary skill tree.
Its best to focus putting all your skill points into one Tier at first.. for eg, I put all my points when i get them into Intelligence, as I think the boosts you get for it, works better for my Science guy.

Go through and read what each unlocked skill can do for you, it will work in the background, boosting some of your ability's.

The Shipwright Boys can explain things better than I can, and can advise you on what Skill tree suits your role best (tac, sci, eng)
Gareth GXV3


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 09 2016
The following tags have no closing tag: ul
Hello Stonewall Steppers!!

To all that are taking part, only 2 days left until your steps challenge is over at the end of day Friday.

To Give a boost to your step.. here are some fun walking facts!

  • The longest walk around the world was completed by a former neon-sign salesman, Jean Beliveau. He walked 46,600 miles around 64 countries. The trip took him 11 years.
  • The United States walks the least of any industrialized nation. The average Australian takes 9, 695 steps per day (just a few short of the ideal 10,000), the average Japanese takes 7,168; the average Swiss: 9,650; and the average American just 5,117.
  • Experts suggest walking 6,000 steps a day to improve health and 10,000 steps a day to lose weight.
  • It would take about 225 million years to walk one light-year at the pace of a 20-minute mile.
  • It would take, on average, 1 hour and 43 minutes of walking to burn off a 540-calorie Big Mac.
  • Researchers note that the human backbone was not designed to work in the vertical position of walking on two legs. That is why modern humans suffer from sore backs, slipped discs, arthritis, and more.
  • To burn off one plain M&M candy, a person would need to walk the entire length of a football field.
  • Walking is also known as ambulation. The term “walk” is from the Old English wealcan, or “to roll.”
  • If you were to walk non stop from the earth, to the moon it would take you 9 years (478 MILLION steps)
  • 2 people liked this

    Unknown Person

    Star Trek or Other Sci-Fi Puns/Jokes/Memes

    June 09 2016
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    Thurman @jestbess#5421



    June 09 2016
    Ok I'm finally level 50. It is going to take me awhile to fill out the sto academy profile though.

    BTW: What are the intelligence. pilot and command tiers?


    "Stonewall Adventures"

    June 09 2016
    so are they fighting over bacon?
    Unknown Person liked this