

Risian Summer Event Accolades

June 11 2016
Map of Risa with locations of Accolades

2 people liked this
Edited June 11 2016 by nivagni


Risian Summer Event Accolades

June 11 2016
The Risian Summer Event has lots of Accolades - so why not do them while waiting for an event to start.

The "Master Relaxer" accolade is required to purchase very rare Risian doffs.

Denied Mok'bara
A Klingon on Risa refused to teach you Mok'bara
Land on top of the eastern most land arch during the day and ask the Klingon Master to teach you the art
*Available for FED and RRF Fed ally Only*

Practitioner of Mok'bara
You practiced the art of Mok'bara with a Klingon on Risa
Land on top of the eastern most land arch during the day and ask the Klingon Master to teach you the art
*Available for KDF and RRF KDF ally Only*

Fireworks Observer
You watched a fireworks display on Risa
Watch the fireworks display at Nightfall during the Lohlunat Festival

You overheard an argument between a Trill and a Klingon on Risa
Wait at the vendors hut on the boardwalk until Nightfall and overhear a Klingon and Trill arguing

Walked The Boardwalk
You took a walk on the boardwalk on Risa.
From the transporter pad, walk toward the vendors hut on the right.

Risa Roofer
You took a little break by standing on the roof of the hotel on Risa.
Land on the roof of the hotel

Arc Flight Mastery
You flew under one of the natural arcs on Risa.
Fly under one of the land arcs to the north

Lightly Landed On A Lighthouse
You landed on the two lighthouses on Risa.
Land on top of two lighthouses (One to the north and one to the east of the hotel)

Why Are You Flying Over A Volcano?

You flew to the tip of The volcano on Risa.
Fly over the volcano tip (Hint: it's the tallest mountain peak)

Won't Look Down
You braved the swaying bridge in the paradise of Risa.
Fly over the swaying bridge and land in the middle section with the hut.

Unauthorized Beach Party
The sun is down, are you down... to party?
Locate the camp fire on the beach North East from hotel and join the 'Party!' during Nightfall.

The Big Year

Locate all of the Vista birds
Locate all Vista birds and 'Enjoy the view'.

Catch Me If Toucan
You played Pavyl's game on Risa
At Nightfall, find Pavyl at the first location

Ducks Of Hazzard
You followed the clue and found Pavyl on Risa.
At Nightfall, find Pavyl at the second location

Gorilla In Sixty Seconds
Pavyl can't stump you. You deciphered his clue and found him again on Risa.
At Nightfall, find Pavyl at the third location

The Frog And The Furious
You've beaten Pavyl at his own game and know the island as well as a Risian.
At Nightfall, find Pavyl at the fourth and final location

You've paid a visit to the dance floor on Risa and picked up a simple Samba routine.
Speak with the Dance Instructor.

Samba Master
Your mastery of "The Summer Dance" competition on Risa has taught you a few new Samba moves
Complete in the “Dance Party!” competition

Finish 20 races in Risa's competitive powerboard race, or take 1st place in the race.

Sand Castle Savant
Completed five sand castles on Risa during summer

Sand Castle Sequence
Completed two sand castles on Risa during summer

Sand Castle Set
Completed three sand castles on Risa during summer

Sand Castle Stalwart
Completed four sand castles on Risa during summer

Sand Castle Starter
Completed a sand castle on Risa during summer

Sand Castle Stylist
Completed sand castles with all different designs of keeps, walls, and towers on Risa during summer

In a Geological Sense...
Locate All of the Hidden Temporal Artifacts Scattered Around Risa.
Find all 20 Temporal Artifacts by completing “Sun, Sand, and Scavenging”

Master Relaxer
Earn all the accolades on during the Lohlunat Festival
5 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 11 2016
You must first upload your image to an image hosting site... i use

upload it.. and it will give you a link that you send me in a message.

you can use..
3 people liked this
Nicolas J. Artley


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 11 2016
Quote by GXV3
Remember to take a screen grab at the end of your day tonight, and send them into me on here in a private message

How do I add a picture to a private message? I don´t see that option. Only picture upload to my profiles album or to insert here publicly ...

Edited June 11 2016 by Khazaan
Nicolas J. Artley


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 11 2016
Quote by Voleron
How much exercise to work off half a bottle of wine?

If it`s a good wime, than you manage with about 100 calories per glass (0.25), cheap one with to much sugar added three times the calories ...

And working off 100 calories can be exhausting.

Good thing, our body burns about 1800 by itself, just by sitting or sleeping.

And if you had to much booze, you probably am sleeping ...
Unknown Person liked this



June 11 2016
Haha. Also that!
Tsar Agus



June 11 2016
Fine Tuning?! More like Laser Scalpel Precision tuning



June 11 2016
Don't let Aikune fool you. There are some people running full tetryon that are over 100k DPSing. I just takes fine tuning and some resources to make the build work.


Star Trek or Other Sci-Fi Puns/Jokes/Memes

June 11 2016
2 people liked this


Hi Everybody!

June 11 2016
Welcome to the fleet! :P


Hi Everybody!

June 11 2016
Welcome! :cheer:
Zander Hawk


Re:New to GW2

June 10 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us.  Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.  In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct.

If you have not done so, please make sure to post your GW2 ID within the following post (How do I get invited into Stonewall Vanguard) so that someone in Stonewall Vanguard can provide you with an in-game invite.

If you have questions about the Code of Conduct please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!
Gareth GXV3


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
Quote by Duriansol
Also, when you have an account with FitBit, you can log into the site directly and take a picture of the screen (if Gareth approves.)

Thats a great idea.. i didnt even think of using the website as a capture, cheers!!

Last day of the challenge!! remember to take a screen grab at the end of your day tonight, and send them into me on here in a private message.

Ill be announcing the winners on Monday, so hopefully Ill have all of your mails by then.



[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
Quote by Voleron
Oh my God... what kind of wine are you Googling? I have it on good authority that these are the correct measurements!


i learned from math class that the best thing to do is to round the nearest yeah...drink away. :-)
Unknown Person liked this


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
iPhone and most android phones have a native screenshot feature that is some combination of exterior buttons. Also, when you have an account with FitBit, you can log into the site directly and take a picture of the screen (if Gareth approves.)
Dave (Voleron)


New to GW2

June 10 2016
Hi Yushii!

Welcome to the Stonewall Vanguard and to the Stonewall Gaming Network as a whole! We're happy to have you join us and hope that you'll find Stonewall to be an amazing online home for your Captain! While I never played Sims Online, I do have my toon and several friends re-created in The Sims 4... really wish they came out with an MMO component/expansion to it that would let me play with my friends in my neighbourhood!

We'd love for you to follow the Stonewall Gaming Network on social media through your choice of Facebook and/or Twitter, and invite your friends to follow us as well! We'd also like to invite you to join our community group on Steam, where you can team up with your Stonewall friends for even more gaming! Click the icons below for quick links to each.

Finally, be sure to interact with us here in our forums, as it's where we post about our community events, share resources and have an opportunity to interact with one another outside of the games.

Welcome once again and I'll see you around the galaxy!

Unknown Person liked this
Yushii Martinez


[Processed]New to GW2

June 10 2016
You can call me Yushii. I'm new to this stonewall community as well as GW2. Interest I have are anything really artistic, crafty, and just fun. I cosplay while fixing to start setting up a booth at various cons with my other family members. We do mainly crafts like polymer clay figures/jewelry, crochet, cosplay props, and some other small stuff as we are new.

As of right now I play this now GW2, TESO, League, Heroes, and thinking about trying FFXIV out again but not for sure. I was also a fan of the Sims Online although a lot of people were not. "/
I played the first Guild Wars and it was pretty great. I love Fantasy settings and starting to get into RP.

This Guild seems quite large which sparks my interest and new for me since I usually only like small guilds.
I'm looking forward to anything I would just like company and advice as I go through the game.

GW2 @Yushii.3570
Edited June 25 2016 by Zander_Hawk

Unknown Person


June 10 2016
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
It's an escort YAY
that focuses on Tetryon...No comment

I don't know, I kind of want to try moving my full Nukara sets (+Web Wall Console) over to this thing from the Meshweaver and see what kind of tetryon-based mayhem it can dish out. :P
Gareth GXV3


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 10 2016
per Bottle mind,

Though I love that glass, Id serve it to the "ladies who do lunch" at my work place
Unknown Person liked this
Tsar Agus



June 10 2016
It's an escort YAY
that focuses on Tetryon...No comment