Unknown Person

Excited to be back to the fleet/council/vanguard what have you!

June 14 2016
Welcome to Stonewall
JohnPaul Cupertino


[Processed]Excited to be back to the fleet/council/vanguard what have you!

June 14 2016
Hey folks!

So I used to be a member of Stonewall Council (primarily) back in 2012, and really enjoyed the company and social interactions with everyone in the TOR until my computer decided to die. After I finally got a new laptop I played TOR here and there but it really felt like it wasn't as much fun without a subscription so I didn't bother to re-join the guild.

I was really into Star Trek Online around 2010, but didn't really get the connection that I enjoy out of the game's community, so I dabbled here and there but recently came back and found that the game is a lot more robust and seems to have a better community than it did in the past. (In game name Jaris@Vriess)

Guild Wars was a lot of fun for me, but again, finding a good group of players always seemed to be harder to do than it should have been. The local friends I used to play with no longer play, so I just wander around getting killed by pocket raptors again and again. In-Game name (Jaris Pinkerton - Jaris.6973)

As for me personally I just enjoy spending my time with friendly people, and really want to chat as I play. Helping others is how I enjoy playing games, and I usually play support roles such as engineer in GW2, Science Captain in STO, Shaman in WoW etc.

Most of my days are spent around games in some fashion. When not playing video/PC games I run events at a local game store here in Wisconsin for a living, such as Pokemon TCG, Magic, other games like that.

Other than that I spend my time working on my gremlins website (Gremlins.wordpress.com) or trying out new games when I can.

Anyway I am looking forward to re-learning Star Trek Online after so many years away, and hopefully being able to contribute to the fleet in a useful manner.

Any questions, please feel free to ask!
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Edited June 25 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Tsar Agus


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
Instinct just did a write up on my friends that died.


Atleast I only have to dry clean one suit... #inappropriateaikuneisalwaysinappropriate
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Kiera Skylar



June 14 2016
...I have no words to say that can help.
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This is not enough, but, this has affected me, even as much of a shut in and desert rat I am, even being white, instead of latino decent, I am still affected, and I want to feel like we will all have a future where we can freely love, rather than fear for our lives because of our simply being ABLE to love.

Sorry for butting in, I know my opinion is not worth much, but... I have to say it somewhere.
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Edited June 14 2016 by LoonShy
Kiera Skylar


WildStar Online

June 14 2016
Just went live on steam, and is now ftp, so, I am gonna try it out, anyone else out there?

Unknown Person

A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
What with all of the "moments of silence," I can't help but remember the old ACT UP slogan.

Silence = Death.

It was right then, and it's right now. By all means hold on to that anger. Channel it. Well-behaved, housebroken queers are not what is needed right now.
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New STO members FFXIV Free Company Formed!

June 14 2016
Just started getting back into FF XIV. Is the Free Company still active? I'd make a new character for Gilgamesh
Jamie O'Connell


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
I'm not OK...Being stupid saved the next generation from the AIDS decimation of the 80's and 90's. Maybe Being Stupid will get the job done now. The Civil Rights Movement had MLK and Malcom X. The Gay Community never had a Malcom X or Black Panther figure to give force behind the worlds of HRC, GLAAD or other LGBT Leaders.

I'm with you 100%. My regards for your losses.
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Edited June 14 2016 by medgirl1025
Jamie O'Connell


Re:Happy Taco Tuesday

June 14 2016
Someone once dreamed of taco tuesday too. Ref: Lego Movie

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Tsar Agus


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
Here some one else that needs the help

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Tsar Agus


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
And I just found a good friend of mine lost his son in the shooting. Those are the people that need your help right now.
Tsar Agus


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
Not to sound glib but I don't want your support, because I don't need it, I'm still going, there's others out there that can't stand on their own right now. Seek them out and help them.
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Zander Hawk


Re:A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
I'm so sorry for your loss Aikune, I'm here if you want to chat.
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[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 14 2016
Yes, awesome Gareth! Thank you :cheer:
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Lars Zandor


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
Holy shit, Aikune. I'm so sorry that you lost your friends and almost your own life too. Let that inferno rage, because that really is what's needed to stop this shit from happening again.
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Jamie O'Connell



June 14 2016
For all,

Do not let ourselves forget who we are or where we came from. Nor shall we forget all we have accomplished and that together we remain united and strong. Evil will always work to create fear, confusion, and distrust among ourselves and others. To divide and conquer is the way of evil because it hates us and even more it hates what we are... human beings.

This is why we come together not only to mourn our fallen, but to celebrate and stand tall. We show evil that we will not be succumbed or silenced. That when the dust settles we will always be and that we are not going anywhere. My deepest respects and sympathies to any and all affected by this event. Continue to show your PRIDE! At the end, I add my own song which I created to commemorate the dead in true Klingon fashion (Translated into English of course).

Below is a speech by General Chang, a character in the Star Trek universe, while instructing at the Klingon Academy. In it he discusses the Heart of Virtue, or teek googk, a weapon said to be favoured by Kahless the Unforgettable. I find this speech holds commonality to our own struggle in the LGBTQ community.

"Kahless used it as a symbol of his house, then of the Empire. Many say it has an unequal balance, but this is inaccurate each blade represents the three virtues of the true warrior.

Duty is the first. It is the beginning and the end of the warrior's path. Without duty a warrior becomes a slave of aimless glory and reckless self-interest. Polish this blade; sharpen it until there is nothing it cannot pierce.

The longest blade is that of Honour. It is the most difficult to master. Honour is my life, there in I will live and there in I will die. Truth, courage and forthrightness; Honour encompasses all, yet is more. The fire that illuminates the difference between an armed savage and the true warrior, and the light that will guide along the warrior's path.

All true warriors travel the same river of blood, as one is disgraced, all are disgraced, and as one finds his dept in glory, so do we all find glory. A warrior would not allow another to suffer unjust disgrace or begrudge him the fruits of a well-earned victory. That is why the final blade signifies Loyalty, as we are all bound by the common journey.

Know this and master all the heart of virtue, ignore it and ultimately fail yourself and fail your comrades."

"The Heart Within"

Sons and Daughters
The blood of battle washes clean
From many victories and glory earned
Through the night we sang and drank
Our songs so loud we made the Great Halls quake
We are warriors brave and true
Our lives burn short and bright

In shadow, a foulness entered our home
As a coward striking at our back
The blood was ankle deep
And our halls grew silent

Then a voice cried out
They will kill me, but they will not defeat me
The Klingon heart beats within us all
We die with honour and join the Black Fleet
Then another voice cries out to Sto-Vo-Kor
Beware, a Klingon warrior is about to arrive!

United by the bonding
Our fires burn brightly streaking the heavens
The battle has begun
Our Klingon hearts fused
We know fear no more

We are warriors brave and true
We travel the river of blood
Nothing can stop our blade
We raise our sword
And slew the evil dead!


~ General Ja'xme (Medgirl)
Daughter to the Great House of Nagh'reD (Stonewall)
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Ted Hembach


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
Our deepest sorry for you and your loss. Thank you for speaking out. We understand your feeling and your attitude. This was clearly a hate crime, against gays, queers, humans, humanity. It was and is and will never be right. If we can support you pls let us know.
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Shawn Birch


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 13 2016
I am so sorry that you lost your friends to this horror. It is insane that people would argue that this is not a hate crime when clearly it is both fueled by hatred of a community and terrorism. Downplaying the hate crime that was committed is part of an agenda of all those American's that are anything but American. Even our President didn't leave out the hate crime in his speech yesterday.

Something evil is in the air and to be honest I am not convinced it's coming from other countries. It's right here at home.

Stay Safe!
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June 13 2016
So sad, people out to have a good time ends like this. so many lives and families ruined.... stay strong Orlando.

Anyone in the UK see this clip from Sky News - the presenters just have not got a clue... it was a homophobic attack by a terrorist but they simply wont acknowledge that.. Well Done Owen Jones..


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Tsar Agus


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 13 2016
I'm not OK. I was being a slut at the time of the shooting but an hour before that I was at Pulse. My friends who just got engaged earlier and were celebrating are both dead. There's an inferno in me right now that I'm letting burn because it's all thats keeping me going right now. My hate and rage is addicting and I don't care if I become an addict. The refusal for people to admit this was a hate crime targeting the LGBT community is infuriating. It was ME they were shooting at and it was MY FRIENDS that died. I am not going to play nice any more. This faggot has a gun and this faggot is damn sick and tired of being told to stay calm so you don't do anything stupid. Sometimes being stupid get the job done. Being stupid saved the next generation from the AIDS decimation of the 80's and 90's. Maybe Being Stupid will get the job done now. The Civil Rights Movement had MLK and Malcom X. The Gay Community never had a Malcom X or Black Panther figure to give force behind the worlds of HRC, GLAAD or other LGBT Leaders.
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