

Excited to be back to the fleet/council/vanguard what have you!

June 16 2016
Welcome Back! :)
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Hello from SignalToNoise :)

June 16 2016
Welcome! :woohoo:
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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 15 2016
Ban the AR-15 from Civilian Ownership

If you guys can, sign this. :)
5 people liked this

Unknown Person

[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 15 2016
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
I think Jacien had an unfair advantage...he was at LA pride, like I commanded. You'd have 68K steps too if you were chasing pretty boys all day

Point of order: I was at LA Pride this last Sunday, the competition was Monday to Friday. ;)



June 15 2016
I just wanted to say that even though I don't know many of you all that well, that I love each and every one of you and am grateful for the experiences we are able to share in this community. Thank you all for being part of my life.
10 people liked this
Tsar Agus


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 15 2016
I think Jacien had an unfair advantage...he was at LA pride, like I commanded. You'd have 68K steps too if you were chasing pretty boys all day
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 15 2016
The following tags have no closing tag: center, quote
I was lined up to be a sure winner for this event, but the power went out :(

OL!! dont give anyone ideas just in case we do the challenge again
Jamie O'Connell


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 15 2016
Congrats winners!
Jamie O'Connell


Excited to be back to the fleet/council/vanguard what have you!

June 15 2016
Hi there, welcome back!
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Dave (Voleron)


[SW.CREDITS EVENT] The Fitbit Challenge

June 15 2016
I was lined up to be a sure winner for this event, but the power went out :(

Unknown Person liked this
Edited June 15 2016 by Voleron
Shawn Birch


Excited to be back to the fleet/council/vanguard what have you!

June 15 2016
Welcome back! I play SWToR, STO and once in a while GW2. See you around the Galaxies sometime :)
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Shawn Birch


Hello from SignalToNoise :)

June 15 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network!
Unknown Person liked this


Excited to be back to the fleet/council/vanguard what have you!

June 15 2016
Welcome back... Have Fun
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Excited to be back to the fleet/council/vanguard what have you!

June 15 2016
Hi Jaris!

Welcome back to the Stonewall Gaming Network! We're happy to have you re-join us and hope that you'll find Stonewall to be the amazing online home for your Captain that you've been looking for! Information for our new and returning members can be found in our Welcome Center.

If it's community you like in a game, be sure to join us on June 25th and 26th for our seventh annual pride weekend, as well as on July 9th, for our annual Bash at the Beach event! We have a good showing for both of these amazing yearly events and will be a great opportunity to get to know everyone again!

We'd love for you to follow the Stonewall Gaming Network on social media through your choice of Facebook and/or Twitter, and invite your friends to follow us as well! We'd also like to invite you to join our community group on Steam, where you can team up with your Stonewall friends for even more gaming! Click the icons below for quick links to each.

Finally, be sure to interact with us here in our forums, as it's where we post about our community events, share resources and have an opportunity to interact with one another outside of the games.

Welcome once again and I'll see you around the galaxy!

Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Hello from SignalToNoise :)

June 15 2016
Hi there!

Welcome to the Stonewall Vanguard and to the Stonewall Gaming Network as a whole! We're happy to have you join us and hope that you'll find Stonewall to be an amazing online home for your toon!

We'd love for you to follow the Stonewall Gaming Network on social media through your choice of Facebook and/or Twitter, and invite your friends to follow us as well! We'd also like to invite you to join our community group on Steam, where you can team up with your Stonewall friends for even more gaming! Click the icons below for quick links to each.

Finally, be sure to interact with us here in our forums, as it's where we post about our community events, share resources and have an opportunity to interact with one another outside of the games.

Welcome once again and I'll see you around!

Zander Hawk


Re:Hello from SignalToNoise :)

June 15 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us.  Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.  In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct.

If you have not done so, please make sure to post your GW2 ID within the following post (How do I get invited into Stonewall Vanguard) so that someone in Stonewall Vanguard can provide you with an in-game invite.

If you have questions about the Code of Conduct please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!


[Processed]Hello from SignalToNoise :)

June 14 2016
Hello there. I'm not exactly new to GW2 and I am a member of another guild too, hope it's okay.
I'm a 21yo student who starts playing games right when it's time for exams :D Now I'm playing GW2 and BnS (EU).
I'd love to join the guild, where noone would have expectations that I can't fulfill. I enjoy PvE the most, and though I completed the Tyria map, I'm looking forward to exploring anything else that is left in PvE field.
Thank you for your attention :)
Edited June 25 2016 by Zander_Hawk


Excited to be back to the fleet/council/vanguard what have you!

June 14 2016
Welcome back :)
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Excited to be back to the fleet/council/vanguard what have you!

June 14 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us.  Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.

In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct, our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions, and Fleet Bank Rules.

If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!
Unknown Person liked this
Steven Skeffington


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 14 2016
I still haven't processed any of this. I don't think i will for awhile. I have a close friend who lives in downtown Orlando who i've been talking to constantly, she's been sending me pictures of the vigils being held in town. I used to live there's surreal to say the least.

Eradicating the bullshit ideologies of the world that influence people to do harm to one another is what has to happen. Period. I don't give a fuck about being politically correct about it anymore. This nonsense just has to stop. There is absolutely no rebuttal about 2nd amendment rights or "religious freedom" that can provide any excuse. To echo the President, we have seen this too many times. This time, we were targeted...targeted by a brainwashed, closeted gay man. Nevermind that the dude was already on an FBI watch list and was still able to legally buy a weapon.

I don't know what the answer is, but doing nothing sure as hell ain't it. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one, and you have to be blind as an American to not see that we have a big fucking problem here.

Aikune, my deepest condolences. I share in your rage. It's a raw feeling that I won't shake for some time either.
5 people liked this
Edited June 14 2016 by Rasilek