Lars Zandor


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 18 2016
Quote by Thval
Quote by Eurrsk
Ban the AR-15 from Civilian Ownership

If you guys can, sign this. :)

For any Europeans who obv can't sign, I'd suggest contacting your MEP about the post-Paris gun control law currently going through the European Parliament. There is a lot of opposition from the hunting lobby that could derail it but hopefully it will outlaw automatic and semi-automatic weapons as well as tighten tracking and decomissioning.

Depressingly, it seems the assassination of our MP yesterday was by a "homemade" gun. This both is a disturbing problem and an argument for the gun lobby to use along the "it won't work" lines.

I'm living in the Netherlands and was able to sign it.


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 17 2016
Quote by Eurrsk
Ban the AR-15 from Civilian Ownership

If you guys can, sign this. :)

For any Europeans who obv can't sign, I'd suggest contacting your MEP about the post-Paris gun control law currently going through the European Parliament. There is a lot of opposition from the hunting lobby that could derail it but hopefully it will outlaw automatic and semi-automatic weapons as well as tighten tracking and decomissioning.

Depressingly, it seems the assassination of our MP yesterday was by a "homemade" gun. This both is a disturbing problem and an argument for the gun lobby to use along the "it won't work" lines.
2 people liked this


back to the game

June 17 2016
Hello and welcome back to STO. :)



June 17 2016
Greetings and welcome to Stonewall Fleet! B)
Ted Hembach



June 17 2016
Thval, you are totally right. I couldn't had said it better. I'm still shocked about the responses, the left-outs in the media and news, and the general ignorance. Here in germany its most of the time a "nightclub", nothing more. You were also right about my mother, she uses comments like the one you citated quite often in the last time. The one from her that shocked me most was her calling the raping of me done by my own cousin in my childhood being a "seduction".

I don't like the feeling of being sad and angry at the same time. My life is full of catastrophies, and it is getting worse. As long as I am alive I keep on fighting as I always do, no matter what will happen. Am I afraid or anxious? Yes for sure. Does that cut me down in any way? Definitely no.

Also I conclude with your thoughts about equality. And yes, our laws are fundamental. We have no real equality concerning race, gender, sex, age, heritage, origin or even wealth. There has much to be done by us all, to change our society into a one that is able to thrive without harming anything or being. At least there are jobs pending, orders we have to fullfill if we want to save our planet, for example. Jobs that could only be done if we do it all. Honestly, I have no hope for that, but hey, what else should I do?

Right now I am still a little catatonic. But the thoughts are wild. I renamed one of my ships. I was so touched by one of the destinies I was confronted with while understanding what has happened. The first male gay couple that was married in germany were employees in my company. I was witness of the whole planning and marriage, it was a historical moment, not only for me. I had to rename my beloved Vulcan Science Cruiser which had the name "Ko-ka-ashausu" (vulcan for lesbian). It now bears the name "GuerreroLeinonen", in rememberance of the two friends of Aikune who could't even enjoy their marriage.

My love has other ways to cope: all our toons now have rainbow coloured costumes. I love the idea of showing colour as sign of pride. If you have a uniform slot left please join this parade. Lets form the biggest rainbow the galaxy has encounterd so far! Love to you all and glad you are you and you are here.


back to the game

June 17 2016
Welcome to the fleet, hope to see you in game soon!

Please check out the following information which may provide useful!

Welcome Center

TeamSpeak Settings

Code of Conduct

and in case you are wondering who can assist you with fleet invites, or wanting any advice and guidance the leadership are always here to assist.

Fleet Departments

Also, please check the information on Fleet Bank etiquette and watch the video tutorial on the rules to Bank donations. Those can be found here:
Bank Ettiquette



June 17 2016
Welcome to the fleet, hope to see you in game soon!

Please check out the following information which may provide useful!

Welcome Center

TeamSpeak Settings

Code of Conduct

and in case you are wondering who can assist you with fleet invites, or wanting any advice and guidance the leadership are always here to assist.

Fleet Departments

Also, please check the information on Fleet Bank etiquette and watch the video tutorial on the rules to Bank donations. Those can be found here:
Bank Ettiquette

Unknown Person

A small venting regarding Orlando

June 17 2016
Quote by Eurrsk
Ban the AR-15 from Civilian Ownership

If you guys can, sign this. :)

A friend ofa friend started this, thank you for sharing it.



June 17 2016
For the past few months I sort of drifted from the community. I didn't go to last year's pride for no real reason. I suppose I always felt slightly apart as, as a bisexual man, I had more biphobia from the gay community than homophobia from straights (though that is in part due to the "invisibility" of it) and I always felt somewhat on the sidelines - despite volunteering for LGBT charities for most of my life.

I've never been taken aback by the news like what happened with Orlando. It wasn't just the initial shock, but what happened after. The denial and the half-statements from the people and leaders who stoked this hatred to begin with. They demonise and attack us through words and laws then give hollow condemnation of those who act on their oratory. Journalists trying to skirt the fact that this is a homophobic attack that is simply the logical extension of the regular bullying, harassment, beating and murder of us that happens every day, egged on by ignorant, populist and xenophobic talk of the very people who stood up and used this to point the finger of blame at a religion or make out this is a fringe lunatic. No. It is all connected. It is connected to you. The journalist, the politician, the wanker in the pub who shouts faggot at the tv when someone slightly camp is on. Even my mother who complains about how "not ever character has to be gay" when she sees a gay person on tv once in a blue moon - despite the fact I'm sitting right there. Bless her, she's rural.

And then came the fact it was, in a manner, one of our own. Should have guessed. How many of the great homophobes of history have been our own, corrupted by a society into hating themselves so they lash out at the rest of us. That is what I find most horrific about the society we're in. It doesn't even have to attack us directly. It just points our own against us and wait for the blood to flow. Which they don't want anywhere near them of course because we're dirty.

Some people think that marriage is the last step to equality. No. Laws are the first step. We have a cultural war to wage to society at large and to our own sisters and brothers brainwashed by hatred. If you ever think we don't need pride anymore because we're "equal", think back to Orlando. We have to lead by our rather fabulous example and raise the flag high. Because the last few years, and history as a whole, have shown we can't take our freedom for granted. The world is getting more dangerous, but we are here to stay.

Sorry for the rant... thanks to everyone who keeps the flag flying while some of us doubt.
2 people liked this
Tsar Agus


Pride March Tyria - June 26th - 5PM PST

June 16 2016
This is awesome this will be on the end of day 2 after Cards Against Humanity!
Whittier Strong


Pride March Tyria - June 26th - 5PM PST

June 16 2016
I'll be in the middle of three-dimensional real-life Pride at that point, but good to know about other LGBTQ guilds!
Shawn Birch


back to the game

June 16 2016
Welcome Back!!! :)

Unknown Person

back to the game

June 16 2016
Welcome back!


back to the game

June 16 2016
Welcome back, my friend!!!
Dennis Hsieh


[Processed]back to the game

June 16 2016
Hi guys!
was in stonewall when the game was still in beta, stopped playing, now back into the game, hope to join you guys again!

Jason@perico is my character in the game
Edited June 25 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Shawn Birch



June 16 2016
Welcome to the SGN Forums! We are glad you are here. I play STO, SWTOR and GW2. Looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming Pride Weekend Event!
Dave (Voleron)



June 16 2016
Hi Steve!

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network! We're happy to have you join us and hope that you'll find Stonewall to be the amazing online home for your Captain that you've been looking for! Information for our new and returning members can be found in our Welcome Center.

Glad to hear that you're interested in coming out to our community events! Be sure to join us on June 25th and 26th for our seventh annual pride weekend, as well as on July 9th, for our annual Bash at the Beach event! We have a good showing for both of these amazing yearly events and will be a great opportunity to get to know everyone again!

We'd love for you to follow the Stonewall Gaming Network on social media through your choice of Facebook and/or Twitter, and invite your friends to follow us as well! We'd also like to invite you to join our community group on Steam, where you can team up with your Stonewall friends for even more gaming! Click the icons below for quick links to each.

Finally, be sure to interact with us here in our forums, as it's where we post about our community events, share resources and have an opportunity to interact with one another outside of the games.

Welcome once again and I'll see you around the galaxy!

Unknown Person


June 16 2016
Welcome to Stonewall
Gareth GXV3



June 16 2016
Welcome once again Steve!!!

Im exactly the same with using this STO to unwind after work.. and with wanting to try every new ship.. its an expensive hobby :P

Really glad you've joined up, Ive made a ton of friends here.. and so will you!

keep coming back to this site to join in on the forums and see when the next fleet event will be!

if you need anything just hit me up :)
Steve Sobkowski



June 16 2016
Hi Stonewall Trekkies:

Just making my introductory post. I have been playing STO for years but pretty much just missions and PNP and keeping to myself and my addictions to trying new ships out. :). Going to try and be more of a social player going forward and participate in the fleet events more often and hopefully make some new friends in the process. I am from South Florida and work a lot and use STO to unwind when I can. :) Go Janeway!!!

Edited June 25 2016 by Zander_Hawk