

Hello there...

June 19 2016
And here is Miranda herself, zie loveliest Admiral I have ever known.

Unknown Person

New Indicator

June 19 2016


New Indicator

June 19 2016
I just look for the little green (2 new), i didnt know there was a "Recent Topics" tab, good to know :)


R.I.P. Anton Yelchin

June 19 2016
so sad.
Shawn Birch


R.I.P. Anton Yelchin

June 19 2016
OMG how awful! :(


Hello there...

June 19 2016
Well, hello Sweetie
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk



June 19 2016
Hello lyvia,

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us. Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology. In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct.

If you have not done so, please make sure to post your GW2 ID within the following post (How do I get invited into Stonewall Vanguard) so that someone in Stonewall Vanguard can provide you with an in-game invite.

If you have questions about the Code of Conduct please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!

Unknown Person

New Indicator

June 19 2016
I always just click "recent topics."


Re:New Indicator

June 19 2016
I use tapatalk to browse forums and when I go to unread only shows me 20ish newest unread and have to sort through the forums for any others that I havent seen yet...(like this one ) whenever I have time

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Re:Welcome Back, Voleron!

June 19 2016
Lol knew retirement wouldn't last long for you! (What's this your third, fourth time back?) :p

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk


Re:A small venting regarding Orlando

June 19 2016
From the abbey of the brew city sisters of perpetual indulgence keep pulse on your heart and love...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
Shawn Birch



June 19 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network! I Play SWTOR, STO and once in a blue moon GW2. You picked a great group of people to game with.

PS - You can go Here to add your handle for invite to GW2

PPS - You may also be interested in this: Tyria Pride March
Edited June 19 2016 by Parker



June 19 2016
hello there!

I'm Lyv and i'm a returning player to GW2 so i'm pretty much rusty and trying to figure out how i managed to level a toon back then. I've played other mmos from warhammer to rift to SWTOR to the elder scrolls online. I was looking for a LGBT guild and stonewall popped up from search for crystal desert. Or so i hope i researched right or wow i would need a rock to hide in. I do pretty much anything the game offers from PVE to PVP to raids.

My GW2 ID is Lyvia.4825 and i hope to run into some of you eventually!
Unknown Person liked this
Edited June 25 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Kiera Skylar


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 19 2016
Quote by Khazaan
Quote by NicholasJohn16

It has been amazingly wonderful reading about how police across the country and even the world have stepped up patrols and increased forces to protect pride marches and events.

Are you so sure about that? Last year even the police attacked the pride parade in Istanbul (Turkey) and Russian Pride is even unlawful ...

I bet 1.000.000 EC, that it will happen in 2016 again. If I loose, the fleet gets the EC.



Thank you, because in my experience, it is the cops that start shooting first more often than a random ex-gay or similar, the real source of the problem is religions and anti gay thought processes, not the gun alone, though guns should be far less easily gotten because of their dangerous nature.

I personally am in favor of the pink psitols becoming the military arm of the lgbt community, and protecting lgbt folks from anyone, not relying on local police and hoping you don't get a homophobic cop that will find any way he can to throw gays in jail or under the proverbial bus, we need an army of our own to make things change in our favor, not just a simple movement for rights.
Nicolas J. Artley


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 19 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16

It has been amazingly wonderful reading about how police across the country and even the world have stepped up patrols and increased forces to protect pride marches and events.

Are you so sure about that? Last year even the police attacked the pride parade in Istanbul (Turkey) and Russian Pride is even unlawful ...

I bet 1.000.000 EC, that it will happen in 2016 again. If I loose, the fleet gets the EC.


2 people liked this
Edited June 19 2016 by Khazaan


Hello there...

June 19 2016
Thank you all for warm welcome - also, I do have characters in GW2 and SWTOR, so i's possible we'll see each other in other games as well, at some point. At the moment I only play STO and maybe a little bit of Rainbow 6 Siege.

Unknown Person

A small venting regarding Orlando

June 19 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
It has been amazingly wonderful reading about how police across the country and even the world have stepped up patrols and increased forces to protect pride marches and events. To think that just 47 years ago, it would've been those same police trying to shut down the celebrations. It helps show how truly far we've come.

Just got home from Stonewall Columbus Pride Festival and I can tell you, the place was crawling with security. Mostly plainclothes with badges and open carry, but there was no shortage of uniformed cops either. I'm sure some of the open carry was just regular attendees, Pink Pistols and whatnot, but the official Cbus PD was out in full force and was much appreciated.
2 people liked this
Edited June 19 2016 by Unknown Person

A small venting regarding Orlando

June 18 2016
The following tags have no closing tag: center, spoiler

With everything going on with my Dad, I haven't had too much time to process this. When I read about it or saw it one the news, I had to back off because my emotions were already so high. Now that I have a chance to read some of this, its deeply shocking.

It's so angering seeing pro-gun and anti-gay people and organizations giving their "heart felt sympathies and condolences" when they've done absolutely nothing to prevent this from happening and helped stoke the flames of anti-lgbt violence. Even worse are the groups, like the GOP, who want to straight-wash this and act like this wasn't an attack against the gay community.

It so important that we don't allow bigots to turn the glbt community against the Islamic community. Some lgbt people are Muslim and some Muslims are lgbt. We are not separate. There is so much work to be done in the Muslism community and Arabic countries, but don't let fear and anger turn our hearts. We need to remember that extremists like ISIS (or ISIL) aren't Muslim. That might be how they market their particular brand of hate, but it's important to know that many of the attackers aren't devout Muslims. They didn't attend Mosque regularly or follow many of the religions tenants.

Having the tblg community as an advocate for reasonable gun control laws is a game changer here in the US. No community knows more recently what its like to be deprived of our basic freedoms and how important our civil rights truly are. We can be a voice of reason when debating gun control laws between ideological hardliners. We must help dispel the myth advanced by the NRA that the government is coming to take your guns away and advocate for reasonable controls like mandatory background checks, wait periods and limits on what kinds of guns are available for civilians to purchase. The Second Amendment is just as important to gay community as the other 9.

It has been amazingly wonderful reading about how police across the country and even the world have stepped up patrols and increased forces to protect pride marches and events. To think that just 47 years ago, it would've been those same police trying to shut down the celebrations. It helps show how truly far we've come.
5 people liked this
Edited June 19 2016 by nicholasjohn16
Nicolas J. Artley


PRIDE Rainbow Costumes

June 18 2016
Oh yes, I had lots of fun yesterday together with T'Lara on Risa.

It works also very well on the dance floor. We got lots of "rainbows" shot at us. The only way I like a shooting (except a camera one - that,too!)
