Zander Hawk


Re:Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

June 21 2016
A few things are on calendar.  On a side note, I thought it was interesting that a third party filed an Amicus Brief in support of the defendants (Axanar) with some Klingon language in it -I thought Medgirl might like this :)

(The District Court denied the application for this Amicus Brief on 05/09/2016)

Following this, it looks like on the same date, defendant’s (Axanar’s) motion to dismiss Plaintiffs’ (Paramount's) Amended Complaint (on the grounds that Paramount failed to state a legal claim/to successfully plea copyright infringement) was Denied. 

Thereafter at the scheduling conference, the district court set the following:

+ Last day to motion the Court to add parties or amend complaint is 6/30/2016.

+ Discovery Cut−Off Date: November 2, 2016

+ Motion Cut−Off Date (last day to file): November 16, 2016

+ Pretrial Conference: January 9, 2017 at 09:00 AM

+ Jury Trial (Est. 10−15 days): January 31, 2017 at 09:00 AM

**Settlement conference due to mandatory ADR must take place no longer than 45 days before Pretrial Conference.

Check out the filings here (it's a nice collection):

So as you can see, settlement may still be possible but if not, this case goes to trial after the joyful (lol) process of discovery.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited June 21 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Alain Rojas


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

June 20 2016
I can't keep having my emotions toyed with over this. It's like dating a sadist. Somebody notify me when the ultimate decision has been reached.
Kiera Skylar


Good news everybody

June 20 2016
Bad news, the lawsuit is still moving forward, even though the directors and such said what they did...

Unknown Person

A small venting regarding Orlando

June 20 2016
I believe Nick was simply trying to highlight the support we do have in countries across the world. Bringing up countries that are still behind on LGBT acceptance is not only beside the point he was trying to make, it ignores devalues the tremendous strides we've made as a world-wide LGBT community. It's very said that Russia and Istanbul are still stuck in the 1950's when it comes to LGBT rights but even they've come a long way and hopefully, with continued support and perseverance, they'll get to a better situation just like we have in the West. It's going to take time though, just like it did for our societies and it's probably going to be a difficult process for those involved.

What stymies me is what I'm reading and hearing from conservatives following these events and how it cannot be a wakeup call for them. Most of them won't even come to the table to even begin to discuss stricter gun control laws at all. It's like they just put their fingers in their collective hears and go: "la la la la.. 2nd amendment.. la la la la.. must protect ourselves from Islamic terrorists.. la la la.. you can't have my gun!"

I keep seeing and hearing the same old party rhetoric on news debates and friends' FB pages. There's this silly one that compares guns to cars saying that we don't ban cars even though it's statistically more probably of being killed by one than by a gun. That is a blatant false equivalency because we have a LOT of laws governing the ownership and operation of automobiles and they weren't all put into law back in 1885, where they? No.

Speed limits were later introduced, seat belts didn't become mandatory till 1968. First and foremost you need a licence to own and drive a car and what happens if you get a DUI, are involved in a police chase or don't pay your speeding tickets? You get your license revoked and you might even go to jail. Guns are nowhere near this level of regulation in this country and maybe it's not heresy against the constitution to say they should be.

There are glaring loopholes in our gun laws that this guy, who was being investigated by the FBI and on the no-fly list, was easily able to exploit. That gap in legislation has cost us a lot of lives over the years and can be laid at the feat of the gun lobby and our own government whose job, according to the constitution, is to establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility.

Do we ban all guns? I don't know, honestly. There are over 300 million of them in this country but it did seem to work well for Australia. I just think there needs to be a real and open dialogue about this issue that uses facts rather than feelings and party-based rhetoric.
2 people liked this
Lars Zandor


R.I.P. Anton Yelchin

June 20 2016
Quote by tuvak
I wonder if STO will have some kind of in game memorial or plaque dedicated to him. They've been very good with doing that.

I think I saw on Twitter they will add his name to the Memorial Wall during downtime later this week.


Re:Welcome Back, Voleron!

June 20 2016
God and now last night I had a dream I came back.....thanks Dave!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
2 people liked this


R.I.P. Anton Yelchin

June 20 2016
I wonder if STO will have some kind of in game memorial or plaque dedicated to him. They've been very good with doing that.
Nicolas J. Artley


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 20 2016
Quote by SaintPlazma
Quote by Khazaan
"Yes, I'm sure about that." (NicholasJohn16)

I count that as a bet accepted... and I had been right.
Nicholas, please transfer your EC to Gareth, for the Fleets Pride Event ...
Kind regards from Nicolas :woohoo:

News from TODAY:

Todays (19.06.2016) Gay Pride in Turkey ended in violence - the police DID NOT protect, but was the ATTACKER!

I started a new Topic, so that on here, Orlando can be back on track ...

Turkey Police Attack can be found here:

Countries with no LGBT protections are auto exclude... I'm betting on Nick here... And up the bet I guaranteed 5 million EC

How do you define "LGBT protection"?
It is totally legal to be LGBT, have LGBT relationship and also LGBT consensual sex. There is even an age of consent for homosexuals (18 years old) written in their law books.

Turkey isn´t offering a "civil registered partnership / marriage", but otherwise, one shouldn´t have any problems as being LGBT.

The real life is different as a quick look into the Wikipedia shows. LGBT rights activist group LAMBDA had been banned ones by some court, but the verdict had been cancelled.

Basically: Being LGBT in Turkey is legal, the state and people don´t care about correct behaviour of the law, as they think that the religion does dictate otherwise.

Look it up:

What Turkey did yesterday again, was bend their rules and laws to their liking by refering to vaguely worded laws designed to protect public morality.
They do it again and again - year after year. It´s become already a ritual.

Instead of protecting the TRANS Pride march, they firstly issued an order, banning the pride march under security reasons. The march took place - and the executive send the police riot squat under turkish Anti Terrorist Laws. The trans pride march was (even if illegally) banned and by that they were extremist protestors.

Also to mention, that right wing anti homosexual protests were allowed to burn rainbow flags ... because they stand in for Turkish society order and correct behaviour ...


To make another statement:
"Our" western society counts Turkey to the western developed and democratic countries. Turkey is seeking entrance and want become part of the European Union (meaning free market, visa free work and travel, ...) and is also an AMERICAN ALLY within the NATO defence network.

I wouldn´t call turkey, being an extrimist islamic state as Afghanistan, Iran, Irak, Pakistan, Syria, Egypt ... all countries, where death peannalty is written in their "religious sharia" book. (which in fact is NOT a religios book to follow but only a guide book to organize society and is interpreted again and again in different ways. There had even be times, where homosexuality was perfectly okay within Islam. There are wonderful love poems available if you research it.)


GAY pride is planned für next weekend (25.06.2016) and is already banned, too.
Edited June 20 2016 by Khazaan
Kiera Skylar


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 20 2016
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
Quote by Ellamin
I personally am in favor of the pink psitols becoming the military arm of the lgbt community, and protecting lgbt folks from anyone, not relying on local police and hoping you don't get a homophobic cop that will find any way he can to throw gays in jail or under the proverbial bus, we need an army of our own to make things change in our favor, not just a simple movement for rights.

No just no! This is an organization that stated that the gun was not to blame for the attack. You know if the shooter had a 9 mm the body count would not be at 49 and 50 injured. The pink pistols are a dangerous right wing organization that are sucking the dicks of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnel.

I had to bury 4 people this week. 4 funerals in one week I got another 3 next week. I'm not suppose to go to that many funerals in a 2 week period at my age. This isn't the 80's or 90's. If you want a militant wing of the LGBT community look to organizations like ACT UP. That's an organization that got stuff done. The federalist papers stated what the founding fathers Ment in regards to the 2nd amendment. A militia. And in 1939 the Supreme Court defended that when stating a sawed off shotgun was illegal. Because it wasn't part of a militias arsenal.

As for cops I know PLENTY of LGBT law enforcement officers, one of the plaintiffs that got DOMA overturned was the wife of a police officer. Many cities in the US and globally has an LGBT liaison unit. So I have to commend OPD for their support, hard work and dedication over the past week. I also commend officers who protected vigils and marches globally. (Except for the Mounties I don't know what the heck they been doing j/k love you Dave)

In DC the LGBT liaison unit is one of the most decorated and sought after posting by police officer. That's a unit that works with, protects AND TRAIN other units in how to assist and deal with the LGBT community. So yes I think the cops are doing a kick ass job and as a gay militant ex-Navy gun owner I shun the pink pistols.

Well, hell if I knew any of that, around here it seems to me that most cops are anti gay manly men and the pink psitols are just a gays with guns group.

We still need to get some sort of balance for this, first the attacks and then the erasure, and now continued oppression, it can't be won by simple sit ins and marches anymore, straights think we got finished when we won marriage, we must force the straight world to change now, before they let us get slaughtered because they grew bored of our "freakishness"

I'm probably just a bit, more hostile than I should be because the way Orlando went down and has been treated, I am just, still angry and scared that it'd happen again.
Edited June 20 2016 by LoonShy
Dave (Voleron)


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 20 2016
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
(Except for the Mounties I don't know what the heck they been doing j/k love you Dave)

Oh I'm sorry... we've been a little tied up!


2 people liked this
Edited June 20 2016 by Voleron

Unknown Person

A small venting regarding Orlando

June 20 2016
Quote by Khazaan
"Yes, I'm sure about that." (NicholasJohn16)

I count that as a bet accepted... and I had been right.
Nicholas, please transfer your EC to Gareth, for the Fleets Pride Event ...
Kind regards from Nicolas :woohoo:

News from TODAY:

Todays (19.06.2016) Gay Pride in Turkey ended in violence - the police DID NOT protect, but was the ATTACKER!

I started a new Topic, so that on here, Orlando can be back on track ...

Turkey Police Attack can be found here:

Countries with no LGBT protections are auto exclude... I'm betting on Nick here... And up the bet I guaranteed 5 million EC
Unknown Person liked this
Edited June 20 2016 by Unknown Person


New STO members FFXIV Free Company Formed!

June 20 2016
We are! Look for The Sacred Band (TSB tag) we are very active in game still! The second most active LGBT fc on gilgamesh, Magitaint Mayhem is the big one but not the most desirable community.
Tsar Agus


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 20 2016
Quote by Ellamin
I personally am in favor of the pink psitols becoming the military arm of the lgbt community, and protecting lgbt folks from anyone, not relying on local police and hoping you don't get a homophobic cop that will find any way he can to throw gays in jail or under the proverbial bus, we need an army of our own to make things change in our favor, not just a simple movement for rights.

No just no! This is an organization that stated that the gun was not to blame for the attack. You know if the shooter had a 9 mm the body count would not be at 49 and 50 injured. The pink pistols are a dangerous right wing organization that are sucking the dicks of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnel.

I had to bury 4 people this week. 4 funerals in one week I got another 3 next week. I'm not suppose to go to that many funerals in a 2 week period at my age. This isn't the 80's or 90's. If you want a militant wing of the LGBT community look to organizations like ACT UP. That's an organization that got stuff done. The federalist papers stated what the founding fathers Ment in regards to the 2nd amendment. A militia. And in 1939 the Supreme Court defended that when stating a sawed off shotgun was illegal. Because it wasn't part of a militias arsenal.

As for cops I know PLENTY of LGBT law enforcement officers, one of the plaintiffs that got DOMA overturned was the wife of a police officer. Many cities in the US and globally has an LGBT liaison unit. So I have to commend OPD for their support, hard work and dedication over the past week. I also commend officers who protected vigils and marches globally. (Except for the Mounties I don't know what the heck they been doing j/k love you Dave)

In DC the LGBT liaison unit is one of the most decorated and sought after posting by police officer. That's a unit that works with, protects AND TRAIN other units in how to assist and deal with the LGBT community. So yes I think the cops are doing a kick ass job and as a gay militant ex-Navy gun owner I shun the pink pistols.
4 people liked this



June 20 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall family! Adorable icon too. :D
Nicolas J. Artley


R.I.P. Anton Yelchin

June 20 2016
This and last week are just shit - the only thing, that comes to mind.

- Orlando
- untruthful press coverage
- prides, attacked by the police
and a Trek actor dies in addition in a stupid car accident, too.

Nicolas J. Artley


Turkish police stop Istanbul Gay Pride with tear gas and plastic bullets

June 20 2016

Turkish police used tear gas and plastic bullets to disperse demonstrators who gathered for a gay pride rally in Istanbul in defiance of a government ban.

The city’s governor had cited security concerns in preventing two annual parades from happening this year. One took place today on 19.06.2016, the other big one is planned for next weekend (26th June).

Earlier this week an ultra-nationalist youth group vowed to stop the march if it went ahead, calling the event immoral.

Dozens of people gathered in support of the LGBT parade just off a major commercial street.

Police called on them to disperse and prevented activists from marching or making statements.

On Friday Istanbul’s authorities said a parade planned for next week would be banned.

Security is tight after several bombings in recent months, blamed on Kurdish militants and the self-styled Islamic State group.

But organisers denounced the ban as a “flagrant violation of the constitution and the law”. Last year police fired water cannon at a gay pride event.

There was a small homophobic protest on Sunday. Anti-gay sentiment remains widespread in Turkey although homosexuality is not a crime.

Source: EuroNews Website, 2016/19/06 - 18:40 CET

Edited June 20 2016 by Khazaan
Nicolas J. Artley


A small venting regarding Orlando

June 20 2016
"Yes, I'm sure about that." (NicholasJohn16)

I count that as a bet accepted... and I had been right.
Nicholas, please transfer your EC to Gareth, for the Fleets Pride Event ...
Kind regards from Nicolas :woohoo:

News from TODAY:

Todays (19.06.2016) Gay Pride in Turkey ended in violence - the police DID NOT protect, but was the ATTACKER!

I started a new Topic, so that on here, Orlando can be back on track ...

Turkey Police Attack can be found here:
Edited June 20 2016 by Khazaan

A small venting regarding Orlando

June 19 2016
Quote by Khazaan
Are you so sure about that? Last year even the police attacked the pride parade in Istanbul (Turkey) and Russian Pride is even unlawful ...

Yes, I'm sure about that.

And that's just a handful.

I also said:

There is so much work to be done in the Muslism community and Arabic countries, but don't let fear and anger turn our hearts.
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

R.I.P. Anton Yelchin

June 19 2016
Really sad news :( RIP.