Congratulations ZanderHawk!

June 25 2016
I am pleased to announce Zander Hawk's promotion to Admiral!

Zander Hawk has been serving as a Fleet Captain in the Membership Management position for the last six months and has been a member of Stonewall Fleet for the last 7 years. He will be taking over the Department of Membership Management. He previously held this position for several months in 2012-2013.

Please join me in congratulating him on his promotion!
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Thurman @jestbess#5421


Transwarp problem?

June 25 2016
So ever since I started the game and have been able to transwarp I see this screen. I can't pick the system that I warp to, only the quadrant :(
Any ideas

Edited June 25 2016 by nycblkboy
Adam Green


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

June 24 2016
As a long time Star Trek fan, I have mixed feelings about this whole situation. I have friends who have done Star Trek fan series but I just can't help feeling that Paramount's reaction is because here is a fan film that could be produced that is equal to, or in some people's opinion, better than what the studio has produced.

There is a long history of Trek fan films, series, etc., that have had minimal interaction with the copyright owners but also those fan films weren't also going to fund the creation of a professional studio which could have the potential to provide professional competition to an industry giant.

I love Star Trek. I will always love Star Trek and I am fighting to not let what is going on influence that love. It seems that the true Star Trek fans are ultimately be the ones that are penalized because the situation will influence the future of the Star Trek franchise.
Kiera Skylar


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

June 24 2016
Quote by medgirl1025

CBS has officially nuked fan films. It is now revealed to us why CBS revoked the lawsuit. Had they lost in court this measure they have now taken would not have worked. This was a very sneaky move, only fitting of a backstabbing Romulan such as the Tal Shiar. May the survivors try to recollect like the after the destruction of Romulus and even Vulcan in that 'other' universe.

After reading CBS' fan guidelines dribble which is completely in their right [and I support that much because in the end it is their licensed work] the fact that CBS has gone and done this is why I now say that I've about lost my faith in Star Trek. From what I see: CBS cares about nothing more than the idea of lost revenue because of their own short comings. CBS does not believe in Gene's dream for us all, via the ideals displayed in Star Trek, as they are clearly not present in the one place that should be promoting them. Instead they chose to live in the hear and now by following the paths of greed, jealousy, and others.

It truly is a very sad day. I'll bet they feel so proud. I hope they lose more than they could ever imagine.

Frankly from this point on it does not matter to me what anyone thinks about what I say next: Star Trek, you may not be dead, but you did just have a stake rammed through your heart. R.I.P

I totally agree, and this is exactly why we will never see a gay captain of a starfleet vessel in official canon, it's too risky, berman has finally prevailed in his money grubbing approach, and trek is dying.

I.. am still not looking forward to Drek Beyond, it does not have enough left of the ideals Trek stood for, and what it seems like is a modern moviefied version of Voyager.

("Lost! Now the fearless hero must use resources found locally to get his crippled crew home in time for dinner! But wait! Could this new alien be evil?!?!?! His LARGE BLACK CLOUDY SHIP OF EVIL POINTYNESS certainly seem to be a threat!")
Dave (Voleron)


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

June 24 2016
I'd heard somewhere (and have tried unsuccessfully to corroborate it), that Star Wars fan productions are limited to 5 minute segments, so I'm not at all surprised to read this latest set of guidelines. I think that the $50,000 crowdfunding cap is reasonable. Tommy Kraft, who produced Star Trek Horizon did the project on a Kickstarter of 26,000 if I'm not mistaken. Granted, he did all the work himself over a span of years, but he put out a really impressive fan production.

The 15 minute episode cap, however, and the ban on making a series of the fan production is disappointing. This essentially shuts down projects like Phase II / Star Trek Continues. I suppose you can be sneaky about it and break your 30 minute feature into two 15 minute segments, but I would much rather have seen something in the range of a 45 minute cap.

The other guidelines seem okay to me ... though the 'no professional actors' clause causes me concern. I think they're trying to keep former Star Trek actors from getting involved in the productions and I'm okay with that. The best fan films I've seen (Horizon/Continues) have told many stories without them. Of course Continues has used people who have acted before and who clearly have some background in theater, etc. I don't know that CBS would get that picky about things, but it's concerning that they might or that other productions could potentially cry foul if they did.
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Jamie O'Connell


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

June 24 2016

CBS has officially nuked fan films. It is now revealed to us why CBS revoked the lawsuit. Had they lost in court this measure they have now taken would not have worked. This was a very sneaky move, only fitting of a backstabbing Romulan such as the Tal Shiar. May the survivors try to recollect like the after the destruction of Romulus and even Vulcan in that 'other' universe.

After reading CBS' fan guidelines dribble which is completely in their right [and I support that much because in the end it is their licensed work] the fact that CBS has gone and done this is why I now say that I've about lost my faith in Star Trek. From what I see: CBS cares about nothing more than the idea of lost revenue because of their own short comings. CBS does not believe in Gene's dream for us all, via the ideals displayed in Star Trek, as they are clearly not present in the one place that should be promoting them. Instead they chose to live in the hear and now by following the paths of greed, jealousy, and others.

It truly is a very sad day. I'll bet they feel so proud. I hope they lose more than they could ever imagine.

Frankly from this point on it does not matter to me what anyone thinks about what I say next: Star Trek, you may not be dead, but you did just have a stake rammed through your heart. R.I.P
Unknown Person liked this


Science spec questions...

June 23 2016
Hello there all of you...

...first of all I'd like to apologize if there is topic like this one already but from what I checked there was a skill-rebuild not so long ago (?) therefore some things changed. Anyhow, I am new to STO and a bit lost, even more so after finding out how Science spec works in the late game (exotic damage and all) and that brings us all to this topic. I'd like to ask questions- most likely a lot of them, and rather then getting a ready build, I'd like to understand in-game mechanics standing behind it - or them if there is more then one.

First of all, I'd like to ask what ships are viable for Science Admiral in the end game, and why. If they are strictly connected to skill trees, I'd ask to anyone interested in replaying to this topic to include any sort of relevant info.

Last but not least (for now) while I am more interested in space combat, I don't mind learning this and that about ground as well.


If there is such topic out there already, I do apologize and would kindly ask someone to direct me towards it.


Hello there...

June 23 2016
@ Voleron

I'll try my best to be up to date with everything that's going on, and stay in touch at the very least on the forums - as at this very moment my play time is kinda limited, therefore I am not even close to 60 (~57) and it takes ages to lvl my account up to enjoy the 'end game' as well as in game chat.

Hopefully it'll change at some point and I'll be able to be fleet-active for at least hour per day.

Unknown Person liked this


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

June 23 2016
I shall be there along with the hubby and 3 others! 2 of which play but are in other Fleets. >.>

Hope to have a drink with some of you. :)
2 people liked this
Tsar Agus


Killing Borg drones

June 23 2016
Yeah melee against borg is not recommended unless you have some one taking ALL the aggro from you
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Rep space gear: sets vs. mix & match

June 23 2016
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
Most DPS runners are running 4 piece Iconian because of the activated ability, which boost damage for you AND any one with in 5 KM of you

Oh! I have this set, I'm glad that I got something right in the game, no wonder I don't blow up as often as I used to LOL
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Thurman @jestbess#5421


Killing Borg drones

June 23 2016
Quote by Thval
I'll admit I just default to a quality bat'leth. Simple but effective, even if it isn't the most effective. Never had any problems with that so long as my defence stats are good as you're in such close range.

I tried that but I was assimilated :(
Thurman @jestbess#5421


Killing Borg drones

June 23 2016
I just learned how to upgrade an item.
I spent the last few hours upgrading my weapons, attached.

Edited June 25 2016 by nycblkboy


Killing Borg drones

June 23 2016
I'll admit I just default to a quality bat'leth. Simple but effective, even if it isn't the most effective. Never had any problems with that so long as my defence stats are good as you're in such close range.
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Tsar Agus


Killing Borg drones

June 22 2016
yes the TR is good, but it doesn't affect shields and those borg has insane amount of shields, a better thing to do is to go full omega and have the TR as the main weapon, remember you can swap between weapons and even if it's stowed, if the weapon is part of a set, it will still count towards the bonus. The bonus give a passive bonus damage to every member of your team.
Unknown Person liked this


Killing Borg drones

June 22 2016
The only weapon I would suggest for killing Borgs is the TR-116B rifle... it totally ignores the Borg shields and kills them dead.

You can craft one if you have lvl 15 Ground Weapons rep and the correct doff - or buy from the exchange for about 750k (totally worth it)

And the good thing is it is Account bound so you can use it on all your toons..
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Thurman @jestbess#5421


Killing Borg drones

June 22 2016
I've been spending way too much time on Risa. But every so often I sign up for a mission in the PvE queue. I'm ok with space combat but I need help on Ground combat.

There are a few ground missions with the Borg. So what is the best ground weapon for killing Borg? I tried using different anti-borg weapons. What is the best way/setup to kill the borg hoards?

(BTW: I am a level 58, tactical captain)
Tsar Agus


Rep space gear: sets vs. mix & match

June 22 2016
Most DPS runners are running 4 piece Iconian because of the activated ability, which boost damage for you AND any one with in 5 KM of you
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Unknown Person

Rep space gear: sets vs. mix & match

June 22 2016
I'm always tinkering with my space gear, trying new items just to see if I like them and if they're fun to play with. In GW2 terms, I like to play my ship sort of like it's a Mesmer. I've been checking out some of the reputation gear, and some of it looks great in theory but I'm not sure how well it might work in practice on my Scryer. I use Mk XIV antiproton arrays in front and 360-arcs in back, but pretty much everything else is negotiable.

I ran with the full Dyson Joint Command Technologies set for quite a while and liked it, but recently I've been using most of the Assimilated and Adapted Borg sets which have turned out to be quite nice. I don't much care for the Omega Torpedo since it doesn't seem to be anywhere near as useful in practice as it does from the description and will be going back to my old favorite, the Romulan Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launcher. The Assimilated Impulse Engine provides very impressive speeds, especially in sector space (almost as good as transwarp). Since there isn't a Borg warp core, I'm running the Delta Alliance Trajector Warp Core mainly to gain the Trajector Jump ability, which is extremely handy both on offense and defense. Once I complete the Borg set with the shield array, I'm hoping to have some fun with the Borg Tractor Beam.

I've also seen a lot of chatter on the interwebz about the Iconian 4-piece set being a good choice for both DPS and survivability. I'm interested in giving it a try but I just wonder if it's really as good as it's being billed since it seems like a lot of these sets have at least one "meh" component in them, and reputation set bonuses often seem better on paper than they do in practice.

Does anyone have that full Iconian set and is it worth the grind for a SCI ship, or is it more oriented for TAC? Is there something that should be swapped out, or is there another set that I should consider, either full or partial? I enjoy trying different loadouts to help keep the game fresh, so input is appreciated.
Edited June 22 2016 by Unknown Person