Lambda Corvus



June 25 2016
Hello everyone, Corvus here. Just wanted to introduce myself to the community, as is standard operating procedure. I've been playing Star Trek: Online on and off now for around two years and thought it might be time to join a community. As a transgender person, I'm always looking for a safe place to meet new people and contribute. Great things have been said about Stonewall Fleet in that regard, so I look forward to joining.

A bit about me: I'm neutrois (singular 'they' pronouns), asexual, and agender. I'm also Canadian, at home in the prairies. I like to write and I love Star Trek. Also, I enjoy computer science (to an almost embarrassing degree), with a focus on the computational and complexity theories. Formally, I have a B.Sc in computer science with minors in mathematics and statistics. My main character commands ships named after influential early computer scientists and mathematicians.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited June 26 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Tsar Agus


Looking for help with time-gated crafting

June 25 2016
check your game mail I sent you 20 ingots

Unknown Person

Killing Borg drones

June 25 2016
If you have the Omega reputation progress and marks to spend, I'll throw in a vote for the Omega Force ground set. Also, the Omega ground traits Graviton Pulse Module and Medical Nanite Cloud come in handy vs. drones.

There was a free promo doff offered recently too, so if you got Neal Falconer, make sure you put him on active ground duty.
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Rep space gear: sets vs. mix & match

June 25 2016
Wait, the Iconian THREE-piece set? I've had that Radiant Armaments kit for a while but haven't upgraded or even really played with it much. I actually made it for my Stalker because of the extra temp-HP effect, but of course how often do you realistically do small-craft content? I only tend to fly it once or twice a month for re-running the Vault episode when I need a refill on my consumable Scorpions. I might have to take a closer look at that set for the Scryer.

I'll keep an eye out for the Temporal set. According to the parse, my top damage dealers are usually Gravity Well and Tractor Repulsors, with the AP beams and RomPlas hyper-torp tied for third. If all that exotic/CC/kinetic can be made even nastier, I'm all for it.

Unknown Person

Looking for help with time-gated crafting

June 25 2016
If you like, you can try the farming routes I use. Just go to my wiki page and scroll down to copy/paste the map chat codes for the wp's and poi's for each zone. If you like, I can login and team up to show you the route.

Looking for help with time-gated crafting

June 25 2016
Quote by Teknomancer
Anet support was on the ball today, just got logged in. B)

I have 36 mithrillum and one finished ingot stashed. My toons all have ascended kit so unless something radical changes, I won't really need to craft anything for a while. I should probably keep at least some though, so how does swapping for the ingot and 30 more sound?

That cuts your time in half.

I'm Teknomancer.4895 in-game, but honestly you're probably better off messaging me here or in STO since I hardly ever login to GW2 anymore.

That's awesome! It'll take me a little bit to gather that much resources, but I'll get right on it.

Unknown Person

Looking for help with time-gated crafting

June 25 2016
Anet support was on the ball today, just got logged in. B)

I have 36 mithrillum and one finished ingot stashed. My toons all have ascended kit so unless something radical changes, I won't really need to craft anything for a while. I should probably keep at least some though, so how does swapping for the ingot and 30 more sound?

That cuts your time in half.

I'm Teknomancer.4895 in-game, but honestly you're probably better off messaging me here or in STO since I hardly ever login to GW2 anymore.


Rep space gear: sets vs. mix & match

June 25 2016
Iconian 3 piece with the Terran warp core and TTF disruptor is a SWEEEEET set, though not very science.

Before upgrading anything I would wait for the new Temporal Space Set to come out. I have tested it on a few ships at only MK 12 before the upgrade and O.M.G. it makes your science ship tanky and controlling. I need to start parsing with it, though I think it potentially could turn the tide for science captains.
Unknown Person liked this


Killing Borg drones

June 25 2016
When you start going through the Borg Story arc and Defera, the Borg get a bit tougher. I would recommend putting down the Bat'leth and go straight to the TR-116B Rifle. It feels the most effective.
Unknown Person liked this


Science spec questions...

June 25 2016
The following tags have no closing tag: ul
Hey there!

Aikune, posted a link to this. Though it does not answer your question about ground, something that we have yet to touch on. Ground for science is two roles:

Medical - healing/ expoiter
  • Medical Tricorder
  • Vascular Regenerator
  • Nanite Health Monitor
  • Triage
  • Anesthizine Gas
  • Electrogravitic field
  • Exothermic induction field
  • Hyperonic Radiation
  • Tachyon Harmonic
  • Michael


    Transwarp problem?

    June 25 2016
    If I am remembering this correctly... and I am probably not.
    When you are not in a Excelsior you can only transwarp to sector blocks and that is even if you have a transwarp coil. here is a link to an old wiki. The transwarp coil will show you the locations that you can go, but ultimately it is the normal sector blocks.
    Unknown Person liked this
    Thurman @jestbess#5421


    Transwarp problem?

    June 25 2016
    Quote by NicholasJohn16
    That's really strange. Maybe try doing a force recheck from the launcher.

    Thanks I tried that didn't work. What else could I be missing?
    Zander Hawk


    The Office of Membership Management

    June 25 2016
    Welcome to the Department of Membership Management :)

    I have always believed that an organization that provides a community for people of all walks of life should connect people with resources that will enhance their lives –assisting others is a tenant of Star Trek and it’s my personal ongoing mission as well.

    We are faced with day to day problems at home (we all have some level of damage control to deal with in our personal lives), this is undeniable and so we are in a position to provide members with information to help them solve those problems.  I hope to provide members with information to necessities, helpful government services, references, and points of information that may help them succeed.  I want members to have a starting point if you will, we can’t solve everyone’s problems but, we can bring a sense of calm to the storm of information out there.

    Connecting our members with information to the necessities of life or even general information should not require a reason, Star Trek taught me to help others because it was the right thing to do and with that, I hope to do what I can to provide our members with public information that may allow them to succeed in life.

    Member Resources
    I will be providing links to web sources that may help members seek the information that they may need to succeed.  Whether it’s legal, health services, or LGBT related resources, several public links will be posted to provide a starting point for our members during their research and their journey to access the help that they may need. 

    LGBT and Transgender Education
    My hope is to showcase resources and materials from many speakers throughout the country.  I personally attend local events, workshops and seminars on LGBT and Transgender subjects –I hope to share the valuable knowledge that’s out there with the fleet. 

    LGBT and Transgender Community Resources and Education

    Personal Growth Tools and Resources
    Featuring the MindTools website, I hope to show case topics that will benefit our member’s growth, whether it be for their personal, educational or professional goals.   One of my many favorite topics for anyone is Emotional Intelligence. 


    Core Membership Services
    Our core membership duties and responsibilities relate to Star Trek Online and the administrative aspects of the Stonewall Fleet website, these duties include:
    • Processing membership applications
    • Promoting new members
    • Maintaining fleet rosters up-to-date
    • Removing inactive characters

    Additional, shared responsibilities include:
    • Welcoming new members
    • Assisting membership with general questions
    • Inviting and processing new characters into the fleets
    • Monitoring fleet areas for breaches of the Code of Conduct
    • Assisting fleet leaders when possible

    Member Relations
    We look forward to effectuating One-on-One follow-ups with our members.  I want to ensure that all our members know that they are part of the community and that we are here to help them out, especially our new members!  We may drop by to join you in chat or a PVE event (some of us may not be all that great lol) but hey, it’s the thought that counts!       

    In my ongoing mission to connect to others and share information, I look forward to launching a project titled sgnTalks. In the spirit of TED Talks, sgnTalks are casual seminars for a group of any size where knowledgeable people within our Gaming Network share their knowledge and engage in structured academic discussions about various issues related to a featured subject. Through these Talks, members get the opportunity to engage in academic discussions, ask questions, and discover something new.

    These Talks were inspired by an enriching and engaging conversation that I was involved in within our very own Ten Forward on Teamspeak.  It was a hard conversation for some but in the end, despite any disagreements, everyone appreciated the academic-style learning experience and what they got out of it.  There are subjects out there that may rub people the wrong way, but through exploration in a safe and causal environment –a sprinkle of information goes a long way to at least provide some measure of clarity and that is beyond value.  Look for sgnTalks on the calendar in the near future!

    Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, we will be more than happy to assist you!  Please contact us at the information provided below.

    Warm regards,

    Admiral and Chief of Membership Management
    Stonewall PS4 Fleet Administrator

    @Bren, Fleet Captain

    Department of Membership Management

    Kik:  Zander.Hawk
    Discord:  Zander Hawk#8659
    7 people liked this
    Edited September 09 2017 by Zander_Hawk
    Lars Zandor


    Congratulations ZanderHawk!

    June 25 2016
    Unknown Person liked this
    Zander Hawk


    Re:Congratulations ZanderHawk!

    June 25 2016
    Gracias Parker!, Jamie, you can provide the training live in Vegas LOL
    Unknown Person liked this
    Edited June 25 2016 by Zander_Hawk
    Zander Hawk


    Re:Congratulations ZanderHawk!

    June 25 2016
    Quote by NicholasJohn16
    Quote by nivagni
    Gratz... but since you did it before does that mean you don't have to go thru the "Fun" initiation :evil:

    I think it had a happy ending.

    The best kind LOL


    Congratulations ZanderHawk!

    June 25 2016
    Ohhh...just think of all the exciting things I get to do to you now! :-) It would be fun to do another orientation with you. LOL. Congrats.
    Unknown Person liked this
    Tsar Agus


    Looking for help with time-gated crafting

    June 25 2016
    Let me know what and how much I have a few extras

    Unknown Person

    Looking for help with time-gated crafting

    June 25 2016
    I haven't logged in for a while, but I have all GW2 crafting disciplines mastered across various characters. I can craft for you if nobody who's actively playing is available. Just let me know.

    Edit: Tried to login to check because I'm sure I have a bunch of ascended mats collecting dust in storage, was going to check and see how much time I could save you and of course the 2-factor authentication failed. I put in a ticket to get it sorted but Anet support is a bit slow (not as bad as Cryptic/PWE tho). It will probably be Monday or Tuesday before I can login.
    Edited June 25 2016 by Unknown Person
    Shawn Birch


    Headset Headache

    June 25 2016
    another stab in the your cell phone near by? and are you getting tons of emails etc? My iPhone causes havoc with my wired surround system.