

[Announcing] Stonewall Credits

June 30 2016
Wow, looks like I am really late to the party. I must have missed the mail on this one. Sign me up if you happen to find one extra laying around on the dabo wheel.
Ted Hembach


The Naked Time - Part 2 - Gravitation

June 30 2016
Episode "New Ground", TNG

Do you remember Geordi being fond of testing a new propulsion device? It was the so called Soliton-Wave, some kind of gravitational manipulation (see the pictures), and they tried to surf on it like we ride the powerboards on Risa. A nice episode, allthough Alexander was a little ..., ah, you know what I mean. But whats the catch here?



As far as I knew we weren't able to to fully understand what Gravity is, nor how it works. But that's not true as we already proved that there are "Gravitational Waves". I stumbled upon this article:

Gravitational Waves detected

Is that the first step towards the "World Formula"? Could a gravitational propulsion device be possible? Or does that mean, if we are able to influence these waves, could we travel freely through space (like the wormholes) or perhaps even time (like some wormholes)? What do you make out of this?

Pictures were taken from this site, also worth a look if you don't know it:

Starship Operations - Soliton Wave

If you want to read on, here's the rest of the naked time series:
The Naked Time - Introduction
The Naked Time - Part 1 - Magnetism
The Naked Time - Part 3 - Lightspeed
The Naked Time - Part 4 - Time
Edited July 29 2016 by TLara


Bunnies for Gareth

June 30 2016
Yeah, I caught that in the chat :)
Thanks :x


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

June 30 2016
I always wondered, too, if these kinds of things didn't always happen some a degree of regularity anyway but as individual, isolated events across the globe...and that we only see and hear about them now with such fanfare because of the advent of social media, the empowerment of people who like to become personal journalists, and the eagerness of the media to exploit disaster for corporate gain. There are probably people being murdered and discriminated against in countries right now (Like North Korea) but we don't hear about those things because of their isolationist attitudes. I'm not discounting that these other events like Orlando did occur and were tragic. On the contrary, just saying that we've become much more an integrated, global society now than we ever were before, and in this day and age, I can write something, send an email, or make a Facebook post that is then seen across the globe in mere seconds when in the past it took, well, maybe just too long for people to give a damn.
Ted Hembach


B Party Wednesday June 29. Be my guest on Risa!

June 30 2016
Thanks for dancing, racing, chilling and partying with me. That was really fun, hope you enjoyed it as much as I do. If you couldn't attend my party here are some impressions for you:

Party Pictures

See you all at the bash at the beach July 9th !!! :)
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Nicolas J. Artley


Bunnies for Gareth

June 30 2016
Cuties ...

And for Robin:

Usako ... is also used as a nick names ... :-)

Usaki (female)

2 people liked this


Bunnies for Gareth

June 30 2016
I have a weakness for small fluffy animals. I am a meat eater and despite being an animal lover, I ain't becoming a vegan. But. Yeah. I hate how bad people can treat these animals.

Since my bf and I have been dating, he's developed the same weakness for them as I have. I once told him that I would love to have a pile of them. Guess I should keep my mouth shut. ;)
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Gareth GXV3


Bunnies for Gareth

June 30 2016
eeeee!! mae baban bach!!! These guys are cute i wanna cwtch um!

your BF was telling me how the poor pregnant bunny was rescued, they were trying to sell her for game/sports, she was being used as a breeder rabbit to gain more animals they can shoot, good on you guys for giving the poor girl a home, she looks happy and healthy there.
Well done boys!


Bunnies for Gareth

June 30 2016
Well. This isn't ST or Fleet related. More like showing off! When i moved in with my BF, i brought four of my house rabbits with me.

The brown is the oldest of the four. Female. Spayed. Her name is Hazel. She is bonded to the rabbit beside her. A male. Neutered. His name is Chip. Originally, i was going to call him Oreo like the cookie due to his coat colors but my cousin ended up naming him Chip after.. Chocolate Chip.

Here we have my third. Male, Neutered. His name is Damian. He was named after a furry friend of mine from another game. He is bonded to Little Lady Voni. A female and spayed rabbit.

Above picture is not her picture but looks just like her.

The fifth rabbit is a rescue. Short story. My BF was at a local flea market that goes on every Weds. She was caged by herself inside a tiny wired cage. Above her was another wired cage that held baby turkeys that were pooping down on her. He bought her knowing full well she was pregnant and brought her home so that we could care for her.

About a week ago, she gave birth to six kits. One was a runt that didn't make it. The others are growing quickly.
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Dave (Voleron)


B Party Wednesday June 29. Be my guest on Risa!

June 30 2016
Happy Birthday!!!
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B Party Wednesday June 29. Be my guest on Risa!

June 30 2016
Happy birthday :)
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Gareth GXV3


B Party Wednesday June 29. Be my guest on Risa!

June 30 2016
Im on my way !!!!
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Gareth GXV3


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

June 30 2016
Quote by Voleron QUOTE OF 2016
Besides, I think that the worst danger that likely exists at a Star Trek con is finishing the last bottle of Merlot at the bar when ten nearby Klingon cosplayers are under the impression that it's actually bloodwine.

framed, shared, liked, retweeted, pinned, double tapped love, revined, subscribed button.
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Dave (Voleron)


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

June 30 2016
With all of the violence that we're seeing across the globe, I don't think that there's any one location that's much safer than the next. From terrorist attacks all across Europe, to extremist linked hostage takings in Asia, to the apparent increase in racism related encounters throughout the UK following the Brexit vote, to the nightclub shooting in Orlando... We can go on and on, leaving no individual country untouched in terms of potential dangers, I'm sure.

I totally appreciate where you're coming from. I was very hesitant to go to Jamaica last year, especially because I was sharing a hotel room with my boyfriend. I was pretty worried that being obviously gay there would cause some issues for us, and while I'm sure that it could have under the right circumstances, it didn't, and it turned out to be one of the best vacations and experiences that I've had in my life.

I suppose that from that and other experiences, my line of thought has become that if I start letting fear dictate what things in life I choose to experience, that it's going to be a pretty unfulfilled life. If not this year, maybe think about coming in the years that follow!

Besides, I think that the worst danger that likely exists at a Star Trek con is finishing the last bottle of Merlot at the bar when ten nearby Klingon cosplayers are under the impression that it's actually bloodwine.
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The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

June 30 2016
Quote by Jacien
I'm sorry you wont be making it, it would've been nice to meet you and we all have such a good time each year. But with hypercritical neuroses fueling such an erroneous parti pris, I'd probably fear for my safety as well, lol. :laugh:

I completely agree with the first part, but, I think Medgirl's joking comment quoted below perfectly demonstrates exactly why I don't feel comfortable going. Maybe the one good thing that's come out of the Brexit referendum is that I no longer have a work trip to New York City.

I do hope those that go enjoy themselves.

Quote by medgirl1025
I guess one of us will have to say it... if you are afraid we'll just give you some protection. Just have to get the guns out first. Would you prefer big, explosive, or purse size? I'm guessing the latter and if all else fails I'll use my teeth to rip any "danger" apart. :)


7th Annual Pride Weekend!

June 30 2016
I hope those that subscribed had fun and enjoyed themselves.


Headset Headache

June 30 2016
I have a similar Logitech headset, an H800, and I've lately been having these problems too. My PC's specs are completely different to yours, but, we share the same OS.

I haven't found a solution yet, other than to continue using it as-is. Or, if you can suffer through the bluetooth connection's poor quality, use that for the time being.
Nicolas J. Artley


Headset Headache

June 30 2016
Hi NicholasJohn,

suppose, that I can´t give you a hint on how to get rid on the annoying sounds you are hearing, but I also have a BT Headset Problem.

I own a Philips SHB9100 Bluetooth headset and I got lots of trouble on operating it with the Windows 10 Machine where STO is running now.

Whenever I connect it to the PC, I got two possibilities to choose from:
Either "Handsfree Audio Mono" or "A2DP Stereo Audio".

Obviously I want to have Stereo HQ sound, but it doesn´t work. I only have mono sound on the right ear (left channel / ear without sound!)
This is system wide on Windows (means also Teamspeak - and I struggled with it at our pride event).

Curious thing is: It works seamlessly without any problem in Stereo HQ on my iPhone and also in the Macintosh (also worked well in STO on the mac when it was still supported).

I already looked into a different A2DP driver for Windows 10, but didn´t find any. The systems driver hooks up on the Bluetooth Realtech chipset.

Any idea what I can do?


Nicolas-James (also a "NJ" *hehe*)
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Edited June 30 2016 by Khazaan

Unknown Person

[- CONTAINS SPOILERS -] Has Cersei become a Romulan?

June 29 2016
Quote by Seannewboy
Daneraes now has a bad ass tool kit at her disposal.

:pinch: Between her dragons and the Unsullied, I totally agree. BUT I honestly have to wonder how useful the Dothraki hordes are actually going to be.

The use of cavalry strikes me as something to put on the "AVOID" list when drawing up plans for a sea invasion of a large hilled city with narrow streets and fortified control points. A battle on wide open plains hell yeah, but using them for urban assault sacrifices literally everything that makes a large cavalry force useful: speed, maneuverability and the numbers to mow down everything in their path. We've not really seen whether they're worth a damn without their horses.

In King's Landing, cavalry could be easily funneled into the city's alleys maybe 2-3 abreast (at most), then cut to pieces with pikes and archers from ground level and from every window and doorway along the path. Then of course their corpses (both men & horses) would just choke off the streets even more, impeding the progress of her Unsullied foot soldiers.

Danaerys, Tyrion, Varys and Grey Worm would surely have to understand this. Therefore, either the Dothraki are mainly along for what happens after King's Landing, or they will be employed mainly as foot soldiers in KL, negating their most effective use.
Edited June 29 2016 by Unknown Person



June 29 2016
And just in case: if you know about any sort of giveaway that we all could use just post it here or send a pm to me, I'll try to update first post asap -as much as I'd like to keep an eye on all of them, it's a bit tedious at a times to scroll through all of the websites that have STO + Giveaway tags in google.