Gareth GXV3


Now cancer isn't just my starsign...

August 12 2016
Tom since ive known you and Kjel, you've slapped me about the face with how positive and upbeat you are toward everything and it quite inspirational.
and with that special trait you have.. im sure things will be well. Keep hold of that trait Tom!! I will too!
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Lars Zandor


Now cancer isn't just my starsign...

August 11 2016
Hope you're going to be okay soon! In the meantime, I'll send you loads of healing tribbles and humorous holograms.

Let us know how you're doing.
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Lars Zandor


Zandorian Allied Command Personnel Dossiers & Mission Reports

August 11 2016
I will be using this thread to share "personnel dossiers" of my characters (which may or may not get updated once in a while) and "mission reports" (basically stories I have in my head about certain characters, which can range from solving mysterys to huge battles to romance stuff).
In this post I'll always post links to the personnel dossiers (which are public, so anyone can view those). I do it this way to avoid having an unorganised cluster of random stories and personnel dossiers. I'll keep my main characters of each faction at the top. After that they're in random order.

Also, any criticism on my writing is greatly appreciated :D

The personnel dossiers:

Zandor (FED)
Alice (KDF)
Rhian (ROM)
Den Hertog (FED)
Madeleine Clarisse Fournier (FED)
Unknown Person liked this
Edited February 27 2017 by Lars_Zandor


Advanced STO Troubleshooting

August 11 2016
I had that issue when I installed the update... but uninstalling arc and reinstalling it did not work for me... it seemed it was STO that was also broken... I tried steam and the STO launcher but they also did not work, so I had to rollback the update...

I will try again when they fix some bugs etc.


Now cancer isn't just my starsign...

August 11 2016
I'll send you a nice fluffy tribble to keep you comfy and give you strength. Just remember do not get it wet or feed it after midnight....

Take care
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Zander Hawk


Re:Now cancer isn't just my starsign...

August 11 2016
Warm hugs, I'll be sending some good thoughts and energy your way.
Unknown Person liked this


Now cancer isn't just my starsign...

August 11 2016
My thoughts and positive energies are with you. If I could give you a big ol hug, I would.
Unknown Person liked this


Now cancer isn't just my starsign...

August 11 2016
I am wishing you all the best and please let us know how things go.
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Ted Hembach


Now cancer isn't just my starsign...

August 11 2016
Hi fellow fleethearts!

I just wanna give you news 'bout my current health status, just in case anything odd will happen. Tomorrow is my second operation, as they found something in my throat last week, and it doesn't look very well. The doctors aren't sure if its cancer or not, but its definately a tumour which is growing down there. After this weekend I hope to have clear data, lets hope that everything will go well.


Thank you all for your support for me and my love, like you did on Funday Sunday last weekend. These are hard times we're going through, lets manage them, as we always do: as community, full of love and hope. In this manner I wish to you a long and prosperous life.

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Ted Hembach


Re:Social Media Contest!

August 11 2016
Congratulations! And btw, great skirt you are wearing :)
Bren Ohmsford


OFFICIAL: New Star Trek series premieres January 2017

August 11 2016
Some new information was released by Bryan Fuller at the CBS All Access panel for Television Critics Association:

Quick Facts:
- Story won't be focused on the starship captain, but a female LtCmdr and how she relates to events around her. (She's yet to be cast.)
- Diversity is a strong focus of the show; will feature a lot of Star Trek alien races, including reimagined canon races.
- Main cast will include a gay male character.
- Set a decade before NCC-1701's five year mission (circa 2255), will deal with an event that's been mentioned on screen. (Some speculate the Sheliak Treaty. Confirmed not Kobayashi Maru, Battle of Axanar or Romulan War.)
- Amanda Grayson (Spock's mother) and Section 31 may factor into the show in some way.
5 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Social Media Contest!

August 11 2016
Stephen Carville


Destination Star Trek - Birmingham October 2016

August 11 2016
Hope to see a few Stonewallers there.

At the last Destination Star Trek Cryptic turned out in force and even arranged a session in the pub for players

I still have the signed Voyager MSD poster they were handing out :)
Dave (Voleron)


Social Media Transition

August 11 2016
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: b, b, center
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: hr in b, center in size, center in size


As many of you know, Stonewall Fleet has long since had an active social media presence on both Facebook and Twitter under the Stonewall Fleet name. We've been excited to interact with you all there, but as the Stonewall community has grown and expanded into other games including SWTOR and GW2, our social media presence has been slow to adjust to our community's increasingly diverse demographic.

Those of you who follow our feeds will know that we've been addressing this by including SWTOR and GW2 themes in our posts these last few months, but until this point, it's all been under the banner of Stonewall Fleet. In the near future, this will be changing to be inclusive of our community as a whole, thereby encouraging increased representation from our SWTOR and GW2 communities in our social media interactions.

What will be changing?

On Monday, August 15th, Stonewall Fleet's Facebook and Twitter accounts will be re-named to reflect Stonewall's entire gaming network.

How does this affect me?

It probably won't! While our social media account names and graphics will change to be more reflective of the entirety of our community, the transition should be seamless for our followers. You won't have to 'like' or 'follow' any new pages.


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to share them here, and we'll do our best to address them!

10 people liked this
Edited August 11 2016 by Voleron

Advanced STO Troubleshooting

August 11 2016
In case anyone else runs into the same issue as me, after updating Windows 10 with the Anniversary Update, Arc was broken and wouldn't launch. To get it to work again, you have to uninstall Arc (you have the option to keep all installed games, so don't worry) and reinstall it. After that, it works.
Unknown Person liked this


Social Media Contest!

August 10 2016
Great picture and congratulations
Gareth GXV3


Social Media Contest!

August 10 2016
Congrats on the win! cool picture!
Lars Zandor


Social Media Contest!

August 10 2016


Social Media Contest!

August 10 2016
Conga Rats!
Dave (Voleron)


Social Media Contest!

August 10 2016
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: b, b, center, b, b
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: hr in b, center in size, center in size, center in size, hr in b, center in size, center in size


CONGRATULATIONS FINKA: For winning Stonewall Gaming Network's most recent social media contest! Enjoy your $25.00 e-gift certificate to the Star online store and be sure to show us the amazing swag that you bought!

Finka shared this AMAZING photo of her and her friends at the Star Trek: Beyond premier on our Facebook feed to win! Remember: it pays to follow and interact with us on Facebook and Twitter! Click the social media links below to join our social media community!


5 people liked this
Edited August 10 2016 by Voleron