

Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I scored a 27. So I'm right on the cusp of the middle one and the third one.


At the Vegas convention, I mentioned to a few people about my love for the Myers Briggs personality test and would be curious how people in the fleet would rank with that and if there would be a correlation here with this test and its scoring. Maybe next month's exercise could be to do an online version of that. None of these free tests are official but this would be just for fun anyway. I've just always liked how it helps to explain how people act, which helps me know better ways to interact with those personality types.

Here's a free one...I scored the same as I always do but won't share unless we do a separate thread for it next month.

Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Hello Folks!

August 14 2016

I can now fornally Welcome you to the Stonewall Gaming Network after all these years, it's good to have you back with us! Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.

In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct, our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions, and Fleet Bank Rules.

After 14 days from the date that you created your introduction post, you will be promoted to the level of “Member”. As a “Member” you will be able to purchase items from our fleet stores. If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

If you have not done so, please make sure to that you provide your in-game character name on here so that we can update our records.

Have fun! :)
Edited August 14 2016 by Zander_Hawk


[Processed] Hello Folks!

August 14 2016
Hi guys! I've known about you all before STO started, I was once part of Omega Fleet and that of course is no longer here. I always wanted to find a group of gaymers that I can play with and talk about things that is not always from a heteronormative perspective.
Anyway my game name is Radoorid and I have taken a very long break (years) from the game and I wish to get back into STO. I hope to get to know you all as the weeks and months go on. Drop me a line to say hello!
Unknown Person liked this
Edited August 14 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Zander Hawk


Re:[Processed] Hello Hello!

August 14 2016
Hey it's J-o-n, Jon! I'm so glad that you joined!
Dave (Voleron)


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I scored 26 and while the democratic style has always worked well for me and reflects my personality, people can begin to unintentionally take advantage of the non-authoritarian style from time to time. Since I like to lead from the front, they know I'll pick up their slack when they start to let things slide, so I've come to find that a delicate balancing act between democratic and a small degree of authoritarian is occasionally needed to ensure that people get their assigned tasks completed on their own.

Thanks for the share! This was a fun quiz.
Unknown Person liked this


[Processed] Hello Hello!

August 14 2016
Pleasure to have you on board jon
Ted Hembach


Now cancer isn't just my starsign...

August 14 2016
Hi Fleethearts!

I'm back home again (yippie!). The operation was okay, they took a new tissue sample from inside and from outside. The sample is in the lab right now, new information is coming next week. So, lets wait and hope for the best.

Thank you all for your kind words. I appreciate it a lot, and it helps for not losing my hope for the good outcome. Thanks !!! :)

3 people liked this
Lars Zandor


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I too got 23 points, lol.

Team #23P Unite! :woohoo: :P
Unknown Person liked this


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I also got 23 points! Yay team :)
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I scored 23 points on the MindTools leadership quiz.

Score Interpretation:

12-20 Points
You most commonly adopt an authoritarian or autocratic leadership style. You rarely consult your team members and, instead, tend to tell them what you want, when you want it, and how you want it done.

This style works well in a crisis, when a task must be completed quickly. However, you'll likely demoralize, demotivate and aggravate people if you use it all the time. This can translate into high absenteeism and turnover rates. You'll also miss out on a wealth of ideas, thereby stifling innovation and creativity. Read more below.

21-27 Points
You lean toward a democratic or participative style of leadership. You tend to set the parameters for the work and have the final say on decisions, but you actively involve your team members in the process.

This style can build trust between you and your people, as they'll likely feel engaged and valued. But it's not great in a high-pressure situation that requires a fast turnaround, as it will slow you down. And, if you dislike disagreement or conflict, you might struggle with how people respond to consultation. Read more below.

28-36 Points
Your default leadership style is probably delegating or "laissez faire." You give your team members free rein in how they work toward their goals.

This is an ideal approach when your people are highly skilled and motivated, and when you're working with contractors and freelancers who you trust. But if a team member is inexperienced or untrustworthy, or if you lose sight of what's going on, this approach can backfire catastrophically. Read more below.
2 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
Hello all,

Check out the Office of Membership Management for some useful resource information, and take the leadership quiz (all the way at the bottom of the page) to discover your leadership style!  

Feel free to share your leadership style on this post!

Unknown Person liked this
Edited September 02 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Zander Hawk


The Office of Membership Management

August 14 2016
Member Resources
Below are web sources that may help members seek the information that they may need.  Whether it’s legal, health services, or LGBT related resources, several public links are posted to provide a starting point for members to assist them during their research and their journey to access the help that they may need.

Resources Links
Statewide/Federal, Health, Legal, Mental Health, Government Services and LGBT Resources.

* Mental Health Services
This site connects you to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.  This agency provides education and resources regarding mental health.

* Medical Benefits and Services
Medicare is America’s health insurance program for people age 65 or older. Certain people younger than age 65 can qualify for Medicare, too, including those with disabilities and those who have permanent kidney failure.

* Social Security Administration
Social Security delivers a broad range of services.  Information on Benefits and other services include Retirement, Disability, Medicare, Survivors, Supplemental Security Income, Retirement Estimation, After Incarceration, Appealing a Decision,
Benefits Planner, Benefits Outside the U.S., Checking an Application Status, Potential Entitlement, Spouses benefits, Benefits for Children, Benefits for Children with Disabilities, and the Ticket to Work Program.

* Need a New or Replacement Social Security Number and/or Card?

* U.S. Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE)
OCSE does not provide services directly to families. OCSE partners with federal, state, tribal and local governments and others to promote parental responsibility so that children receive support from both parents even when they live in separate households.

Child Support Websites and General Contact Information

* U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Section 8, and rental assistance
HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination, and transform the way HUD does business.

* Get help paying your bills and living expenses
Answer questions on the website to find out which government benefits you may be eligible to receive.

* Health, Low Income Services, Human and Social Services Programs
Find contact information for government programs, listed by topic.

* State & Local Government Departments
The State and Local Government Internet directory provides convenient one-stop access to the websites of thousands of state agencies and city and county governments.

* Consumer Protection Laws and Offices
Find out about your state’s consumer protection office and laws.  City, county, regional, and state consumer offices offer a variety of important services. They might mediate complaints, conduct investigations, prosecute offenders of consumer laws, license and regulate professional service providers, provide educational materials and advocate for consumer rights. To save time, call before sending a written complaint. Ask if the office handles the type of complaint you have and if complaint forms are provided.

* Find information on your state and its legal systems

* National Conference of State Legislatures
Discover a wide range of legislative information about a state of your choice.  You can select to view specific website content materials/information for a state such as Bills, State Constitution, State Home Page, Issued Reports, Kids Pages, Legislators, Online Live Information, Press Room Releases, Program Evaluations, and Statutes.

* Federal Register
This website will show you rules created by U.S. federal government agencies.

* Free Legal Information through Nolo.com
This website provides legal information in plain English so that anyone can follow along to a specific legal subject.

* National Directory by American Bar Association Division for Legal Services
This website includes low income, free legal services, foreclosure information, self-help, court and other information.

* Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Free and Low-income civil legal aid
The LSC is an independent nonprofit established by Congress in 1974 to provide financial support for civil legal aid to low-income Americans. The Corporation currently provides funding to 134 independent nonprofit legal aid organizations in every state, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Territories.

* Find a lawyer by Legal Practice or Issue through Nolo.com
A resource to help connect you to legal practitioners across the United States.

* Find a lawyer or firm by Legal Issue (A to Z) through Lawyers.com
Select your legal issue from the All Legal Issues list on the website. You can find a lawyer or law firm based on your local area.

* Find a lawyer or firm by Case Type through FindLaw.com
Select a practice area to find profiles about specific types of cases related to that practice area that you may need.

* National Center for State Court Resources (Directory for State Courts)
The National Center for State Courts is an independent, nonprofit court improvement organization founded at the urging of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Warren E. Burger.  He envisioned NCSC as a clearinghouse for research information and comparative data to support improvement in judicial administration in state courts.

* Unites States (Federal) Courts
The U.S. Courts were created under Article III of the Constitution to administer justice fairly and impartially, within the jurisdiction established by the Constitution and Congress. This section will help you learn more about the Judicial Branch and its work.

* U.S. Supreme Court Opinions
Read about the latest U.S. Supreme Court Opinions and more.

* U.S. Legal Research websites
Some free legal research websites for most case law in the U.S.

* International Law

* Country Specific Agencies/Law coming soon.

Let me know if you know of other resources that we should include.

Please note that the Information listed on this page is not an endorsement, not legal advice, nor a recommendation of the services that you should take.  The public resources described above are for the purposes of your own personal research and self-help.  We do not guarantee the information nor do we guarantee the effectiveness or accuracy of the information therefore always make sure that you contact the information source/organization to ensure that the information is still accurate and up-to-date.


Admiral and Chief of Membership Management
Department of Membership Management

Email: zander.hawk@outlook.com
Kik: Zander.Hawk
Website: http://www.stonewallgaming.net/people/Zander_Hawk

Updated:  9/4/2016
Edited September 06 2016 by Zander_Hawk

Unknown Person

[Processed] Hello Hello!

August 14 2016
Welcome to Stonewall
Shawn Birch


[Processed] Hello Hello!

August 14 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network! We are glad you are here. :)


PHOTO ALBUM: Star Trek Las Vegas 2016

August 13 2016
So jealous! Looks like it was a ton of fun!


[EVENT] NOT in LAS VEGAS, Funday Sunday Event

August 13 2016
This event was super fun! I had a great time!


Hello Hello!

August 13 2016
Welcome to the fleet, hope to see you in game soon!

Please check out the following information which may provide useful!

Welcome Center

TeamSpeak Settings

Code of Conduct

and in case you are wondering who can assist you with fleet invites, or wanting any advice and guidance the leadership are always here to assist.

Fleet Departments

Also, please check the information on Fleet Bank etiquette and watch the video tutorial on the rules to Bank donations. Those can be found here:
Bank Ettiquette


PHOTO ALBUM: Star Trek Las Vegas 2016

August 13 2016
Great pics... especially the pornstar set :-)
Lars Zandor


Hello Hello!

August 13 2016
Welcome to the fleet!
Dave (Voleron)


Hello Hello!

August 13 2016
Hi Jon!

Welcome to Stonewall Fleet and the Stonewall Gaming Network as a whole! We're happy to have you join us and hope that you'll find Stonewall to be an amazing online home for your toons!

We'd love for you to follow the Stonewall Gaming Network on social media through your choice of Facebook and/or Twitter, and invite your friends to follow us as well! We'd also like to invite you to join our community group on Steam, where you can team up with your Stonewall friends for even more gaming! Click the icons below for quick links to each.

Finally, be sure to interact with us here in our forums, as it's where we post about our community events, share resources and have an opportunity to interact with one another outside of the games.

Welcome once again and I'll see you around the galaxy!