Mission Issues - Dragon's Deceit (Holes and Corners)
Good news, i was reading this and thinking i had no issues with that mission at all when i did it on my AoY toon.
i love gradients. they fill the void in my life! :-)
What life?
wow LOL. no soup for you...come back one year!
i love gradients. they fill the void in my life! :-)
What life?
wow LOL. no soup for you...come back one year!
i love gradients. they fill the void in my life! :-)
What life?
That is all.
Not only is this a gradient fail, but a magic eraser fail. Dave, you should be ashamed.
That is all.
Robin, unfortunately the links to things like the Welcome Center, Fleet Departments, Etiquette, et. al., all lead to a 404 page.