

[Processed] V'ian Introduction

August 21 2016
Ive been online in this chat for few days now, always typing, yet no one has invited me yet...


No Mans Sky: the most ambitious game in the universe

August 21 2016
Havent bought it myself but have played it for about two days by sharing it from my brothers Steam library. I love exploration games and if there is a story tied to it all the better and this does fit the bill for me. As for planets looking the same I just treat it like Skyrim in that I stick to one planet for exploration to learn languages and upgrade and evrything else i come across and only move elsewhere if there is something else I need from that other place.

I will likely buy my own copy but really think the price is a bit high right now and will wait for the £10-15 price point before purchase, but if they update to include pvp multiplayer it will get dropped like a hot potato or played permanently offline.


Weapon Loadout/T6 D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser

August 21 2016
I have plenty of feedback about this but initially on the weapons front. The exchange is an excellent place to buy weapons. I wouldn't waste your fleet credits on weapons that are readily acquired elsewhere. Save fleet credits for things like consoles that are only able to be bought from the fleet.
2 people liked this



August 21 2016
Welcome back, any questions feel free to ask
Zander Hawk



August 21 2016
Hey Don my Vegas buddy,

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us! Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.

In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct, our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions, and Fleet Bank Rules.

After 14 days from the date that you created your introduction post, you will be promoted to the level of “Member”. As a “Member” you will be able to purchase items from our fleet stores. If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

If you have not done so, please make sure to that you provide your in-game character name on here so that we can update our records.

Have fun! :)


[Processed] Hello!!!!

August 21 2016
Hello my distant friends. This is Don from Vegas. I know what you're all thinking, "Crap, this guy again". Well, I am back, at least for a brief stint. I am looking forward to meeting up with all of you among the stars.
Edited August 21 2016 by Zander_Hawk


Weapon Loadout/T6 D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser

August 21 2016
I could put my Rom ENG in the D'Khellra the only downside is I currently have him in the T6 Fleet-Morrigu completely outfitted with fleet plasma cannons and turrets so I would have to earn a crap ton of fleet creds somehow to change all those into beam arrays. Unless I should be upgrading the fleet weapons to crafted Mk XIII+ stuff anyway, most of everything else would probably carry over. I could then use the Morrigu with my TAC or get the Malem later.

Unknown Person

Weapon Loadout/T6 D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser

August 21 2016
Quote by Sentient_Gumball
...is the D'Deridex just a poor choice for a Tactical officer? I have access to the T6 Mogai, or I could get the Aelahl Light Warbird next month. I was really set on having a character in a D'deridex but recognize this may not be the character for it.

Since you enjoy the look of the thing, I'll leave the finer points of Double-D build making to the fleet shipwrights who are going to be much better at this sort of thing than me. BUT if you're thinking of getting another boat for your TAC toon anyway, take a look at the T6 Malem Light Warbird. My Rom ENG toon flies it with an all-plasma weapons loadout (almost entirely RomRep) and it's plenty of fun. Enhanced battle-cloaked torpedo launching and the Withering Barrage cannon trait make it a blast to fly. :evil:
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No Mans Sky: the most ambitious game in the universe

August 21 2016
This sounds like they took STO's genesis system (or whatever it was called) and slapped a $60 price tag on it..
Gareth GXV3


No Mans Sky: the most ambitious game in the universe

August 21 2016
As I said to Halish just now... the sad truth is... im already bored of it, and haven't played it in more than a few days.

I would 110% wait until its on sale.. a mega sale.. id say its worth about £15.

When you first play it.. your like.. wow.. look at that.. omg you can do this, you can do that.. wow this is seamless.
When your ready to fly up into space.. amazing
when you go into warp.. fantastic.. when you travel to your new system... whoo cool!
when you see your first worm hole.. AMAZING

but.... then you realize you've seen this planet before... but it had a few more trees.. or it had floating rocks or it was green, now its blue.
after a few planet jumps and system jumps... your like meh...seen this before.. lets mine some copper to get make a new warp battery so i can get out of this system.

you warp in... you mine to make a new battery.. you warp out.. you warp in, you mine to make a new battery.. you warp out.. you mine to make a new battery.. you warp out. you mine to make a new battery.. you warp out.

and thats it... thats how you'll be playing.

the first 2/3 times you play the game, you will LOVE it... after that... its just loading the game up just to.. mine... and thats all you can do... sure seeing a new creature and claiming your discovery is cool.. but .. its a game you play to pass the time, and while your playing it.. you think about other games :P

Dont get me wrong its a fantastic beautiful game, how seamless it is, and the freedom you have.. it gave me 2 days of the wow factor.. but its competitive after that.

id recommend it to anyone... IF it was cheap.. its absolutely NOT worth £40/$60 right now.
Its a Fad game.. but a beautiful one.
3 people liked this


Destination Star Trek - Birmingham October 2016

August 21 2016
Costume arrived today for this so looks like I will be dressed as a proper Trekkie when we go at the weekend. Still a bit miffed that Cryptic only ever go to the DST's which I didnt/dont go to :(
Unknown Person liked this


Weapon Loadout/T6 D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser

August 20 2016
Hey Folks. I've got a couple of questions I was hoping to ask, but I'm not sure if this is the right place. The last time I did any "hardcore" PvE was back during the Iconian War. I've completely missed out on any changes made since New Dawn and AoY came out. Because skills changed so radically from what I remember and there's gear over Mk XII now I decided I'd make a new character to get my feet wet again before trying to catch up my old characters up.

At present my "main" is a VA53 FED Romulan Tactical officer. I bought her the D'Khellra-class warbird during the ship sale (I have major love for the look of the D'Deridex. It was my favorite ship in TNG when I was a kid.) I was just wondering if anyone had any general build advice.

More specifically, I was going to go with a Gravity Well I build in the science officer slot similar to what I did on a different Rommy. I selected TT1, BFAWII, and TS3 for my tactical abilities. If I remember right I have two plasma infusers and th basic auto point defense console you can get at T1. I have two particle generators in the science console slots. My engineering console slots are neutronium alloy x2, RCS and a plasma leach. I have four plasma beam arrays aft and three fore with a plasma torp launcher. None of them are impressive. Mk X-XII greens mostly. I focused my skills in hull capacity, power levels and beam damage/crit/shield/hull penetration.

My problem is that I seem to explode rather easily. It just doesn't seem to perform well. I was going for a tanky AoE build and feel I have failed.

So my question(s):

  1. Would I be better off going with a straight tank build that focuses on shield/hull healing (replacing GWI with Transfer Shield Strength) and shield damage rather than capacity/crit and both hull/shield damage?
  2. Is this even possible or is the D'Deridex just a poor choice for a Tactical officer? I have access to the T6 Mogai, or I could get the Aelahl Light Warbird next month. I was really set on having a character in a D'deridex but recognize this may not be the character for it.

Additional questions unrelated to the above:
  1. Should I focus on getting crafted Mk XIII+ VR gear or are Mk II Fleet weapons still competitive?
  2. [strike]I made a Temporal Agent and got her the Temporal Dreadnaught. I planned on doing AP and Chroniton torpedos. I have several VR Mk XII Omni-Directional AP arrays which seems like an amazing idea on paper but I know I'll need to compensate for the energy drain. Are skills boosting weapon power and EPS transfer enough or do I need EPS consoles too? .. or am I crazy and I should use straight 180-degree arc beam arrays?[/strike] Edit: I forgot you could only do one omni.
Edited August 21 2016 by Sentient_Gumball
Shawn Birch


Hello Hello

August 20 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, we are glad you are here!

Please make sure to visit our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology such as TeamSpeak.

In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct, our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions, and Fleet Bank Rules.

After 14 days from the date that you created your introduction post, you will be promoted to the level of “Member”. As a “Member” you will be able to purchase items from our fleet stores. If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

If you have not done so, please make sure to provide your in-game character name here so that we can update our records and send you an invite.

I hope to see you in Space! :)
Edited August 20 2016 by Parker


Hello Hello

August 20 2016
Welcome to the fleet!

Unknown Person

Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

August 20 2016
I think I bought the cheapest pledge but that was a while ago. I got Star Citzen, Squadron 42 and the cheapest shittiest ship lol ...

I figured I'll wait until the game launches and see how you go about getting new better ships in-game.

I do worry about my computers ability to run the game. I ran 2.0 pretty smoothly but when they showed off that planet and spoke about the lack of draw distances .. it worries me but hopefully they'll have some sort of graphical options.

It really is starting to look good now but I still think we are a ways way. I only wish they'd give the 3rd person flight mode a UI so it would be viable to play it that way.


Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

August 20 2016
i keep being tempted to buy it but there are so many packages and they get so expensive so quickly.
I had no clue was was a good option to buy.


Hello Hello

August 20 2016
Welcome to the fleet matey :) :)


[Processed] Hello Hello

August 20 2016
I am a gay male that lives in the states and enjoys talking with like minded people and I feel that this fleet will help in that endeavor.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited August 21 2016 by Zander_Hawk


Mission Issues - Dragon's Deceit (Holes and Corners)

August 20 2016
Oh I had a ton of issues.
1. Looking like I was impaled by the rappel.
2. Falling off cliffs into holes.
3. Not seeing markers.
4. Activating the rappels and then just laying on the ground.

There were a lot of weird breaks in that mission.
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

August 20 2016
SO cool!!

Ive bought the game several mths ago, but each patch is so huge.
Ive still no idea when its officially released.
the more it evolves, the more im afraid my computer cant handle it.
you'll need a super PC.

But a very very impressive video