WARNING - Getting banned for TALKING about buying ec!
The people talking about it are usually bots spamming players so alot of these games just insta ban if you talk about these things.
Buying and selling in-game currencies in most games MMOs is a violation of the EULA. You have to be careful what you say in-game cause of automated filters. If you get caught actually doing it, you may very well be banned permanently so I'd avoid it entirely.
just picked up The Division. awesome game, curious to see if anyone else in here plays it
So as far as exchange purchases go do you guys think Mk XII is solid for general gameplay or do I need to invest in something higher? Very Rare or do I need to spring for Ultra? I would like to outfit her in Romulan plasma from the rep system since fleet weapons are no longer the way to go.
I have plenty of feedback about this but initially on the weapons front. The exchange is an excellent place to buy weapons. I wouldn't waste your fleet credits on weapons that are readily acquired elsewhere. Save fleet credits for things like consoles that are only able to be bought from the fleet.
Ive been online in this chat for few days now, always typing, yet no one has invited me yet...