Bren Ohmsford



August 25 2016
Awesome! Looking forward to it. :woohoo:
Lars Zandor



August 25 2016
Looks great!

Sadly I will not be able to participate on Saturday due to work :(
But count me in for Sunday! :woohoo:
Dave (Voleron)



August 25 2016
I LOVED Reflection Day last year, and I'm super excited for it again this year! Unfortunately, I'm working throughout the weekend, but I'm almost considering asking for a day off to join you all!

Gareth, you and your department's events are always so awesome - can't wait to partake in some of the fun!
Ryan Thompson



August 25 2016
:woohoo: Yay I can't wait... Now I need to find a mirror ship lol... See you there!
Ted Hembach


[Controversial Pet Peeve] So.. i made a new thread

August 25 2016
Hey Gareth! It is always very funny what you come up with. Your awareness is great, and I think I can offer a theory for your perception.

Indeed there is a little increase in the use of confirmation words like "so" or "thus" in the last ten years or so. As I am a media business manager, I noticed that news and advertisements changed in the last few years, and I think it comes with a phenomenon called "negativity bias". Which means, in short, that news and media prefer bad news over good ones, because the audiance reacts more to them than otherwise. IMO that process speeded up since 9.11.

If you want to get deeper into this topic, here is a link:
Psychology: Why bad news dominate the headlines (from BBC)
Please note how often the author starts his sentences with "so" to make a conclusion. (lol)
Unknown Person liked this
Kiera Skylar



August 25 2016
I was trying to play a two player game with one player, simultaneously, it is a fair bit trickier to get the hang of not onky up and down, but rotation and... For lack of a better term, swinging.

Add that to simultaneous self two player and it is not the easiest to wrangle.

Besides, it is a more, short, slightly humorous video because of the nature of it.
Zander Hawk


Re:USS Discovery in 3D

August 25 2016
Gareth GXV3



August 25 2016
Gareth GXV3



August 25 2016
R E F L E C T I O N - D A Y - 2

Greetings Stonewall Empire mates, One year ago today we announced a breach in our universe, a Vortex that enveloped Stonewall fleet for a day.
We became our mirror universe selves for one day.. our way of playing became affected, we were defiantly not ourselves!

Do you remember??

a year later.. its happening once again.. ..


Prepare yourselves Stonewall Empire for 2 days full of PVEs/PVPs and competitions, with chances of earning more Stonewall Credits.

The Reflection day 2 event is all about doing something different for 2 days, Change up your ship, your weapons, your style.
To take part in the event you will need to choose a Mirror ship, or an easy obtainable fraction ship that you'd never think of using, like the APU cruiser.. or the Malon battle cruiser.
a full list of Mirror ships can be found HERE

We encourage you to build up your mirror ships, in a standard that you never normally would..
E.g.. using different weapon types that you never normally use,
Use Engineering based consoles more than you use, Make a tank build, Make a cannon build.. or a torp boat.

The day is about having fun, trying something different for a change.

But this year we have a theme.. Pirates & Bounty hunters.
Stonewall Empire has been contracted by our Armada Fleets to supply them with much needed aid...
In order to obtain what they have requested.. we will need to battle raid & pillage in space and on ground.
They will send ships to help us on these runs.

Any loot that you come across during our battles on this weekend.. we must "NEED" EVERYTHING. (Normally during fleet pve runs its advised to choose "Greed" but we are playing differently for this weekend)

After several runs, we will sell our loot.. and with the EC, we will purchase the goods needed by our fellow Armada fleets!

From Doffs to Battery's to Dilithium our goal is to fill the Armada Fleets up
(Fleet credits will not count as they will be blocked Temporally)

Whats needed to have fun with the Stonewall empire and its Armada mates?

A Ship that youd never think of flying

-Mirror Ships
-Apu Chuiser
-Malon Battle ship
-Kazon Raider
-Nihydron Destroyer

Anything you think would fit a Space Pirate or Bounty hunter.
(If you are finding getting hold of a mirror ship hard, please contact me, I may be able to help you, or use some of your SWCs in the store)

A free Ship slot to plop your chosen Pirate/BH ship in

LOTS of inventory space to collect your loot

Different Weapon types youd never dream of using
(its only for 2 days so you dont have to go wild buying the best)

Ability to use your imagination: Are you going to be a crazy Pirate who insist's on just using Turrets for constant damage... or a Bounty Hunter.. who wants quick damage with a torp boat... what will you be for the weekend??

a Sense of Excitement and Fun!

(Please note that majority of our members played in FED, ROM/FED ships last year, and its advised that you would like to think about using one of your FED toons this year who are LVL 50+ and over.. to avoid disappointment in getting into queues) if your not yet lvl 50, dont fear we can run a few Fleet alerts and other things with you!

(Times maybe subject to change)

(To find out your time zones, use this site, its helpful)

3pmBST/10am EDT until 5pmBST/12pmEDT
The Expendable Redshirts Fleet Contract:

Starting Random PVE runs @3pmBST/10AM EDT our Contract is to Help with filling The Expendable Redshirts Fleet using our Armada System


Show off Your Mirror/Pirate/Bounty Hunter Toon:

Walk the catwalk showing off what you've re-imagined your toon as, will he have an eye patch.. will she have pink hair.. will they have battle scars?? come show off your creations and win SWCs!!


7pmBST/2pmEDT until 10pmBST/5pmEDT
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Fleet Contract:

Starting Random PVE runs between these times our Contract is to Help with filling the The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Fleet using our Armada System

(To find out your time zones, use this site, its helpful)

3pmBST/10am EDT until 5pmBST/12pmEDT
The Nethersphere Fleet Contract:

Running Random PVE runs between these times our Contract is to Help with filling the The Nethersphere Fleet using our Armada System


Team Survival Hour:

we have beamed aboard a station that has somehow effected our technology making our guns and kits redundant.
ONLY using a mele weapon, Sword, Lurpa.. or even bare fists.. on this Ground PVP map, we have to fight each other to survive!
(NO kits, NO guns, NO Turrets, NO mines.. you get the idea, back to basics fights)


7pmBST/2pmEDT until 11pmBST/6pmEDT
Federation Prime Directive & Federation Anti-Borg Alliance Fleet Contracts

Running Random PVE runs between these times our Contract is to Help with filling the The FPD & FABA Fleets using our Armada System



[Forum comp - Your Mirror Bio]
The Reflection Day 2 biography competition is now open in (CLICK HERE TO SEE), where I encourage your creativeness, and ask you to write up a bio of your mirror/Pirate/BH toon, it can be anyone of your toons, but I suggest you concentrate on your main toon you will be using for the event weekend.. or maybe you would like to do them on a few of your toons.. its up to you.
You can take inspiration from Last Years Bio Thread(The Mirror Bio Submission Competition will Start when its opened.. & end the morning of 5th Sept )



(Line up may change with added events, keep checking back)

This Event is put on for us ALL to have fun, running PvEs/PvPs with each other, To try out New builds.. to Try out PVEs that we have never tried before, or have been to nervous about trying.. you are among friends now, So i encourage everyone to tag along and have fun.

In some cases Queues will fill up quickly, be patient as they are going on all day and everyone will get into them

Again.. if you are having trouble getting a mirror ship, contact me I can send a random one but have a limited amount of stock.

12 people liked this
Edited August 27 2016 by GXV3


USS Discovery in 3D

August 25 2016
I think I might have come across that on Youtube as well.

There's also this one that I put together a week or two ago. You can also download it for your Android phone.
2 people liked this
Shawn Birch


[Controversial Pet Peeve] So.. i made a new thread

August 25 2016
For me, and I have found myself using So often to start sentences, I caught on to it working with folks from India. They tend to use it a lot, like A LOT. So I have picked it up. I try not to use it but it comes out more often than not.

So, in conclusion, So is used a lot.
Unknown Person liked this
Shawn Birch


[Processed] Hello All

August 25 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network! :)
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Lars Zandor


[Controversial Pet Peeve] So.. i made a new thread

August 25 2016
Ah oke.
It looks kind of redundant to me. In Dutch, the comma and "and" both mean the same thing in a list, namely that the list is continuing.

For us, the Oxford comma comes across as:
I like to thank my parents and Han Solo and and Julian Bashir. (Notice the double "and" before Julian Bashir)

The fact that we use commas is to avoid a constant repeat of "and". We do use "and", but right before the last item, as an indication that the list is coming to an end.

But that is how I experience the Oxford comma and is probably why I never really gave it much thought. I don't know if that is the same for other people though.
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

[Controversial Pet Peeve] So.. i made a new thread

August 25 2016
Quote by Lars1091
Quote by SaintPlazma
My biggest pet peeve is nonuse of the oxford comma...

I have heard of the Oxford comma, but I have no idea what it is or when it is supposed to be used. Could someone explain please?

The comma before and when making a list.
I like the thank my parents, Han Solo, and Julian Basher. Oxford comma

I like to thank my parents, Han Solo and Julian Basher no comma.

The comma befor and makes a clearer, and cleaner sentace.
3 people liked this
Lars Zandor


[Controversial Pet Peeve] So.. i made a new thread

August 25 2016
Quote by SaintPlazma
My biggest pet peeve is nonuse of the oxford comma...

I have heard of the Oxford comma, but I have no idea what it is or when it is supposed to be used. Could someone explain please?

Unknown Person

[Controversial Pet Peeve] So.. i made a new thread

August 24 2016
Hmm could introduce a question, and there's nothing like ending an argument with "So there!"

My biggest pet peeve is nonuse of the oxford comma...
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

Hi all!

August 24 2016
Welcome to the Fleet, we're glad to have you. I really like your profile name btw, Star Wars reference FTW!
Iain Smith


Hello All

August 24 2016
Quote by nivagni
Welcome, when you next login to the game and you have added the stonewallfleet to your chat channel simply give a shout out for a fleet invite, and any other help or advice just ask..

Gav !

Already sorted by Robin :)
Iain Smith


Hello All

August 24 2016
Suppose I better welcome you too since it was me who you refer to in your post lol. Have fun being part of Stonewall, there are a lot of amazing peeps to get to know.


Hi all!

August 24 2016
Welcome, if you need any help or advice just shout :)