Gareth GXV3



July 07 2021

To go alongside the variety of events planned for this years Stonewall Pride, our Raffle is back and tickets are on sale from Fri 9th until our Stonewall Pride Weekend taking place on the 17th & 18th July

 (See here for more details on our Pride Weekend Events & Activities)

You have plenty of time to buy tickets. Winners will be drawn from a random name selector. (the Hat)
The first name drawn will be for the first prize, the second name drawn will be for the 2nd prize and etc.
Once your name is drawn from a hat, you're a winner and can no longer win another prize.

Raffle Winners will be announced during the closing ceremonies on Sunday 18th July.

Last year we raised 2,222,200,000 ec (well over 2 billion) from sales which some lucky winners walked away with, including 60 other prizes.
This year we may not beat that.. but we have some great prizes on offer at this current time. 
lets have a look at our price menu. 
(more prizes will be added if the Raffle grows)

on sale Friday 9th July until Sat 17th July

Tickets are 200,000 EC Each
look out in game StonewallFleet chat or Discord, for a chance to buy tickets from a Fleet Captain or Admiral 
within the Department of Resources.
Ticket Sellers:


- When these sellers are online, we will announce in chat that we are free to sell tickets.
- We will then invite you to our bridge and do the trade!
- we will put your name on the raffle ticket list

- if you buy x2 tickets, your name will be posted twice, buy x5 your name appears 5 times etc
- you can buy as many tickets as you want
- If your name is drawn, you are a winner so your name cannot be drawn again
- The last day to buy a ticket is on Sat 17th July

If you cannot find a ticket seller (listed above) online, don't panic, simply send one of us an ingame mail.. PM or tag us in discord.
We are in Europe & North American timezones so we will definitely get back to you and arrange a meet up in game to exchange the EC.
If we are having trouble meeting you.. an alternative solution can be made between you and the ticket seller.

We keep NONE of the EC raised through raffle ticket sales, as you see in our prize menu all the EC becomes a prize.

Dont forget to check out our Pride 21 event games here:

5 people liked this
Edited July 14 2021 by GXV3

Anyone Play Minecraft?

July 06 2021
Yes, and you need a different launcher. Nowadays they do installs for you so it saves you a headache - There's the CurseForge one (Where you can browse mods and install it with a click), ATLauncher which is similar, there's the Technic Launcher, though IIRC that one mostly had curated mod packs. 

Can't help you on how to set up a server though, that's beyond me.

Anyone Play Minecraft?

July 06 2021
Don't you need to do special install stuff for curse forge things?

If you could show me what we could need and how would one setup a server?

Anyone Play Minecraft?

July 06 2021
Minecraft has paid modding now? Oy...

I know there's plenty of sci-fi themed mods - There's Galacticraft for having an orbital station and several solar system planets, and there's a number of vehicle mods. I don't think I've ever seen any directly pilotable spaceships or anything like that, but who knows. Curse Forge is a good place to find those.
sqweloookle liked this

Anyone Play Minecraft?

July 06 2021
I'm not sure about the moving multiblock or pre-modelled vehicle mods. Though it would be a survival server and we could go with the space theme, I saw it on the marketplace unless it is downloadable for free somewhere.
Dave (Voleron)


Writing Contest: Left Behind!

July 01 2021


Thank you to everyone for your entries!  The contest is now closed and no more entries are being accepted.  We're really looking forward to reading all of your terrific entries over this coming weekend, after which, we'll announce the winners of Stonewall's "Left Behind" writing contest!

Edited July 01 2021 by Voleron
Joseph Wayt


Writing Contest: Left Behind!

June 28 2021
Writing Contest: Left Behind!

Lost By Joseph Wayt (Captain Milo)

Captain Milo Thomayt Personal Log.
The U.S.S Dunedin has been away from home for the last three months on a mapping assignment at the far reaches of the Alpha Quadrant, My husband Tobias Pascal also a captain on board the U.S.S Capricorn has been away 12 days on a Starfleet mission into the Badlands in search of a particular Marqui ship which has wreaked havoc over the last few months.  His last communication before entering the Badlands and before an enforced communication blackout, he told me he had been given permission by Starfleet command to use whatever force was necessary to stop this particular Marqui crew, I knew from his voice that he knew this was going to be both a difficult as well as dangerous mission but as Starfleet officers we had to perform our duty.
Being part for so long had been difficult and that had only been heightened since last hearing from Tobias.  As the days past by I couldn’t help but worry of what might be happening, I know Tobias was a competent captain and he would be careful but I also knew in my heart that any mission into the Badlands was crammed with danger and more importantly unpredictability.  All I could do was to turn my attention to completing my own mission and to head back home.
We had just experienced what could only be described as a barrage of technical difficulties with the ship which had exhausted both myself and my engineering team when I received a message from Starfleet.  It was a message that every family member fears of receiving, a distress call had been picked up and been relayed to Starfleet by a klingon crew operating at the perimeter of the Badlands.  It was from the Capricorn.
An initial search by Starfleet had been unsuccessful but as a result of a deteriorating situation in the sector Starfleet had called of the search and had declared the U.S.S Capricorn lost.
My heart sank – I was distraught as well as angry, I couldn’t comprehend why Starfleet had given up so soon.  What could I do, I couldn’t abandon Tobias, I need to find out what had happened and if he was still alive.  I then decided that I must get to the Badlands as soon as possible, I ordered my crew to set course warp 8.
The journey was agonising, my head was full of different scenarios of what could have happened.  I knew Starfleet would be displeased to say the least added to which I had gone to silent running but Tobias was my heart and soul I couldn’t not do something.
Three weeks had past and the ship was on high alert, we just entered the Badlands, after a day we picked up a faint signal from one of the U.S.S Capricorn’s emergency beacons.  I couldn’t fathom why Starfleet hadn’t picked this up or why they abandon the search so soon, that will be something I will purse with them vigorously on my return into federation space but for now I was only concerned to find and return Tobias and his crew home.
We carried on searching for two days when our sensors picked up some debris.  It was put on the view screen when my scientific officer said the words I feared so much.
 ‘’ Captain it’s the Capricorn’’
I stared there frozen in time for the next ten minutes I heard nothing of what was being said not until my first officer laid his hand on my shoulder and I heard him say we can’t ascertain if they had managed to get to their escape pods but we must stay confident that they did and we should begin a search for them.
But I knew in my heart I had lost my Husband, soul mate and my world, I fell to my knees in pain and anguish.  I will never be whole again.



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Ted Hembach


Writing Contest: Left Behind!

June 25 2021
Personal Log, 88791.09
Today my counselour suggested to accelerate my rehabilitation by keeping a personal logfile. So, here we are. What to say? Should I say I'm sorry about being killed and revived by the borg, and then killed and revived by the Federation again? I'm not sorry at all, I'm happy to feel anyhow. Life, sense, emotion and individuality, dancing, not to speak of nutrition, all great, there's much to discover.

Personal Log, 89316.53
I don't like operations. The doctors of Starfleet Medical said, I have to undergo seven minor and three major surgeries, until they are able to restore my normal lifefunctions. They also said my cranium implantation is not removeable, by doing so immediate death will occur.

Personal Log, 89317.12 Supplement
There is a small chance that my cranium implantation will function properly if reactivated. This would mean I would be able to access any computer within a quarter lightyear through my subspace communication node, which they are also not capable of removing.

Personal Log, 90492.64
I was handed my service record today. It says my name is Walther Schmidt, born in New Berlin on Earth' moon. My rank in Starfleet was Lt. Commander, my mission profile states that I was assigned to Planitia Utopia as tactical security under command of Commander Ted Hembach. My current status according to my service record is "missing in action", my last assignment was tactical support on a deep space testflight.

Personal Log, 90786.42
Nothing is known about the circumstances leading to my assimilation through the borg collective. The corpse of myself was found incapacitated in the debris of Wolf 359 as Starfleet began building a monument there. It seems I've been floating around there for 39 years.

Personal Log, 91015.17
Today I enlisted at Starfleet Academy, again. Since I am half a machine myself, I should be able to become an excellent engineer. I decided to keep my designation Five of Five.

2 people liked this

Writing Contest: Left Behind!

June 24 2021
Breaking Point: A Star Trek Story

Commander Bridger awakens with a deep breath and looks around frantically. Sparks from nearby consoles were lighting up the usually blackened bridge. Stammering his speech, he calls out “X…XO! Damage report!” Lieutenant Commander Amy Padilla, fully conscious but stunned and sitting against the turbolift door repeats to herself, mouthing the words “We never saw them coming! They came out of nowhere.” Bridger walks stumbles over to her and looks in her face and yells once more, fearing that she had hearing damage. “Damage report!” Amy just keeps repeating the same thing to herself repeatedly “We never saw them coming! They came out of nowhere.” Jack, calm this time tries to talk to Amy once more “Amy…hey Amy.” And touches her shoulder “What happened?” Amy snaps out of her stunned state and looked Jack in the eyes “The Tal Shiar uncloaked an attacked us. They came out of nowhere.” Jack stands up and extends his hand for Amy to grab it. Amy grabs his hand and Jack pulls her to her feet. “Doc? Are you here?” The ship’s doctor runs to them both and gave Amy a scan. “A few superficial wounds. She’s a little shaken up but nothing too serious. She’ll be fine sir.” Jack nods and looks at Amy “I need you to take a second and gather yourself.” Amy nods and paces for a second. “Captain,” says Amy “we have to be prepared for them to attack again.” Jack nods and yells “Helm! Where are we on shields and weapons?” The pilot yells back “Shields are holding at fifteen percent! We are out of torpedoes, but we still have fore and aft phasers.” “Very well! Get ready for another attack” replies Bridger. “Aye Captain!” confirms the pilot.
Bridger orders, “Comms, call for backup. I don’t care if you need to get the flagship down here. We need help…NOW!” “Aye Captain” replies the comms station. “Everyone listen up!” Bridger commanded “The situation is dire. We are losing life support. The call has been put out for backup and if the Tal Shiar comes back, we must be ready. Everyone will head over to the armory in teams of four. We don’t know if we will be boarded. Life support is minimal at best, and we are crippled. We have minimal weapons and shields are almost gone. But as always, we WILL make this work. And if we go down, we’re going to drag these bastards down to hell with us. So, get ready. Get your gear. And get back to your station immediately. Key stations go first. Support stations will go last. Now move as if your life depended on it!” 
An hour passes and everyone is back to their stations fully armed. “Helm, status report.” One of the pilots shouts back toward the captain’s chair “I read three ships. Headed this way. They’re powering up weapons. They don’t look friendly.” Bridger gets up from the captain’s chair and moves toward the viewscreen. Watching the ships approach. “Standard protocol first. Hail them.” The pilot presses a few buttons and there is an error noise. “They are not responding, sir.” Bridger nods angrily “Open a channel to the lead ship.” The pilot presses a bunch of buttons again and the console registers yet another error. “No luck, sir.” Bridger faces toward the security station “Shield and weapons status?” “Shields are at maximum and weapons are powered up.” replies the console operator. Bridger responds with a soft growl. “If it’s a fight they want, then it’s a fight they’ll get.” “Wait Captain! I’m reading another ship. It’s the Odin!” Bridger laughs and puts his face in his hands for a quick second. “Helm,” he barks laughing, contact the Odin and fill them in. These dudes should’ve known who they were messing with.” Captain Nelson pops onto the Fenrir’s viewscreen. “Jack! What have you done this time?” Nelson asks with a smile. “Not much sir. Just getting into a bit of trouble is all. You know us.” Nelson laughs with a reply. “I do know you. I taught you. Hold tight Fenrir. We got you.” The viewscreen goes blank and Odin unleashes hell with phasers and torpedoes, taking out all but one of the enemy ships. The Odin’s transmission can be heard over the secure channel “Take a message back to your leaders. ‘If you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.’ Now get the hell away from here before I board you. An believe me when I tell you: that won’t be enjoyable.” Nobody died that day, and the USS Fenrir was alone in the void. No one will forget today, and this fleet will be stronger for it. Commander Jack Bridger was awarded the Starfleet Medal of Valor for his actions and was offered the rank of Captain. Bridger turned the rank down but told his superiors he’ll keep the consideration for the rank of Captain open in case he is inclined to command his own fleet one day.
2 people liked this

Anyone Play Minecraft?

June 24 2021
Oh they finally got moving multiblocks working? Or those pre-modelled vehicle mods?

Are you thinking of a Creative server or a techy modpack ala Galacticraft with added bells and whistles?

I used to play it, not that into it anymore. If there was a Stonewall server I'd be a big maybe.
sqweloookle liked this

Anyone Up for regular Among Us hangouts?

June 24 2021
Is nikki123 a bot? lol

Anyone Play Minecraft?

June 24 2021
I was thinking that we could have a world together and build our version of Starfleet Command as well as other Star Trek and Star Wars buildings? I saw that vehicles work in the game so we could make shuttles and our favourite ships. Buzz me if you are interested and we could work it all out.
Zander Hawk


Writing Contest: Left Behind!

June 20 2021

Left Behind
A short story by Zander Hawk

I remember when I first arrived at Outpost Recuerdo.  I had joined the Federation Bureau of Administration as an accountant, specializing in ensuring that requisitions for non-Federation currencies were completed in a timely manner.

I loved my job, there was always a certainty about numbers that I enjoyed.  I remember working with Jill in Purchasing, she was great.   Peter in Fiscal was always very thoughtful.  Miranda in Accounting had an infectious laugh, she was a riot.

We would have wild potlucks every month until the new managers took over - I guess they didn’t like food much.

I would go by Jill’s desk often and talk about work stuff.  We did this for many years until she got promoted.  She left to some other outpost near the Beta Magellan system.

I loved strolling through the halls of the building, and especially gazing out the main window that looked out into space.  Pete’s desk was only a few steps away.  I would always drop by his desk and we would chat about the joys of life, it was our routine for the longest time until he passed away.  

I would always rely on Miranda as the comedic relief of the office.  We would often joke about being in one of those old 21st Century sitcoms.  We did that for the longest time until she decided to retire.  I tried keeping in touch with everyone, but life happens and everyone eventually moves on.

Work was like home until it wasn’t.  Eventually everyone I knew was replaced and the new people were very different, they were very focused on their own interests.  I quickly became the old guy in the corner desk.  I was either ignored or forgotten…I could never figure out which one.  I guess I just wasn’t relevant anymore.  I felt discarded.  Everyone I knew moved on except me.

On my last day years later, it was time for me to leave everything behind and so I finally went home.  

I said goodbye to my favorite window, I closed my eyes and I left the building.

I exhaled.

I was transported through the stars at warp speeds until I got home.  

I opened the door and there to my joy and surprise I saw Jill, Peter, and Miranda with open arms.

I guess I finally caught up with them in the end…

3 people liked this
Edited June 20 2021 by Zander_Hawk


Writing Contest: Left Behind!

June 18 2021
Great stories, guys. I've enjoyed reading them. Thanks a lot.
Unknown Person liked this


Anyone up for some PvE in The Division or The Division 2 sometime?

June 17 2021
I just picked both games up and was looking for folks to play with. :)


What Book Are You Currently Reading? Part VI

June 11 2021
Currently, I'm enjoying American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Absolutely stunning thing! 

Unknown Person

What Book Are You Currently Reading? Part VI

June 10 2021
Right now I'm reading Mikola Khvylyovy's "I'm a Romantic".
Chris Moore


Writing Contest: Left Behind!

June 10 2021

Together Forever.

“Just breathe..”
Adamis thought to himself as he slowly piloted his shuttle towards the Borg cube now in orbit around the planet of Brunali.
“No going back now. Computer beam me to the cube on my mark.”
“Ok open your eyes on the count of three” Adamis said elated.
Kelin slowly opened his eyes to see his Husband holding a rose. Layed out in front of him, was a picnic of all his favorite things, right down to the Tera nut souffle  he absolutely adored.
“Aw, Babe you shouldn't have” Kelin said smiling ear to ear. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found his other half, the person he knew he would grow old with.
“Hey I think after being married a decade the least I could do was make sure I got the souffle right., especially after what happened the first time I attempted to replicate it.”   Adamis said laughing.
“Oh! Speaking of the replicator I almost forgot! I”ll be right back just gotta grab something out of the shuttle.” Adamis jogged back the short distance to the shuttle craft as his husband smiled watching him fade in the distance.
“Ok let me just grab..”
Adamis’ thought was interrupted by an explosion that shook the entire planet.
His next thought was “Kelin.”
He darted from the shuttle running back to where he left his husband. As he ran over the last hill his heart dropped.
The last sight Kelin saw was Adamis with panic and fear in his face as he frantically ran towards him.
“ADAMIS RUN! I LOVE Y…..” A  Green dematerialzation field  surrounded Kelin as he was held by two Borg drones and beamed aboard a Borg cube orbiting the planet.
Adamis dropped to his knees in agony seeing Kelin there one second and then just gone..
“No, this can’t… they can’t.. I don’t accept this… there has to be…”  his mind was racing he knew what was going to happen next to Kelin,   but he made a vow and he wasn’t going to lose Kelin without a fight.
“Good, they don’t consider me a threat.”
Adamis walked slowly through the cube carefully following the coordinates in his tricorder which thanks to the tetryon particals in the atmosphere , was not an easy task. 
Luckly Kelin was the only Antarian aboard the vessel besides himself.
“Just a little further… and then its a quick grab and transport” Adamis thought trying to calm his anxiety, while also blocking out what he knew was inevitable.
He  creeped around the corner and then he saw him.
Kelin was in a Borg alcove unconscious. His left eye was no longer his own but instead a Borg implant.
“Kelin!, Babe I need you wake up.” Adamis said as he ripped the wiring that held Kelin firmly in the alcove. He injected Kelin with a neurotransmitter and his eye shot open in shock and horror.
“Ada.. it hur.. I can hear them.. so many voices… Kill me please” Adamis looked down at Kelvin, tears streaming down his face. The assimilation process had already started.  He could see the nanoprobes were doing their job as Kelin’s skin was already mottling turning    him    into a lifeless pale husk of his former self.
“It’s ok baby. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere, just listen to my voice”  he wouldn’t leave Kelin, there maybe a thousand voices   and thoughts in the collective, but he would find Kelin among them.
Adamis raised his phaser and fired at the nearest Borg alcove. A Borg disconnected from the alcove slowly making his way towards him.  He stood as the Borg extended his arm injecting nanoprobes into his bloodstream through his neck. He fell in pain grabbing Kelin in his arms.
“Together forever right?” it took all his strength to hold Kelin through the pain. But hold him he did, as slowly the voices of the collective overtook him and his thoughts faded to darkness.
4 people liked this
Austin  Rockford


Writing Contest: Left Behind!

June 07 2021
I woke up gasping for air and soaking wet. Four of the cadets in my class that I considered my closest friends were laughing like hyenas and either rolling on the floor or trying to brace themselves on furniture. They had poured ice water on me to wake me and while they think I won’t retaliate; they are very wrong. 

“The Captain said we should see how well you would do with a rough wake up call.” A human male said as he laughed and spoke breathlessly. His name is Talon and I’d consider him my true love but I doubt he’d feel the same.

I dried my hair and finished packing for our final survival mission before graduation from the academy. They had us do these pretty simple missions every year and they weren’t really challenging but more team building. We were the last group to be shipped off and we got really nice planet randomly chosen for us by one of the admirals. 

The four of us got our briefing and strapped in and headed for the planet. We laughed and talked about ships we wanted to work on and ones we didn’t and I was listening attentively. I received a message from Vulcan High Command about my Kolinahr but I hadn’t decided because I enjoy the emotions and feelings I have with my friends and colleagues so I ignore it like before. We have our dinner rations and Anastasia our only Andorian class mate goes to bed, and Rufus our telepathic Betazoid follows behind her giving us the helm of the roundabout so they can get some rest.

Talon and I get comfy in our seats as we plan to finish out the ride to the planet, but I feel a slight burning in my ears and look in the corner of my eyes to see him fidgeting.
“Is something wrong? I’ve never seen you so shaky.” I said as I fully turned to him and could tell he was freaking out a little more than I first thought. This wasn’t our first mission so I knew it wasn’t that.

“I, um I think I have feelings for you, Gladiator. I can’t stop thinking about you and I already talked to the assignment officer about putting us together because I don’t want to lose you.” Talon said as he tried to relax. 

“I have really strong feelings for you, Talon and I have for a long time but-“ I couldn’t finish because as soon as I turned he kissed me deeply and I could feel every emotion especially pleasure. I tried my hardest to calm myself but apart of me didn’t want to stop until we came out of warp at the planet and the door to the living quarters opened. Rufus came through the door with a smile of someone knew exactly what they were walking into and Anastasia was behind him with all of our stuff in her hands. 

“Are you two gonna land us or do we need to do it for you?” Anastasia said snarky like and sat at one of the consoles. I regained my composure and took us down in clearing of an unknown forest and opened the door. Anastasia was the first one out the door with her tricorder scanning everything possible. Rufus came out with his taking scans of plants more than anything as he wanted to discover something brand new.

Talon has all his engineering gear along with replicator so I wouldn’t have to eat field rations. I came out with two of our rifles and some simple tactical gear when Anastasia yelled for us so we ran quickly wondering what it was. The 3 of us ran up on her and she was standing in the mouth of a massive cave. 

“The tricorder goes crazy if I point it here so I think we should take a look.” Anastasia says as she points it deep into the cave and it beeps.
“I don’t see why we shouldn’t take a look; maybe it will make good shelter.” I say as I come up to the front beside her and we start making our way through with flashlights. Our tricorders were reading all kinds things. The walls were different colors and textures; we knew we had stumbled onto something new but we weren’t sure what it was because the tricorders told us very little.

After walking for what felt like forever, we finally saw a light at the end of the cave. We finally got to the end of the cave where the light came from and once we walked through we were inside a massive forest with beautiful grass, tall trees, and a waterfall into a river. Rufus turned on his medical tricorder to try to find any life sign that couldn’t be picked up with a normal tricorder, but it didn’t go off until he pointed it at the wall and then it stopped as if it was just a glitch.

“No signs of life of any kind.” Said Rufus as he yawned and put his stuff down.
I looked at my watch seeing it was late and suddenly felt the exhaustion run over means I said to them. “We should probably rest, we can explore later.” 
They all agreed and we formed a circle with our tents and set sentries around us just for precaution.

We had lights for our camp site so we could see where we walked. As I started to falls asleep; the sound of footsteps startled me awake as if I was falling. My tent unlatched and Talon came in quietly with his flashlight shining where he was going. I turned on my lamp to see what he was doing and as soon as I did he was sitting right beside me. My heart started to race and my ears got hot. I’ve been able to keep composure since I was baby; but after our moment in the shuttle a complete shock as went through my system and I can’t help but give in to the emotions I can feel.

He was in his night clothes and he seemed to have a question on the tip of his tongue. 
“I was wondering if you would like to finish what we started in the shuttle? If you don’t want to-“ He tried to finish but I pounced on him before he could and I start to finally give into my feelings for him.
“I’d love to but only if we both get to be bottom.” I said as I rubbed his chest and I start to kiss him deeply. I started taking his clothes off slowly and sensually. 
“Of course, it’s only fair.” He said between kisses and we fell into a deeply passionate love making spree that would have woken everyone up if not for the noise dampeners. We finally fell asleep after having satisfying each other until complete exhaustion.

Talon and I were awaken by a knock on our tent and inside it we could tell sun was shining in the cave we settled in. When we got out of the tent everything in the cave had changed like the trees and plants. Yesterday it was a basic forest environment but now it seems it’s copying the Mycelial Network. Everyone seemed stunned by its beauty; but I couldn’t help but to feel something was wrong.
“I want this whole place scanned and explored. I want to find out what’s going on.” I said as I got my rifle, tricorder, and comm badge.

Anastasia and I went into the Mycelial like path while Rufus and Talon headed the forest way that started to reappear. Anastasia seemed worried as we walked and just as I was about to say something two giant Tardigrades that seemed to be rabid and angry. We started to run for our lives as they charged for us. We tried to scan them the best we could but they just came up as Tardigrades. I quickly dove behind a boulder and shot a charged bolt at one of them and just as I did Anastasia fell and the other was about to get her but turned in time to stun the Tardigrade and get it to chase me. I ran away as fast as I could and charged it as fast as I could. I got some distance and turned around landing on my stomach and shot a charged bolt killing it dead. 

I ran back to Anastasia as she was bandaging some scrapes and cuts.
“You alright?” I ask as I help pick some of the stuff she dropped.
“I’ll be fine, nothings broken.” She said getting up slowly.
I checked her rifle as we walked over to a pond of some glowing substance but before Anastasia could get a sample Rufus came over the comm badge. 
“We need help quick.” Rufus said frantically. 
“We’re on our way.” I said and we walk towards them as fast as we could even being slightly hurt 

We finally got to Rufus but he only one we could see and it wasn’t until we got around a huge multi colored boulder did we see Talon who was trapped under almost completely. 
Anastasia asked Rufus nervously. “W-what happened?” 
“We were scanning this area and as we were about to move on this rock or whatever it is flew at us with crazy speed and I barely missed it.” He said shaken and scared. 
“I-I wasn’t very lucky.” Talon said breathlessly as he tried to move unsuccessfully
“Can we get it off or something?” I asked 
Anastasia started scanning it on every level. 
“I’m not sure, it barely registers it’s there.” She said.
“You can’t touch it either or it’ll shock you enough to put you on the floor.” Rufus said as he showed his slightly burnt hands from trying to move it.

I made the suggestion to use our rifles to destroy it, so we aimed at and had them charged as high as possible and on my command we blasted it. Talon screamed the most blood curdling scream that would frighten anybody. 
“S-STOP oh god please stop!!!” He yelled and pleaded with us.
We stopped and I could feel my emotions swell up and for the first time be on the verge of tears.
Anastasia scanned Talon and the boulder and saw that all the energy from the rifles made the  boulder heavier and was making him bleed internally. I came up an idea to try and beam him out, so I sent them to get the roundabout while I laid down beside Talon to comfort him. I turned on my comm badge so they could track us easier.

“I-I guess I should’ve t-told you how I felt before yesterday. I w-was just never sure about how you would feel.” Talon said trying to keep conscious and tears were starting to run down his face. I could tell that the boulder was draining him but was also some how fusing him into it.
“I should have been the one to say it first but I figured you wouldn’t want to stay with a Vulcan or that you were even gay.” I said choking up a little. 
“Maybe we say it was both our faults.” He giggled a bit and he looked up and watched as the shuttle floated above.
We started try beaming him out of it and then the boulder and even moving the boulder itself but it wouldn’t budge. We tried everything we knew we could and even tried new stuff until Talon called us down to him.
“I-it’s time to l-let me go. Leave this place and leave me behind, and tell Starfleet to never come here again. I love you all especially you Gladiator.” Talon said and he disappeared into the boulder. 

We all got back into the roundabout and I plotted course back to Earth Spacedock while Rufus and Anastasia cried in the bunks while I tried to mediate. I’ve never really felt sadness this great and even though everything I’ve been taught should help, but it doesn’t and I just can’t get past it. Anastasia relieves me from the helm so I can get some rest but I decide to stay in my seat and sleep there until we get there and for the first time I feel the wet streak of a tears run down my face.

We finally got to Spacedock and we were interviewed by almost every Admiral and instructor in the sector. Once we were finally done we wrote our reports and were assigned counselors to help us through our friends’ death but it never really felt like it helped. Starfleet put a restriction on the planet we went to and they send survey teams to figure out exactly what is going on. The three of us drifted away pretty fast due to the trauma we suffered but we still congratulated each other when we graduated. 

We had a week off before final exams so I finally decided to complete the Kolinahr to which I finished and purged myself of all emotion. I was no longer hurting or sad but I could still feel the love I had for what I consider my mate that I left behind. When I got back from P’jem I was able to concentrate a lot more  and not be distracted by my emotions that had effected me after what happened. I also met some other classmates; one of which was Elisa Flores who was about the only person who didn’t want to talk about it all the time so I appreciated her presence. I passed all my exams with flying colors but didn’t get to do my ground training but I can do that after graduation. Other Cadets said Captain Taggart is wanting some cadets on his bridge but we won’t know until later on during graduation day.

That day my decision to purge my emotions was made. My friendship with Rufus and Anastasia was left behind that day, and the love of my life was left behind on the day. I will do my absolute best to make sure nobody in my command will be left behind again.
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Zander Hawk


Home for all my toons?

June 03 2021
P.S. Also, please make sure that your characters are not currently in a fleet, otherwise STO will not allow us to send your toons an invite.

Thank you.
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