Gareth GXV3



September 05 2016
Thank you to @Voleron, @Duriansol, @Lars1091 amd @TLara fot the fantastic entries.
It was hard for us in the Resource Dept to pick the best read.
But the winners are....

1st Place #Voleron : (4 SWCs) Well done on the Dark atmosphere you created, 99% evil and robotic in emotion, 1% of warmth and hope showed in the mirror Voleron for that fraction of a second.
It really was a great read, and gave a little glimpse into the life of a Bounty hunter (which we would like to read more of)

2nd Place Lars : (3 SWCs) Having your back story of the Original character gave it some depth, as well as the wanted poster we though was a great touch.. and the line "Ah, damn. Haven't had that rough a back massage since that Jem'Hadar beauty clinic on DS9."
A great insight in what you would do if you were in a room alone with an exact copy of yourself ;)

3rd Place Duriansol : (2 SWCs) What a read!!! you put a lot of effort into that bio and it was welcomed, it was cool to see how a federation officer changed.. his whole life changed! without spoilers its hard to sum up. but a different take on Mirror issues. Thank you!!

4th Place TLara : (2 SWCs) A perfect Bio summery, to the point, and rounded out your Mirror toon just nicely, you brought her character out during the Costume contest i noticed, dark and short burst responses taht was cool.. and an amazing picture too! thank you Tlara!

3 people liked this
Gareth GXV3



September 05 2016

A BIG thank you to all who came along over the Reflection day 2 weekend to play with the fleet and the Armada.
Some of the Armada fleet projects filled up pretty nicely, and in return you got some extra Fleet credits and Dil while playing.
It goes to show that you dont have to *Just* dump all your fleet marks to get Credits.. you can easily get credits by doing a few runs and selling your loot.

SWCs have been issued to the winners if you check your SWC member cards you will see.
To the winners who have not yet received a card.. look out for a private message from me
(It will appear on your profiles wall in the form of a post from me, with a little lock image to prove its just between you and I)


Thank you to @Voleron, @Duriansol, @Lars1091 amd @TLara fot the fantastic entries.
It was hard for us in the Resource Dept to pick the best read.
But the winners are....

1st Place #Voleron : (4 SWCs) Well done on the Dark atmosphere you created, 99% evil and robotic in emotion, 1% of warmth and hope showed in the mirror Voleron for that fraction of a second.
It really was a great read, and gave a little glimpse into the life of a Bounty hunter (which we would like to read more of)

2nd Place #Lars : (3 SWCs) Having your back story of the Original character gave it some depth, as well as the wanted poster we though was a great touch.. and the line "Ah, damn. Haven't had that rough a back massage since that Jem'Hadar beauty clinic on DS9."
A great insight in what you would do if you were in a room alone with an exact copy of yourself ;)

3rd Place #Duriansol : (2 SWCs) What a read!!! you put a lot of effort into that bio and it was welcomed, it was cool to see how a federation officer changed.. his whole life changed! without spoilers its hard to sum up. but a different take on Mirror issues. Thank you!!

4th Place #TLara : (2 SWCs) A perfect Bio summery, to the point, and rounded out your Mirror toon just nicely, you brought her character out during the Costume contest i noticed, dark and short burst responses taht was cool.. and an amazing picture too! thank you Tlara!

Thank you once again for coming to the Event... look out on this site and on our Stonewall Gaming Network Twitter & Facebook for future events to come!

Unknown Person liked this
Edited September 09 2016 by GXV3
Dave (Voleron)



September 05 2016
I really wanted to join for this event and was hoping to sneak away from work for a while to be able to participate, but ended up having to work the entire weekend :(  I hope that everyone had fun!  Maybe y'all 'll post some screenies!



[EVENT] - REFLECTION DAY 2 - The Pirate Fleet of Stonewall

September 04 2016
The Stonewall Pirate Fleet hiding near the destroyed planet of Romulus prior to the two day raiding and plundering of the known galaxy.

Unknown Person liked this



September 04 2016
For whatever reason (bug?) This didn't show up in the review of the original forum post. I've been sitting around waiting for the early start-time. On that note... I'll keep a few early arrivals busy. :)


Website Update

September 04 2016
 New site looks great, but my eyes are not the greatest and some of the light text is a bit hard to see....  would it be possible that you are able to add a feature where we can choose between a few different themes?
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Bren Ohmsford



September 04 2016
Thanks for a great day Gareth!! Looking forward to Day 2 and the PvP :D
Edited September 05 2016 by GXV3

Unknown Person

Website Update

September 04 2016
Quote by Mstfrancis
This site is so Fresh!

Edited September 04 2016 by Unknown Person



September 04 2016
Awesome Day One Gareth!!!!  Thanks to all your hard work on this and also  thanks to those that were stuck on a PVE team with me today ;)
Unknown Person liked this
Edited September 04 2016 by Azrael



September 03 2016
Yes, please. Let the beatings commence. ;p



September 03 2016
Only just found out about this event, but, I'm going to try and make that team survival hour. Hopefully, there are some people that need a beating or two on the ground I can educate ;)
Gareth GXV3



September 03 2016
NOW @5:30pmBST/12:30EDT

Please note that tomorrows (SUNDAY #Reflectionday2) event will change its starting time, to accommodate the USA/Canadian times.
it now starts @5:30pmBST/12:30pmEDT

(To find out your time zones, use this site, its helpful)


Team Survival Hour: 

we have beamed aboard a station that has somehow effected our technology making our guns and kits redundant.
ONLY using a mele weapon, Sword, Lurpa.. or even bare fists.. on this Ground PVP map, we have to fight each other to survive!
(NO kits, NO guns, NO Turrets, NO mines.. you get the idea, back to basics fights)

7pmBST/2pmEDT until 11pmBST/6pmEDT
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Fleet Contract:

A host of PVE queues, to gather all loot, sell it and buy something that PWDDA fleet needs, with random breaks full of Pop Quizes in chat to win more SWCs

See you there!!!
Edited September 03 2016 by GXV3
Gareth GXV3



September 03 2016
Hooray!! Reflection day 2 starts today!! 
Here is a run down of todays Times.
In Brief, we are just getting together and queueing for several PvEs through out the day, a chance for us ALL to have fun and do old and new PvEs, even if your not used to them or shy away from some of them like me.. now is a chance to do them within a fun environment of the Armada fleets.

We will be chatting in the "Armada Chat" .. as well as on Teamspeak, if you wish to join us there too.. you dont have to talk.. just come listen to the music and chill ya beans!

as warned in the OP, Thoughs who come as KDF, may not be able to join some non cross fraction Ques, but dont worry more will be set up through the day. Also your KDF toons cant donate to the Armada fleets.. however you can transfer the EC you gain through the loot drops, and log into your FED toons and donate that way.

Im looking forward to seeing your Alternative ships and Toons!!

TeamSpeak Settings:
Download Teamspeak HERE  if you havent already
Password: stonewall

SEE YOU THERE!!! #Reflectionday2

(To find out your time zones, use this site, its helpful)

3pmBST/10am EDT until 5pmBST/12pmEDT
The Expendable Redshirts Fleet Contract: 

Starting Random PVE runs @3pmBST/10AM EDT our Contract is to Help with filling The Expendable Redshirts Fleet using our Armada System

Show off Your Mirror/Pirate/Bounty Hunter Toon: 

Walk the catwalk showing off what you've re-imagined your toon as, will he have an eye patch.. will she have pink hair.. will they have battle scars?? come show off your creations and win SWCs!!

7pmBST/2pmEDT until 10pmBST/5pmEDT
Federation Prime Directive & Federation Anti-Borg Alliance Fleet Contracts 

Starting Random PVE runs between these times our Contract is to Help with filling the The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Fleet using our Armada System

(To find out your time zones, use this site, its helpful)

3pmBST/10am EDT until 5pmBST/12pmEDT
The Nethersphere Fleet Contract: 

Running Random PVE runs between these times our Contract is to Help with filling the The Nethersphere Fleet using our Armada System

Team Survival Hour: 

we have beamed aboard a station that has somehow effected our technology making our guns and kits redundant.
ONLY using a mele weapon, Sword, Lurpa.. or even bare fists.. on this Ground PVP map, we have to fight each other to survive!
(NO kits, NO guns, NO Turrets, NO mines.. you get the idea, back to basics fights)

7pmBST/2pmEDT until 11pmBST/6pmEDT
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Fleet Contract:

Running Random PVE runs between these times our Contract is to Help with filling the The FPD & FABA Fleets using our Armada System
2 people liked this
Edited September 09 2016 by GXV3
Ted Hembach



September 03 2016


Commander Ardita, #TE ARDITA DJ-69-2069, wanted for immediate detention and extradition to a Terran penal facility to face accusations about crimes she presumably committed. These accusations are (in order of commitment):
* Untrustworthy behavior in service of the Terran Empire
* Desertion while on active duty
* Aggravated theft, namely the Patrol Escort Starship ISS Diego Reyes
* Attemted assassination of Vice-Admiral Jake Sisko
* Insubordination
The fugitive is armed and potentially dangerous. It must be assumed that she is in control of the Terran Starship ISS Diego Reyes. Current location of the  ISS Diego Reyes is unknown, last confirmed position of the starship was in the orbit of Bajor. The use of brute force while taking her into custody is advised.

Ardita was born on a Ferengi Luxury Gambling Cruiser. When she was six, a joint action of the Orion Syndicate and some terran marauders took over the ship and helped the slaves aboard to escape. Arditas mother was killed in the ambush, while Ardita made it to a safehouse on a small non-aligned trade post. There she joined the Orion Cabal, a murderous cult actively worshipping an evil deity named Q. It is rumored that she is part of the so-called "Assassins of Q", a group of elite killers within the Orion Cabal. 
There are no further informations about her education available (classified by the Orion Procurer's Guild, see file OPG27r49AoQ).

Ardita is very treacherous and not to be trusted. She lied about her origins, especially in matters of her relationship to the Orion Cabal. She used malicious deception and fraud to gain access to the terran forces, she even falsified her curriculum vitae to get aboard a terran starship. 

Height 1.76m; Weight 56kg; Violet hair; Eyes brown; Skin green;
Specialisation unknown;
Average efficiency/COIND-Rating unknown;
Service record filed under #TE ARDIA DJ-69-2069

Latest Picture taken on Bajor by Terran Section 31, Stardate classified by request of the agent.

*** End of file ***

2 people liked this
Edited September 03 2016 by TLara

Unknown Person

Website Update

September 03 2016
Is clean, no?


Website Update

September 03 2016
This site is so Fresh!
2 people liked this
Gareth GXV3



September 02 2016
For some reason Im unable to edit my original post to fix the broken links people have asked for in chat (to direct them to last years bio comp)

But here is the link below..
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor



September 02 2016
[Although this story is perfectly fine in itself, for context of some of the interactions or introductions to some of the characters, it might be fun to read this story too]

A Mirror In Her Prime

"Well, you all know what to do, ladies and gentlemen. Attack Pattern Zandor Alpha." Admiral Zandor, commanding the U.S.S. Leviathan, sat down in her chair. The Leviathan, a T6 Odyssey Tactical Cruiser, the Admiral's flagship, sturdy and powerful, there was not a whole lot that could do serious damage to this ship, yet somehow, Zandor always found adversaries that were more than a match for her. Not this time though. A Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort was about to attack the Leviathan. Absolutely nothing to worry about.

The Hirogen ship made its first attack run. Aside from the fact that it was using rather powerful phaser cannons, nothing unexpected happened. The Hirogen ship shot a couple heavy bursts of cannon fire and some torpedoes at the Leviathan before shooting right past it, all the while being shot at with all 7 antiproton beams and the cutting beam from the Leviathan. Then it turned around and shot at the Leviathan again. This time however, the Hirogen ship used it's full attack power.
"Report!" ordered Admiral Zandor in her usual British accent while she stood up. She was thrown out of her chair by an explosion behind her. Commander Dragovic, her first officer, responded. His deep voice summed up the damage:
"Shields are down to 60 percent, engines are damaged, warp drive still works, but we can't go faster than warp six, weapon banks two and six are down, as is the cutting beam, casualties on almost all decks, but no deaths." Slightly shocked by the damage this one Hirogen ship had caused so out of the blue, Zandor ordered medic and engineering teams in place.
"The Hirogen ship is coming about for another attack run!" Jhemyl warned. Zandor ordered:
"Evasive manouvres. Jhemyl, fire at will. All hands, brace for impact!"

This time the attack was so devastating that the Leviathan became utterly inoperable. Shields were down, power to weapons was completely gone and the port nacelle was obliterated, completely removing the ability to go to warp.
"Ah, damn. Haven't had that rough a back massage since that Jem'Hadar beauty clinic on DS9." Blackmore, the engineering bridge officer, stood up and helped the Admiral on her feet again.
"Erica, that was a martial arts contest. That you lost." Tirih sarcastically remarked while she was getting reports from all over the ship (Dragovic was unconscious but fine). As the painfull memories returned to Blackmore, Zandor pondered the situation they were in. Eventually she came to the conclusion that there was no other choice.
"Tirih, send a message to Allied Command. Explain our situation and request reinforcements." Tirih did as ordered. The very moment she had sent the message though, the Hirogen ship sent a file to the Leviathan.

Fugitive Dossier #20160902

"Is that,-"
"Me? Yes, it seems so, but the file mentions the Terran Empire. So this must be from the Mirror Universe." Zandor cut Jhemyl off. "It seems she wants to speak to me in my ready room. Get the away team up here. If I'm still in there in five minutes and you haven't heard anything from me, order them in." Without waiting for any kind of acknowledgement, Zandor walked into her ready room.

Mirror Zandor sat in Admiral Zandor's chair, behind her desk.
"Really? A ponytail? Great, my other me is boring." Mirror Zandor stood up and walked to the Admiral.
"What do you want? You don't belong here." Admiral Zandor said sternly.
"Calm down. We get to that. Let me first look at you. Me, you, whatever." Mirror Zandor walked a circle around Admiral Zandor, taking in every similarity and difference. "Interesting, isn't it. The only differences between us are what we can choose. Our hairstyles, our clothing, the scars we might have." The Admiral looked at her Mirror. She was right, it was interesting. The Mirror stood in front the Admiral now, and they looked each other in the eye. Even their eye colour was the same.
Before the Admiral knew what was happening, the Mirror kissed her full on the mouth and put a hand between the Admiral's legs. The Admiral pushed the Mirror away, hit her in the face and stumbled a bit back before she blurted out:
"What the hell?"
As she said that, her away team, those on the Leviathan that are usually the best equipped to handle any situation, stormed the ready room. A Caitian tactical officer, a Kobali engineer, a Kelvin Android and a female Cardassian, all armed with Tr-116B's, aimed at both Zandors.
"Are you alright, Admiral?" The Cardassian asked.
"I am fine, Gilora. S'Tarr, Andy and Netteya, stand outside please. Gilora, keep an eye on our Mirror friend here." By the time they all left, the Mirror was sitting comfy on the couch. The Admiral sat in a chair opposite the couch, with a glass table between them. Gilora stood at the Admiral's left side. "Why did you kiss me?" Gilora looked somewhat surprised from the Admiral to the Mirror. The Mirror looked Gilora right in her eyes, grinning like a schoolgirl who had just fallen in love for the first time:
"I wondered what it would be like, kissing myself." As she turned her head towards the Admiral, she continued. "Now I can't help wonder one more thing though. Would having sex with you count as mas,-"
"Why are you here?" The Admiral cut the Mirror off. The Mirror looked somewhat disappointed, but confessed.
"We accidentally got stranded here. We were being pursued by several Terran ships. They closed in on us and the only way for us to escape was to disappear. So we did. Into your universe. They managed to take a couple of shots at us though, before the singularity we came through closed. We survived, but they did enough damage that we can't go back anymore. Now, me and the crew have been talking. There isn't really anything for any of us back there. You saw my file. We're outlaws, rogues, fugitives. Hell, had we lived 800 years ago, we would have been pirates, fighting buccaneers and the British navy alongside the Black Pearl and the Aquila, partying on Tortuga and plundering Port Royale." The Mirror sighed. She was showing her real self now and looked exhausted. After a bit she continued. "We're tired, Admiral. We want out. We want a place to call home, instead of of being cramped up into a tiny ass ship."
The Admiral had been listening attentively. It was interesting, hearing herself asking for... What was her Mirror asking for actually? A place to settle down, some faraway planet to colonise? Granted, it is an attractive idea, but there was a problem. She could never settle down and a mirror is only a mirror in appearance. But the Mirror wasn't done yet.
"Of course, we don't expect that this will just be given to us. We're willing to work for it, some way or another. Me and Gilora - yes, I have a Gilora too - have been part of the Terran military for quite some time, as have others. Some of my crew have also been part of resistance movements against the Terran Empire. We know they are invading your universe and we're willing to give you intel, a lot of intel for this. And as you have experienced yourself, we have a lot of skills. We are willing to lend your Federation those skills. Whether you send us into battle against the Terran Empire or if you want a discreet bounty hunter, we can help you with that. Just say the word." The Admiral responded:

"Lets get a few things out in the open first. I don't trust you. For all I know, you're send here to lull me into a false sense of security and you intend to lay a trap for me or some other Federation ship or hell, a whole fleet. But I do have a duty. My duty is to help those that are in need of help. So I will put you in the care of Starfleet Intelligence. I will however, also keep a strict eye on you. Know that wherever I am or whatever I'm doing, I know exactly where you are. At even only the slightest indication you're about to turn on us, I will personally hunt you down and that time I will disable your ship. Because we both know that with the power you put into your weapons out there, you did as much damage to your own ship as you did to mine." The Mirror agreed and the three of them walked onto the bridge.

Later that day, Admiral Zandor and Gilora were at the U.S.S. Bak'rikan, a Cardassian Galor in Zandor's fleet and one of the ships that responded to the distress call. Zandor's first officer, Dragovic, was overseeing the return of the Leviathan to the nearest Starbase for reparations, along with a skeleton crew. The rest of the crew was also on the Bak'rikan, whereas the members of the Mirror's gang were confined to quarters on the U.S.S. Hyperion, a fleet assault cruiser also in Zandor's fleet. Zandor and Gilora were eating dinner in their quarters. As this was usually one of the few moments she allowed herself to speak her mind and show her emotions, Gilora couldn't help but to say:
"It was kind of sexy though."
"Hmmph?" was all what Zandor managed to get out with her mouth full of cauliflower.
"The both of you, with your British accents." Gilora smiled deviously at Zandor. It wasn't often she managed to surprise Zandor in such a way she didn't know what to say...
Unknown Person liked this
Edited September 02 2016 by Lars_Zandor

Unknown Person

Show us your gaming pad!

September 02 2016
As promised, here is my gaming setup. My friend customized my little tower to match my in-game Science Main, Jacien.

4 people liked this
Edited September 02 2016 by nicholasjohn16

Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

September 02 2016
I'm going to lock this thread now. From now on, if you run into any problems, need any help or see any bugs, you can report them in the Stonewall Subroutines group.