Dave (Voleron)


Character #WritingContest

November 27 2016
Thanks for your entry, Lars!  Good luck!
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


Character #WritingContest

November 27 2016
[Here is my entry for the contest. I'll add some screenshots tomorrow. The story is set before and after the events of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and has two Nord main characters, Ulfgthar and Vigdis Talos-Born.]

During the Oblivion Crisis that marked the end of the Third Era, the capital province of the Empire, Cyrodiil, was not the only province to be besieged by the Daedra. The Oblivion Gates appeared all over Tamriel and the demons in service of Mehrunes Dagon tried to destroy anything that they encountered. Skyrim was hit the hardest, although no scars of the Crisis exist two hundred years later. The Hist Sap gave the Argonians of Black Marsh warning about the impending doom and they had time to prepare, fighting so fiercely that they actually managed to invade Oblivion itself and eventually forced the Daedra to close the Oblivion Gates there. The Daedra invasion in the Summerset Isles was also met with grand resistance by the Thalmor, back then an obscure group without much importance.
This last group of Altmer (High Elf) supremacists gained a lot of respect among their fellow High Elfs because of this, gathered enough power to leave the Empire after the Oblivion Crisis was over and founded the Third Aldmeri Dominion. Eventually this resulted in what would generally be known as The Great War. A devastating war between the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire, thirty years before the return of the Dragons and the Civil War in Skyrim. This ultimately ended in the White-Gold Concordat that, among other things, outlawed the worship of Talos, the Nord that ascended to Godhood and who was an abomination in the eyes of the Thalmor.

Year 175 of the Fourth Era
Several weeks before the end of The Great War
The plains of Cyrodiil, just outside of the Imperial City

‘Bloody Thalmor!’ shouted Ulfgthar, a Nord captain in service of the Imperial Legion as he sunk his two-handed battleaxe in the shoulders of the Altmer mage. A moment later Ulfgthar felt a firebolt passing by him, which exploded quite some distance behind him, followed by screams. He looked where the magic came from and saw his Dunmer (Dark Elf) mage, Maladras, looking pleased. A raucous voice left his lips:
‘There were three of them behind you, pointing their arrows at your back.’ No sign of appreciation was shown in Ulfgthar’s face when he ordered:
‘Gather the men, my wife is fighting her own battle in Bruma and requires reinforcements.’
‘Dude, she’s just giving birth. I’m pretty sure that we can find some more Thalmor trying to get into the city if we look really hard,’ a deep voice said. Bagt, the teenage archer of the unit, was unusually laid back for an Orc. She was also extremely nimble and easily underestimated by her foes. She shouldn't have bothered opening her mouth however, as Ulfgthar was already on his way to the city in the north.

Two hours later the unit was about to reach the Bruma Gates. Marius Octavius, one of the Imperials in the unit was the first to notice something was wrong and said so as he readied his sword and shield. Ulfgthar readied his battle-axe and began running. The Bruma Gates were breached, everywhere lay dead soldiers, Thalmor and Imperial alike. There was no indication who had won the battle, but that became clear as soon as the unit saw Thalmor soldiers roaming the streets, executing anyone who wasn’t Mer (Elf). The ten men Imperial unit that Ulfgthar was in command of slaughtered their way through the High Elves. Eventually they reached the castle, but that too was breached.
As they entered the castle halls, Ulfgthar saw a Thalmor standing in front of his wife, who was forced on her knees despite still being in labour. Ulfgthar shouted:
‘Thalmor! Leave my wife be and let her deliver my child!’ The Thalmor looked up to Ulfgthar and his wide mouth turned into a sadistic smile. With disdain in his voice, he said:
‘As if I would allow a barbarian like yourself to procreate,’ and he thrust his sword through the woman’s throat. Ulfgthar didn’t hesitate and threw his massive two-handed battle-axe right at the Thalmor. As both Ulfgthar’s wife and the Thalmor (his head and part of his chest split in half by the battle-axe) fell to the ground, the Nord ran to his wife.
‘Move!’ said another hoarse voice. ‘I can still save your child.’ Ulfgthar looked up and saw Bandages-The-Wounded (or Bandy for short), his female Argonian medic standing in front him. He immediately let go of his wife and gave Bandy all the space she needed. ‘Maladras, help me. The child will need all the healing magic we can provide.’
Ulfgthar, however, could not stand to see how his wife was cut open and decided to go outside. It had began to storm and as rain and thunder and lightning adorned the night sky, Ulfgthar lifted his head to the clouds. As the hall behind him stayed quiet aside from Bandy and Maladras working their magic, Ulfgthar pleaded:
‘Talos! I stand before you now as godless as I always was. I command you: Give my daughter life!’ As it stayed quiet behind him and he got soaking wet from the rain, Ulfgthar continued: ‘Give my daughter life and we will fight your foes, carry ourselves with honour and reject the banditry that stains my lineage. Give my daughter life and our clan shall henceforth be known to all as Talos-Born!’ A thunder so extremely loud that Ulfgthar fell to his knees rolled over the night sky, to be heard all the way to the other side of Cyrodiil. At that exact same moment Ulfgthar heard a baby crying behind him…

Year 210 of the Fourth Era
The Plains of Whiterun, Skyrim
Several years after the end of the Civil War and the return of Alduin the World Eater and his merry bunch of fellow Dragons

‘Warriors! Today I stand here before you, ready for battle! Ready for the Second Great War of our Era! Skyrim is independent, its High King, a man of honour! High King Frothar, son of the former Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun, asked me to remind you why we are here! You know the story of my birth! How my father and me were then forced to hide in the mountains because our very name was illegal within the Empire. We fought for our independence to worship who we want. To bring honour to the deity of our choosing, not the choosing of the Thalmor. And now we stand ready to give that same right to the rest of Tamriel! But we do not go into battle alone! Where we first were their servants, the Empire are now our allies! The Thalmor already now that they have no way to win this war. As we speak, the Empire is preparing for battle against the Thalmor from the other side of those mountains, just as we are! That is why I, Vigdis Talos-Born, Harbinger of the Companions, Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, Nightingale of the Thieves’ Guild, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Knight of the Dawnguard, and Dovahkiin, leader of the Blades, will go into battle with all of you by my side. So all of you, Nord, Imperial, Mer, Khajiit, Argonian, Orc, Breton, or Redguard, raise your weapons and CHARGE!’

[Screenshot of the characters. I'll keep the two main characters at the top.

Vigdis Talos-Born
Marius Octavius

Hope you enjoy it all!]
3 people liked this
Edited November 29 2016 by Lars_Zandor

Unknown Person


November 22 2016
Gentlebeings, start your warp cores, and may the best Dragform WIN!
Edited November 25 2016 by WhiteOnmyoji
Gareth GXV3



November 22 2016
This looks so cool and fun!!!

Janeway and her hot mess of a crew

Edited November 25 2016 by WhiteOnmyoji

Unknown Person

Hey Xbox one fleet members

November 22 2016
So wanted to say fist yay to all of you 61 members and still growing. 

So events coming up for everyone...
Double XP weekend : Sign up for this on xbox sto Captain Moosesyrup will be running various missions and PVE's to get any of your low level characters up.

Fleet Uniform Competition : Design our uniform, post up your designs, the winner will have the fun of seeing people wear this at various fleet meetings.

Fleet Holdings : All fleet holdings need work so lets get grinding!!!!!

Have any ideas for any other fleet events, just drop a message as always the xbox partys are open so jump on in

4 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Character #WritingContest

November 20 2016
Quote by I
6.  The content of your biography must not be edited after the submission deadline

Do we include our character biographies in the same post as the writing or should that be posted somewhere else?

 You can post both in the same post if you like but this writing contest is more about your characters most epic adventure rather than a biography contest.  With that said, if they are both intertwined feel free to post  One or the other or both :)
Unknown Person liked this


November 20 2016


Entry Deadline

Voting Starts

Voting Ends

Finalist announcement and kick off party

7:00 PM EST/11:00 PM GMT


Episode 1

11:00 AM EST/4:00 PM GMT


Fleet Vote and Judging

11:30 AM EST/4:30 PM GMT
Trek Trivia For Your Lives
12:00 PM EST/5:00 PM GMT
2nd Challenge Announcement
1:00 PM EST/6:00 PM GMT

Episode 2
2:00 PM EST/7:00 PM GMT
Fleet Vote and Judging
2:30 PM EST/7:30 PM GMT
Shuttle Race For Your Lives
3:00 PM EST/8:00 PM GMT
3nd Challenge Announcement
3:30 PM EST/8:30 PM GMT

Episode 3
4:30 PM EST/9:30 PM GMT
Fleet Vote and Judging
5:00 PM EST/10:00 PM GMT
Shuttle PVP For Your Lives
5:30 PM EST/10:30 PM GMT

4nd Challenge Announcement
6:30 PM EST/11:30 PM GMT

SUNDAY 12/11
Episode 4
11:00 AM EST/4:00 PM GMT
Fleet Vote and Judging
11:30 AM EST/4:30 PM GMT
Scavenger Hunt For Your Lives
12:00 PM EST/5:00 PM GMT
5nd Challenge Announcement
1:00 PM EST/6:00 PM GMT

Episode 5
2:00 PM EST/7:00 PM GMT
Fleet Vote and Judging
2:30 PM EST/7:30 PM GMT
Starship Runway For Your Lives
3:00 PM EST/8:00 PM GMT
Final Challenge Announcement
3:30 PM EST/8:30 PM GMT

Episode 6
Final Runway
4:30 PM EST/9:30 PM GMT
Fleet Vote and Judging
5:00 PM EST/10:00 PM GMT
Winner Announcement
5:30 PM EST/10:30 PM GMT

Closing Party
6:30 PM EST/11:30 PM GMT
2 people liked this


November 20 2016
Hello Eppoh Friends! This is Ru’kh P’aul! And this is Galactic Drag Race a Stonewall Fleet Forum and In game Major Event for the Next Galactic Drag Supernova! So here’s how this will work!

Create a drag version of your toon.

  • Remember drag is not just a male version of a female toon or a female version of a male toon. Drag is Fierce, Drag is Drama,  Drag is Glamour and Drag is Campy as hell! Just like “Face of the Enemy”. It’s also not enough to cross dress either, it’s about the attitude! 

Complete the following Questionnaire.


Make this original, entertaining, and something you can carry for AN ENTIRE WEEKEND! Ru’kh don’t have time for little pulsars who can only be royalty for a few minutes. Honey we want HOBUS! Cuz this the the next GALACTIC Drag Supernova not Turkana IV’s next top security chief! The galaxy is wide, it took Janeway and her hot mess of a crew 7 years so you better have the staying power! Give us Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent!

  • At the end of the questionaire, there are spots for you to submit ONE picture of your toon and FOUR pictures of your Drag persona.
  • You have untill 12/2 to submit your questionaire and picture and Voting
  • The Whole Armada Will Judge You (Like we don’t already) from 12/3 - 12/8 The top 8 participants with the most votes are the official contestants for this year’s Ru’kh P’Aul Galactic Drag Race. But don’t cry if you didn’t make it this year, all participants will be awarded 1 Stonewall Fleet Credits!
  • I don’t think it’ll happen but in the event of as tie for any position in the top 8 we will advance 9 contestants and one challenge will be a DOUBLE ELIMINATION!

We will have the announcement of the top 8 (or 9) on Risa on the Dance Floor on Friday 12/9. And we will announce the first challenge then. The participants will have to create a Drag outfit that fits the challenge AND fits their Drag persona, We have to know that we are looking at you when we’re looking at the outfit!

  • OK Look, it’s easy to make your toon LOOK like Lwaxana Troi or make your toon LOOK like James T Kirk, but is it YOU? If I look at a picture and can’t tell that it’s YOUR toon then I could be looking at Drag Traull for all I know! I want to know that even if it’s suppose to be Empress Sela that it’s Your Drag as Empress Sela. A Direct Clone of a character will not serve you well!

Fleet members will vote on your look and the 2 with the most votes and 2 with the lowest votes will be brought before the Judges. Judges will select a winner and judges will eliminate one (or two)

  • The people on the bottom 2 will have to compete in different challenges that the entire fleet can participate in and the judges will decide who performed best in that challenge. These challenges can be  anything we can come up with to tortu...I mean challenge you.

At the end of the weekend the top 3 will compete and the fleet will vote for the top 2 and the judges will pick the winner

Ok so I know this is what you're all waiting for.

For each Challenge, the top 2 and bottom 2 gets 1 Stonewall Credit and the winner will get 2 additional SWC and the player saved from elimination gets an additional 1 SWC

The winner of Galactic Drag Race will get 5 SWC
First runner up will receive 4 SWC
Second runner up will receive 3 SWV
2 people liked this
Edited November 22 2016 by WhiteOnmyoji
Bren Ohmsford


Character #WritingContest

November 20 2016
6.  The content of your biography must not be edited after the submission deadline

Do we include our character biographies in the same post as the writing or should that be posted somewhere else?
Edited November 20 2016 by Bren
Jamie O'Connell


[ I.R.L ]1st person/ 3rd person/ locked perspective

November 20 2016
This was totally awesome to watch. I took the time to watch a bunch of them.
Zander Hawk


[Processed] Hello

November 19 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network (SGN), we are happy to have you with us! Please make sure to read our Documentation Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology. To join our in-game events on STO-PC or chats which may require interactive audio participation please make sure to read our instructions on how to download and setup TeamSpeak including our Etiquette Guide for TeamSpeak.  Before you begin interacting with any anyone within the SGN, you should read our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions.

As with any community please reserve some time to become familiar with our rules by reading our:
Code of Conduct
Community Guidelines
and Fleet Bank Rules

If you are playing STO on PC, to join our stonewallfeet public chat channel on Star Trek Online - PC, locate the Chat box, within the chat bar enter the following text: 
/channel_join stonewallfleet

After you have joined (on PC), within the chat bar simply request an invite and someone should be able to help you.

After 14 days from the date that you created your introduction post, you will be promoted to the level of “Member”.  As a “Member” you will be able to purchase items from our guild/fleet stores.  If you have any questions or concerns about our rules or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

If you have not done so, please make sure to that you provide your in-game Character Name and Cryptic Handle, SWTOR Forum Name, and/or GW2 User ID on here or directly to me so that we can update our records.

Have fun! :)

Admiral and Chief of Membership Management

Department of Membership Management

Email: zander.hawk@outlook.com
Kik: Zander.Hawk

Website: http://www.stonewallgaming.net/people/Zander_Hawk
Edited November 19 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Dave (Voleron)



November 18 2016

Hi Sanctum!

A big welcome to you and the crew of the Normandy to Stonewall Fleet and to the Stonewall Gaming Network as a whole!  We're happy to have you join us and hope that you'll find Stonewall to be an amazing online home for your Captain!  Be sure to click my profile to follow me on the site!

We'd love for you to follow the Stonewall Gaming Network on social media through your choice of Facebook and/or Twitter, and invite your friends to follow us as well!  We'd also like to invite you to join our community group on Steam, where you can team up with your Stonewall friends for even more gaming!  Click the icons below for quick links to each.

Finally, be sure to interact with us here in our forums, as it's where we post about our community events, share resources and have an opportunity to interact with one another outside of the games. 

Welcome once again and I'll see you around the galaxy!

Dave (Voleron)


[ I.R.L ]1st person/ 3rd person/ locked perspective

November 18 2016
lol, the only one I would have any shot at would be the first person view.  In fairness, it's kind of hard to properly simulate the third person view, since the go-pro sees more of the back of their head than you would normally see in game. 
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3



November 18 2016
Hi Sanctum! Welcome to the Stonewall gaming Network! 

I called my ship (STO PC) the Normandy too.. for obvious reasons :P I cant wait for Andromeda, the build up is getting me excited!!
If you haven't already join up in our Stonewall gaming Network XBOX club, a lot of people hang out there.

Ive listed some info below on how to get invites to our xbox/ps4 fleets

Welcome once again!! hope to see you around more.


If you are joining our PC fleet.. this intro is all you need ! But If you're a member wanting an invite to Our 
XboxOne fleet join this group HERE and click on "topics"
or our
Fleet join this group HERE and click on "topics"

Be sure to hang around this site as much as possible as Stonewall Fleet puts on lots of events through the year, Forum based & in-game competitions, where we as a fleet can get together and have fun and win great prizes from the  PC:STO Stonewall Fleet store.
Gareth GXV3


[ I.R.L ]1st person/ 3rd person/ locked perspective

November 17 2016
This is quite cool. a video taken a youtube channel i follow from a gaming broadcast community (Achievement hunters/Roster teeth) that uploads Videos of group game play etc
They set up cameras in the way certain games fix the camera perspective.. to see if we could actually do it ourselves in real life.
it focuses on Resident evil this time.

The first 5 secs of the video was commentated by @Voleron I think

I really want to try it myself. some of the other experiments like them doing Fallout and Pacman to name a few are a really cool watch.
[Playlist Here]
3 people liked this
Edited November 17 2016 by GXV3
Lars Zandor


Character #WritingContest

November 16 2016
Quote by Voleron
Quote by Lars1091
"That's why we've decided to offer you this opportunity to share the story of any one of your characters in any game that you may play, whether it be Star Trek Online, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, or another game entirely!"

Just to be clear, this doesn't have to be an MMO? It might also, say for example, be Skyrim or Mass Effect?

@Lars1091 That's right!  It can be any character from any game that you play. 

Dave (Voleron)


Character #WritingContest

November 16 2016
Quote by Lars1091
"That's why we've decided to offer you this opportunity to share the story of any one of your characters in any game that you may play, whether it be Star Trek Online, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, or another game entirely!"

Just to be clear, this doesn't have to be an MMO? It might also, say for example, be Skyrim or Mass Effect?

@Lars1091 That's right!  It can be any character from any game that you play. 
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


Character #WritingContest

November 15 2016
"That's why we've decided to offer you this opportunity to share the story of any one of your characters in any game that you may play, whether it be Star Trek Online, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, or another game entirely!"

Just to be clear, this doesn't have to be an MMO? It might also, say for example, be Skyrim or Mass Effect?
Gareth GXV3


Character #WritingContest

November 15 2016
Quote by SiranNataan
What if you were to win and already have Heart of Thorns?

Then you will have two copys! :D
2 people liked this
Whittier Strong


Character #WritingContest

November 15 2016
What if you were to win and already have Heart of Thorns?