Adam Green


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

January 23 2017
Looks like CBS, Paramount and Axanar Productions have settled the lawsuit.

Some interesting reading in the article and I point out that the judge basically said what a lot of people were thinking...Axanar production was good enough to rival a production from CBS/Paramount, implying the ultimate reason for the lawsuit.

I still have questions in the back of my mind about the production but I am willing to wait and see the actual results of the film.
Dave (Voleron)


Season 12 Launch Party!

January 22 2017

Stonewallers: Join your friends and fleet mates on Saturday, January 28th, 2017, for a Season 12 #LaunchParty in Star Trek Online!  Unlike the typical elaborate Stonewall Fleet events, this is intended to be much more of a casual gathering of players from across Stonewall, to do some good, old-fashioned gaming together throughout the day!  Many of us from across Stonewall's membership, Fleet Captaincy and Admiralty are planning on being online throughout the day to try out the new PvE queue missions and to hang-out both in-game and on TeamSpeak with you all!  

There is no formal schedule, but here are some of the things we're loosely planning on doing throughout the day:

  • Group runs of the new Season 12 PvE queue missions
  • Random fleet dance parties & in-game gatherings
  • Random prize & Stonewall Credit give-aways
  • Music & gathering on TeamSpeak

Spread the word and tell us if you'll be joining us next Saturday!

4 people liked this
Edited January 22 2017 by Voleron
Dave (Voleron)


The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 22 2017
I'll be there!
Unknown Person liked this


The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 22 2017
i am going again this year hope to see lots of you there.
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 21 2017
I would so love to go, but that expense...ouch!
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 21 2017
Quote by GXV3
@Voleron that poster is Sick boyyy! you've out done yourself. I can see that on my wall

Thanks, @GXV3 :)  I just Trekkified a template, so I can't really take credz.  Glad ya like it though!
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 20 2017
@Voleron that poster is Sick boyyy! you've out done yourself. I can see that on my wall
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 20 2017

Greetings, Fleetie Darlings!

It is with great pride and excitement that I announce our communities 8th consecutive annual meetup at the Creation Entertainment's Star Trek Convention in Fabulous Las Vegas! This is an amazing convention full of major and minor celebrities from all of Trek's film and television iterations. This year also marks the 30th Anniversary of Star Trek The Next Generation so we'll most likely be getting a full TNG cast reunion. This year the convention dates are August 2nd through August 6th, that's 5 days of Trek, with celebrity panels, trivia events in Quark's bar (yes they have one complete with Ferengi bartenders) and an out-of-this-galaxy vendors room. The convention is held at The Rio All Suite Hotel and Casino with special discount rates offered to convention-goers if you book though the link on Creation's site. If you're looking for a cheaper alternative, The Gold Coast Hotel & Casino is just across the street from the Rio and offers more affordable rates.

Every year our group has grown and really, it's the reason we all keep coming back year after year so as many others on this thread will attest, come out and have an incredible time with us, we'd love to meet you in-person! Be sure to join our official Vegas group here on the website and feel free to post if you are looking to split a room or have any questions about the meetup. Most of us arrive the Monday or weekend before the con begins. Also feel free to PM me or post here on the thread if you have any questions.

There are several packages currently on sale for the convention but the General Admission ones, which are cheapest, have not yet been released. I will post an update on this thread when they are and they should be announcing their release soon on the convention site. We're pretty tight with the Cryptic Devs who have had a strong presence at the con for the last 7 years as well. They like to party with us and we with them, same goes for our friends at Priority One Podcast and the G&T Show. I cannot stress enough the sheer amount of fun to be had with your fellow Fleeties at this most wonderful annual event. On behalf of the Stonewall Leadership and all us convention veterans, I happily extend an invitation to you and hope that I'll see you there! #STLV2017

Chief of Morale

P.S. A very special thanks to @Voleron for an awesome event poster!
4 people liked this
Edited July 19 2017 by nicholasjohn16



January 15 2017

This is the link to my ship, including full Inventory breakdown, R&D Inventory Breakdown, school levels and ect.

At this time I am requesting advice on my build

There's no rush to get this done. But I also included the Bridge officers and Duty officers I slotted in as well as their names. But right now... I'm gonna hit up my last box of Ginger Tea to get rid of this bloody flu/stomach bug

And Next time I know, Save the free five hundred for fleet things and sell them at ten mill. Or just spend $20 on four to get forty mill...

And thanks for your help
Edited January 22 2017 by Mahealani
Gareth GXV3


The Office of Fleet Resources

January 14 2017
Adding on from what Ben said, this is similar to the structure in any fleet in STO, Im sorry It took me so long to get back to you on this.. but now you have left the fleet & site, so you wont see this...

Unknown Person

The Office of Fleet Resources

January 14 2017
There is rarely anyone on to do so, or at least at my times. With that being said, I have removed myself from the fleet, and this was a problem a while back ago as-well and I addressed this before with no avail, so, I must move on.


The Office of Fleet Resources

January 14 2017
The leaderboard is historic mostly these days. Most of those fleet credits were earned during the times when we were upgrading the starbase which was completed a very long time ago. I wouldn't take the leaderboard as an indication of the same people filling a project all the time.

Also every admiral and fleet captain in the fleet has the ability to fill in projects for the starbase so if any are on and there is an empty slot you can ask and i am sure they will be able to sort something out. Most also have the decency not to fill up the fleet marks on projects they slot so that fleeties have the ability to put some marks in. Unfortunately in a big fleet it has always been tough because with so many people around and with the armada system now the number of people able to donate to fleet projects is large so they tend to fill up fast and there isnt much we can do about that.
My best suggestion is to check the armada tab and go through all the fleets in the armada you can find alot more opportunities to donate that way.

Unknown Person

The Office of Fleet Resources

January 14 2017
We need more people who can activate fleet projects, I watch the leaderboard, and I only see a few names up there, and I don't think it's fair that just certain people can activate them and then leave like dilithium/something that costs as an only available option to invest into. And if there is something open or that can be activated, we should be able to activate them. I have been a member since 2011...I mean...
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


[Event] The 5th Annual White Winter Whirl!

January 09 2017
Thanks for the fun!  Sucks that I ended up having to work through day #1, but what I was able to attend was great!


[Event] The 5th Annual White Winter Whirl!

January 09 2017
Thanks Jacien for all the fun events this weekend. It was an amazing close to the winter season!
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

[Event] The 5th Annual White Winter Whirl!

January 06 2017
*Bippity boppity bump* 

Just wanted to update everyone on this weekends' events. I hope you're all as excited as I am for our #fifthwhitewinterwhirl!

Trivia Event:
Due to some technical difficulties, the Trivia event will be a pub-style quiz hosted on TS by yours truly as our Emergency Game Show Hologram is undergoing maintenance due to some rather nasty malware he picked up while visiting some naughty Gornographic web sites.

Winter Fashion Show:

Show us  your Holiday spirit with a festive and fashionable homage to what the holidays mean to you. Outfits will be judged and awarded points based on the following Criteria:


Feel free to use any kit, item or Captain effects you have at your disposal including pets, impress us. The top 3 contestants will win Stonewall Credits good for purchasing items from our fabulous Stonewall Credits Store!

Grand Melee Tournament

Compete in Glorious Battle! Show us your skills with the Bat'leth, Lirpa and most other weapons in a PvP tournament that will earn the top 3 combatants Stonewall Credits! You can use almost any melee weapon in the game with exceptions for those melee weapons like the Ferengi Energy Whip which features a ranged attack. Use of the Na'kuhl Assassin Plasma Blade, though it has a Plasma DoT effect, is permitted so make sure you trait some plasma damage resistance traits before you fight. Traits that offer healing or temporary hit points like Molt, Blissful Agony, Ironsides, Regenerative Tissue are prohibited. All kit powers and Captain abilities are also prohibited, remove all kits, shields, tribbles, gambling devices, pets, hyposprays or other healing consumables. You should not have any gear, group or specialization buffs that heal. 

Race-specific traits that are melee in nature such as Ferasan Pounce and Gorn Bite are permitted however ranged Race-specific traits like Mind Drain, Borg Neural Blast and Orion Pheromones are not permitted. Any trait that reduces damage and/or boosts general or specific damage-resistance is permitted.
3 people liked this


3D printed STO ship model offer.. is no more

January 05 2017
it is sad, i was tempted but could see the models did look a bit pixellated if you looked closely
hopefully with the open-sourcing of their thingy, someone will take it on
Unknown Person liked this
Whittier Strong


Stonewall Vanguard's Snowday!

January 05 2017
I'll be there if I can keep my time zones straight!

Unknown Person

[Event] The 5th Annual White Winter Whirl!

January 03 2017
Update: There have been a few changes to the schedule with regards to our Department of Tactical Readiness Events being moved from Sunday morning to Saturday afternoon. The Q's Winter Wonderland group events have been moved to Sunday morning.
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

Stonewall Vanguard's Snowday!

January 03 2017
Can't wait! #Snowday
Edited January 03 2017 by Unknown Person