Gareth GXV3


Stonewall Valentine

February 07 2017

This Valentines Day SGN will be giving you one single SWC to send to that someone special in the fleet. Who you send it to is your choice, your chosen fleet member could have helped you in the past with a ship build, or helped you by flying alongside you in battle, they could be a friend who made you laugh in chat, or maybe you've noticed someone who is amazingly helpful within the fleet.. Members.. Admirals.. Fleet Captains.. who ever you decide to give your SWC to is your choice.

On 14th Feb 2017 Valentines day, cupids, @Bren & myself from the Dept of Fleet Resources, will send your chosen fleet mate an in game email, letting them know that someone is thinking of them and has gifted them an SWC. 
You are welcome to write a note that we will include in this message. 

You can remain anonymous or we can include your name. Use the form link below decide who you want to receive this gift.

xX [ Use THIS LINK ] Xx
To decide who you would like to gift your SWC to and include an optional note

Small rules: you cannot gift an SWC to yourself, you only have 1 single SWC to give away, there is a limited number of 50 SWCs to give away so fill out the form asap, this event will close on the 13th Feb and we will be posting the valentines messages via ingame mail on 14th Feb, Be sure to have the correct spelling @ handles as toughs who cannot be found ingame will not be sent, receivers must be part of this fleet
5 people liked this
Edited February 07 2017 by GXV3

Unknown Person

Functional tricorder app, coming soon to a smartphone near you!

February 07 2017

The principle: Take out your smartphone, open the app, aim it at the object being scanned -- such as an apple -- and get the desired information, for instance, whether an apple contains pesticide residues.

Although systems that perform such scans already exist, users usually have to clamp additional parts such as a prism onto the front of the integrated camera. This is costly and impractical and additionally interferes with a smartphone's design. "What makes our app special is that users don't need anything for a scan other than the camera already integrated in their smartphones," says Prof. Udo Seiffert, Expert Group Manager at the Fraunhofer IFF.

So since they're already communicators and miniature computers, might as well throw sensors and scanning systems in there too, right?
2 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


Emergency Donations for a Fleetie in Need

February 06 2017
Im so sorry to hear this Nicole
Nicole Onyxheart


Emergency Donations for a Fleetie in Need

February 06 2017
heya all, after gaining permission, i've come to ask the fleet for help

i'm currently having my house foreclosed, as well as pretty much running out of money (i have a little over $20 left to my name), i'm also disabled (and denied SSI too, double whammy)

so i'm asking the fleet, since i know ya'll are great people, if you could help me by sharing, and possibly donating, to my gofundme to keep me afloat for the rest of the month

at the end of the month, i've got a friend who's letting me move in with them til i can get back on my feet financially, but i need to actually make it to that time, and that means food (which is dwindling, i'm down to pretty much ramen), money for bills (i have a bunch overdue), and if i'm lucky...the money for a moving truck (otherwise its gonna be what my friend can fit in his car)

i'll leave the link for the gofundme here, its got the full story:

and if you need to get ahold of me if you have any questions, and please do direct any questions my way, i'll leave my contact info below
Discord: NicoleOnyxheart#8491
Steam: onyxheartwolf
Unknown Person liked this
Edited February 06 2017 by Onyxheart



February 05 2017
I have a question about playstyle. I dropped it over in the Battle Clinic:
Edited February 05 2017 by Duriansol



February 04 2017
sorry folks, I feel like I am not seeing new comments to posts on the regular. However, if you swap to full 3 piece Iconian, and look into the "Xenotech Powerflow Module" from K-13 that focuses on [EPS] and [Pen] you will have improved your DPS immediately.

Your Skills are good. As Tact. I would not change them at this time.

Your Boff layout is a little confusing to me. Since, you are using cannons for this build I would at least have a rapid fire 2. You can get rid of Heisenberg amplifier, Entropic cascade is much better if you are going temporal. Beam target Aux is also lack luster, I would use attack pattern Omega 1 or rapid fire.

I am not sure who your boffs are, but your Boffs can help a lot too, Romulan SRO from the Embassy could help a bit for tact and if you have the hierarchy boff, use them in the science seat for a cat 2 bonus to DPS.

Here is the adjusted build.




February 01 2017
I'm not the Shipwright, but what is the theme of your ship build? What is it that you're trying to accomplish?

I'm seeing one thing, but I'd like to know from you. I have a different playstyle and focus from what you've built.
Michael Sawyer


The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 30 2017
If I can convince my friend to go with me I will go. Hate to go to a convention by myself

Unknown Person

The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 30 2017
Hey Fleetie Darlings, just a quick update. General Admission Weekend tickets have just been posted to the creation site:

The price is $245 and includes all 5 days of the convention. I'd recommend getting them sooner rather than later as last year they did sell out rather quickly.
Dave (Voleron)


Season 12 Launch Party!

January 29 2017

Thanks to everyone who came out for our Season 12 #LaunchParty!  We hope that you enjoyed hanging out with us all on TeamSpeak and in fleet chat!  Thanks to everyone who joined us for our many PvE queue runs, battlezone runs, random questions and Trek Trivia!  Congratulations to @Jacien for winning our impromptu trivia quiz! Share your Season 12 screenshots in the thread.  Here are some screenies from one of our "Gravity Kills" PvE queue runs (@GXV3, @Gravity, @Ereiid, @WhiteOnmyoji and @Voleron).  See you in-game throughout the week!

2 people liked this
Edited January 29 2017 by Voleron
Dave (Voleron)


Season 12 Launch Party!

January 28 2017
@Teknomancer No specific schedule.  I'll be on starting in an hour or so and we'll all just game throughout the day. We'll do some random fun events in between running the new queues, but there's no formal schedule - just us all informally getting together to play!

@GXV3 See ya later in the day!!

Unknown Person

Season 12 Launch Party!

January 28 2017
I should be on & off throughout the day, mainly grinding omega upgrades I think. Is there a more specific timeframe than just "whenever?"
Gareth GXV3


Season 12 Launch Party!

January 28 2017
Have fun today, soon as im off work later on tonight Ill catch you all hopfully
Dave (Voleron)


Season 12 Launch Party!

January 25 2017
REMINDER: Don't forget to join us this coming Saturday for the Season 12 #LaunchParty!  See this thread for details.
Unknown Person liked this



January 24 2017
I know how you feel Gravity, I was feeling that as well, and now I can calm down as the family member is going to be fine we just have to watch the sugar levels, and keep the stressful relative away.



January 24 2017
Apologies life has been hectic for me i shall push this to the top if my list of priorities.


The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 24 2017

I am sorry to disturb you, but I'm in the middle of a Charlie Foxtrit, a week ago I made a request for a revised ship build, as well as done the google forms and listed everything in my inventory, as well as bridge officers and duty officers.

At the time when I made the post, I added that there was no rush, but now...I don't know what's going on with a family member. All I would like to know is if my build is being looked at. If I'm blocked from requesting ship builds, I was not notified of that.

And I don't know how to send someone else a note.

Thank you for any help or assistance you can give me
And thank you for helping me with this distraction



January 24 2017
Good day,

Before I posted the link to my ship, I also did the google forms about five-twenty minutes before.

I am sorry to keep pressing you on this, but I have a Charlie Foxtrot situation and I need a distraction to keep from worrying, all I need to know is if it's being looked at, if it is; great then I know it's coming soon.

Unknown Person

The 8th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Stonewall Meetup

January 24 2017
I hope to go, I'd love to go. Unfortunately any long term plans are on hold right now.
Dave (Voleron)


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

January 23 2017
Join our discussion on this over on our Facebook feed! @SanDiegoAdam