Dave (Voleron)


Invitation to participate in research on game avatars and gender expression ...

February 25 2017
Completed the questionnaire here too.  Hope it helps!

Invitation to participate in research on game avatars and gender expression ...

February 25 2017
Hey awesome - thanks for participating! =)

Unknown Person

Invitation to participate in research on game avatars and gender expression ...

February 25 2017
Done. If you have any questions/clarifications re what I put in, feel free to PM.


Mass Effect Andromeda

February 24 2017
Tbh, as much as I enjoy ME games and 3's multiplayer, how massively unbalanced it is between new players and established ones ruin the fun. So I'll probably give multiplayer a miss on Andromeda.

Invitation to participate in research on game avatars and gender expression ...

February 24 2017

I'm new to the forum, so please do let me know if this type of post isn't welcome here ... I couldn't find anything in the guidelines suggesting it might be a problem, but I'm of course happy to take it down if it's preferred.  :)

I'm a professor/researcher at West Virginia University, and most of my research focuses on videogames, avatars, and identity. I’m currently conducting an study about gender expression through videogame/virtual world avatars. I am posting to invite you all to participate in this research by taking an online survey. Nothing nefarious here … in addition to my research on games and avatars, I’m a gamer myself (primarily World of Warcraft), and I have a vested interest in scientifically understanding how various kinds of people experience various online spaces.

In particular, I'm interested in the ways that gender is socially constructed in and expressed through games. My colleague suggested that this is a community that might be interested in participating in this kind of research. This study, in particular, includes questions related to your own gender identity and gender expression, and how a particular game avatar of yours may or may not represent your gender. Although I am particularly interested in hearing from individuals who do not identify with 'traditional' binary gender categories (i.e., those who don’t identify as exclusively male or exclusively female), I would love to hear from people of any gender identity.

If you decide to take part, you will be asked to answer some questions about yourself and the avatar you feel best represents you, and to upload an image (screen capture) of that avatar. The survey is rather long – taking from 30 to 45 minutes to complete – and contains a large number of open-ended questions requesting typed-out answers. This study has been acknowledged by the WVU research ethics board, and adheres to federal standards for protecting research participant rights and privacy.
In order to participate, you must be: a) 18 years of age or older, and b) an active participant in an online game or virtual world that includes customizable avatars.

With my thanks for your time, everyone who completes the survey will have the option to enter a random drawing for a $150 Amazon gift card. Please note that you will be asked to enter your email address in order to enter the drawing, so you can be notified if you’re the winner. The odds of winning the game time depend on the number of participants.

If you wish to participate in this study, please use the following link to be automatically redirected to the survey:

If you have any questions about study, you're very welcome to send me a message or email me at the address below. I'll also try to respond as quickly as possible to any general questions/concerns in this thread.

Thanks! :) ~Jaime

jabanksmail.wvu.edu // http://comm.wvu.edu/fs/faculty/jbanks // https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=e2LNDdIAAAAJ&hl=en 
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Lars Zandor


Mass Effect Andromeda

February 24 2017
I just found out this pc probably can run MEA decently. I immediately pre-ordered that shit! :P
Anyone care for some multiplayer once we've completed the singleplayer campaign once?
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Edited February 24 2017 by Lars_Zandor

Mass Effect Andromeda

February 24 2017
They're giving away Mass Effect 2 on Origin right now as part of their "On the House" promo. I already have Mass Effect 3 on there. Might as well have the whole series in one place.

Yeah, the Deluxe version looks like the best value to me. Only $10 more than Standard and you're only missing out on those bonus packs that seem to be for coop.
Unknown Person liked this


Mass Effect Andromeda

February 24 2017
Origin is required, but, the pre-order packs with "exclusives" will be available up to the Friday after launch. So if you're one of the "I don't pre-order" or "because of Battlefront (2015) I refuse to pre-order from EA until Battlefront 2 releases" (like me) camps, then you can still buy one of those packs and not have it count as a pre-order.

I was looking at the packs anyway, and it seems like the only real difference between the second and third tiers are multiplayer "boosts". Which from what I've seen, seems to be the packages you buy in the store during Mass Effect 3's multiplayer AKA loot crates. So if that's worth an extra thirty quid to you, then go for it.

I played through all three games in December after I went through some surgery and was recovering, just to get ready for Andromeda.
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Gareth GXV3


Mass Effect Andromeda

February 23 2017
Ive got my EA access membership already for the Xbox (the real and original birthplace M.E) to play my 10 hours on the 16th.
but Im mighty peed off that the European & UK (are we still in Europe?) full game comes out 2 days after America. GRRRRR!!

EA will push everything on Origin agreed, they are tight fisted.. like Google is to Microsoft


Side note.. im running Mass effect 3 again just to get my juices flowing for the release.
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Edited February 24 2017 by GXV3
Gareth GXV3


Stonewall #RedShirtRun

February 23 2017
Congrats to the Healthy Henrys!!!!!!!!
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Mass Effect Andromeda

February 23 2017
Origin is required 100% but origin is a solid platform these days, i have no problem with it at all.
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Sej @Ereiid


Mass Effect Andromeda

February 23 2017
It's looking like it's gonna publish only on Origin, from what I'm reading. Hold off, if you want - but at the very least, it looks like Origin will be a requirement for pre-ordering, and then their upgraded version for early access (all of 10 hours, woo).
Unknown Person liked this

Mass Effect Andromeda

February 23 2017
Like many of you, I'm a big #MassEffect fan and I'm looking forward to the next installment, #Andromeda.

Is Origin pretty much going to be a requirement? I'm thinking about pre-ordering it, but wanted to make sure I don't get locked into Origin if I don't need to be.
2 people liked this
Edited February 23 2017 by nicholasjohn16
Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall #RedShirtRun

February 23 2017

After some delay, we're happy to announce the winner of our #RedShirtRun event from 2016!  Congratulations to @DurianSol for being the randomly selected winner of the two participating Captains (myself excluded), who set an example for their crew by getting out and keeping fit, so as to be able to fend off any threat that a Starfleet officer might encounter! 

Both @robin and @DurianSol will receive 3 Stonewall Credits for their participation in the event and Durian, we'll be in touch to send some extra swag your way!  Thanks to those who joined us for this year's Red Shirt Run!

4 people liked this

Unknown Person


February 20 2017
So last night Aikune sent me a link Fleet Qin build recommendations via in-game mail (thanks man!), and since I'm a filthy casual I apparently have several weeks' worth of grinding Iconian marks and dilithium coming up. :P  From what I can tell the only differences are about half of the ship's equipment and a few boff skills, everything else looks unchanged (skills, traits, doffs etc). 

Also, I prayed to the almighty googles about my cannons' crappy RoF and discovered something about the UI mechanics that I didn't know. If "fire all weapons" is keybound to a spam button (paired with "distribute shields" for instance), it constantly resets the firing cycles. Changing that keybind and making a few other tweaks has somewhat improved the DHC-burst performance, which should make the Iconian grind a bit less painful.

There's still a noticeable delay between when I hit the key and the first shots actually fire though, and I don't understand why. I'm practically on top of the target before the first shots fire, and raptors are fast but they're not that fast. Is there some particular order weapons should be equipped from right to left for optimum RoF, or some other such nonsense?

Humble Freedom Bundle

February 16 2017
16 more games have been added to the bundle so its an even better deal now!
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Stonewall Valentine

February 16 2017
Quote by Bren
My sack is ready!

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Stonewall Valentine

February 16 2017
Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
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Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall Valentine

February 15 2017
Thanks to the gay cupids @GXV3 and @Bren, who sneaked into Stonewall mailboxes to spread some Valentine's day love during the night!

7 people liked this

Humble Freedom Bundle

February 14 2017
There's a new Humble Bundle out right now and it's a pretty good deal. There's a bunch of great games in the mix along with some books. At only $30 to unlock all the games, it's quite a bargain.

It's titled the Freedom Bundle and appropriately the funds go to the American Civil Liberties Union, Doctors Without Borders and the International Rescue Committee. They've already raised $3,400,000 and counting.

Head on over here to check it out.
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