Dave (Voleron)


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 12 2017

Stonewallers: We're super excited to announce the winners of the Stonewall Character #TalesofTragedy writing contest!  Thank you to @GXV3 and @Jacien who helped me judge all of the amazing entries!  Each of us individually scored each of the entries in the categories of creativity, detail and impact.  The average of all three of our opinions was then used to produce a final score.  All of your submissions were amazing to read and really tugged at our heart strings in true tragic fashion!  Thanks so much for once again sharing your creativity with the group and we can't wait to run the next writing contest in a few months time.

The writers of our top three ranked entries will be contacted within the next day to arrange for delivery of prizes!  All of our other contestants will be awarded TWO Stonewall credits, which can be redeemed for in-game loot through our Stonewall Credit Store!

Click the link below to reveal the winners and read everyone's entries!

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Gareth GXV3


[Stonewall Credits Store] credits.stonewallfleet.com

May 09 2017
I know, Im sorry @Niko, @NicholasJohn16 and I are working on getting everything back online and back to normal asap

In the mean time, here is a list of all items we have, in text form.

Cheshire McCaster


[Stonewall Credits Store] credits.stonewallfleet.com

May 09 2017
I cannot seem to be able to view the store or how many credits i have, i keep getting a 404 page.
Lars Zandor


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 07 2017
Completely true :P
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 06 2017
I saw this and couldn't help but imagine that this would be @LarsAKALordZandor while reading the entries :D

4 people liked this


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 06 2017
Ask, and ye shall cry.

You brought this upon yourself, and that is the greatest tragedy of all.
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 05 2017
This is me reading the entries... *grabs tissue*

Edited May 05 2017 by Voleron
Gareth GXV3


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 04 2017
hmm some good reads to ponder over


5 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Star Trek Bridge Crew

May 03 2017
Share your handle and stay up to date on upcoming events on our official group:  http://www.stonewallgaming.net/groups/106968-stonewall-bridge-crew
Lars Zandor


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 03 2017
Sadly I didn't manage to finish my story in time, but good luck to all participants! :)
Zander Hawk


Star Trek Bridge Crew

May 03 2017
That's awesome.  My PSN handle is Zander_Hawk.  Now I need to get a VR device for PS4 or PC.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 03 2017 by Zander_Hawk
Bradley Barbour


Star Trek Bridge Crew

May 03 2017
Some friends and I will be playing Star Trek Bridge Crew and want to create a friends list of those we can play with who we know are LGBT or LGBT friendly so people can be themselves while playing or not be exposed to the usual online riff raff when trying to enjoy a space adventure.

Please let me know if you are going to be playing as well, what platform you're on (yay!  it is cross platform!) 

I will be playing on PS4.  My PSN handle is kaaleb
3 people liked this
Bradley Barbour


Elder Scrolls Online

May 03 2017
A friend and I have just started an LGBT friendly guild in ESO. Alliance of Vivec.  Feel free to join us :) Just a social/adventure guild.

Unknown Person

any active players?

May 01 2017
Any guild member should be able to invite a player that is in-game to the guild. The command is "/ginvite character name"
We have been discussing the use of discord so if you'd like to talk more about it, Panaeon, feel free to send me a private note here on the site. I thought I'd changed the permissions for the guild ships so that regular members can move them but I'll double check.
Unknown Person liked this
Max Du Nord


any active players?

May 01 2017
Hey Karsten,

I love SWTOR. It's a really awesome game. I started on EU server (Tomb of Freedon Nadd) and therefore was never able to join Stonewall guild. I got 4 characters level 70 (2 Sith [they are AWESOME :)], 1 Jedi, 1 smuggler on republic side) and went through the story-line alone. Each of them is with different guild and all these guild die-off with time which is a pity.

Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 01 2017
Thank you to everyone who entered the #TalesofTragedy writing contest!  The contest is now closed.  We'll be reading through everyone's amazing entries and will announce the winners during the week of May 8th!  Good luck to all!

Unknown Person

any active players?

May 01 2017
I have been inviting a new character from @LarsAKALordZandor to KoS and was wondering why no one had moved the ship to Corellia for the Rakghoul Event for easier access and possible Orbital support.

I kinda got the Conquest Objective done on my own within 2 or 3 days, but it's kinda sad to play alone and even though server population is significantly higher than on "The Progenitor" (where I am Guild Lead of a LGBTQ-friendly Guild and unfortunately there the server population is so low, that it's hard to find any new recruits, why I wanted to see how it is going on the Harbinger with you "Homies"), it's not as easy to find decent folks to team up with as I hoped it would be on a server with this amount of activity.

I just made friends with another long-term inactive player yesterday with my Trooper "Craí", whom I couldn't invite to our Guild because no one was there to do it. So a funny dude invited me to "Ten Inches Unbuffed" with him, which he and his best friend just created earlier with flagship and Guild Bank, that I could even help him understand functionality with in some parts.

You know, it's nice helping each other out in a social environment...but for that to be perceivable, there must be other people present with their characters to interact with and share a common goal, excitement in second instance (after "presence")

I also was logged in to Teamspeak for a couple of times...with the same amount of (in-)activity.

So, if you're using Ventrilo or - even better - Discord now, I don't find any information here about it pinned to the top of any of the KoS-Forum Threads I've seen so far...which is actually contrary to what the Guild Motto says, that pops in everyone's face at login stating there is a faction-spanning App available on this website.

Also, I just found half of my text being cut off and deleted for this post and I'm really annoyed by it.

I was suggesting making Guild Leadership more flexible and put active players in a position of actually doing stuff with Flagship (since it gives Orbital Support and a nice base for Event Activities like the current Rakghoul Event.

In addition, I'd also like to suggest using a more flexible - and FREE - communication channel (because the Teamspeak Mobile App costs a few EUR/USD on the Google Appstore at least, whereas the Discord App is free for all Platforms and very flexible to use as chat app, too).

I can help setting things up, IF someone asks me to do so nicely. But I'd also like to keep the GA(y)MING "Atmosphere" casual since it shouldn't feel like work in a leisure time activity, i.m.h.o.

So, if you want to save the Guild, then let it come back to Life...if necessary even open it up to LGBTQ-FRIENDLY players. But without (social) activity, it's plain useless in a Game, that is based on Teamplay and social interaction.

With my other character I stand in awe on how quickly a Guild can be set up and grow. Even though I think the attention span of people is decreasing with time and few are willing to work out any difficulties. But that's just how Life works. Life still happens in a Game Environment,
because you cannot take the human factor out of the Gaming Experience because it's friggin Humans, who play it. :-P

Anyway, I'm gonna be on again and since you know my second character name now, too, feel free to add him to your FL to see, if I'm on and send me a message, so I can do the same. Thanks in advance and hope to play with some (more) of you sometime (soon?).

Hugs and cheek(y) kisses...

Karsten (aka Panaeon/Craí )
Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 01 2017 by Unknown Person

Unknown Person

Official Crew Skill Tracker

May 01 2017
My Jedi Shadow is learning Biochemistry (350+ atm of this post) and has fitting support skills Bioanalysis and Diplomacy.

My other character ("Craí"), has started Armormech, Slicing and Underworld Connections, but is not in KoS since nobody seems ever to be online these days.

Unknown Person

Official Crew Skill Tracker

May 01 2017
My Jedi Shadow is learning Biochemistry (350+ atm of this post) and has fitting support skills Bioanalysis and Diplomacy.

My other character ("Craí"), has started Armormech, Slicing and Underworld Connections, but is not in KoS since nobody seems ever to be online these days.
Ted Hembach


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

April 30 2017

"You have to get her off the ship", she yelled. "This ship isn't the adequate environment for a kid to grow up. Believe me, I grew up on a ship like this. It was not a pleasure to me."
Numoshkar shook her head: "But it's an assault they're planning! What if something goes wrong? What if they were forced to shoot their way out? What if Nunk gets his dirty little hands on this? His punishment won't be merciful, you know that. Do you really think we can keep Ardita out of all that mess?"
"Be assured, I will protect Ardita at all costs and by all means. I am a skilled assassin by myself, you know." Onara gently took Numoshkar's hands into hers and whispered: "She won't get hurt, I promise. We all will get into safety, no one will get hurt or left behind. But Tar's plan is our only chance, and I'm willing to take the risk."
"I hope you're right", Numoshkar said. "I really hope you're right."

Nunk was obviously nervous as he walked up and down in the main bar of his casino ship. It was not as big as it could be, but it was the best he could afford - yet. Perhaps things would change if he was able to make a deal with the Ferengi he was waiting for. Sleg, the creditworthy heir of the Sleg-o-Cola cooperation wanted a day, or better a night off for himself and his crew. He was late though, he should have arrived since two hours. Hopefully nothing bad had happened to him and his ship.
"What do you think of this dress? Is that good enough for you?", Leosa asked. She was one of Nunk's favorite Dabo girls, and for a human female she was a really pretty one. He was hoping that Sleg would appreciate her much, because as far as he knew, Sleg graduated at the human Star Fleet Academy and it was rumored he had a hunch for human females in clothes.
"No, it's still too much. Get rid of that cape, and change the color to red", Nunk shouted. "What's the need of all that beauty you have if you don't show it? And hurry, he could arrive any minute now!"

"What's taking so long? You said you could operate this ship with a skeleton crew! Whats the matter?", Sleg asked his first engineer impatiently.
"As I told you before, warp 9.2 is maintainable for 12 hours only. The Miranda class isn't made for high velocity flight, it's a tiny science ship!", the engineer answered.
"Do your best, please. We're already late. Bridge out", Sleg answered. He wished he had hired more mercenaries, or better, he had stolen a bigger ship. But the Miranda he had chosen was the best option so far to reach Nunk and his casino freighter.

Time was running out, if he wanted to see his beloved deltanean female again. Tar N'Schaalon was her name, and they had met during his last vacation on Risa. Two wonderful days together, walking around on the shores, both enjoying the forbidden fruits of their society. They shared sensual experiences of diverse kinds and got lost in long conversations about elegance in female fashion, erotic sensual games and the meaning of life as a sensual revelation, far beyond the celibate ideals of Delteans as well as the monetary frame of mind of the ferengi culture. Sleg spent a small fortune hand over fist without even thinking about profits while sunbathing in completely rain-free beaches. When she finally told him that she was in debt-slavery to a ferengi called Nunk, who just allowed her a few days off while he was waiting for guests to pick up on his casino cruise around the stars, and how awful her life aboard the ship of Nunk was, he promised to get her off the ship and out of the reach of her Ferengi master.

What she didn't know, and what nobody knew so far, he actually did not possess the latinum to buy her out. Sleg-o-Cola, the business Sleg was running, had run totally dry, there were no funds left. It was only a name, the factory wasn't producing any lemonade any longer, as he wasn't able to pay his employees. Sleg wasn't a business man, he never had those 'ears for business' and he really didn't know what to do with his family heritage. His plan to free Tar was nothing more than a good bluff - a bluff which could work if the so-called "Orion Slave Freeing Force" he had aboard would do a good job.

The OSFF was a descendant of the T'Prar Foundation, which freed Orion slave girls in the late 23rd century. It was operated by Deltans, who were immune to the Orion pheromones. Sleg had hoped that the Deltans would try to free one of their own kind, and he was right. The OSFF agreed to help him freeing Tar N'Schaalon and the other slave girls upon Nunks casino-ship free of charge, if he could provide them with a star-ship to get there. Sleg complied to their demands, taking the only ship he could get: the ship he was appointed for his first in-field command after the final exam in his science course at Star Fleet Academy, where he was enlisted studying applied shield harmonics. He knew his career would end with this theft, but his love was worth the risk.

"Daimon Nunk, there is a ship approaching. It is a Starfleet vessel", the voice in the communicator said. Nunk was not a real Daimon, but he insisted to be called that way aboard his ship. He thought it was impressive for his customers, not knowing that most of them didn't know what a Daimon was.
"Get the Nausicaan guards to the airlock, quick. I'll be there in a minute!", he answered. "Leosa, are you ready?"
Leosa took his arm under hers, looking really gorgeous in that expensive red dress made of Tholian silk. Nunk nodded satisfied, and they went to the airlock to wait for the heir of the great Sleg-o-Cola Cooperation.

"Ardita, if anything happens you stay with aunt 'Nara, please. Do you understand?", Numoshkar asked her daughter.
"But what should happen, mum? You said we are just taking a little holiday trip", Ardita replied. Just a few days ago had been her seventh birthday, and her mother promised her they would take a shore-leave trip to celebrate.
"Nothing will happen my dear, but just in case...", said her mum, trying not to look too scared.
"It's because uncle Nunk doesn't want us to go, am I right?", Ardita asked, smart as she was.
"Don't call him uncle, he doesn't belong to our family", Numoshkar answered.
"We have to go now, I think Tar is already waiting. Time to move!", said Onara, as she hid two small daggers in her skirt.

"Are you ready?", Sleg asked the two Gorn mercenaries he hired to support the Deltans. According to their plan, he and the Gorns should provide a distraction at the airlock while the Deltans would beam the slave girls off the ship. Simple, but effective, the only flaw he could find in this plan was himself in the middle of the action. Now would be the time to see, if the Star Fleet Combat Training was worth anything, and if not, he hoped that the Gorns would bail him out. Anyways, the airlock in front of him re-pressurized, and would open soon. Time to become a hero, Sleg thought.

Tar N'Schaalon waited in front of the shuttle-bay doors, with a sleeping Nauiscaan guard beneath her feet. It was not too difficult for her to hypo-spray the guard, as she was the leading nurse on Nunk's ship. Before that she used to be a Dabo girl and also Nunk's favorite female. But that was long ago, before Leosa got on the ship, taking this role from her. Leosa was on the quest to get rich, and she was willing to serve under a Ferengi for a while to reach that goal. Tar was not sorry for the change, as she hated being a Dabo girl as much as she hated being a favorite female for a Ferengi slave master. Never again Oomox with that puny little Ferengi Nunk, that was what she promised to herself every day.

As the airlock doors opened, a big blast of light and fire hit the corridor behind it. Smoke filled the room, and nobody was able to see anything. One of Nunk's Nausicaans guards laid unconsciousness on the floor, while the other was instantly firing with his disruptor into the airlock, not knowing if he was going to hit anybody. Nunk was yelling in a very high uncomfortable pitch, while Leosa tried to get on her feet again. The Gorn had thrown a thermal stun grenade through the airlock, as soon as it opened. Sleg waited behind, hoping everything would turn out the right way, while the Gorns prepared themselves to board the ship.

The three green women headed through the corridor to reach the shuttle-bay. They saw Tar at the end of the corridor waiting, waving with one hand. A Nausicaan lay in front of her on the ground. Suddenly and unexpected a door opened and an almost seven foot tall Nausicaan stepped out.
"What is that...", the Nausicaan wondered, seeing the Deltean female and the shuttle-bay guard lying on the floor right in front of him and the three approaching Orion females on the left. Immediately he wielded his jagged sword, shouting "Now you have Guramba!"
"Run, Moshka, run!", yelled Onara, as she took out one of her daggers. Too fast for the Nausicaan to see she made a handspring while she threw her dagger in the middle of the jump. The knife hit him in the back of his sword-hand causing him to loose his sword that clanked to the floor. Back on her feet Onara took a new run-up to flip again and to slide through between the legs of the surprised Nausicaan. While Numoshkar and Ardita passed the guard, Onara grabbed both his upper legs to swing herself right behind him. With the elegance of a typical Orion dancer she managed to land on his shoulders, and as she twisted her legs a faint cracking noise was the last sound for the Nausicaan to hear. With a broken neck he fell aground.

"Sleg, can you hear me? Please, come in!" Slegs communicator beeped in a very unpleasant situation. The guard in front of him had just stopped the shooting, probably to get a new aim. The smoke was gone and so was the cover for Sleg. Ready to face the entrance of the golden treasury Sleg prepared himself to die. Right in this moment the two Gorn warriors jumped in front of him with a giant leap, thus smashing the guard right onto the wall of the corridor. He groaned as he fell down.
"Hello mister Nunk", Sleg said with new confidence. "I'm Sleg from Sleg-o-Cola, ready to have some fun. Where are the dabo tables?"
"If you think you can get away with that", the Ferengi Nunk answered as he found his voice back, "I assure you there are at least twenty Nausi.."
Nunk wasn't able to finish his sentence. A big Gorn fist had suddenly ended the conversation between the two Ferengis.

"Ah, at last, you've made it", Tar said, "we have to hurry. We have to get into position near the shuttle-bay force-fields, it's the only place where the ships shields are weak enough. They'll beam us out any second now."
Tar, Onara, Numoshkar and Ardita entered the shuttle-bay. So far everything went well, and Numoshkar began to believe that Tar's risky plan might actually work. None of them noticed that the nausicaan guard on the floor was already waking up again.

Slegs communicator beeped again. "Hey Sleg, come in please. We need your help!"
"Sleg here. Whats the matter?"
"Ah, I'm very sorry, sir, but somebody on the ship managed to activate a scrambler. We can't beam them out! You have to deactivate that thing."
"You are kidding, aren't you? I'm here with only two Gorns. How should I do that, hm?"
"Oh, we localized it. The scrambler is on the bridge. There are only three bio-signs there. You can do it."
Before Sleg was able to answer, one of the Gorn handed him a phaser-rifle. "Come on, lets go", he sizzled.

"That's far enough", the Nausicaan guard shouted. He pointed his disruptor right in the direction of the females hiding in one corner of the shuttle-bay.
"One by one, step out and lay down on the floor. I won't repeat this order!", he grunted.
"Do as he said", whispered Onara to the others. "Keep Ardita behind. I'll handle him."
Onara slowly moved out of their cover. She knew exactly how to move to attract the attention of the Nausicaan. He slanted his head a little to the side, not knowing what was happening. Onara started humming with a soft voice as she raised one of her arms. Binding his view with her arm twisting, she delicately fetched her last dagger with the other hand. Ready for her final move she opened the knot of her neck-holder shirt, which fell slowly to the ground. Before the Nausicaan believed what he saw she threw her dagger with a swift move, hitting him right between his eyes.

It ended much faster than it had begun. As soon as the turbo-lift reached the bridge of the casino ship, the two Gorn warriors cleared the bridge. They were moving fast, and nobody on the bridge expected two raging Gorn stepping out of the lift. The three Ferengi weren't able to put up a fight, and so everything was over before Sleg fired one shot with his rifle. He quickly disabled the scrambler and lowered the shields of the ship. "All clear, you can beam them out now. Copy that, please", he shouted in his communicator.
"Ah sir, we have a problem here. We can't get a lock-on. We're working on the problem."
"What do you mean? You said it would be easy. We don't have the whole day, you know."
"You can try to beam them from there. We located a transporter in the shuttle-bay. Perhaps this will work."
Sleg wasn't feeling very well. This plan differed a little from what he had imagined. For a moment he thought he was part of a bad science fiction series of the old 20th century earth. We can't get a lock-on...

Sleg and the Gorns hurried to get to the shuttle-bay. They were intercepted at two instances by guards of the ship, but they managed to slip through, although one of the Gorns suffered a disruptor hit on his left arm, and the other was hit by a knife of a Chalnoth. The plan was slowly getting out of hand. Nobody knew that the casino-ship had a coating which inhibits transporter lock-on's, to prevent anything or anyone to be beamed off the ship. The only way to beam out was the transporter in the shuttle-bay.

Finally Sleg and the Gorns arrived at the shuttle-bay. "Tar, my love, I said I would get you out of here", he welcomed Tar and the others.
"Slegily, oh my, you kept your word", Tar said as they fell into each others arms.
"We've got no time to loose", one of the Gorns mentioned. "Get us out of here!"
"Okay, get in position. I'll activate the auto transport", Sleg said.
Within seconds, everyone was spread about the five transporter panels. The two Gorn took the places to the left and right. Onara pushed Numoshkar and her daughter to the spot in the rear, where Numoshkar held her little daughter tightly pressed to her side. Onara and Tar stood on the forward positions.
"Hurry, darling," Tar exclaimed, signaling Sleg to come over and share her panel.
"I have entered the coordinates but somehow I can't activate the auto-transport-subroutine..." Sleg replied and he felt like everything was running through his fingers like sand. Suddenly he heard a voice behind him: "There is no auto-transport function. You have to operate the transporter by yourself", Nunk said triumphantly.
A shriek of unpleasant surprise escaped Slegs mouth before he jumped over to the transporter panel, securing himself behind the gorn fighter to the right. Nunk had recovered in the meantime, and instead of a woman in a red dress he had several heavily armed guards with him. They were now in a direct stand-off with the two gorn fighters who had their weapons ready to fire on Nunk.
"You're going nowhere," Nunk grinned, "so let's be reasonable. Put your guns down and we won't kill the child."
"No, this will end here", Onara said and before Sleg or anyone else could start to argue, she slid over to the dead nausicaan guard on the ground, took his sword and stepped over to the console.
"No, aunt 'Nara, no", the little Ardita screamed. But it was too late. Onara had already pressed the button.

Please note: Onara, Ardita and Sleg are all Ingame Characters that we play. Nunk and Leosa are from the Star Trek Voyager episode "Inside Man", that we enjoy alot. Hope you had fun reading this 'Tale of Tragedy' !
For an image look here:
The bigger the smile the sharper the knife
2 people liked this
Edited April 30 2017 by TLara