Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall Summer Screenshot Contest!

June 12 2017

Don't forget to enter your #StonewallSummer screenshot for your chance to win our contest!  We want to see your summer fun activities!  See all of the contest details in the first post in this thread!
4 people liked this
Edited June 12 2017 by Voleron
Kiera Skylar


Pokemon Go, or Pokemon No?

June 12 2017
I've begun dabbling at it, have a ponyta as my buddy, instinct for the team, lots of bugs, snakes and birds around here though. :c
Unknown Person liked this
Kiera Skylar



June 12 2017
...one year later...


this is something I've come across that was made in honor of the... event.

but I do not guarantee that it is at all beneficial or pleasing to you, I dunno what offends LGBT+ anymore, sometimes my simple existence seems to offend.
Gareth GXV3


Stonewall Summer Screenshot Contest!

June 12 2017
That moment when Barkeep refuses to sell anymore to a Patron 

( Suggested reading - https://goo.gl/yj9ayy )


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Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall Summer Screenshot Contest!

June 11 2017

Summer is smiling down upon Stonewallers once again!  Captains in Stonewall Fleet have been rushing to Risa to reserve the best beach side recliners and cabanas that the luxury resort planet has to offer, while our Knights and Lords of Stonewall prepare to spend their upcoming summer evenings enjoying the cool, air conditioned comfort of the luxury casinos on Nar Shaddaa.  Meanwhile, Stonewall Vanguardians are trying to find a quiet corner of Lion's Arch beach to soak up some warming rays of sun.

Whatever celebrations your character is taking part in, we want you to share the best of your summer fun with us by participating in our #StonewallSummer screenshot contest!  We're giving away prizes to our winners, so let's see the best you have to offer!  Our screenshot contest runs from June 11th to 18th, 2017!

  • Screenshots must be submitted before June 19th, 2017, to be eligible
  • Screenshots must be your own (can't be a Google image search, for example)
  • Entries must be submitted as a reply to this forum thread, a reply to our Facebook post, or in reply to our Twitter post
  • Entries must be of a summer themed activity in either one of or a combination of: Star Trek Online, SWTOR or Guild Wars 2
  • A maximum of three screenshot submissions per person
  • You may use filters or colour enhancements to make your screenshot colours pop if you like, but no photo editing is permitted

Not only will the top two screenshot contest entries be featured on Stonewall's social media streams, but we'll be awarding the following prizes for the contest winner and the runner up:

First Place

  • 4 Stonewall Credits (can be redeemed for in-game merchandise in STO)
  • Winner's choice of: 1,000 Zen (STO specific), OR
  • A STEAM card of similar value

Second Place

4 people liked this
Edited June 11 2017 by Voleron



June 02 2017
NOOOO, I missed this.  This is what I get for not checking the events section lol



May 31 2017
It was alot of fun i am enjoying playing with you guys and discord is making it much easier to team up also :)
2 people liked this
Gareth GXV3



May 30 2017
Had some fun so over the weekend with @jacien @Eeon @Wsstks @Niko @Moonicus @LarsAKALordZandor @Mstfrancis @SellinOdan gr_vity !!

Thanks for teaming up, and thanks to Niko and Gr_vity for putting together some groups

Sadly the screens grabs I got didnt render.. looking up the problem, it appears to be a bug and i had to fiddle with some settings :(

If anyone has any other ideas for free games we can all play. feel free to write a post or message me :D

3 people liked this
Edited May 30 2017 by GXV3



May 26 2017
I'll join 
Gareth GXV3



May 26 2017
yay @Niko and thanks for informing us of the free trial! they did it very last min.
im excited to play with people from here instead of the usual xboxers.
Its hard getting used to keyboard controls though 
Cheshire McCaster



May 26 2017
I will happily be there for this.
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3



May 26 2017

MAY 26 - 29th

This weekend see's Overwatch the incredibly popular team game giving us a Free to play weekend.

So as we talked in our SGN discord we thought it would be fun to team up and play Overwatch as a community.

For thoughs who haven't played over watch.. or just have noticed it around but haven't looked into it.. or maybe you were put off by the cartoony looking style of the game .. like I was before i played it.. I decided just to pick up a copy.. and bam! I was hooked as soon as I played it.. and my friends and others whom ive spoken to are now also fans of this game.

I can honestly tell you its one of the best and most fun games I have ever played.

Its not to serious, you have fun, you wont have to worry about other players, you don't need incredible FPS responses.

In fact this game gives you choices of who you want to play...

you have a vast selection of Heros to pick who you want to take into battle.. and with them they bring there special abilitys.. each unique and really helps build a great team.


If you want to know more about overwatch and how easy and fun it is to play keep reading this post below.


Thoughs who want to take part jump over to blizzards website RIGHT HERE and get the free download of overwatch

it will be available for free Fri 26th May at 19:00 BST / 11:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT

The PC download is around 12GB so best to get it asap and we can look to team up late fri maybe, allday sat, sun & mon

We can meet up on our SGN discord server ( CLICK HERE for Details of how to get in our SGN discord )

There is no set times in when we can team up, this is a spur of the moment idea, I will be floating around in our discord server seeing if anyone wants to team up, until i have to dash off to work.. but then you guys can always team up and get other people asking into your teams! you wont have to be there all day.. if your on and theres a game going.. ask out, you can pop in and out all day.

I recommend when you have downloaded Overwatch.. to just pop in the game yourself.. and have a go in the training rooms.. you get to swap and choose any of the 24 heroes. and run around a training area on your own, this will give you the oppertunity to see what heros can do what, what weapons they have and get you accustomed to everything 

Hope to see and play along side you this weekend!!

and if you like it.. its on sale.. we can play more oftern!




Run right into battle destroying everything that gets within your line of sight


Dont like to be in the thick of it? we will always need someone to guard the base, you could choose a hero that can build a turret, or a hero that hides in the balcony with her sniper rifle taking down enemy's one by one from a distance


YOU can be a tank that will throw up a huge shield so your team mates can gather up behind you and pick off your enemy's from safety.. or barge into enemy spaces and cause confusion to break up there team


run along with another hero and boost his powers.. or run around to different team mates healing them with your healing beams so they are constantly in top health despite getting shot at, or create gateways to jump the just spawned team mates back into action without running all the way back.

This game you can play as any hero, after you play for a while and try out all the various hero options, and see what they can bring to a team.. and you will go into any match with confidence and you will begin to get player of the game quite a lot.

Anyone who shys away from FPS, sadly tarnised by the COD venomous playerbase... this is the game for you to see how much fun it actually can be.

here are a couple of videos that show what you can do in the game as a team..

and a little guide about Roles you can play..


With all this said..  this weekend.. overwatch is free!! 

This is the perfect time to try something new.. among this safe community,.. get to know people, have fun.. who knows.. you may even want to buy overwatch after the trial weekend... btw.. its on sale!!!

2 people liked this
Edited May 26 2017 by GXV3


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 18 2017
Did anyone also submit to the First Contact Day competition
Gareth GXV3


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 14 2017
Really good reads, it was a treat to pop my feet up with a cuppa tea while I read them.
Thanks to @Voleron too for putting this forum event on for us, and hope there is more to come.
All your #SWC cards should have been updated already, if youve forgotten the link to your card.. just pop me a private message
2 people liked this


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 14 2017
Oh, thanks very much guys. I was afraid I was out on a limb slightly with that one and then I was kicking myself noticing my typos. Glad you enjoyed it (or whatever the most appropriate term for a tragedy, "enjoying" one sounds a bit like schadenfreude, no?). I was great reading through all the entries and I hope to read a few more in future. Great job to everyone who participated.
3 people liked this


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 12 2017
Minor correction: Ildan is not an alt. Durian is gone.
Dave (Voleron)


Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

May 12 2017

We enjoyed reading all of your contest entries so much that I wanted to take the time to tell you what we loved about each of your stories!  Thanks for sharing your talents with us and the entire Stonewall community!

  • @Rayne: Most creative entry: this entry was ranked the highest of all entries in the area of creativity!  Reading this story felt as though we werre reading it as a visitor to the Iconian war museum on Earth, forty or fifty years after the events of "Midnight".  It was like we were reading the postcard, which was being kept under glass, along with a placard next to the display that detailed the circumstances of the exhibit's history.  It was very chilling and impactful, sending shivers down our spines!  An awesome and truly original contest entry - the graphic was so authentic and amazing!
  • @NicholasJohn16: We'd read and loved this story before, during the last contest and the second read-through was no different.  Not only is this a tear-jerking tale of love lost, but it also made us feel as helpless as I imagine Nick to have felt in the story.  Thanks for sharing this true, tragic tale!
  • @Duriansol: An interesting story about the courageous death of one of your toons giving rise to the life of one of your alts!  A truly original story that paralelled Spock's death and the transferrence of his Katra that ultimately, once again, gave rise to new-found life.  Great story!
  • @Thval: We never thought that a story about a non-humanoid race could be so impactful, but as the story came to a close and tragedy struck from all angles, we found ourselves very touched and moved by the tale.  We couldn't imagine investing all of my memories and hopes for the future in finding that one person, only to have that hope so jarringly wrenched away.  Coupling that soul crushing defeat with the discovery of plans of treachery at the hands of those closest to us, made for one of the most powerfully tragic tales, and we joined Pa'Squal in his blood cry for vengeance!
  • @Niko: The death of M’Freya's parents once again tugged at our heartstrings as her tale of tragedy and loneliness became her source of strength and the catalyst to her joining Starfleet.  We'd love to read more about M'Freya and how those events shaped the rest of her life in Starfleet and the adventures to follow!
  • @TLara: We loved this terrificly original tale of both Sleg and Onara willing to sacrifice everything in the name of love.  It was great fun to read about an uncharacteristically brave Ferengi who was willing to risk everything to his name.  We always hoped there was room in the Ferengi heart for great bravery and your tale confirmed it!  This was a perfectly Ferengi story in every way and it brought smiles to our faces in spite of the tragedy that followed!

Click the button below to see an index of your entries that we'll be sharing with the community, the final standings and some artwork that I did for each of your stories!

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