Ted Hembach



December 18 2017
Hey, what a nice idea! We will be the #festivefleet number one of the whole 24st century! HO HO HO!
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Gareth GXV3



December 18 2017
Ive slightly edited the first event... instead of the festive ship contest (which would I think slow the day down) we can do what we do best.. and blow up some ships together!
The new event "Space Bauble Battle Zone" has taken its place.

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December 18 2017
Unless I am not running last minute errands for Christmas Eve and Christmas day I should be able to make it
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Kieran Kiki



December 18 2017

I'm gonna be in Wales with no computer to play sto 

Noooo I miss you all 
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Unknown Person


December 18 2017
Fun Fun Fun! :)
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December 18 2017
Oh nice, another event! :D Can't what people come up with for the costumes :)
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Gareth GXV3



December 18 2017

here ye here ye here ye!
You are all invited to Stonewalls Festive Gathering,
a LITE informal event just to give us the excuse to get together as a Stonewall Gaming Network family for the holiday season.
No matter what you believe in this is an event aimed at just getting us together to play a few light games, mingle and jingle on discord, listen to a few festive tunes, and beat off some snowmen!

It will be a LITE event, so it wont go on all day, and no big games are planned unlike our normal events.
Things will start off at 5pm GMT/UTC / 12pm EST / 9am PST 
(search google for your timezone "5pm GMT to ___")

We will meet up in Qs winter wonderland, and take part in all the games that pop up.. and from there.. here is what is planned...


Around 6pm GMT/1pm EST/10am PST
After weve done all we can in winter wonderland, beam up to our ships and set course for the Space Bauble (Dyson Sphere)
where we will do what we love, and shoot ships in the Space combat zone of the Dyson sphere. If you havent been there before, dont worry. its easy as peas.. if we have the time.. after the Space Bauble zone.. we can go to the Badlands Space battle zone.

Around 7:30pm GMT/2:30pm EST/11:30pm PST
Now its your Toons turn to shine, think festive, think holiday season realness, vibrant holiday colours, maybe turn into an elf, mrs claus, a reindeer ? completely up to you.

Around 8:30pm GMT/3:30pm EST/12:30pm PST
Dressed as Santa Claus we enter a PvP battle, 2 teams, only using fists, Normally with out fist fights things never run smoothly, but hopefully this time it will, teams will enter the map, and just go for it, no scores, no one agaist one.. just team against team, knock as many people out as you can, its an all around bar fight!
- No Weapons
- No Kits
- No Traits

Around 9:30pm GMT/4:30pm EST/1:30PM PST
We move from the game to Discords event channel for our last game, where I will host a Trendy New quiz.
you will be placed into teams, we will all stay in the same audio room, but each team will have there own text channel to communicate in.
its an Easy peasy quiz that is a lot of fun, no hard questions. more details will be given on the day.


As I said, this day is aimed at just getting together as a fleet, and having a good time.
I really hope to see you there on the 23rd December

(things to prepare before the day)

- Make a Festive themed toon
- IF you can, use another costume slot to make yourself look like santa or Mrs Claus (to take into out PvP fist fight)
- jump into our SGN discord for the day chat along or listen in if your shy in our events channel

10 people liked this
Edited December 19 2017 by GXV3
Viridian Green


Are Romulans telepathic now?

December 17 2017
I've been thinking that if Romulans have any psychic abilities, they ought to be similar to vulcan psychic abilities because of common ancestry. What I can think of is mind melds, control of autonomous bodily functions, using the katra, emotional projection (when Sarek has Bendi Syndrome, or Vorik during pon'farr) and that instance where Spock senses the death of a starship's crew.
Mind melds were perfected by the Syrannites, and since a mind meld done wrong can cause physical harm, the ability to control autonomous bodily functions might be a side-effect of learning proper mind melding. Since the Romulans rejected Surak's teachings, no Syrannite psychic techniques for them. They might well have dormant abilities, though, who knows? We've seen very little of them on screen.
As for emotional projection, both Sarek and Vorik were suffering from neurological imbalance, so that might only happen to neurologically imbalanced Romulans, too. So the count is down to Spock sensing the death of that crew -he "hears their death scream" which sounds like the "limited telepathy" Romulans get in the game. (The episode is "Immunity Syndrome", TOS).

Maybe the Romulans also simply don't have the same psychic potential as Vulcans because their neurological and endocrine makeup is different. This would explain why Dr Crusher couldn't treat that Romulan who had neurological damage. Genetic experiments, the augment virus as said above, and interbreeding with other species could definitely cause that! Or maybe the later Romulans already were a related, but different species back on Vulcan. Perhaps the later Vulcans were highly emotional and more on the in-your-face aggressive side, and the later Romulans were highly emotional and more on the hyperfearful, hyperaggressive-when-cornered side. They're best known for cloaking devices, disruptors (and Romulan Ale), after all ;) So their psychic abilities might give them a "danger sense" rather than full telepathy.

Perhaps to compensate for what they don't have naturally, Romulans developed technology that copies psychic abilities (mind probes, the brainwashing tech used on Geordi in "In the Mind's Eye" and a telepathic interface for the drone ship in ENT! ) Perhaps through studying Remans and remembering bits of ancient Vulcan lore? Abusing Remans and other species as experimental material rather than risk their own species sounds like something the Tal Shiar would do.

Just me playing with ideas, as far as I know there is no definite answer to this :)
Thayn The Gamer


Kailea's Holly Jolly Jingle Belling Mistletoe-ing Christmas Party

December 17 2017
It was great fun indeed. Thank you @Kailea 
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Patrick Aka Trick


Kailea's Holly Jolly Jingle Belling Mistletoe-ing Christmas Party

December 17 2017
Just wanted to say thanks to @Kailea for his little shindig on K-13 this afternoon. Mrs. Trick (@raetb32) and I had a great time, even if her fun didn't really start until halfway through, when I finally told her how to join the fleet chat.

I still don't know how Santa Kailea managed to carry all those gifts. That guy must have the biggest sack in the fleet.
4 people liked this

Unknown Person

Stonewall's Secret Santa!

December 15 2017
Quote by EstherNe
Quote by SaintPlazma
Had to go to my EMSSG emergency measure Secret Santa gift. But it's sent.

I googled EMSSG because I didnt recognize the acronym. In the image search I found a rather lovely set of towels, which would make an excellent gift. Also this thread showed up which was a bit weird at first glance. XD

Vary green towels... The acronym is my own creation lol emergency measure Secret Santa gift 

Stonewall's Secret Santa!

December 15 2017
Quote by SaintPlazma
Had to go to my EMSSG emergency measure Secret Santa gift. But it's sent.

I googled EMSSG because I didnt recognize the acronym. In the image search I found a rather lovely set of towels, which would make an excellent gift. Also this thread showed up which was a bit weird at first glance. XD

Star Trek Fan Episodes

December 12 2017
So, I have a lot of down-time at work and I have been spending it watching fan-made Star Trek episodes at work.

So far I've watched Star Trek Continues and Star Trek New Voyages/Phase 2 -- both of which I thought were, overall, really well done.

I was wondering what you all thought about these projects and if there's any other series that you might recommend!

Are Romulans telepathic now?

December 12 2017
I think, and obviously this isn't canonical, but the Romulans likely do have some dormant psychic capabilities. Remember that in the era of Enterprise, the Vulcans thought psychic abilities were a rare mutation and were heavily discriminating against those who showed those capabilities. Later, we discovered that the Vulcan government was being influenced by Romulans at the highest levels, so it doesn't seem unreasonable to me to assume that those prejudices exist in Romulan society even today. So Romulans who are more psychic are still probably going to keep those abilities to themselves, and the less aggressively psychic ones probably don't even know they have those dormant abilities.

That's just my personal theory, and I think that it also explains the limited telepathy racial trait in STO.

Unknown Person

Stonewall's Secret Santa!

December 12 2017
My #secretsanta gift shipped today and should arrive to its recipient before Christmas. I hope they like it. :)
3 people liked this
Edited December 12 2017 by Unknown Person

Unknown Person

Stonewall's Secret Santa!

December 12 2017
Had to go to my EMSSG emergency measure Secret Santa gift. But it's sent.
3 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall's Secret Santa!

December 12 2017
I shipped out my #SecretSanta gift to my giftee today!  Should arrive just in time for Christmas!
Gareth GXV3


Stonewall's Secret Santa!

December 11 2017
!!! that 8bit art is amazing , @Balduranne thats a awesome bonus gift as I know how much work goes into it. it looks stunning

ooooo Fith! id love that. all the way to Australia Trick. I saw the warp cores a while ago and wanted one!

y'all so lucky!
2 people liked this

Stonewall's Secret Santa!

December 11 2017
My wonderful awesome Secret Santa gift has arrived!

Thank you @trick

6 people liked this
Edited December 11 2017 by Fifth_of_Hala
Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall's Secret Santa!

December 11 2017
A HUGE thank you to Anna (@Balduranne) for the AMAZING Secret Santa gift!  My toon and ship in your pixel art is amazing - I'll be using it as my forum signature from now on!  The Steam gift card is an added bonus and will definitely go straight to another "Dead by Daylight" expansion, because I'm totally not addicted to the game or anything!  Much love, thank you so much for the amazing gifts :D

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