Dave (Voleron)


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 23 2021
Thank you  @GXV3 for all the work you put into this year's step challenge!  I know that everyone had a lot of fun and it definitely motivated me to walk that extra half hour with the dogs (who also thank you, by the way) and then hop on the treadmill to get in extra steps most every day.  Nowwwww back to drinking and eating chips.
3 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 23 2021

Well done to all who took part in this years step challenge.
Below are some details of how you all did!
Congrats!! everyone won something!!


SUNDAYS top Steppers!!

1. @thatindividual (9.4 miles)
2. @wsstks (6.3 miles) 
3. @Traull (6.1 miles)
4. @furioustoast (5.7 miles)
5. @nicholasjohn16 (5.6 miles) 
6. @Maupin (5.3 miles) 
7. @Zander_Hawk (5 miles) 
8. @Jspectre (4.8 miles) 
9. @georgiadawg83 (4.7 miles) 
10. @Voleron (3.4 miles) 
11. @Vriess (2.9 miles) 
12. @Niko (2.6 miles) 
13. @Saintplazma (2.5 miles) 
14. @Balduranne (1.83 miles) 
15. @Calx (0.99 miles) 
16. @joystickjoshy (0.95 miles) 
17. @Gladiatorpope (0.57 miles) 
18. @Zoxesyr (0 miles) 

collative Total walked today: 69 hehe miles / 111 KM

collative Total walked ALLL WEEK: 531 miles / 854 KM

- The Grand Canyon has a total length of 277 miles along the course of the Colorado River, you guys have walked this nearly twice!

- A male store owner travelled more than 530 miles to punch a female customer who complained about his service in China. (this might have been you)

- You all would have walked from Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch in Wales, to Culkein in the Scottish highlands!

- You would have walked the circumference of the Deathstar (first) five and a half times.


Below are the Top steppers of the week, The Challenge ended as soon as you hit the 90k (back home) mark, and no more were counted after you hit that submission.

@necrosmanteia did hit the 90k (Home) first.. but if they would have continued they would have registered a whopping 122,638 steps all this week (mon - sun)
Well done Necro! keep doing it!

Also.. and this deserves a real Hero's Achievement standing ovation 
@Traull back August earlier this year set out on a mighty solo challenge himself, and although he wont speak of it cos he's a moddest Canadian, I think it warrants some notice.
He Raised several thousand dollars for his fav firefighters charity on a cross country run, where he managed to rake in 282,534 steps in just 5 days.
Well done Traull!

Lets get back to our week...

You have ALL won Stonewall Credits.. Credits are added to your account on here, you can find them by clicking on your profile icon, and selecting "Wallet".
you can then use your credits to buy anything you like in the SWC store right here: http://credits.stonewallfleet.com/ from steam games to STO items.
Your wallets will be filled within a couple of hours!

So who unlocked the Suna Shard Achievements??.. lets find out..

Well done...

Now lets give out some awards and facts for each of you...
These are all in jest, as a sign of affection for your team effort this week...
Remember this wasnt a race.. it was more about seeing how much you could do and help gather my Suna Shards... because 
.. they are needed...

(Click to enlarge)

And there it is!
the 2021 Step challenge complete! Congrats to you all.. and well done, some of you have surprised yourself.. some of you are just fancy walkers.

One more thing you may have overlooked... the Suna Shards you collected.. what is "Suna" spelt backward?
Glad you had fun in this great passage!

Keep on Stepping!!!!

7 people liked this
Edited November 23 2021 by GXV3


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 22 2021
Quote by maupin
Thanks @GXV3 for managing the step challenge ... in EU Sunday is over, so tried to complete everything and finally return home to get Schnitzel and Currywurst from @Hippiepunk and @Tlara ... what an exiting week!

Hear hear!
I think I want a rematch! I'm so bad at these :D
Dave (Voleron)


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 22 2021
Whoa, I still have a few hours here!
Unknown Person liked this


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 21 2021
Thanks @GXV3 for managing the step challenge ... in EU Sunday is over, so tried to complete everything and finally return home to get Schnitzel and Currywurst from @Hippiepunk and @Tlara ... what an exiting week!
5 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 21 2021

You will be pleased to know TONIGHT IS THE LAST NIGHT YOU WILL NEED TO SUBMIT YOUR STEPS! as per your discord messages, Tomorrows final post will be the last day full of facts and fun! 

Today was a mellow day for some of you and a hard day for the others it seems as the days leaderboard has completely shifted, Maupin took todays lead with a personal best this challenge.. just inches away from hitting 80k mark, well done on the dance moves! you will be a Eurovision backup dancer if you keep that up.

Vriess was just inches away from unlocking the half way achievement which made me sad.. but surely will unlock it tomorrow.

Last day today, then we can all have a rest next week!!


SATURDAYS top Steppers!!

1. @Maupin (7.6 miles) - collected 9 Shards
2. @furioustoast (7.5 miles) - collected 11 Shards
3. @thatindividual (6.9 miles) - collected 7 Shards
4. @Balduranne (5.4 miles) - collected 7 Shards
5. @Jspectre (5.1 miles) - collected 7 Shards
6. @georgiadawg83 (4.7 miles) - collected 7 Shards
7. @wsstks (4.4 miles) - collected 5 Shards
8. @Saintplazma (4.07 miles) - collected 3 Shards
9. @Voleron (3.7 miles) - collected 11 Shards
10. @nicholasjohn16 (3.2 miles) - collected 5 Shards
11. @Vriess (3.2 miles) - collected 4 Shards
12. @Zoxesyr (2.8 miles) - collected 4 Shards
13. @joystickjoshy (1.9 miles) collected 2 Shard
14. @Niko (0.94 miles) - collected 3 Shards
15. @Calx (0.91 miles) collected 1 Shard
16. @Traull (0.90 miles) - collected 9 Shards
17. @Gladiatorpope (0.63 miles) collected 1 Shard
18. @Zander_Hawk (0.0 miles) collected 3 Shards (no steps send, maybe tonight you can send Sat and Sun steps?)

collative Total walked today: 64 miles / 103 KM

collative Total walked so far (Mon,Tues,Weds): 462 miles / 743 KM

zoxesyr, Vriess
 unlocked 40k Steps achievement

voleron, furioustoast
 unlocked 80k steps achievement

zoxesyr, Vriess
unlocked Cold Camp achievement

unlocked 70k Steps achievement

see your positions on the map below:


2 people liked this
Edited November 21 2021 by GXV3

STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 21 2021
Quote by JoystickJoshy
Can't believe I chose this week of all weeks to be so lazy. XD

I've been lamenting that it's so cold in Canada that I can't really jog anymore! Good job Necros!
Unknown Person liked this
Joshua Lee


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 20 2021
Can't believe I chose this week of all weeks to be so lazy. XD
Unknown Person liked this


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 20 2021
Hope you feel better soon ...
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Austin  Rockford


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 20 2021
I’m blaming my mother for giving me a cold but I definitely could’ve tried more. Congratulations to everyone who’s made it so far!!
2 people liked this


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 20 2021
I started dancing to get more steps, really ... :-)
2 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 20 2021

Tomorrow (Sunday) you can all wipe a collective tear from your eye, as you will no longer have to send me in your steps after Sunday.. and I can stop sliding into Josh and Zanders PMs stalking them for their Leg activity because they don't send them in.. not a joke just a fact!

Friday, Balduranne was inspired by the HIT movie "Star Trek V" after watching it the night before on her mobile device.. and decided she would build a pair of rocket boots, that the Klingon Character Doctor Spook wore to fly up 157 decks... so she was helped today by the new boots and hit a new Step best! well done!

Voleron and Traull are being Twinsies and are at near enough the same amount of steps, with the Angry Burnt bread following them in hot pursuit (Furioustoast).
The foursome traveling companions (plazma/Josh/Cal/Gladiator) appear to have gone down to just a trio.. with Stplazma leaving them.. just like Ginger Spice did with the Spice girls... "stop right now, thank you very much" Do do do doo do !

Meanwhile Necro is back on the home Island, eating all the party food Tlara and Hippie have made.. hurry up before its all gone!


FRIDAYS top Steppers!!

1. @furioustoast (8.13 miles) - collected 7 Shards
2. @Balduranne (8.03 miles) - collected 5 Shards
3. @Traull (7.4 miles) - collected 7 Shards
4. @thatindividual (5.8 miles) - collected 5 Shards
5. @Maupin (5.4 miles) - collected 6 Shards
6. @nicholasjohn16 (5.1 miles) - collected 4 Shards
7. @Voleron (4.7 miles) - collected 7 Shards
8. @Vriess (4.5 miles) - collected 3 Shards
9. @Jspectre (4.5 miles) - collected 5 Shards
10. @georgiadawg83 (4.5 miles) - collected 5 Shards
11. @Zander_Hawk (4.2 miles) collected 3 Shards
12. @wsstks (4.1 miles) - collected 4 Shards
13. @Niko (3.7 miles) - collected 3 Shards
14. @Zoxesyr (2.6 miles) - collected 3 Shards
15. @Saintplazma (2.3 miles) - collected 2 Shards
16. @joystickjoshy (1.6 miles) collected 1 Shard
17. @Calx (0.94 miles) collected 1 Shard
18 @Gladiatorpope (0.84 miles) collected 1 Shard

collative Total walked today: 78 miles / 125 KM

collative Total walked so far (Mon,Tues,Weds): 398 miles / 640 KM

nicholasjohn, balduranne
 & wsstks 40k Steps achievement

nicholasjohn, balduranne
 & wsstks unlocked half way achievement

wsstks, nicholasjohn, Balduranne
unlocked Cold Camp achievement

furioustoast, Traull & Voleron
unlocked 70k Steps achievement

see your positions on the map below:


6 people liked this
Edited November 20 2021 by GXV3
Thurman @jestbess#5421


St. Nick Presents St. Nick’s SGN Secret Santa!

November 20 2021
When does this start this year? 


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 20 2021
thank youu! it has been so fun and has motivated me a lot! :D
2 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 19 2021

Sorry Im late writing this, Ive been in search of Tlara and Hippie back on the island, I found them preparing a large amount of sausages, Schnitzel's and currywurst.. I think they are planning a welcome back party for all of you.. instead of going to get Shards.

CONGRATS to Necrosmanteia who has COMPETED the challenge, his daily runs and evening jogs have payed off, and now he's back home with all the shards and a pocket full of SWC to spend (will be issued Monday) his 90k steps are complete and has unlocked all the achievements.

In other news Voleron is now moving sharply to the 70k mark, Stplazma has drunk some gogo juice since last time I reported and has not only claimed his first shard, but ran past 3 other steppers.
Well done to Niko who despite her physical barriers she faces each day has managed to stay consistent, we are all proud of you!!
Also well done to wsstks who got a little exited yesterday at achieving his personal best since upgrading to fitbit!

Zoxesyer is a stones throw away from getting his 3rd Shard, the same with Maupin who was on the very very edge of hitting 50k today, missed out by 201 steps.. you should have had a little dance before bed, that would have done it!


WEDNESDAYS top Steppers!!

1. @necrosmanteia (8.7 miles) - collected 14 Shards
2. @Voleron (7.8 miles) - collected 7 Shards
3. @Maupin (5.8 miles) - collected 4 Shards
4. @thatindividual (5.7 miles) - collected 4 Shards
5. @wsstks (5 miles) - collected 3 Shards
6. @Jspectre (4.8 miles) - collected 4 Shards
7. @furioustoast (4.7 miles) - collected 5 Shards
8. @georgiadawg83 (4.5 miles) - collected 4 Shards
9. @Traull (3.8 miles) - collected 5 Shards
10. @nicholasjohn16 (3.7 miles) - collected 3 Shards
11. @Zoxesyr (2.7 miles) - collected 2 Shards
12. @Saintplazma (2.7 miles) collected 1 Shard
13. @Zander_Hawk (2.6 miles) collected 2 Shards
14. @Balduranne (2.4 miles) - collected 3 Shards
15. @Vriess (2 miles) - collected 2 Shards
16. @Niko (1.8 miles) - collected 2 Shards
17. @Calx (0.92 miles) collected 1 Shard
18. @Gladiatorpope (0.84 miles) collected 1 Shard
19. @joystickjoshy (0.72 miles) collected 1 Shard

collative Total walked today: 72 miles / 115.9 KM

collative Total walked so far (Mon,Tues,Weds, Thurs): 319 miles / 513 KM

40k Steps achievement
Unlocked today by:

Jspectre, Thatindividual,

Maupin, Georgiadawg

Half way achievement
Unlocked today by:

Jspectre, Maupin,

Georgiadawg, furioustoast

Cold Camp achievement
Unlocked today by:

Jspectre, Thatindividual,

Maupin, Georgiadawg

80k Steps achievement
unlocked today by:

Challenge Complete
Unlocked today by:

see your positions on the map below:


5 people liked this
Edited November 19 2021 by GXV3


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 19 2021
Quote by GXV3

Zander_Hawk ran straight past Calx, slapping him on the back of his head as he ran past, turning back and shouting "later looser".

2 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 18 2021

Saintplazma sadly just needed 130 steps today to grab his first shard, I think he must have been distracted by seeing some shirtless elves who were walking in the forest near him.
Thatindividual and Nicholas john are neck and neck when it comes to Steps today, just a few more steps and thatindividual would have had bragging rights over Nick.

Calx, Gladiator and Joystickjosh grabbed their first shard today, and have already made progress onto the next shard point, Quicksticks lads, you can do it!

Just like Stplazma, Traull was just 345 steps away from hitting 50k steps, I can hear the collective sighs as I write this.

In other news, Tlara & Hippiepunk are still back on the Island....


WEDNESDAYS top Steppers!!

1. @necrosmanteia (8.9 miles) - collected 9 Shards
2. @Traull (7.2 miles) - collected 4 Shards
3. @Voleron (7.2 miles) - collected 4 Shards
4. @furioustoast (6 miles) - collected 4 Shards
5. @Jspectre (5.1 miles) - collected 3 Shards
6. @georgiadawg83 (4.8 miles) - collected 3 Shards
7. @Zander_Hawk (4.7 miles) collected 2 Shards
8. @Maupin (4.6 miles) - collected 3 Shards
9. @thatindividual (4.5 miles) - collected 2 Shards
10. @wsstks (4.4 miles) - collected 2 Shards
11. @nicholasjohn16 (4.3 miles) - collected 2 Shards
12. @Vriess (4.1 miles) - collected 2 Shards
13. @Balduranne (3.7 miles) - collected 2 Shards
14. @Niko (3.3 miles) - collected 2 Shards
15. @Zoxesyr (2.8 miles) - collected 2 Shards
16. @joystickjoshy (1.9 miles) collected 1 Shard
17. @Saintplazma (1 miles)
18. @Calx (0.97 miles) collected 1 Shard
19. @Gladiatorpope (0.89 miles) collected 1 Shard
20. @Hippiepunk (0 miles)
21. @Tlara (0 miles) 

collative Total walked today: 81 miles / 134 KM

collative Total walked so far (Mon,Tues,Weds): 247 miles / 397 KM

@furioustoast , @necrosmanteia@Traull &
@Voleron unlocked 40k Steps achievement

@necrosmanteia , @Traull &
@Voleron unlocked half way achievement

@furioustoast , @necrosmanteia@Traull &
@Voleron unlocked Cold Camp achievement

@necrosmanteia unlocked 
70k Steps achievement

see your positions on the map below:


5 people liked this
Edited November 19 2021 by GXV3
Gareth GXV3


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 17 2021

It looks like Hippiepunk & Tlara are having some ice-cream before they get on the boat for the mainland on day 2, they are nowhere to be seen!
Necro has consumed more speed flowers and has once again passed 2 Shard pin points, I must ask him what his secret is.
Followed suit by Traull and Voleron, who have hit and passed the 3rd Shard point, with Voleron stopping for a rest just 118 steps away from where he took the shard.

Georgiadawg and Maupin appear to be traveling alongside each other as they are nearly at the same step count, they must be having a pleasant walk while gossiping about the other heros and how Zoxesyr only bought 2 pairs of knickers for the whole journey. (allegedly).

Zander_Hawk ran straight past Calx, slapping him on the back of his head as he ran past, turning back and shouting "later looser".
Joystickjosh, Gladiator and Stplazma stopped off at a local handbag shoppe to get themselves some new purses so they could feel "Fetch" as they walk, sadly there was a coffee shop next to the store they were in, and they all decided to have a little relax in there.. which slowed them down from reaching the first Shard point. 


TUESDAYS top Steppers!!

1. @necrosmanteia (11.2 miles) - collected 5 Shards
2. @Traull (9.3 miles) - collected 3 Shards
3. @Voleron (6.6 miles) - collected 3 Shards
4. @Maupin (5.8 miles) - collected 2 Shards
5. @georgiadawg83 (5.8 miles) - collected 2 Shards
6. @Jspectre (5.2 miles) - collected 2 Shards
7. @furioustoast (5.1 miles) - collected 2 Shards
8. @Balduranne (4.5 miles) - collected 1 Shard
9. @nicholasjohn16 (4.4 miles) - collected 1 Shard
10. @Zoxesyr (3.8 miles) - collected 1 Shard
11. @wsstks (3.7 miles) - collected 1 Shard
12. @Niko (3.5 miles) - collected 1 Shard
13. @thatindividual (3.1 miles) - collected 1 Shard
14. @Vriess (2.9 miles) - collected 1 Shard
15. @Zander_Hawk (2.1 miles) 
16. @Calx (1.4 miles)
17. @joystickjoshy (0.98 miles) 
18. @Saintplazma (0.93 miles)
19. @Gladiatorpope (0.79 miles)
20. @Hippiepunk (0 miles)
21. @Tlara (0 miles) 

collative Total walked today: 81 miles / 134 KM

collative Total walked so far (mon&Tues): 166 miles / 267 KM

see your positions on the map below:

7 people liked this
Edited November 17 2021 by GXV3
Gareth GXV3


STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

November 16 2021

Our 21 brave heros get up early for the long journey ahead to bring back Suna shards for the Island of Stonewall Utopia.
They all get on the boat to sail the sea to the mainland to start their quest.
Necrosmanteia starts by picking magical flowers that he grinds up and consumes.. it somehow gave him and extra speed boost and he minces away as fast as you can say Jack Spratt!
The other heros fresh off the boat look around.. and realise they are 2 heros short.. where can @Tlara & @Hippiepunk be?? they were last seen at the Stonewall Tavern back on the Island.. they must have drunk too much Stonewall Ale and got distracted by picking flowers to make daisy necklaces they missed the boat!!

Furious toast is off next, he had bought some new high heeled boots and couldnt wait to Sashay away as fast as he could mince away.
The other joined in walking off.. @Zander_Hawk was the last to set off as he was double and triple checking all of his belongings were with him, his quill, he papyrus papers, so he could log his journey, perhaps tomorrow he will have gained more momentum.

Later that eve, nicholasjohn was acting suspicious behind a bush, he owned a futuristic device known as "photoshoppe" and was editing some kind of display,..  he then send the edited display to me back on the Island. Luckily I saw this forgery and I hope that it wont happen again. 


Mondays top Steppers!!

1. @necrosmanteia (11.4 miles) - collected 2 Shards
2. @furioustoast (7.5 miles) - collected 1 Shard
3. @Voleron (6.7 miles) - collected 1 Shard
4. @georgiadawg83 (6 miles) - collected 1 Shard
5. @Maupin (5.7 miles) - collected 1 Shard
6. @Traull (5.4 miles) - collected 1 Shard
7. @Jspectre (5.1 miles) - collected 1 Shard
8. @Thatindividual (4.4 miles) - collected 1 Shard
9. @Balduranne (3.5 miles)
10. @nicholasjohn16 (3.3 miles)

collative Total walked today: 84 miles / 135 KM

see your positions on the map below:

11 people liked this
Edited November 16 2021 by GXV3