

Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 19 2018
It was an amazing event guys! You had a lot of variety with activities and lots to do. The only negative thing I have to say (and its very minor mind you) is a few times when were set up to do ques, we ended up starting late. Not really that big of a deal but I did miss some of them because I had to bounce out and go to work. All and all, though a very fun weekend. Thanks for organizing it!
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Thoron #8824


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 19 2018

Start of the Parade 

All together!

Rallypoint Qo'nos
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Edited July 19 2018 by ThoronDarekMoogie

Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 18 2018
Quote by Teknomancer
Quote by GXV3

Raffle Winners will be announced during the Pride Prom.

Since I wasn't able to attend the prom, who were the raffle winners? I presume that since I haven't gotten any surprise loot I didn't win anything, but still curious to know who I should be jealous of.  :P

First Place: Elachi Sheshar Dreadnought Cruiser - @ Kierix
Second Place: 50% of Pot - @ vandrian4951
Third Place: 50% of Pot - @ hippiepunk
Fourth Place: Random T5 Lock Box ship - @ dajobe
Fifth Place: 10 Lock Box Keys - @ Akrilon
Sixth Place: 10 SWC - @ Khazaan
Seventh Place: 7 SWC - @ Akinori
Ninth Place: 5 SWC - @ Gr_vity
Tenth Place: 3 SWC - @ Doctheop
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 17 2018
Quote by GXV3

Raffle Winners will be announced during the Pride Prom.

Since I wasn't able to attend the prom, who were the raffle winners? I presume that since I haven't gotten any surprise loot I didn't win anything, but still curious to know who I should be jealous of.  :P
Edited July 17 2018 by Unknown Person

Unknown Person

Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 16 2018
I wasn't able to participate in the entire event due to my PC upgrade shenanigans, but I have to say that the maze was by far my favorite part. The "traditional" events were fun as always, but more CUSTOM events like that would get a big thumbs-up (or something) from me!

I may or may not even be inspired to attempt Foundry authoring again...
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 16 2018
Thanks for coming out for the fun @NanoLion!  Glad you had a blast!!
Leon Keogh Hendricken


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 16 2018
Hey, hows it going?  

Just wanted to say thanks again for the events and the amount of work put into them, it was superb.  I am glad I was finally able to attend and actually take part in this years one, also my first time taking part and doing it with the Stonewall Members. I am happy to say laughs were had a plenty and the banter was grand. I met and made some new friendships and mates and strengthed others.  

All in all it was an a-maze-ing affair :D

Untill next year m'dears.

Live long and Sashay
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Edited July 16 2018 by MoonBeamSpectrum

Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 16 2018
Sorry I missed it folks :) I mean I was semi comatose floating in a lake with a girly drink most of the time so I didn't miss you all THAT much but still sorry I missed it :)
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Gareth GXV3


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 16 2018
Adding on from what Voleron said... all your #SWC Stonewall Credits have been updated to those who have won, and we have welcomed 4 new members to the SWC group!
(if you have forgotten your SWC link, private message me on here or discord)

As said in game... you may get 1SWC for the best screenshot or feedback you leave on this thread.
join Kalen and Tlara in uploading your snaps!

6 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 16 2018

With Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend now wrapped up, we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who helped make our pride weekend a success!  First off, hats off to all of our amazing Admirals and Fleet Captains of Stonewall Fleet, who donated their weekend to filling the celebrations with events and entertainment for all of us, not to mention the many, many hours of preparation that went into planning the weekend, selling raffle tickets, and making amazing activities such as the Discord video quiz come to life!  I think you'll agree that nowhere but Stonewall, will you find this sort of passion, creativity and dedication that helps make each of these awesome event weekends come true!

Most importantly, a huge 'thank you' to every member of the community and the Star Trek Online player-base at large, who came out to participate throughout the weekend, whether it was enjoying one of the long list of unique, Stonewall events or just chilling out with us in chat or on Discord, to the relaxing tunes of Radio Risa!  

Share with us!  
  1. Tell us what your favorite part of this year's Pride was!  Maybe it was making a new friend, or perhaps enjoying an event... or making off with a big prize!
  2. Have some screenshots?  Upload them to this thread or drop them in our screenshots channel on Discord!
  3. We'd also like your feedback!  What was amazing?  What do you want to see at Pride again?  What could be done better?

The ears of Stonewall Fleet's leadership are open, and they'd love to know what you thought!  Help them make next year's 10th anniversary Pride an even bigger success!

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Ted Hembach


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 15 2018

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Edited July 15 2018 by TLara

Unknown Person

Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 15 2018
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Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 13 2018
Hey folks, I'd like to buy 10 raffle tickets but I haven't found anyone online and I'm leaving for a weekend at the lake party in ~30m

Can someone either just hit me up Monday for it or get the money from @Kayawyn please?
Leon Keogh Hendricken


X needs an Invite

July 11 2018

I have an agent that would like to join Lords of Stonewall please.  The name is Kéodin and is on the Satele Shan server I will be on for pretty much the rest of the day :)



Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 10 2018
Quote by robin
Diversity. Equality. Unity. Strength (well, OK, I think that last one should be renamed to Klingon, HoS). These are good, sound names for starbases, Robinsons doesn't really stand a chance in comparison ;)
And please, let's not highjack the thread with discussing my modest donations.

I dunno, I like Starbase Robinson :D
Ted Hembach


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 10 2018
Hello fleethearts!

As I wasn't able to celebrate my birthday on Risa this year coz Lohlunat Festival started so late, I also wasn't able to give away free Favors on my Party. So I decided to give away


this year at our Pride. Here is how to get your free raffle ticket:

Meet me (that is TedHembach) at our Pride Fleet-Event on Saturday and give me a call. I will call you back asap and give you your ticket number. That's it. But there are a few restrictions:
  1. You have to be a member of one of our Stonewall Fleets, as it is possible to win Stonewall Credits, which are only redeemable for Stonewall Fleet-members.
  2. The give-away offer is limited to 50 free tickets. Tickets will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. The give-away will start with the Opening Ceremonies on Saturday.
  4. The give-away will end when our Pride Parade on Saturday is finished.

Good luck and see you at #StonewallPride18.

6 people liked this


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 10 2018
Diversity. Equality. Unity. Strength (well, OK, I think that last one should be renamed to Klingon, HoS). These are good, sound names for starbases, Robinsons doesn't really stand a chance in comparison ;)
And please, let's not highjack the thread with discussing my modest donations.
4 people liked this
Ted Hembach


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 10 2018
Nevertheless the donation is very cool as well as Audioreds suggestion to name the starbase Robinsons!
Unknown Person liked this


Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

July 10 2018
Lol, audiored. With what I'm getting back from the Fleet, I really feel appreciated enough :)
Enjoy the summer events.
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