Multiplayer Games You Are Playing?

May 04 2019
Please tell me Blizzard, right Blizz owns Overwatch? Please tell me Overwatch will get a Single Player with COOP options content?
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Star Wars Day Party!

May 04 2019
Why not both? Perhaps not at the same time though, but it's up to you good sir :)

Do you guys know if SWTOR has a free floating camera for screenshots like Demorecord?
Edited May 04 2019 by sqweloookle


May 04 2019
Maybe a more generic terminology? Admins or leaders and moderators or support staff for any future expansion, so the membership can see the who is who and who does what, so questions and support can be directed to and from the right people? Just a thought, though I know most of the leadership help each other out which is cool.

Cool now that I have that out of my system, sorry it's an OCD thing as I like organising things and naming conventions. I do apologise if I sound a bit stubborn, I don't mean to be. Just offering an opinion.

Oh is the Fleet Captain application a generic form or are they tailored to what department you want to apply for?
Dave (Voleron)


Multiplayer Games You Are Playing?

May 04 2019
I play:

  • Star Trek Online
  • SWTOR (on occasion)
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Overwatch
  • Sea of Thieves
  • Team Sonic Racing (Waiting on this to come out mid month!!  Super excited to play this with other Stonewallers!)
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Dave (Voleron)


Star Wars Day Party!

May 04 2019
Quote by sqweloookle
Was that scavenger hunt an extension of the screenshots contest I requested for SWTOR? hehehe

So this event idea kind of came together very quickly - I was thinking of your screenshot contest request when Trick and I put this together.  Were you looking for a screenshot challenge like what's happening in STO right now, with having to complete as many challenges as possible, or were you looking for something simpler, like the coolest screenshot wins?
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Dave (Voleron)



May 04 2019
I'll try to answer both of your questions:

Community Calendar

While we don't have a community calendar per sé, we do keep our events listed in the following places:

  • This site -> Forums -> Events.  All of our past and current events are listed there in order of recency
  • Discord.  All active events are posted in the announcements channel on the SGN server
  • Our Steam group.  Our community events are scheduled there on the group's calendar
  • Facebook and Twitter.  We advertise all events leading up to event day
  • In Star Trek Online in the in-game event calendar UI. STO specific events shows up when you open the fleet holding window
  • In Star Trek Online in the message of the day.  STO specific events are posted in the MOTD when they're upcoming

Ideally, we're hoping to integrate events into a calendar on this website in the future, so that there's a one stop shop to all of the community wide events that's easier to get to at a single glance.  I'm open to suggestions on how we can improve our event advertising while the website component hopefully comes together, but in the interim, I hope that I'm doing a decent job getting the word out through all of the above platforms.

Discord Ranks

The reason we went with officers and senior members on our Discord server, as opposed to Admirals and Fleet Captains, is that we have a presence in games other than STO, including Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2 and others on a more casual an informal basis.  We wanted those roles to make sense to not only our STO membership, but also to our members from outside of the Star Trek franchise.  Our on-going goal is to continue to expand our community beyond just Star Trek Online, so as to ensure sustainability when STO's lifespan eventually comes to an end.

Like I say, we're definitely open to considering or examining feedback and keeping our ears open to the opinions of the wider membership with that, and if there appeared to be a large consensus, we could potentially look at making some changes there.  Hope this helps to address your questions and explain our thought process behind that all!
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Mark Lum


Guess Of Thrones

May 03 2019
Its past April 30th but I'd go with House Other.  It'd be interesting to see if it went that way and how it would form.
Unknown Person liked this


May 03 2019
Okay. Though it would be hard to know what events are coming up, is there a Stonewall calendar somewhere?
And I am asking all members in another thread you probably saw about what MP games they play and could encourage that we set up a Stonewall Guild in those games so to advertise in those games about us. ;)

Would it be possible to organise the roles on Discord to reflect the leadership structure? Cause when I joined I had no idea what officer or senior member was responsible for what. Which probably should be renamed Admirals and Fleet Captains??? So there is consistency across the Stonewall media, but that's just an opinion.
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Edited May 03 2019 by sqweloookle
BanaqH [TA]


Multiplayer Games You Are Playing?

May 03 2019
Currently mostly STO and Second Life (though not really a game).
If anyone is up for it, it would be fun to play some old games, like Quake III Arena, Unreal (Tournament), or Worms World Party. :P
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May 03 2019
The core of Pride is on the Torchbearer shard. You can join Pride channel via right click tab - Join Channel @GeoM68 is my global
We will be running Task Forces all weekend and missions to young lvl lowbies.
We also have a Pride Discord
Come play :D
4 people liked this
Edited May 03 2019 by GeoM68

Unknown Person

Multiplayer Games You Are Playing?

May 03 2019
I play a lot of games now and then but actively:

Guild Wars 2 (Not so much recently, but when the new episode hits)
Rocket League (I'm a Grand Champ quality player stuck at gold .. honest)
Amazon's New [REDCATED] (ooops, can't talk about that one)
Anthem (It's still a thing .. right? ... RIGHT??)

Listing these makes me sad .. I want to play more games!
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Unknown Person


May 03 2019
I agree with Gareth.

It's amazing that you're interested in offering your services to the community. I'd encourage you to be as active as you can and if you want to assist with PR say then find places to advertise for Stonewall. Help notify members about upcoming events. 

If you take an active role now you may find that a door to a fleet captaincy opens up to you (We recently promoted a handsome chap straight from member to Admiral, skipping fleet captain, because of his activity and general awesomeness. :)
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Gareth GXV3



May 03 2019
Hey @sqweloookle 

Currently the Morale Department has a fully parred Department.. and the Public relations Officer doesn't require a Fleet Captain volunteer at this current time.

If you take a look at this post : Stonewall Leadership Tree and take a look at the descriptions of all Stonewalls Departments, See if any of these take your fancy, you'll also be able to view which department has a vacant Fleet captain spot.

Then just apply using this thread "FC application thread"
Even if the Department you want hasn't any vacancies .. still submit an application, and we will contact you should any change should be made. (which is mostly regular)

Thank you very much for showing interest, we do admire members who want to take an active role by volunteering.
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Multiplayer Games You Are Playing?

May 03 2019
  • Star Trek Online
  • Star Wars Old Republic
  • Space Engineers
  • Empyrion - Galactic Survival
  • (Mobile) ST Timelines (there's another thread about this)
  • (Mobile) ST Fleet Command (there's another thread about this)
  • TERA
  • RIFT
  • Secret World Legends
  • Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
  • Stellaris
  • Planet Nomads
  • Planet Explorers
  • Astroneer
  • Bless Online
  • Elder Scrolls Online

STO and SWTOR already have Stonewall guilds, obviously, so if any of you play the others we could get together and Stonewall the other games.
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Star Trek Fleet Command (mobile game)

May 03 2019
Did you want to start a Stonewall Fleet in Fleet Command app @BenOsbourn and @Angrytarg?
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Star Trek Timelines

May 03 2019
Which one is us and I'll join it!


May 03 2019
Is it possible to join the Public Relations Dept? Or is it the Morale Dept?? lol
2 people liked this
Edited May 03 2019 by sqweloookle

Star Wars Day Party!

May 03 2019
Was that scavenger hunt an extension of the screenshots contest I requested for SWTOR? hehehe
Dave (Voleron)


Star Wars Day Party!

May 02 2019
I’m excited for this and plan to be there! 
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Patrick Aka Trick


Spring Readiness Initiative

May 02 2019
Thanks, @Balduranne! Not just for running the event, but for making me look so damn good in my photo shoot.
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