

[Overwatch] PvE plays

June 04 2019

Calling all Stonewallwatch members!

We'll be playing these PvE events on the following days:

Saturday, June 8Uprising
Sunday, June 9Retribution
Monday, June 10Storm Rising

All will count towards your weekly arcade loot boxes too!
This will be the last time the PvE stories will be available until the next Archives event in 2020.

Just make a call on the Stonewallwatch channel in Discord on the day and get a team grouped up!

Depending on the team experience, we could make some legendary level attempts, well, I'll just leave this quote here :)
"Why did you want to climb Mount Everest?" 
"Because it's there." - George Leigh Mallory

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Edited June 05 2019 by GXV3
Patrick Aka Trick


Writing Contest: Fables of Betrayals!

June 03 2019
The Vintaak Job

This was, undoubtedly, one of the happiest days of half-Romulan Praevus Aethra’s young life. Considering much of that life had been spent on the run, trying to evade pursuers sent after him ad inifinitum by the Terran Empire’s Imperial Starfleet, happy days had been a very rare thing for quite some time. However, as he knelt before his beloved Khellian, the most beautiful emerald ring he had ever seen clutched in trembling fingers, he could not remember ever having felt so content, or so hopeful for the future. The “yes” that had just escaped Khellian’s lips had changed everything.

Khellian leaned in closer, a grin beaming across his sun-darkened features, and he held out his hand so Praevus could place the ring on it. Praevus slipped it over his fingertip, sliding it down slowly… until it stuck on Khellian’s knuckle.

Praevus sighed. “Damn it! I knew I should have asked for your ring size, but I didn’t want to give away the surprise.”

Khellian chuckled warmly. “It’s OK. Let me try.”

Khellian struggled with the ring for several moments, but it quickly became clear that it wasn’t going to fit his finger. He eventually had to give up trying to force it and slipped the ring into his pocket.

“It’s beautiful, Praevus,” Khellian exclaimed, leaning in for a kiss. "Once we get it sized I’ll never take it off again.”

One long, slow kiss later, Khellian spoke again. “As wonderful as this has been, you know we really should talk about the job.”

Praevus had to admit Khellian was right. Money was tight, and they were going to need a lot more if he and Khellian were going to have any kind of real life together. They couldn’t keep running forever, but if they could get their hands on the Vintaak Records, they’d be set for life. What had really happened when the ISS Enterprise was destroyed in its clash with the USS Defiant and the Tholians at the Vintaak system was a closely guarded secret by Imperial Starfleet, and there would be no shortage of people willing to pay a hefty price for authentic logs from the wreckage of the Enterprise.

Most of the rest of the evening was spent planning the heist. The records were being held nearby at Imperial Intelligence. It was going to be a difficult job, but not impossible. There would be the usual guards and alarm systems to get past, and Praevus knew there would be several deadly traps to disarm or avoid as well. Fortunately, the right lips had been loosened and Praevus and Khellian were in possession of a rather detailed set of plans for the facility that should allow them to reach the vault unscathed.

Neither of them had much experience with cracking vaults, however, so they were going to need a third man. That’s where Sebastian would come in. If Sebastian couldn’t open those vault doors, they were impregnable. He was also a known factor: Sebastian had frequently been a third in Praevus and Khellian’s bed over the years, and there were few people the two of them knew better, or more intimately, than Sebastian.

Many hours later, when the last details of the job had been discussed and finalized, Praevus and Khellian retired to the bedroom to enthusiastically celebrate their engagement.


The job had gone almost exactly as planned. Except for one unexpected encounter with a patrolling guard, which was rapidly solved by a mild and very precise use of force, the trio of Praevus, Khellian and Sebastian had reached the vault doors. While Sebastian rigged a series of cobbled-together electronic devices to the door’s locking mechanism and Khellian monitored the building’s security feeds on a tricorder, Praevus slowly patrolled the hallway for more immediately present dangers.

After what seemed like hours, and may actually have been, Sebastian let out a whispered cry of victory. There was an audible click, and the door to the vault swung open slowly.

The three men entered the vault, and quickly found the shelf where the Vintaak Records were said to be stored.

“Allow me,” Praevus grinned, and fired a short blast of phaser fire at the door closing off access to the shelf, blasting a hole just large enough for a hand to fit inside. He reached in and felt something cold and metallic. It would not fit through the hole, but fortunately he could reach the interior latch with his hand, and with a flick of his fingers managed to unlock the door. Inside was a box which, Praevus could tell after a quick inspection, was quite likely to be a recording device from the bridge of a starship. While the exterior was seriously damaged, it appeared to be intact, and the engraving of “I.S.S. Enterprise” along one side was still barely visible.

Praevus felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, knocking him to the floor. He lost his grip on the box and it tumbled across the floor of the vault. Barely conscious and blinded with pain, he could focus on nothing while he heard the unmistakable sound of a hand phaser powering up.

“No, Sebastian. Don’t!” It was Khellian’s voice.

Sebastian’s voice replied. “I guess you’re right. We can just close the door behind us when we go, and Imperial Intelligence will find him eventually.”

Praevus’s vision was slowly clearing, though he could only make out vague shapes as he lay on the floor, the pain in his head crippling him and preventing him from standing. He watched helplessly as Khellian left the vault, followed closely by Sebastian, who only paused a moment to reach behind him and pull the vault door closed with his left hand. On that hand, Sebastian wore the most beautiful emerald ring Praevus had ever seen.

9 people liked this
Edited June 04 2019 by trick
Kevin Van Eeten


May'Qep Event - 2nd June

May 31 2019
Awesome, I will join in on all the fun. :D
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Lars Zandor


May'Qep Event - 2nd June

May 31 2019
Warriors of Nagh'reD and our allies from the Romulan Republic and Dominion, listen here!
This is Admiral Zandor speaking!

We have decided on a small last-minute improvement to this Sunday's May'Qep!

Before we're going to do the DSC TFO's, we will first level our low level characters!
And remember, all T6 ships scale now! So once your character has finished the tutorial, you can put them in a T6 ship!
So bring your level 9 warrior or your level 17 Centurion! We will level them up together for a mission or two or three!

After that we'll switch to our level 50+ characters and do DSC TFO's like originally planned!
3 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


Writing Contest: Fables of Betrayals!

May 29 2019
It's a perfect day

The heat of the sun flared down upon the flat unending sands of the Australian dessert, the heat was almost unbearable even for someone that was born into these lands... Pushing a payload full of gold coins and priceless items was an even harder task.
"hehehe, they didn't even know what hit um.. stole all this right under there noses" said in a heavy cheerful Australian accent as he looked over to his partner who was helping him push the payload. "Uhff" replied his partner, his voice muffled under the mask he was wearing.
"What'da ya think we'll get for all this loot mate? this is the most we've gotten in our life time, fair dinkum! it was the perfect day for some mayhem!"... looking over at the payload he began to calculate how much its all worth, but in vain as as soon as added amounts in his head he was distracted most of the time by his wooden leg getting stuck in the heat cracks of the dry dessert floor.

As they pushed the cart further and further in what seemed like a few hours journey.. they saw their lonely sheltered camp in the distance... "Ughhh unnff" said the very tall and quite large partner of the Australian, For some unexplained reason the Australian had always understood his crime partners grunts having grown up together on the streets of Junkertown, they had formed a close bond, almost like brothers.
They had to learn to fend for themselves while taking care of each other and watching out for each other through the decades.
"Yup, not long now and when we get home we can celebrate with a Tinny and a few bangers on the barbie!.. boy does my leg ache".
A creepy smile formed upon the Australian as he imagined what he could be doing a week from now, now that he can afford to move out of this hell hole.. and perhaps buy their own condo in the paradise city in Numbani, something they had always talked about doing ever since they met all the many years ago.

They had reached there camp... pushed it into an underground shelter and covered it with rocks so any passers by could never spot it.
"first thing in the morning, we'll sell all this loot.. and get ourselves a one way ticket to Numbani, and never want for anything again! I cant wait! just you and me kiddo heheheheheee" expressed the Australian full of glee.
"Ill go and get us some tinnies to drink" said the Australian as he stumbled off towards the camp hut....
His partner turned to look at him walk off, and grabbed his hook weapon from his side and launched it at his Aussie friend, it looped around his waist and with a hard tug, he launched the Aussie back right in front of him.
"what are ya doing mate!" expressed the Australian with panic in his voice.
His partner looked down to him, a muffled laugh crept out from behind his mask.. and said "Eat this!.".. as soon as he said that, he put up his scrap gun and began shooting at his friend while shouting "its roadhog time".
The Australian was pelted with scrap made bullets until he could take no more.. and fell to the floor in a slump.
Looking up at his partner.. with his breath slowly subsiding.. "Why mate.. why did you do that.. we were brothers you and I.. partners in crime, Roadhog and Junkrat the... unstoppable duo..." with his final breath, The Australian simply said "why".. before his eyes closed forever.

6 people liked this
Edited June 04 2019 by GXV3
Kieran Kiki


May'Qep Event - 2nd June

May 28 2019
Forget the original build i went more rainbow have a lookie!

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Ted Hembach


Caution advised - Security Threat on STO Wiki

May 28 2019
Thanks for your replies, and thanQ for your Tip Lars. I've installed uBlock Origin (AdBlock plus I had already), lets hope it will get better now!
Edited May 28 2019 by TLara
Kieran Kiki


Caution advised - Security Threat on STO Wiki

May 26 2019
Quote by Lars_Zandor
Thanks for letting us know, TLara. I don't get any pop-ups when on the STO Wiki, but I have two different add-blockers (Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin) installed, so maybe that negates that danger.

I too use a double whammy approach and dont encounter them, so best to ensure you have protection when heading out alone!
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Dave (Voleron)


Caution advised - Security Threat on STO Wiki

May 26 2019
Haven't encountered it yet, but STO Wiki is brutal for the number of ads that they have.  I don't tend to get pop-ups from them, but the embedded ads are so brutal that it slows my browser to a crawl regularly.  It's too bad that they have so much information that I use, otherwise I'd never go there, honestly.
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Kevin Van Eeten


Caution advised - Security Threat on STO Wiki

May 26 2019
Thanks for the heads-up! I fortunately have not seen it yet, but it's good to be forewarned.
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Lars Zandor


Caution advised - Security Threat on STO Wiki

May 26 2019
Thanks for letting us know, TLara. I don't get any pop-ups when on the STO Wiki, but I have two different add-blockers (Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin) installed, so maybe that negates that danger.
4 people liked this
Ted Hembach


Caution advised - Security Threat on STO Wiki

May 26 2019
Hello Fleeties,

I recently encountered some malware while browsing in the STO Wiki ( It's a pop-up thats tells you that your system is somewhat endangered and that you have to save your system files immediatly. The pop-up window has only an 'OK' button as option.
Instead, I suggest to do a computer reset without closing any browser window before. A short investigation shows, that it is a common cloudfront malware distributed by some advertising networks (which are also used by sto.gamepedia).

Does someone also have this problem?
3 people liked this
Edited May 26 2019 by TLara
Kieran Kiki


May'Qep Event - 2nd June

May 26 2019
Attention Honourable warriors of Nagh'Red!

Captain Kiki Here!

This monthsMay'Qep is a fun and easy one! On Sunday the 2nd of June, at 18:00 UTC, We're going to meet on Qo'nos (instance to be announced on the day) next to Chancellor J'mpok!

As we just had a new release, We are then going to go do the New discovery TFO's! (Normal or advanced depending on the team's preference) and grind up those marks!

As with it being Pride month, I propose a bit of fun on top of our bog-standard builds! Come in your Rainbow Flair! Whether it be a rainbow shield, rainbow beams, chronoton sets, rainbow mines...Come join Nagh'Red in celebrating pride and the launch of Rise of Discovery.

For example here's my mine build:

For those that join there will be a SWC prizes chosen by RNG (random), 1 Person will win 2 SWC and another will win 1 SWC but everyone's a winner cus I love all stonewall players!

All KDF sided characters are welcome, I hope to see you all there!
5 people liked this

Writing Contest: Fables of Betrayals!

May 25 2019
Recently, PopEye's got my order wrong and forgot my biscuits. Does that count?


Multiplayer Games You Are Playing?

May 25 2019
I'm playing 

Division 2 
2 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Writing Contest: Fables of Betrayals!

May 25 2019

Another Stonewall Gaming #WritingContest is upon us and we're excited to announce the theme of our second writing contest of 2019: "Fables of Betrayals!"

Running now through June 30th, 2019, we're inviting all members of SGN to submit a story of their in-game character from their favorite game, whether it be Star Trek Online or any other, but we want you to incorporate the theme of the contest into the very heart of your story!  For our Star Trek fans, you might draw inspiration from such episodes as Voyager's Counterpoint or DS9's Michael Eddington.  Might you be the betrayer or the betrayed??  Maybe your tale of betrayal takes on a noble form, like Michael Burnham's.  In any event, we want you to tug at our heart strings so hard that we can't help but sob uncontrollably in the tub as we read your entries!

We'll share every submission with the entire community for them to enjoy, but we'll also be looking for the top three entries that excel in three criteria that we'll detail below.  This contest is open to all members of the Stonewall community, regardless of which games you play.  We're so very eager for you, Stonewall's amazing writing talents, to once again share your talent and creativity with us and your community!

To participate in Stonewall's "Fables of Betrayals" writing contest, you must post your entry here, in this thread, before day's end on June 30th, 2019.  Please use the #WritingContest hashtag in your entries.  Your posted entry must comply with these additional rules to be eligible:

1.  Your story must in some way relate to one of your in-game characters
2.  Your story must be written in English (so the judges can understand it)
3.  Your story must be your own original work (plagiarism will result in disqualification)
4.  Don't make your story novel length; we need to be able to read it in a single sitting!
5.  The content of your story must not be edited after the submission deadline of June 30th

Only one entry per community member, please.  While we encourage you to include graphics to supplement your Fables of Betrayals, only the written narrative portion of your entry will be judged.  Instructions on how to incorporate graphics in your post can be found by clicking here.

As always, we'll be looking for the THREE stand-out fables among all of the entries.  As we've done in the past, a panel of three judges will individually rate each of the entries in the categories of creativity, detail and impact.  The average of all three judge's rankings of an entry will produce the final score against which, the other entries will be ranked!  The categories are explained in more detail below:

  • Creativity: To what degree is the content original or unique?
  • Detail: To what degree are elements of the story explained in more intricate detail, rather than simply being stated as fact?
  • Impact: To what degree does the story resonate with the reader for a more lasting impact?

The winning contest entries will be recognized on our Facebook and Twitter social media feeds.  We'll also be giving away a participation prize of two Stonewall Credits to all those who enter!  The prize packs are as follows:

First place:
  1. 5 Stonewall Credits, AND, your choice of either:
  2. 20 Master Keys in Star Trek Online, OR
  3. $25.00 Redbubble Gift Card to purchase Stonewall Merchandise!

Second place:
  1. 4 Stonewall Credits, AND your choice of either:
  2. 10 Master Keys in Star Trek Online OR
  3. $20.00 Redbubble Gift Card to purchase Stonewall Merchandise!

Third place:
  1. 3 Stonewall Credits!
  2. $15.00 Redbubble Gift Card to purchase Stonewall Merchandise!

*Stonewall credits can be saved and/or redeemed for in-game merchandise through the Stonewall Credits Store.

Good luck to all participants!  We can't wait to read your entries!

5 people liked this
Edited May 25 2019 by Voleron


[OW] Overwatch anniversary free play

May 23 2019
Here's the daily schedule for the anniversary dailies within Arcade:

Week One:

Date (UTC)Brawl
Tuesday, May 21Lucioball
Wednesday, May 22Junkenstein's Revenge
Thursday, May 23Snowball Offensive
Friday, May 24Yeti Hunt
Saturday, May 25Uprising
Sunday, May 26Retribution
Monday, May 27Storm Rising

Week Two:

Date (UTC)Brawl
Tuesday, May 28Lucioball
Wednesday, May 29            Junkenstein's Revenge Endless
Thursday, May 30Snowball Offensive
Friday, May 31Yeti Hunt
Saturday, June 1Uprising (All Heroes)
Sunday, June 2Retribution (All Heroes)
Monday, June 3Storm Rising (All Heroes)

Week Three:

Date (UTC)Brawl
Tuesday, June 4Lucioball
Wednesday, June 5Junkenstein's Revenge
Thursday, June 6Snowball Offensive
Friday, June 7Yeti Hunt
Saturday, June 8Uprising
Sunday, June 9Retribution
Monday, June 10Storm Rising
Tuesday, June 11Lucioball

**This schedule may be adjusted throughout the event**
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[OW] Overwatch anniversary free play

May 23 2019
Quote by Voleron
I'll join you for a few runs this weekend!

Bring your gun ;)


[OW] Overwatch anniversary free play

May 23 2019
Quote by Balduranne
Missed a golden opportunity to call us StoneWatch :D
Unfortunately it doesn't run on my used laptop :(

Can we still be stonies? :D
Dave (Voleron)


[OW] Overwatch anniversary free play

May 23 2019
I'll join you for a few runs this weekend!
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